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You are Here : Home > Markets > CompanyInformation > Board Meeting
BSE Code : 532539 | NSE Symbol : UNOMINDA | ISIN : INE405E01023 | Industry : Auto Ancillaries |

Board Meeting
Announcement Date Date Of Meeting Purpose Detail
14-Feb-2025 14-Feb-2025 Acquisitions The Board of Directors of the Company in its meeting held today i.e., Friday, February 14, 2025 has interalia approved the Acquisition of 49.90% additional Equity stake of its subsidiary M/s UnoMinda EV Systems Private Limited from FRIWO Geratebau GmbH.
30-Jan-2025 06-Feb-2025 Quarterly Results UNO Minda Ltd-has informed BSE that the meeting of the Board of Directors of the Company is scheduled on 06/02/2025 inter alia to consider and approve the following matters: - 1) the Un-Audited Standalone Financial Results of the company for the quarter and nine months ended on 31 December 2024 and; 2) the Un-Audited Consolidated Financial Results of the company for the quarter and nine months ended on 31 December 2024; 3) Raising of funds through issue of debt securities upto Rs. 500 cores in one or more tranches subject to approval the shareholders and other requisite approvals. 4) Board may also consider and recommend the payment of interim dividend if any to the equity shareholders for the Financial Year 2024-25. Approval of Interim Dividend on Equity Shares of the Company for Financial Year 2024-25. Record Date for the purpose of Interim Dividend was fixed as February 12, 2025. Outcome of the Board Meeting held on Thursday, February 06, 2025 1. Approval of Un-Audited Financial Results (Standalone & Consolidated) along with Limited Review Report for the quarter and nine months ended on December 31, 2024. 2. In-principle approval for issuance of Non-Convertible Debentures upto Rs. 500 crores in one or more tranches. 3. Approval of Interim dividend on Equity Shares of the Company for Financial Year 2024-25. 4. Approval of Detailed Project Report ('DPR') for Capacity Expansion of Hosur Plant of Casting Division, LPS Domain. (As Per BSE Announcement Dated on 06.02.2025)
05-Nov-2024 12-Nov-2024 Quarterly Results UNO Minda Ltd-has informed BSE that the meeting of the Board of Directors of the Company is scheduled on 12/11/2024 inter alia to consider and approve 1) the un-audited standalone financial results for the quarter and half year ended on September 30 2024 2) the un-audited consolidated financial results for the quarter and half year ended on September 30 2024 Un-Audited Financial Results for the Quarter and Half Year ended on September 30, 2024 Investment in shares of Uno Minda Auto Spare Parts and Component Trading L.L.C. by Sam Global Pte Ltd. (As Per BSE Announcement Dated on 12.11.2024)
19-Sep-2024 19-Sep-2024 Subsidiary Company Pursuant to Regulation 30 of the SEBI (LODR) Regulations, 2015, we would like to inform you that the Board of Directors of Uno Minda Limited at its meeting held today i.e. 19 September, 2024 has approved the following matters :- 1) Approval of Detailed Project Report (DPR) for setting up of a new manufacturing plant in Indonesia by PT Minda Asean Automotive (PTMA), wholly owned subsidiary of the company. 2) Approval of Detailed Project Report (DPR) for setting up of new Harohalli, Karnataka plant of Toyoda Gosei South India Private Limited (TGSIN), Subsidiary of Toyoda Gosei Minda India Pvt. Ltd. (TG Minda), Associate of the company. 3) Setting up a manufacturing plant (Phase-III) of Uno Mindarika Private Limited, a material subsidiary of the Company at Farrukh Nagar, Haryana. The meeting commenced at 10.15 a.m. and concluded at 10.50 a.m. Read less..
02-Aug-2024 07-Aug-2024 Quarterly Results UNO Minda Ltd-has informed BSE that the meeting of the Board of Directors of the Company is scheduled on 07/08/2024 inter alia to consider and approve 1) the un-audited standalone financial results for the quarter ended on 30 June 2024 2) the un-audited consolidated financial results for the quarter ended on 30 June 2024 The Board of Directors in their Meeting held on Wednesday, August 07, 2024 has approved below: 1. Approval of Un-Audited Financial Results (Standalone & Consolidated) along with Limited Review Report for the quarter ended on June 30, 2024 2. Appointment of Dr. Sandhya Shekhar (DIN: 06986369) as an Additional Director in the category of Non-Executive Independent Director 3. Approval of the Postal Ballot Notice 4. Incorporation of Wholly Owned Step-down Subsidiary in Czech Republic, Europe 5. Acquisition of equity shares of Minda Onkyo India Private Limited ('MOIPL') 6. Appointment of Secretarial Auditor for the financial year 2024-25 7. Amendment in Joint Venture Agreement of Denso Ten Uno Minda India Private Limited and Uno Minda D-Ten India Private Limited 8. Investment in Sunroof Project Read less.. Acquisition of Equity Shares of Minda Onkyo India Private Limited Incorporation of Wholly Owned Step Down Subsidiary in Czech Republic, Europe Amendment in Joint Venture Agreement of Denso Ten Uno Minda India Private Limited and Uno Minda D- Ten India Private Limited (As Per BSE Announcement Dated on 07.08.2024)
05-Jun-2024 05-Jun-2024 Others Intimation under Regulation 30 of SEBI (LODR) Regulations, 2015, as amended (SEBI LODR Regulations) - Technical License Agreement with Suzhou Inovance Automotive Company Limited
17-May-2024 23-May-2024 Final Dividend UNO Minda Ltd-has informed BSE that the meeting of the Board of Directors of the Company is scheduled on 23/05/2024 inter alia to consider and approve the following matters :- 1) Audited Standalone and Consolidated Financial Results of the Company for the Quarter and Year ended on 31 March 2024 2) Audited Standalone and Consolidated Financial Statements of the Company for the year ended on 31 March 2024 3) To consider and recommend final dividend on equity shares if any for the Financial Year 2023-24 The Board of Directors in their meeting held today on, May 23, 2024 has inter alia approved the matter as enclosed with outcome. Pursuant to Regulation 42 and other applicable provisions of the SEBI (LODR) Regulations, 2015, as amended from time to time ('the Regulations'), we are pleased to inform that the Board of Directors at its meeting held today i.e. 23.05.2024 has recommended a final dividend of Rs. 1.35 per equity share of Rs. 2/- each fully paid up i.e. 67.50%, out of the net profits for the year ended March 31, 2024, subject to the approval of the shareholders at the ensuing Annual General Meeting of the Company. The Record Date for determining the eligibility of members entitled to receive dividend on equity shares is Friday, 7 June, 2024. (As per BSE Announcement Dated on 23/05/2024)
01-Apr-2024 01-Apr-2024 Change in Directors Appointment of Mr. Vivek Jindal (DIN: 01074542) as Whole Time Director of the Company.
31-Jan-2024 07-Feb-2024 Quarterly Results UNO Minda Ltd-has informed BSE that the meeting of the Board of Directors of the Company is scheduled on 07/02/2024 inter alia to consider and approve 1) the un-audited standalone financial results of the company for the quarter and nine months ended on 31 December 2023. 2) the un-audited consolidated financial results of the company for the quarter and nine months ended on 31 December 2023. 3) Board may also consider and recommend the payment of interim dividend if any to the equity shareholders for the financial year 2023-24. The interim dividend if declared shall be paid to the equity shareholders of the company whose names appear on the Register of Members of the company or in the records of the depositories as beneficial owners of the shares as on Thursday 15 February 2024 which is the 'Record Date' fixed for the purpose. We wish to inform that the Board of Directors of the Company at its meeting held today i.e. Wednesday, 07 February, 2024, approved the following matters: - 1) Approval of Un-Audited Financial Results (Standalone & Consolidated) along with Limited Review Report for the Quarter and Nine Months Ended on 31 December 2023. 2) Approval of Interim dividend on Equity Shares of the Company for Financial Year 2023-24. 3) Approval of Re-appointment of Mr. Rajiv Batra (DIN:00082866) as Non-Executive Independent Director on the Board of the Company for Second Term of 3 (three) years. 4) Approval of Re-appointment and Remuneration of Mr. Ravi Mehra (DIN:01651911) as Whole Time Director designated as Deputy Managing Director on the Board of the Company for further period of 3 (three) years. 5) Approval of the Postal Ballot Notice. (As Per BSE Announcement dated on 07.02.2024)
19-Jan-2024 19-Jan-2024 Scheme of Amalgamation Allotment of Equity Shares to the eligible shareholders of Minda I Connect Private Limited, pursuant to the Scheme of Amalgamation. We wish to inform that the Board of Directors of the company in its meeting held today i.e. 19 January, 2024 has approved the allotment of 819871 equity shares of the company of the face value of Rs. 2/- each to the eligible shareholders of Minda I Connect Private Limited, pursuant to the scheme of amalgamation of Minda I Connect Private Limited (Transferor Company) with Uno Minda Limited (formerly known as Minda Industries Limited) (Transferee Company), as approved by the Hon''ble National Company Law Tribunal, New Delhi. (As Per BSE Announcement dated on 19.01.2024)
31-Oct-2023 07-Nov-2023 Quarterly Results UNO Minda Ltd-has informed BSE that the meeting of the Board of Directors of the Company is scheduled on 07/11/2023 inter alia to consider and approve the following matters :- 1) un-audited standalone financial results of the company for the quarter and half year ended on 30 September 2023. 2) un-audited consolidated financial results of the company for the quarter and half year ended on 30 September 2023. This is in continuation to our our earlier letter dated 31 October, 2023, wherein we had intimated the stock exchanges that the next meeting of the Board of Directors of the company is scheduled to be held on 07 November, 2023. In this regard, the 'notice' of the company published in Financial Express (English) and Jansatta (Hindi) newspapers on 01 November, 2023. We are enclosing herewith the newspapers clippings. We are pleased to inform that the Nomination & Remuneration Committee of the Board of Directors of the Company held on 07 November, 2023 inter-alia approved the following:- 1) the allotment of 14282 equity shares of the face value of Rs. 2/- each, pursuant to the exercise of options by the grantees under Uno Minda Employees Stock Option Scheme, 2019. 2) Additional grant of 61,600 options to eligible employees under Uno Minda Employees Stock Option Scheme, 2019 The Committee meeting commenced at 9.30 a.m. and concluded at 9.55 a.m. (As Per BSE Announcement Dated on 01.11.2023) 1. Un-Audited Financial Results (Standalone & Consolidated) for the Quarter and Half Year Ended on September 30, 2023. 2. Approval for setting up of Manufacturing facility for Four Wheel- Alloy Wheel. 3. Approval of Draft General Information Document ('GID') and Key Information Document ('KID') with respect to issuance of Non-Convertible Debentures upto Rs. 400 crores in one or more tranches. Un-Audited Financial Results (Standalone and Consolidated) for Quarter and Half year Ended on September 30, 2023 1. Approval for setting up of Manufacturing for Four Wheel-Alloy Wheel. 2. Approval of Draft General Information Document('GID' ) and Key Information Document ('KID') with respect to the issuance of Non Convertible Debentures upto Rs. 400 Crores in one or more tranches (As Per BSE Announcement Dated on 07.11.2023)
12-Sep-2023 12-Sep-2023 Acquisitions We wish to inform that the Board of Directors of the company in its meeting held today i.e. Tuesday, 12 September, 2023, approved the follwoing matters :- 1) Fixed 1st April, 2023 as Appointed Date in the matter of Scheme of Amalgamation of Minda I Connect Private Limited (Transferor Company) with Uno Minda Limited (Transferee Company). 2) Approval of acquisition of stake in Uno Minda Europe GmbH, Step-Down Subsidiary of the Company.
31-Jul-2023 09-Aug-2023 Quarterly Results UNO Minda Ltd-has informed BSE that the meeting of the Board of Directors of the Company is scheduled on 09/08/2023 inter alia to consider and approve the following matters :- 1) the un-audited standalone financial results of the company for the quarter ended on 30 June 2023 and; 2) the un-audited consolidated financial results of the company for the quarter ended on 30 June 2023. We wish to inform that the Board of Directors of the Company at its meeting held today i.e. Wednesday, August 09, 2023, approved the following matters: - 1. Un-Audited Financial Results (Standalone & Consolidated) for the Quarter Ended on June 30, 2023. 2. In-principle approval for issuance of Non-Convertible Debentures upto Rs. 400 crores in one or more tranches and delegation of Authority to Board Committee. 3. Issuance of Letter of Comfort in favor of Banks/ Financial Institutions for sanctioning of Loan/credit facilities to Clarton Horn, Spain, wholly owned subsidiary of the Company. (As Per BSE Announcement Dated on 09/08/2023)
08-May-2023 18-May-2023 Accounts UNO Minda Ltd-has informed BSE that the meeting of the Board of Directors of the Company is scheduled on 18/05/2023 inter alia to consider and approve 1)Audited Standalone and Consolidated Financial Results of the Company for the Quarter and Year ended on 31 March 2023. 2)Audited Standalone Consolidated Financial Statements of the Company for the Year ended on 31 March 2023. 3)To consider and recommend final dividend on equity shares if any for the Financial Year 2022-23. UNO Minda Ltd-has informed BSE that the meeting of the Board of Directors of the Company is scheduled on 18/05/2023 ,inter alia, to consider and approve Update on board meeting This is in continuation of our earlier intimation dated 08 May, 2023, about the next meeting of the Board of Directors of the Company, which will be held on 18 May, 2023, inter-alia to consider and approve the various matters. We wish to state that in the aforesaid meeting, one of the agenda item with regard to raising of funds / issuance of securities upto Rs. 1500 crores, by way of debt issue, qualified institutional placement etc. will also be placed before the Board for consideration, which will be subject to the requisite approvals from the statutory, regulatory and other authorities including the shareholders of the company. This is for your information and records please. (As Per BSE Announcement Dated on 15.05.2023) The Board of Directors has recommended a final dividend at the rate of Rs. 1 per share i.e. 50 % to the Equity shareholders of the Company for the financial year 2022-23 subject to the approval of the shareholders at the ensuing Annual General Meeting of the Company. We wish to inform that the Board of Directors of the Company at its meeting held today i.e. Thursday, May 18, 2023, approved the following matters: - 1) Audited Financial Results (Standalone & Consolidated) for the Quarter and Year ended 31st March 2023. 2) Recommendation of final dividend on Equity Shares. 3) Enabling Resolution for raising of funds through issue of Securities upto Rs. 1,500 Crores in one or more Tranches. 4) Investment in Equity Shares of Global Mazinkert S.L, (Overseas Wholly owned Subsidiary of the Company). We wish to inform that the Board of Directors of the Company at its meeting held today i.e. Thursday, May 18, 2023, approved the Audited Financial Results (Standalone & Consolidated) for the Quarter and Year ended 31st March 2023. The Board of Directors has recommended a final dividend at the rate of Rs. 1 per share i.e. 50 % to the Equity shareholders of the Company for the financial year 2022-23 subject to the approval of the shareholders at the ensuing Annual General Meeting of the Company. (As Per BSE Announcement dated on 18.05.2023) We are pleased to inform that the Audited Financial Results (Standalone & Consolidated) of the Company for the quarter and year ended on 31 March, 2023 published in the newspapers on 20/05/2023 in 'Economic Times' (English) and 'Navbharat Times' (Hindi) newspapers. The clippings of both the newspapers are enclosed herewith for your reference and record please. (As Per BSE Announcement Dated on 20/05/2023)
30-Mar-2023 30-Mar-2023 Change in Directors Pursuant to the provisions of SEBI (Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requirements) Regulations, 2015, we wish to inform that the Board of Directors of the Company at its meeting held today i.e. Thursday, March 30, 2023, inter alia approved the following matters: - (1) Appointment of Mr. Vivek Jindal (DIN:01074542) as an Additional Director (Non-Executive and Non Independent) of the Company. (2) Stepping-down of Ms. Paridhi Minda (DIN: 00227250) from the position of Whole Time Director and directorship of the Company (3) Approval of the Postal Ballot Notice Pursuant to the Regulation 30 of SEBI (LODR) Regulations, 2015 read with SEBI Circular No. CIR/CFD/CMD/4/2015 dated 9th September, 2015, the requisite details against the aforesaid matters at 1 &2 is attached as Annexure-I and Annexure-II to this letter. the meeting commenced at 10.30 a.m. and concluded at 12.00 noon. Board has approved the appointment of Mr. Vivek Jindal as an additional Director (Non-Executive & Non-Independent) of the Company w.e.f April 01, 2023 to hold office till the conclusion of the ensuing Annual General Meeting of the Company. The Board of Directors has also recommended to the members of the Company the appointment of Mr. Vivek Jindal as Non-Executive Director & Non- Independent of the Company. Further, this is to confirm that Mr. Vivek Jindal, appointed on the Board of the Company is not debarred from holding the office of Director by virtue of any SEBI, MCA, RBI order or any other such regulatory authority. Pursuant to the Regulation 30 of SEBI (LODR) Regulations, 2015 read with SEBI Circular No. CIR/CFD/CMD/4/2015 dated 9th September, 2015, the requisite details against the aforesaid matter is attached as Annexure-I, to this letter. The Company has received letter from Ms. Paridhi Minda (DIN 00227250), for stepping down from the position of Whole Time Director and directorship of the Company w.e.f. April 01, 2023. The Board of the Directors in its meeting held today i.e. 30th March, 2023, discussed and accepted the same and further appreciated her valuable contribution made during her tenure as Whole Time Director of the Company. Pursuant to the Regulation 30 of SEBI (LODR) Regulations, 2015 read with SEBI Circular No. CIR/CFD/CMD/4/2015 dated 9th September, 2015, the requisite details against the aforesaid matter is attached as Annexure-II, to this letter.
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