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You are Here : Home > Markets > CompanyInformation > Board Meeting
BSE Code : 542857 | NSE Symbol : GREENPANEL | ISIN : INE08ZM01014 | Industry : Miscellaneous |

Board Meeting
Announcement Date Date Of Meeting Purpose Detail
29-Jan-2025 06-Feb-2025 Interim Dividend Greenpanel Industries Ltdhas informed BSE that the meeting of the Board of Directors of the Company is scheduled on 06/02/2025 inter alia to consider and approve Pursuant to Regulation 29(1) and other applicable Regulation of the SEBI (Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requirements) Regulations 2015 notice is hereby given that a meeting of the Board of Directors of Greenpanel Industries Limited is scheduled to be held on Thursday February 6 2025 inter alia to consider and approve the following: 1. Unaudited financial results of the company for the quarter and nine months ended December 31 2024 along with Limited Review Report for the corresponding period. 2. Declaration of an interim dividend on equity shares of the company for the financial year 2024-25. Pursuant to Regulation 42 of the SEBI (Listing obligations and disclosure requirements) Regulations 2015 for the purpose of payment of Interim Dividend if so approved by the Board the 'Record Date' will be Tuesday February 18 2025. Pursuant to Regulations 30 and 33 of the Securities and Exchange Board of India (Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requirements) Regulations 2015, please find enclosed the following documents, reviewed and recommended by the Audit Committee and approved by the Board of Directors in their respective meetings held on Thursday, February 6, 2025: I. Statement of unaudited Financial Results of the Company for the quarter and nine months ended December 31, 2024. II. Segment wise revenue, results, assets & liabilities of the Company for the quarter and nine months ended December 31, 2024. The Statutory Auditors, M/s. S. S. Kothari Mehta & Co LLP, Chartered Accountants have carried out a Limited Review of the above results. The Auditor's Review Report on the unaudited financial results of the Company for the quarter and nine months ended December 31, 2024, is also enclosed. (As per BSE Announcement Dated on 06/02/2025)
19-Oct-2024 28-Oct-2024 Quarterly Results Greenpanel Industries Ltdhas informed BSE that the meeting of the Board of Directors of the Company is scheduled on 28/10/2024 inter alia to consider and approve Pursuant to Regulation 29(1) and other applicable Regulation of the SEBI (Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requirements) Regulations 2015 notice is hereby given that a meeting of the Board of Directors of Greenpanel Industries Limited is scheduled to be held on Monday October 28 2024 inter alia to consider and approve the unaudited financial results of the company for the quarter and half year ended September 30 2024 along with Limited Review Report for the corresponding period. In our earlier letter dated September 26 2024 we have already informed you that the Trading Window to deal in shares of the Company shall remain closed from October 1 2024 to the end of 48 hours after declaration of the unaudited financial results of the company for the quarter ended September 30 2024. Consequently the Trading Window will remain closed till October 30 2024. Unaudited financial results for the quarter and half year ended on September 30, 2024 (As per BSE Announcement Date : 28/10/2024)
22-Jul-2024 30-Jul-2024 Quarterly Results Greenpanel Industries Ltdhas informed BSE that the meeting of the Board of Directors of the Company is scheduled on 30/07/2024 inter alia to consider and approve Intimation for Board Meeting scheduled for Tuesday 30.07.2024. Pursuant to Regulations 30 and 33 of the Securities and Exchange Board of India (Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requirements) Regulations 2015, please find enclosed the following documents, which have been reviewed and recommended by the Audit Committee and approved by the Board of Directors of the Company, in their respective meetings held on Tuesday, July 30, 2024: I. Statement of unaudited financial results of the Company for the quarter ended June 30, 2024. II. Segment wise Revenue and Results of the Company for the quarter ended June 30, 2024 and segment wise Assets & Liabilities of the Company as on June 30, 2024. The Statutory Auditors, M/s. S.S. Kothari Mehta & Co. LLP, Chartered Accountants, have carried out Limited Review of the above results. The Auditor's Review Report on the unaudited financial results of the Company for the quarter ended June 30, 2024. (As Per BSE Announcement dated on 30.07.2024)
23-Apr-2024 01-May-2024 Accounts Greenpanel Industries Ltdhas informed BSE that the meeting of the Board of Directors of the Company is scheduled on 01/05/2024 inter alia to consider and approve Pursuant to Regulation 29(1) and other applicable Regulation of the SEBI (Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requirements) Regulations 2015 notice is hereby given that a meeting of the Board of Directors of Greenpanel Industries Limited is scheduled to be held on Wednesday May 01 2024 inter alia to consider and approve the audited (Standalone and Consolidated) Financial Results of the Company for the quarter and financial year ended March 31 2024 along with Auditors Report for the corresponding period. Outcome of the Board Meeting held on Wednesday, May 01, 2024 Standalone and Consolidated financials for the quarter ended 31st March 2024 (As Per BSE Announcement Dated on 01.05.2024)
25-Jan-2024 31-Jan-2024 Quarterly Results Greenpanel Industries Ltdhas informed BSE that the meeting of the Board of Directors of the Company is scheduled on 31/01/2024 inter alia to consider and approve Pursuant to regulation 29(1) and other applicable Regulation of the SEBI (listing obligations and disclosure requirements) regulations 2015 notice is hereby given that a meeting of the Board of Directors of Greenpanel Industries Limited is scheduled to be held on Wednesday January 31 2024 inter alia to consider and approve the following: 1. Unaudited (standalone and consolidated) Financial Results of the company along with limited review report of the auditors for the quarter and nine months ended December 31 2023. 2. Declaration of an interim dividend on equity shares of the company for the financial year 2023-24. As per Regulation 42 of the of the SEBI (listing obligations and disclosure requirements) regulations 2015 for the purpose of payment of Interim Dividend if so approved by the Board the 'Record Date' will be Friday February 09 2024. Outcome of the Board Meeting Held on 31st January 2024 I. Statement of unaudited Standalone and Consolidated Financial Results of the Company for the quarter and nine months ended December 31, 2023. II. Segment wise standalone and consolidated Revenue, Results, Assets & LiabiliOes of the Company for the quarter and nine months ended December 31, 2023. The Statutory Auditors, M/s. S. S. Kothari Mehta & Company, Chartered Accountants have carried out Limited Review of the above results. The Auditor's Review Report on the unaudited standalone and consolidated financial results of the Company for the quarter and nine months ended December 31, 2023, are also enclosed. Further please note that the Board of Directors in their meeOng held today has declared an interim dividend of Rs. 1.50 per equity shares i.e. 150% on face value of Rs. 1/- per shares for the financial year 2023-24. The company shall arrange to pay the above interim dividend on or before March 01, 2024, to the equity shareholders of the company, whose name appear on the register of member of the company or in the records of the depository as beneficial owners of shares as on February 9, 2024, record date fixed for the said purpose. The meeOng of the Board of Directors commenced at 1.00 P.M. and concluded at 2:12 P.M. Results for the quarter ended December 31, 2023 Outcome of the Board Meeting Held on 31st January 2024 The Record date for the interim dividend declared at the Board meeting held on 31st January 2024 is February 09, 2024. (As Per BSE Announcement Dated on 31.01.2024)
25-Oct-2023 01-Nov-2023 Quarterly Results Greenpanel Industries Ltdhas informed BSE that the meeting of the Board of Directors of the Company is scheduled on 01/11/2023 inter alia to consider and approve Pursuant to Regulation 29(1) and other applicable Regulation of the SEBI (Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requirements) Regulations 2015 notice is hereby given that a meeting of the Board of Directors of Greenpanel Industries Limited is scheduled to be held on Wednesday November 01 2023 inter alia to consider and approve the unaudited (Standalone and Consolidated) Financial Results of the Company for the quarter and half year ended September 30 2023 along with Limited Review Report for the corresponding period. Revised Board Meeting intimation (As per BSE Announcement Dated on 27/10/2023) Unaudited Financial Results for the quarter and Half year ending September 30, 2023 Intimation for the reappointment of Secretarial Auditor for FY2023-24. Pursuant to Regulations 30 and 33 of the Securities and Exchange Board of India (Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requirements) Regulations 2015, please find enclosed the unaudited financial statements, which have been reviewed and recommended by the Audit Committee and approved by the Board of Directors of the Company, in their respective meetings held on Wednesday, November 01, 2023. (As Per BSE Announcement Dated on 01.11.2023)
22-Jul-2023 28-Jul-2023 Quarterly Results Greenpanel Industries Ltdhas informed BSE that the meeting of the Board of Directors of the Company is scheduled on 28/07/2023 inter alia to consider and approve Pursuant to Regulation 29(1) and other applicable Regulation of the SEBI (Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requirements) Regulations 2015 notice is hereby given that a meeting of the Board of Directors of Greenpanel Industries Limited is scheduled to be held on Friday July 28 2023 inter alia to consider and approve the unaudited (Standalone and Consolidated) Financial Results of the Company for the quarter ended June 30 2023 along with Limited Review Report for the corresponding period GREENPANEL INDUSTRIES LIMITED has informed BSE about Board Meeting to be held on 28 Jul 2023 to consider financial statements for the period ended June 2023. Financial results. Statement of quarterly unaudited standalone and consolidated financial results along with segment wise revenue, results, assets and liabilities of the Company for the quarter ended June 30, 2023 and Limited Review Report issued by M/s. S.S. Kothari Mehta & Co, Chartered Accountants as approved by the Board of Directors in their meeting held today is enclosed (As Per BSE Announcement Dated on 28/07/2023)
29-Apr-2023 06-May-2023 Accounts Greenpanel Industries Ltdhas informed BSE that the meeting of the Board of Directors of the Company is scheduled on 06/05/2023 inter alia to consider and approve Pursuant to Regulation 29(1) and other applicable Regulation of the SEBI (Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requirements) Regulations 2015 notice is hereby given that a meeting of the Board of Directors of Greenpanel Industries Limited is scheduled to be held on Saturday May 6 2023 inter alia to consider and approve the audited (Standalone and Consolidated) Financial Results of the Company for the quarter and financial year ended March 31 2023 along with Auditors Report for the corresponding period. Pursuant to Regulations 30 and 33 of Securities and Exchange Board of India (Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requirements) Regulations 2015, enclosed are annual audited Financial Results of the Company for quarter and financial year ended March 31, 2023 Pursuant to Regulation 30 of the Securities and Exchange Board of India (Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requirements) Regulations 2015, we would like to inform you that the Board of Directors of the Company in its meeting held today, has approved the following: 1. Reappointment of Mr. Salil Kumar Bhandari and Mr. Mahesh Kumar Jiwrajka as Independent Director(s) of the Company for a second term of 5 years. 2. Reappointment of M/s. S. S. Kothari & Company as Statutory Auditor of the Company for a second term of 5 years from the conclusion of 6th Annual General Meeting to be held in the year 2023 until the conclusion of 11th Annual General Meeting. (As per BSE Announcement Dated on 06/05/2023)
23-Jan-2023 30-Jan-2023 Quarterly Results Greenpanel Industries Ltdhas informed BSE that the meeting of the Board of Directors of the Company is scheduled on 30/01/2023 inter alia to consider and approve Pursuant to regulation 29(1) and other applicable Regulation of the SEBI (LODR) regulations 2015 notice is hereby given that a meeting of the board of directors of the company is scheduled to be held on Monday Jan 30 2023 inter alia to consider and approve the following: 1. Unaudited (standalone and consolidated) financial results of the company along with limited review report of the auditors for the quarter and nine months ended December 31 2022. 2. Declaration of an interim dividend on equity shares of the company for the financial year 2022-23 We have already informed you vide our letter dated Dec 30 2022 that the trading window to deal in shares of the company by the designated persons and their immediate relatives shall remain closed from Jan 1 2023 to the end of 48 hours after declaration of the financial results of the company for the quarter and nine months ended Dec 31 2022. Consequently the trading window shall remain closed till Feb 1 2023. Pursuant to Regulations 30 and 33 of Securities and Exchange Board of India (Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requirements) Regulations 2015, we would like to inform you that the board of directors in their meeting held today, January 30, 2023, has declared an interim dividend of Rs. 1.50 per equity shares i.e. 150% on face value of Rs. 1/- per shares for the financial year 2022-23. The company shall arrange to pay the above interim dividend on or before March 1, 2023, to the equity shareholders of the company, whose name appear on the register of member of the company or in the records of the depository as beneficial owners of shares as on February 9, 2023, which is record date fixed for the said purpose. The meeting of the Board of Directors commenced at 6.30 P.M. and concluded at 7.45 P.M. Pursuant to Regulations 42 of Securities and Exchange Board of India (Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requirements) Regulations 2015, we would like to inform you that the Board of Directors of the company in its meeting held on January 30, 2023 has fixed the record date as February 9, 2023 for the purpose of payment of interim dividend. Greenpanel Industries Limited has informed the unaudited financial results for the quarter and nine months ended December 2022. (As Per BSE Announcement Dated on 30.01.2023)
01-Nov-2022 08-Nov-2022 Quarterly Results Greenpanel Industries Ltdhas informed BSE that the meeting of the Board of Directors of the Company is scheduled on 08/11/2022 inter alia to consider and approve Pursuant to Regulation 29(1)(a) and other applicable Regulation of the SEBI (Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requirements) Regulations 2015 notice is hereby given that a meeting of the Board of Directors of Greenpanel Industries Limited is scheduled to be held on Tuesday November 8 2022 inter alia to consider and approve the Unaudited (Standalone and Consolidated) Financial Results of the Company along with Limited Review Report of the Auditors for the quarter and half year ended September 30 2022. Pursuant to Regulation 30 of the Securities and Exchange Board of India (Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requirements) Regulations 2015, we would like to inform you that the Board of Directors of the Company in its meeting held today, has approved the following other business matters: 1.Shifting of registered office of the Company from the state of Assam to the state of West Bengal; 2.Keeping of Register of Members, Index of Members and Annual Return of the Company at the office of M/s. Link Intime India Private Limited at C - 101, 247 Park, LBS Marg, Vikhroli West, Mumbai - 400083; 3.Notice of Postal Ballot, appointment of Mr. Dilip Kumar Sarawagi, Company Secretary as the Scrutinizer and the cut-off date as December 02, 2022 for determining eligible shareholders entitled to vote (As Per BSE Announcement Dated on 08.11.2022)
15-Jul-2022 22-Jul-2022 Quarterly Results Greenpanel Industries Ltdhas informed BSE that the meeting of the Board of Directors of the Company is scheduled on 22/07/2022 inter alia to consider and approve Pursuant to Regulation 29(1)(a) and other applicable Regulation of the SEBI (Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requirements) Regulations 2015 notice is hereby given that a meeting of the Board of Directors of Greenpanel Industries Limited is scheduled to be held on Friday July 22 2022 inter alia to consider and approve the Unaudited (Standalone and Consolidated) Financial Results of the Company along with Limited Review Report of the Auditors for the quarter ended June 30 2022. Pursuant to Regulations 30 and 33 of Securities and Exchange Board of India (Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requirements) Regulations 2015, please find enclosed the following documents, which have been reviewed and recommended by the Audit Committee and approved by the Board of Directors of the Company, in their respective meetings held on July 22, 2022: I. Unaudited Standalone and Consolidated Financial Results along with segment wise Revenue, Results, Assets, Liabilities of the Company, for the quarter ended June 30, 2022, Statement of Assets and Liabilities as on June 30, 2022, and Cash Flow Statement for the financial year ended June 30, 2022. II. Limited Review Report on the Unaudited Standalone and Consolidated Financial Results of the Company for the quarter ended June 30, 2022, issued by M/s. S. S. Mehta & Co., Statutory Auditors. In compliance with the SEBI (Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requirements) Regulations, 2015, we wish to inform you that the Board of Directors at its meeting held on July 21, 2022 has approved project to setup a new and dedicated facility to produce advanced intermediates for Agrochemicals at Dahej at a cost of Rs. 250 Crores. Please be informed that the 5th Annual General Meeting of the Members of the Company shall be held on Monday, September 5, 2022 at 11:00 A.M., as approved by the Board of Directors of the Company at their meeting held on July 22, 2022. Pursuant to Regulation 42 of the SEBI (Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requirements) Regulations, 2015, the Register of Members and Share Transfer Books of the Company shall remain closed from Tuesday, August 30, 2022 to Monday, September 5, 2022 (both days inclusive) for the purpose of Annual General Meeting of the Members of the Company. (As Per BSE Announcement Dated on 22.07.2022)
02-May-2022 06-May-2022 Accounts Audited Results Greenpanel Industries Ltdhas informed BSE that the meeting of the Board of Directors of the Company is scheduled on 06/05/2022 ,inter alia, to consider and approve Pursuant to Regulation 29(1)(a) and other applicable Regulation of the SEBI (Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requirements) Regulations, 2015, notice is hereby given that a meeting of the Board of Directors of Greenpanel Industries Limited is scheduled to be held on Friday, May 6, 2022, inter alia, to consider and approve the Audited (Standalone and Consolidated) Financial Results of the Company for the quarter and financial year ended March 31, 2022 along with Auditor's Report for the corresponding period. (As per BSE Announcement Dated on 30/4/2022) In terms of Regulation 30 and 33 of Securities and Exchange Board of India (Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requirements) Regulations 2015, please find enclosed herewith the following documents, which have been reviewed and recommended by the Audit Committee and approved by the Board of Directors of the Company, in their respective meetings held today, May 6, 2022: I. Annual Audited Standalone and Consolidated Financial Results for the quarter and financial year ended March 31, 2022 II. Audit Report with unmodified opinion(s) in respect of the above mentioned Standalone & Consolidated Financial Results, as submitted by M/s. S.S. Kothari Mehta & Co., Chartered Accountants. III. A Declaration signed by the Chief Financial Officer of the Company to the effect that Statutory Auditors have submitted their Report with unmodified opinion in respect of the Financial Results of the Company for the financial year 2021-22. Pursuant to Regulation 30 of the Securities and Exchange Board of India (Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requirements) Regulations 2015, we would like to inform you that the Board of Directors of the Company in its meeting held today, has approved/taken note of the following: 1. Resignation of Ms. Sushmita Singha (DIN: 02284266) as Independent Director of the Company w.e.f. April 7,2022 2. Cessation of Ms. Sushmita Singha as a member of Audit, Nomination & Remuneration and Corporate & Social Responsibility Committee(s) of the Board of Directors of the Company pursuant to her resignation as Independent Director of the Company w.e.f. April 7, 2022 3. Reconstitution of Corporate & Social Responsibility Committee of the Board of Directors of the Company by appointment of Mr. Mahesh Kumar Jiwrajka (DIN: 07657748) as a member of the Committee w.e.f. May 6, 2022. (As Per BSE Announcement dated on 06.05.2022)
15-Jan-2022 24-Jan-2022 Quarterly Results Greenpanel Industries Ltdhas informed BSE that the meeting of the Board of Directors of the Company is scheduled on 24/01/2022 inter alia to consider and approve A meeting of the Board of Directors of Greenpanel Industries Limited is scheduled to be held on Monday January 24 2022 inter alia to : 1. Consider and approve the Unaudited (Standalone and Consolidated) Financial Results of the Company for the quarter and nine months ended December 31 2021 along with Limited Review Report of the Auditors for the corresponding period and 2. Consider the proposal for declaration of an Interim Dividend on Equity Shares of the Company for the financial year 2021-22. A meeting of the Board of Directors of Greenpanel Industries Limited is scheduled to be held on Monday, January 24, 2022, inter alia, to consider the proposal for declaration of an Interim Dividend on Equity Shares of the Company for the financial year 2021-22 Greenpanel Industries Ltd has informed BSE that the Board of Directors of the Company at its meeting held on January 24, 2022, inter alia, has declared an lnterim Dividend of Rs. 1.50 per equity share i.e., 150% on face value of Rs.1/- per share for the financial year 2021-22. The Company shall arrange to pay the above lnterim Dividend on or before February 23, 2022. Pursuant to Regulation 30 and 33 of the Securities and Exchange Board of India (Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requirements) Regulations 2015, please find enclosed herewith the following documents, reviewed and recommended by the Audit Committee and approved by the Board of Directors of the Company, in their respective meetings held today, January 24, 2022: I. Unaudited Standalone and Consolidated Financial Results along with segment wise Revenue, Results, Assets and Liabilities of the Company for the quarter and nine months ended December 31, 2021, Statement of Assets and Liabilities as at December 31, 2021 and Cash Flow Statement for nine months ended December 31, 2021. II. Limited Review Report on the Unaudited Standalone and Consolidated Financial Results of the Company for the quarter and nine months ended December 31, 2021, issued by M/s. S. S. Kothari Mehta & Co., Statutory Auditors. The Board of Directors in their meeting held today, January 24, 2022, has declared an Interim Dividend of Rs.1.50 per equity share i.e., 150% on face value of Rs.1/- per share for the financial year 2021-22. The Company shall arrange to pay the above Interim Dividend on or before February 23, 2022, to the equity shareholders of the Company, whose names appear on the Register of Members of the Company or in the records of the Depositories as Beneficial Owners of shares as on February 3, 2022, which is the record date fixed for the said purpose The record date fixed by the Board of Directors of the Company in its meeting held today i.e., January 24, 2022 for determination of the eligible shareholders for payment of Interim Dividend for the financial year 2021-22 is February 3, 2022 (As Per BSE Announcement Dated on 24.01.2022) Revised outcome of Board Meeting held on January 24, 2022 where The Board of Directors of the Company has fixed record date for payment of Interim Dividend for financial year 2021-22 as February 4, 2022. The Company shall arrange to pay Interim Dividend on or before February 23, 2022, to the equity shareholders whose name appears in the Register of Members of the Company or in the records of the Depositories as Beneficial Owners of shares as on February 4, 2022 (As Per BSE Announcement Dated on 25.01.2022)
18-Oct-2021 27-Oct-2021 Quarterly Results Quarterly Results Pursuant to Regulation 30 and 33 of the Securities and Exchange Board of India (Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requirements) Regulations 2015, enclosed herewith are the Unaudited Financial Results of the Company for quarter and half year ended September 30, 2021, reviewed and recommended by the Audit Committee and approved by the Board of Directors of the Company, in their respective meetings held today, October 27, 2021 (As Per BSE announcement Dated on 27.10.2021)
19-Jul-2021 28-Jul-2021 Quarterly Results Greenpanel Industries Ltdhas informed BSE that the meeting of the Board of Directors of the Company is scheduled on 28/07/2021 ,inter alia, to consider and approve Pursuant to Regulation 29(1)(a) and other applicable Regulation of the SEBI (Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requirements) Regulations, 2015, notice is hereby given that a meeting of the Board of Directors of Greenpanel Industries Limited is scheduled to be held on Wednesday, July 28, 2021, inter alia, to consider and approve the Unaudited (Standalone and Consolidated) Financial Results of the Company for the quarter ended June 30, 2021. Pursuant to Regulation 30 and 33 of the Securities and Exchange Board of India (Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requirements) Regulations 2015, please find enclosed herewith the following documents, reviewed and recommended by the Audit Committee and approved by the Board of Directors of the Company, in their respective meetings held today, July 28, 2021: I. Unaudited Standalone and Consolidated Financial Results along with segment wise Revenue, Results, Assets and Liabilities of the Company for the quarter ended June 30, 2021. II. Limited Review Report on the Unaudited Standalone and Consolidated Financial Results of the Company for the quarter ended June 31, 2021, issued by M/s. S. S. Mehta & Co., Statutory Auditors. (AS Per BSE Announcement Dated on 28.07.2021)
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