Quintegra Solutions Limited (Formerly known Soffia Software Limited) incorporated in 1994, specializes in providing cost-effective turnkey software solutions in Client-Server, ERP, Component-based Applications, Web Applications and E-Commerce.
The company has completed a lot of projects successfully by combining their expertise in e-business strategy and providing full Web site functionality and develop robust network architecture. Soffia Software Limited has pioneered the development of effective software packages for Taxation,Human Resource Management System,Payroll and Asset Accounting.
Soffia Software Limited was accredited as an ISO 9001 Certified Company.
In 2001 the company launched new products viz,'TDSSOFT',eMPower' etc. The Company is foraying into embedded technologies as the demand for embedded software services is growing more.
The Company acquired the UK business of Silverline Technologies in 2003. In June 2003, it acquired TranSys Technologies. In 2004, it floated Offshore Development Centre in Bangalore. In 2006-07, it acquired 100% shareholding of ValleyUS Inc. a software development and consulting company in USA. In 2007-08, it acquired PA Corporation Inc. a US-based information technology corporation providing financial services in the market with consulting resources in a variety of IT-related projects; further it incorporated a wholly owned subsidiary viz Quintegra Solutions Ireland Limited in Ireland.