Dear Shareholders,
Your directors are pleased to present the 38th Annual Report along with Company's
audited financial financial year ended on March 31, 2024.
Standalone |
Consolidated |
Particulars |
FY 2024 |
FY 2023 |
FY 2024 |
FY 2023 |
Total income |
1215.09 |
900.74 |
2260.10 |
1406.99 |
Profit before tax |
29.41 |
128.35 |
68.24 |
55.44 |
Profit / (Loss) after tax for the year |
33.54 |
114.24 |
42.00 |
66.52 |
Total Comprehensive Income |
34.05 |
111.75 |
42.39 |
66.33 |
The standalone revenue of the Company stood at Rs. 1,105.71 crores compared to Rs.
648.24 crores in the previous financial year. Correspondingly, the company has earned
profit (after tax) of Rs. 33.54 crores for the year 2023-24 as against a profit (after
tax) of Rs.114.24 crores in the previous financial year. The consolidated revenue of your
Company stood at Rs. 2,185.26 crores, as compared to Rs. 1,235.77 crores in the challenges
in terms of repo rate increases previous financial Total consolidated profit after tax for
the year stood at Rs. 42 Crores compared to the profit after tax of Rs. 66.52 Crore in the
previous financial Your Company is in the business of real estate development and sale and
follows IND AS 115 for recognition of revenue. Accordingly, revenue can be recognized only
when, apart from other related conditions, the house/unit is delivered to the customer.
The development and delivery of homes/ units take substantial time often three to five
years and hence revenue in respect of such projects can be recognized only upon completion
of such projects. Thus, there is a substantial lag in revenue recognition. Although the
sale is confirmed and customer advance is collected and construction is substantially
completed, revenue cannot be recognized in line with prevailing regulations. Further, as
and when the Company incurs any sales and marketing expenses, the same needs to be
accounted for as a cost for that period. To ensure successful launch of projects, your
Company incurs a substantial amount of marketing expenses and in the financial year
2023-24 too, your Company incurred sales and marketing expenses which have been accounted
for the financial To ensure a balance between revenue and cost, your Company has ensured
sufficient spread of its projects across different timelines in a manner to enable
continuous delivery of projects and cash flows throughout the year under review. The
Company has also started launching plotted development projects which will have a shorter
completion cycle.
Puravankara Limited achieved an area of 7.35 million sq. ft. in the financial year
2023-24 as compared to 4 million sq. ft. in the previous financial year 2022-23. Despite
by significant RBI and a sluggish economic environment triggered by year, showing an
increase of 76.83%. elevated inflation and pressure on incomes, the sales value increased
by 90% on a year-on-year basis to Rs. 5,914 crores compared to Rs. 3,107 crores during the
previous financial . year. We accelerated our digital initiatives, which include an
exclusive digital launch of two projects and online booking. During the year, projects
launched by the Company include Soukhyam, Raagam, Kensho Hills, Ecopolitan, Deansgate,
Botanico, Kenvista - 1-4 tower, Purva Okashire, One Park Avenue 1, One Park Avenue 6,
Provident Kevista 10, 11 and 12 across India.
Further, the Company witnessed an increase in home buyers' interest in larger homes,
better amenities and well-designed projects, driving consumers to consider Puravankara.
Demand resiliency in residential units, including residential plots, motivated us to have
a healthy launch pipeline for FY23, especially with our new vertical Purva Land for
plotted development projects. We are well-poised to capture the upcoming recovery in the
real estate sector with our full-fledged experience and capabilities. The Company has a
well-crafted program called "Purva year. Privilege" offering rewards to the
residents as well as the prospective residents of the Company's residential projects.
The Company declared and paid an interim dividend of 6.3/- per equity share of
5/- each per share on January 23, 2024, and with an object to augment the future growth
of your Company and also to conserve cash reserves, the Board of Directors considers not
to recommend any further dividend for the year ended March 31, 2024.
In terms of the Regulation 43A of Securities and Exchange Board of India (Listing
Obligations and Disclosure Requirements) Regulations, 2015 ("SEBI LODR
Regulations"), the Dividend Distribution Policy of the Company is available on the
website of the Company at
investors_reports/84ac16e0ee24eda4e76579a8847bc4f4. pdf
Pursuant to the provisions under Section 123 of the Companies Act, 2013, there was no
proposal to transfer any amount to the General Reserves of the Company for the period
under review.
Adequate internal control systems commensurate with the nature of the Company's
business, size and complexity of its operations are in place and have been operating
satisfactorily. Internal control systems comprising of policies and procedures are
designed to ensure reliability of financial reporting, timely feedback on achievement of
operational and strategic goals, compliance with policies, procedure, applicable laws and
regulations. Internal control systems are designed to ensure that all assets and and
resources are acquired economically, used efficiently adequately protected.
The Internal Financial Controls with reference to financial statements as designed and
implemented by the Company are adequate. During the year under review, no material or
serious observation has been received from the Statutory Auditors and the Internal
Auditors of the Company on the contr inefficiency orinadequacy of such
The paid-up equity share capital remained unchanged at Rs.118,57,48,430 during the
financial year ended March 31, 2024. There were no public issues, rights issues, bonus
issues or preferential issues during the period under review.
During the period under review, 13,13,056 options were granted to the employees of the
Company under Puravankara Employee Stock Option Plan -2022 ("Plan-2022")
implemented in accordance with the provisions under SEBI (Share Based Employee Benefit
& Sweat Equity) Regulations, 2021 ("SBEB Regulations, 2021"). Pursuant to
the provisions under Regulation 13 of SBEB Regulations, 2021, the Secretarial Auditor's
certificate on the implementation of the Plan -2022, in accordance with the aforesaid
Regulations, will be made available at the Annual General Meeting.
The applicable disclosures as stipulated under the provisions of Regulation 14 of the
SBEB Regulations, 2021, are available on the website of the Company at https://
As on March 31, 2024, The Company has outstanding debentures amounting to Rs. 187.78
During the year under review, your Company has not accepted any deposits within the
meaning of Chapter- V of the Companies Act, 2013 and rules made thereunder.
As on March 31, 2024, the Board of the Company comprised of Six (6) Directors of which
three (3) are Executive Directors and 3 are Non-Executive Independent Directors. During
the year under review, the composition of the Board was as follows, in due compliance with
the provisions under the Companies Act, 2013 and SEBI (Listing Obligations and Disclosure
Requirements) Regulations, 2015:
SI No Name of the Director |
Designation |
1. Mr. Ravi Puravankara |
Chairman & Executive Director |
2. Mr. Nani R. Choksey# |
Vice-Chairman & Whole-Time Director |
3. Mr. Ashish Ravi Puravankara |
Managing Director |
4. Mr. Abhishek Kapoor |
Executive Director, CEO and CFO |
5. Mr. Anup Sanmukh Shah |
Independent Director |
6. Ms. Shailaja Jha |
Independent Director |
7. Mr. Kulumani Gopalratnam Krishnamurthy |
Independent Director |
8. Mr. Sanjeeb Chaudhuri* |
Independent Director |
Key Managerial Personnel within the meaning as per as per Section 203 of the Companies
Act, 2013 as at the date of this report are as follows:
S. No. Name of the KMP |
Designation |
1. Mr. Ravi Puravankara |
Chairman & Executive Director |
2. Mr. Nani R. Choksey# |
Vice-Chairman & Whole-Time Director |
3. Mr. Ashish Ravi Puravankara |
Managing Director |
4. Mr. Abhishek Kapoor |
Executive Director, CEO and CFO |
5. Mr. Sudip Chatterjee** |
Company Secretary & Compliance |
During the year under review,
#Mr. Nani R. Choksey, Vice Chairman and Whole Time Director, resigned from the
directorship in the Company w.e.f. March 11, 2024, citing personal reasons and has
confirmed that there are no other material reasons attributable/ connected with the
Company for his resignation.
*Mr. Sanjeeb Chaudhuri resigned from the directorship in the Company, w.e.f December
12, 2023, and has confirmed that there are no other material reasons attributable/
connected with the Company for his resignation.
**Mr. Sudip Chatterjee was appointed as the Company Secretary and Compliance Officer of
the Company w.e.f. May 26, 2023. In accordance with the provisions under Section 152 (6)
of the Companies Act, 2013, Mr. Ravi Puravankara (DIN: 00707948) is liable to retire by
rotation at the ensuing Annual General Meeting and being eligible, have offered himself
for re-appointment and the same has been recommended by the Board for the approval of
shareholders, on the recommendation made by the Nomination and Remuneration Committee of
the Company.
The Notice convening the 38th (Thirty Eight) Annual General Meeting includes the
proposals for the re-appointment of the aforesaid Director and the brief details
indicating the nature of his expertise in specific functional areas and names of the
companies in which he holds directorship/ membership/ chairmanship of the Board or
Committees, as stipulated under SEBI (Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requirements)
Regulations, 2015 and Secretarial Standard-2 (SS-2) issued by ICSI as amended have been
provided as an annexure to the Notice convening the Thirty Eight Annual General Meeting of
your Company.
The Board confirms that all Independent Directors of your
Company have given a declaration to the Board that they meet the criteria of
independence as prescribed under Section 149(6) of the Act along with the Rules framed
thereunder and Regulation 16 of the Listing Regulations. Further, they have included their
names in the databank of Independent Directors maintained with the Indian Institute of
Corporate Affairs in terms of Section 150 of the Act read with Rule 6 of the Companies
(Appointment and Qualification of Further, the Board is of the opinion that the
Independent Directors of the Company uphold highest standards of integrity and possess
requisite expertise and experience required to fulfill their duties as Independent
Directors. During the Financial Year 2023-24, a separate meeting, exclusively of the
Independent Directors was held on March 30, 2024, in which the Independent Directors
transacted the following businesses along with few other important strategic and
policy-related matters: Reviewed performance of the Executive Directors and Management of
the Company. Discussed the quality, quantity and timeliness of the flow of information
between the Directors and the Management of the Company.
Discussed the strategic matters of the Company and the current state of the real-estate
industry. Discussed the business continuity plan in the organization.
The Nomination and Remuneration Committee ("NRC") has formulated criteria for
Board evaluation, the functioning of its committees and individual Directors including
Independent Directors and specified that such evaluation will be done by the NRC and the
Board, pursuant to the Act and the Rules made thereunder read with the SEBI Listing
Regulations, as amended. The Company believes that it is the collective effectiveness of
the Board that impacts the Company's performance. The Board's performance is assessed
against the role and responsibilities as provided in the Act and SEBI Listing Regulations.
The parameters for the Board's performance evaluation have been derived from the Board's
core role of trusteeship to protect and enhance shareholders' value as well as to fulfil
expectations of other stakeholders through strategic supervision of the Company. The
evaluation of the functioning of Board Committees is based on discussions amongst
Committee members and shared by the respective Committee Chairperson with the
Individual Directors are evaluated in the context of the role played by each Director
as a member of the Board, in realizing the vision and mission of the Company. While the
Board evaluated its performance as per the parameters laid down by the NRC, the evaluation
of Individual Directors was carried out in reference to those laid down parameters, in
order to ensure objectivity. The Independent Directors of the Board also reviewed the
performance of the Non-Independent Directors, the Chairman and the Board as a whole,
pursuant to the provisions under Schedule IV to the Act and Regulation 25 of the SEBI
Listing Regulations.
During the financial year 2023-24, Six meetings of the Board of Directors were held on
the dates as follows:
Sl. No. |
Date of Board Meeting |
1 |
May 26, 2023 |
2 |
August 11, 2023 |
3 |
November 14, 2023 |
4 |
November 29, 2023 |
5 |
January 23, 2024 |
6 |
March 30, 2024 |
The mandatory requirement of holding meetings of the Board of Directors of the Company,
i.e., within the interval of 120 days as provided in section 173 of the Companies Act,
2013 and Regulation 17(2) of SEBI LODR 2015, has been complied with.
For further details, please refer to the Corporate Governance Section forming part of
this Annual Report. The recommendations and suggestions of the Audit Committee and the
other Committees of the Board were duly considered and accepted by the management of your
Company and implemented thoroughly. The Board of Directors further confirm I and II issued
by the Institute of Company Secretaries of India have been complied with.
As on March 31, 2024, the Board had six (6) Committees: (i) Audit Committee (ii)
Nomination and Remuneration Committee (iii) Corporate Social Responsibility Committee (iv)
Stakeholders' Relationship Committee (v) Risk Management Committee and (vi) Management
SubCommittee of the Board.
(i) Audit Committee:
An Audit Committee has been constituted in accordance with the provisions of Section
177 of the Companies Act, 2013 and Regulation 18 of the SEBI LODR Regulations 2015. You
may refer section on Corporate Governance, under head Audit Committee' for matters
relating to constitution, meetings and terms of reference of this Committee.
(ii) Nomination and Remuneration Committee
A Nomination and Remuneration Committee has been constituted in accordance with the
provisions of subsection (1) of Section 178 of the Companies Act, 2013 and Regulation 19
of the SEBI LODR Regulations, 2015. You may refer section on Corporate Governance, under
head Nomination and Remuneration Committee' for matters relating to constitution,
meetings, terms of reference of the Committee; and the remuneration policy formulated by
this Committee.
(iii) Stakeholders Relationship Committee
A Stakeholders relationship Committee, has been constituted in line with the provisions
under Regulation
20 of the SEBI Listing Regulations and Section 178 (5) of the Companies Act 2013. You
may refer section on Corporate Governance, under the head Stakeholders Relationship
Committee' for matters relating to constitution, meetings, and terms of reference of the
(iv) Risk Management Committee
The Company has in place a Risk Management
Committee duly constituted in line with the provisions under Regulation 21 of the SEBI
Listing Regulations. You may refer section on Corporate Governance, under the head
Risk Management Committee' for matters relating to constitution, meetings, and terms
of reference of the Committee.
(v) Corporate Social Responsibility Committee that the Secretarial Standards In
pursuance of the provisions of Section 135 of the Companies Act, 2013 and Companies'
Social Responsibility Policy) Rules 2014, a Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)
Committee has been constituted by the Board of the Company. For details of the composition
of the Committee, the CSR policy and other relevant details that are required to be
disclosed under the provisions of Section 134(3)(o) of the Companies Act, 2013 and the
Companies (Corporate Social Responsibility Policy) Rules, 2014, kindly refer the section
on Corporate Governance, under head Corporate Social Responsibility Committee ' and
the annual report on CSR which is enclosed as Annexure I, which forms part of this
(vi) Management Sub-Committee
For the day-to-day affairs of the Company, a management sub-committee has been
constituted under the Board of Directors of the Company. For details on the management
sub-committee, you may refer the section on Corporate Governance.
Pursuant to the provisions under Section 177(9) of the Act and Regulation 22 of Listing
Regulations, the Company has established a Vigil Mechanism/ Whistle Blower Policy for
Directors and employees to report their genuine concerns. At Puravankara, we have a
comprehensive whistle-blower policy that allows and encourages all stakeholders to bring
to the management's notice concerns about suspected unethical behaviour, malpractice,
wrongful conduct, fraud and violation of the company's policies. The policy is available
on the website of the Company at the link:
investors_reports/e8e3d504efd3bfc6334a78628224ab1d. pdf
Pursuant to the provisions under Section 134(3)(c) read with Section 134(5) of the
Companies Act, 2013, your Directors hereby confirm that: a) In the preparation of the
annual accounts, the applicable accounting standards had been followed along with proper
explanation relating to material departures; b) The Directors have selected such
accounting policies and applied them consistently and made judgments and estimates that
are reasonable and prudent so as to give a true and fair view of the state of affairs of
the Company at the end of financial year on March 31, 2024, and of the profit of the
Company for that c) The Directors have taken proper and sufficient care for the
maintenance of adequate accounting records in accordance with the provisions of the
Companies Act, 2013, for safeguarding the assets of the Company and for preventing and
detecting fraud and other irregularities; d) The annual accounts of the Company have been
prepared on a going concern' basis; e) The Directors have laid down internal
financial controls to be followed by the Company and that such internal financial controls
are adequate and are operating effectively; and f) The Directors have devised proper
systems to ensure compliance with the provisions of all applicable laws and that such
systems are adequate and are operating effectively.
The Company conducts familiarization programme for the Independent Directors to enable
them to familiarize with the Company, its management and its operations so as to gain a
clear understanding of their roles, rights and responsibilities for the purpose of
contributing significantly towards the growth of the Company.
The familiarization programme imparted to independent directors is displayed on the
Company website and can be accessed at:
M/s. S R Batliboi & Associates LLP, Chartered Accountants, FRN 101049W/ E300004,
were appointed by the members as Statutory Auditors of the Company for a period of five
years from the conclusion of the 36th AGM held on September 27, 2022, till the conclusion
of the 41st AGM to be held in the year 2027.
The Audit Committee reviews the independence and objectivity of the Auditors and the
effectiveness of the Audit process. The Auditors attend the Annual General Meeting of the
The Statutory Auditors have expressed an unmodified opinion in their Consolidated
Auditors' Report and the
Standalone Auditors' Report in respect of the audited financial statements for the
financial year ended March 31, 2024.
In pursuance of the provisions under Section 148 of the Companies Act, read with the
Companies (Cost Records and Audit) Rules, 2014 (as amended), your Company is required to
maintain the cost records and the said cost records are required to be audited. The
Company is maintaining all the aforesaid cost records.
M/s. GNV & Associates (Firm Registration No.: 000150), the Cost Auditors of the
Company, audited the cost records of the Company for the financial year ended 2023-24.
There were no qualifications or adverse remarks in the Cost Audit Report which require any
explanation from the Board of Directors.
The Board has on the recommendations of the Audit Committee, re-appointed M/s. GNV
& Associates, Cost & Management Accountants, to conduct the audit of cost records
for the financial year 2024-25. The remuneration payable to the Cost Auditors for FY25 is
subject to ratification by the members at the ensuing AGM and the same is included in
Notice convening the 38th AGM.
In pursuance of the provisions under Section 204 of the Companies Act, 2013 read with
the rules made thereunder and Regulation 24A of the listing Regulations, 2015, M/s JKS
& Co. (Firm Registration No.: P2015KR040800), Company Secretaries conducted the
secretarial audit of the Company and its unlisted subsidiaries incorporated in India, for
the financial year 2023-24. The Secretarial Audit Report of the Company and its unlisted
material subsidiaries for the financial year ended March 31, 2024, is attached herewith,
marked as Annexure II, Annexure IIA and Annexure IIB to this Report.
Pursuant to the provisions under Section 138 of Companies Act, 2013, your directors, on
the recommendations of the Audit Committee, have appointed M/s. Grant Thornton Bharat LLP,
as Internal Auditors for a period effective from April 01, 2022, to March 31, 2025.
There was no qualification, reservation or adverse remark or disclaimer from Statutory
& Secretarial Auditors and the comments given by the Statutory & Secretarial
Auditors in their respective Reports are self-explanatory and hence, do not call for any
further explanations or comments from the Board.
Further, there was no fraud reported by the auditors under section 143(12) of the
Companies Act, 2013
The particulars of loans, guarantees and investments made under the provisions of
Section 186 of the Act as at the end of FY 2023-24 are provided in the standalone
financial statements (refer Note No. 7)
We ensured that all transactions that were entered into with related-parties during the
financial year met the criteria of an arm's length price basis. All contracts and
arrangements with related parties under Section 188(1) of the Act, entered into by the
Company during the financial year, were approved by the Audit Committee and wherever
required, also by the Board of Directors. The Related Party Transaction details including
the transaction(s) of the Company if any, with a person/entity belonging to the
promoter/promoter group which hold(s) more than 10% shareholding in the Company as
required pursuant to para-A of Schedule V of the SEBI (Listing Obligations and Disclosure
Requirements) Regulations, 2015 forms part of the notes to the financial statements
provided in this Annual Report.
The policy on dealing with Related Party Transactions as approved by the Board can be
accessed at https://www.
reports/64ddec251476e2067fcb41c4b440606b.pdf Please refer to the details in Annexure
III for Form AOC-2.
In accordance with the provisions under Section 129(3) of the Companies Act, 2013 and
Regulation 33 and Regulation 34 of the Listing Regulations, the Standalone and
Consolidated Financial Statements of the Company, prepared in accordance with the Indian
Accounting Standards (IndAS) prescribed by the Institute of Chartered Accountants of
India, forms part of this Annual Report. The financial statements are available for
inspection during business hours at the Registered Office of your Company.
In pursuance of the provisions under Section 129(3) of the Companies Act 2013, a
statement containing the salient features of financial statements of the Company's
subsidiaries in Form No. AOC-1 is attached to the financial statements of the Company.
Your Directors hereby inform you that the audited annual accounts and related
information of the subsidiaries will be available for inspection on any working day during
business hours at the registered office of the Further, pursuant to the provisions of
Section 136 of the Act, the financial statements of the Company, consolidated financial
statements along with relevant documents and separate audited financial statements in
respect of subsidiaries, are available on the Company's website at
As on date, the Company has 31 subsidiary companies (including Eleven step-down
subsidiaries in India and 2 subsidiaries in Sri Lanka). Of these, Provident Housing
Limited, Starworth Infrastructure & Construction Limited and .
T-Hills Private Limited, are material unlisted subsidiaries of the Company as defined
In pursuance of the provisions under regulation 24 of the Listing Regulations, the
following Independent Directors of the Company were appointed on the Board of Directors of
material subsidiaries:
Name of the Independent Director |
Name of the Material Subsidiary |
Date of Appointment |
Ms. Shailaja Jha |
Starworth Infrastructure & Construction Limited |
24.05.2023 |
Mr. Anup Sanmukh Shah |
Provident Housing Limited |
23.07.2019 |
As on date, T-Hills Private Limited does not fulfil the criteria laid down in the
explanation to Regulation 24(1) of the Listing Regulations and therefore the requirement
specified in the said regulation is Details of entities which became/ceased to be the
Company's subsidiaries, joint ventures or associate companies are specified in Annexure
The link to access policy on material subsidiaries is:
There have been no material changes or commitments affecting the financial position of
the Company which occurred between the end of the financial year of the Company to which
the Balance Sheet relates and the date of this Report.
Information in accordance with the provisions of Section 134 (3) (m) of the Companies
Act, 2013, read with Rule 8 of the Companies (Accounts) Rules, 2014, is as follows:
i. Steps taken or impact on |
Site Selection and Planning |
conservation of energy |
Selecting a site with proximity to basic amenities and public transport
to reduce the need for personal vehicles and promote walkability which indirectly reduces
the carbon footprint to the environment. |
Daylighting and Orientation |
Maximizing daylight penetration by planning the office floor with a
central core, limiting the depth of the floor plate. Orienting the building to reduce
exposure to the south, which reduces direct sunlight and heat gain. |
Ensuring maximum day light penetration for habitable spaces in
Residential developments. |
Glazing and Windows |
Using performance glass to increase visual light transmission, reduce
solar heat gain, and enhance thermal comfort. |
Roofing |
Applying solar reflective paints to exposed roof areas to reduce heat
absorption. |
Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning (HVAC) |
of performance Usingcentrifugalchillerswith a higher coefficient (COP) to
reduce energy consumption. |
Implementing energy metering through a building management system (BMS)
to monitor and optimize energy usage. |
Lighting |
Using LED lighting for all common areas to reduce energy consumption. |
Water Conservation |
Installing low-flow water fixtures to reduce water usage. Implementing an
on-site sewage treatment plant (STP) to treat and reuse water for landscaping, flushing,
and HVAC purposes. Harvesting and reusing rainwater for domestic consumption, aiming for
zero discharge. |
Energy Audits |
Conduct energy audits to identify areas of improvement and optimize
energy usage. |
ii. Steps taken by the Company for utilizing alternate sources of energy |
Renewable Energy Sources |
Installation of solar panels on rooftops/solar farms to generate
electricity for common area lighting and electrical loads. |
Consideration to implement wind turbines or invest in wind energy
credits. Utilizing organic waste or biomass to generate power. |
iii. Capital investment on energy conservation equipment |
Energy-Efficient Equipment |
Upgrade to energy-efficient mechanical equipment and machinery across all
projects. |
Installation of Centrifugal Chillers with higher COP (Co-efficient of
Performance) |
Emerging Technologies |
Explore new and emerging alternative energy technologies and materials. |
Collaboration and Partnerships |
Collaborate with other companies, governments, or organizations to
advance alternative energy initiatives. |
Implement energy management systems to monitor and control energy usage. |
Develop energy-saving policies and procedures. |
Incorporate energy-efficient design principles in construction projects. |
Explore energy storage options like batteries to optimize energy usage. |
Consider carbon offsetting or purchasing renewable energy credits. |
Develop a sustainability reporting framework to track progress and share
achievements. |
Engage with local communities and stakeholders to promote sustainable
energy practices. |
By implementing these strategies, you can significantly reduce energy
consumption, carbon emissions, and environmental impact while promoting a culture of
sustainability and innovation. |
i. Efforts made towards technology absorption |
Enhanced security posture of the organization by initiating Extended
Detection and |
Response (XDR), Single Sign On (SSO), Multi Factor Authentication (MFA)
& Security Operation Centre (SOC). |
ePayment & eCollection using Easebuzz integration - Reduced unknown
payments and expedited collection consolidation. |
ii. Benefits derived like improvement, cost reduction, product
development or import substitution |
Service Module Implementation and rollout in Salesforce - have better
visibility, transparency and improved TAT for customer interaction and engagement.
productWe use sustainable materials for effectively reducing the carbon footprint in the
environment. |
iii. In case of imported technology (imported during the last three years
reckoned from the beginning of the financial year): a) Details of technology imported; b)
Year of import; c) Whether the technology been fully absorbed; and d) If not fully
absorbed, areas where absorption has not taken place and the reasons thereof. |
NA |
iv. Expenditure incurred on Research and Development. |
NA |
(Amount in INR in Lakhs)
Particulars |
2023-24 |
2022-23 |
Foreign Exchange Earnings |
410.96 |
58.86 |
Foreign Exchange Expenditure |
126.37 |
260.16 |
( Lakhs)
No. Name of the subsidiary |
Turnover |
Profit before taxation |
Profit/Loss |
% of contribution to the overall performance of the Holding Company |
1 Starworth Infrastructure & Construction Limited |
43,186.73 |
373.08 |
293.82 |
6.99% |
2 Provident Housing Limited |
46,634.57 |
4,968.38 |
2,955.03 |
70.36% |
3 T-Hills Private Limited |
31,716.93 |
9,208.48 |
6,847.54 |
163.04% |
*Apart from these three wholly owned subsidiaries, other wholly-owned subsidiaries,
subsidiaries, associates and joint venture companies do not have any significant
contribution towards the
The Board of Directors of the Company has put in place a Risk Management Policy which
aims at enhancing shareholders' value and providing an optimum risk-reward tradeoff. The
risk management approach is based on a clear understanding of the variety of risks that
the organization faces, disciplined risk monitoring and measurement and continuous risk
assessment and mitigation measures. The policy is available on the website of the Company
investors_reports/2cbdca9c0398f68d78b2f61527314d76. pdf
According to Section 135 of the Companies Act, 2013, read together with Companies
(Corporate Social Responsibility Policy) Rules, 2014 and Schedule VII of the said Act the
Company is required to constitute a Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Committee
comprising of three or more directors, with at least one of them being an Independent
Director. During the financial year, the Company has complied with the requirement
pertaining to Corporate Social Responsibility. The Corporate Social Responsibility Policy,
authorised by the Board of Directors on the recommendation of the Board's CSR Committee,
has laid the groundwork as a responsible corporate citizen for the long-term
sustainability and socio-economic development of underserved and vulnerable areas and
communities. Through the Policy, your Company performs comprehensive CSR operations that
assure long-term impact, with a strategic perspective in decision-making and ongoing
innovation, contributing as much as possible to the sustainable development of people and
communities. This commitment adds value to your Company's standing as an upright member of
the community, while also positively influencing your Company's brand positioning. During
2023-24, we continued to focus our CSR efforts in building the fundamentals of society:
Environment and sustainability Education
Art and culture
Below are few of the long-term CSR interventions by
Puravankara in its chosen areas:
Medians and park maintenance
Puravankara has been maintaining medians and parks under for 10+ years. Medians and
parks are adopted from BBMP under the PPP model and an external landscaping team is
deployed for maintenance. Presently, we are maintaining 7 medians and 1 park. Furthermore,
the Company has planted 400+ species of air purifying, flowering and ornamental plants at
park and medians. This has spruced up the public space and roads. Puravankara has won
awards for "Well-maintained Medians" from the Department of Horticulture, Govt.
of Karnataka and the Mysore Horticulture Society organized horticulture shows during
Independence Day and Republic Day.
Contribution to Centre for Human Settlement (under Centre for Alumni Relation and
Corporate Affairs), Anna
University, Chennai
Puravankara is supporting a research project to prepare a ward/neighbourhood-level
water-sensitive plan for an identified ward in Chennai. The city faces water scarcity due
to rapid urbanisation, over-extraction of groundwater, and climate change. This
comprehensive plan aims to understand the area's needs and challenges and provide
solutions to mitigate the issue.
Vidyasarathi with Protean and TISS
In line with its vision for an equitable future, Puravankara has partnered with
Vidyasaarathi, an online scholarship platform by Protean eGov Technologies Limited
(formerly NSDL e-Governance Infrastructure Limited) for MES colleges in Goa. Through this
initiative, Puravankara intends to support students pursuing higher education. Apart from
their academic performance, the eligibility criteria included students whose annual family
income is less than Rs. 5 lakhs and students belonging to the local community. During FY
2023-24, a total of Rs.11 lakhs was disbursed through the scholarship to cover 27
Khel Khel Mein
In association with the Wockhardt Foundation, Puravankara is contributing towards the
Khel Khel Mein Program. This program adopts a unique approach of working with
underprivileged children in the age group of 6-12 years in slum communities with an aim of
providing a space to engage them in recreational activities within a structured program
based on human values and character. Under the program, children are provided with
opportunity to play with toys and games with an emphasis on human values, English language
and basics of maths and science. The focus is to spread happiness and joy to the students
while creating awareness about the importance of fun-based learning in the society.
Puravankara has contributed to setting up 6 Khel Khel Mein centres in Bangalore &
Mumbai. Across these centres about 213 children have benefitted from the program.
Supporting Education
Puravankara has helped to enhance the facilities at three Government primary schools.
These schools have received upgraded amenities and provided students with essential
learning kits. This initiative has notably improved the school environment, making it more
conducive to learning. It has also equipped children with additional educational
resources, thereby enhancing their overall learning experience.
Swami Vivekananda Cultural Youth Centre - Viveka Smaraka, Mysuru:
Puravankara supported Swami Ramkrishna Mission Ashrama, Mysuru, in developing Viveka
Smaraka Swami Vivekananda Cultural Youth Centre to enhance youth education and
learning. The Viveka Smaraka Youth Center offers thousands of students values-based
character education inspired by Swami Vivekananda. It focuses on vocational skills, life
skills, and cultural competence, promoting personality development and community
integration. The centre impacts around 25,000 students annually across 26 colleges, 582
schools, and urban/ rural youth, including working professionals, homemakers, senior
citizens, and tourists.
Contribution to Janaseva Trust Project Param
Puravankara aims to enhance learning accessibility for students at different levels by
contributing to Janaseva Trust to develop a modern learning infrastructure in science and
technology. Project PARAM encompasses state-of-the-art centres focused on science,
culture, and conventions. These include a Science Experience Center, a cultural hub, and a
convention venue, each offering diverse activities catered to their specific domains.
The Corporate and Social Responsibility Policy is available on website of the Company
at: https://www.
The draft Annual Return for Financial Year 2023-24 is available on the Company's
website i.e.: https://www.
Disclosures pertaining to remuneration and other details as required under Section
197(12) of the Act read with Rule 5 of the Companies (Appointment and Remuneration of
Managerial Personnel) Rules, 2014 are annexed as Annexure V and forms part of this
The Board, as per the recommendation of the Nomination & Remuneration Committee,
has framed a Nomination & Remuneration policy, providing: (a) criteria for determining
qualifications,positive attributes, and independence of Directors and (b) a policy on
remuneration for Directors, Key Managerial Personnel, and other employees. The detailed
Nomination and Remuneration policy may be accessed on the following weblink of the
Company's website at:
In pursuance of the provisions under Regulation 34(2)(f) of the SEBI Listing
Regulations, please find enclosed the Business Responsibility and sustainability Report.
Your Company believes that strong corporate governance is critical to enhancing and
retaining the stakeholder's trust. Your Company also endeavors to enhance long-term
stakeholder value and practice good governance in all its business decisions. In Pursuance
of the provisions under Regulation 34 read with Schedule V of the SEBI Listing
Regulations, 2015, a separate section on Corporate Governance practices followed by the
Company and a certificate from Mr. Nagendra D Rao, Practicing Company Secretary, regarding
the compliance of the conditions of Corporate Governance is enclosed herewith.
A report on Management Discussion and Analysis as stipulated under Regulation 34 of the
SEBI Listing Regulations forms an integral part of this Annual Report.
ICRA Limited vide its letter dated March 20, 2024, has reviewed the Credit Rating for
bank facilities and has reaffirmed the long-term Rating at [ICRA] A-(Stable).
In accordance with the provisions under SEBI (Prohibition of Insider Trading)
Regulations, 2015, the Company has in place following policies/codes which are revised
from time to time according to applicable laws or as per need:
The Code of Conduct to Regulate, Monitor and Report trading by Designated Persons or
material orders were passed by and their Immediate Relatives; The Code of practices
and procedures for fair disclosure of Unpublished Price Sensitive Information (UPSI); and
The Policy on determination of legitimate purposes for sharing unpublished price sensitive
information and on dealing with leakage or suspected leakage of unpublished price
sensitive information. The aforesaid policies/codes are available on the website of the
Company at: Further, the Company has put in place
an adequate and effective system of internal controls including maintenance of a
structured digital database and standard operating procedures to ensure compliance with
the requirements of the PIT Regulations, to track the sharing of UPSI and prevent insider
The Company has zero tolerance for sexual harassment at workplace and has adopted a
policy on Prevention, Prohibition and Redressal of Sexual Harassment at Workplace in line
with the provisions of the Sexual Harassment of Women at Workplace (Prevention,
Prohibition and Redressal) Act, 2013 and the rules thereunder. The
Company has also complied with provisions relating to the constitution of Internal
Complaints Committee under the Sexual Harassment of Women at Workplace (Prevention,
Prohibition and Redressal) Act, 2013. During the year under review, no complaint was
received under the provisions of the aforesaid act.
Other policies formulated in compliance with the provisions of the Companies Act, 2013,
the SEBI Listing Regulations and other applicable laws are available on the website of the
Company at:
No disclosure or reporting is required in respect of the following items as there were
no transactions or the same were not applicable during the year under review:
Neither the Managing Director nor the Whole-Time Directors of the Company received any
remuneration or commission from any of the subsidiaries of the Company; the No significant
Regulators or Courts or Tribunals which would impact the going concern' status of
the Company' and its future operations; There were no proceedings initiated/pending
against your Company under the Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code, 2016; There were no
instances where your Company required the valuation for one time settlement or while
taking the loan from the Banks or Financial institutions; There was no change in the
nature of the business of the Company.
Your Directors place on record their gratitude to the Central Government, State
Governments and Company's Bankers and other lenders for the assistance, co-operation and
encouragement. Your directors also wish to place on record their sincere thanks and
appreciation for the continuing support and unstinting efforts of investors, vendors,
dealers, business associates and employees in ensuring an excellent all-around