Dear Members,
Your Board of Directors ("Board") are pleased to present the Twelfth (12th)
Annual Report of FSN E-Commerce Ventures Limited ("your Company" or "the
Company" or "Nykaa") together with the Audited Financial Statements of the
Company, for the financial year ended March 31, 2024 ("the year under review" or
"the year" or "FY 2023-24").
(Rs. in Millions) |
Darrin iIqkc |
Standalone |
Consolidated |
particulars |
2023-24 |
2022-23* |
2023-24 |
2022-23 |
Revenue from Operations |
2,579.60 |
2,754.56 |
63,856.26 |
51,438.00 |
Other Income |
1,846.03 |
1,287.73 |
299.42 |
302.13 |
Total Income |
4,425.63 |
4,042.29 |
64,155.68 |
51,740.13 |
Total Expenditure |
3,52 5.80 |
3,278.29 |
63,465.41 |
51,356.18 |
Profit before Tax |
899.83 |
764.00 |
690.27 |
383.95 |
Current Tax |
90.04 |
157.90 |
1,067.35 |
861.11 |
Deferred Tax (Credit)/Expenses |
(361.i1) |
35.28 |
(814.24) |
(725.37) |
Profit after Tax |
1,170.90 |
570.82 |
437.16 |
248.21 |
Share in loss of associate |
- |
- |
(39.67) |
(38.60) |
Profit for the period |
1,170.90 |
570.82 |
397.49 |
209.61 |
Other Comprehensive Income / Loss (OCI) |
1.96 |
(2.20) |
4.43 |
1.57 |
Total Comprehensive Income |
1,172.86 |
568.62 |
401.92 |
211.18 |
Balance in the Profit/(Loss) Account in the Balance Sheet |
2,468.79 |
1,364.37 |
(61.48) |
(388.88) |
* Restated on account of acquisition of business (Refer note 5 5 of the standalone
financial statements).
During the year under review, the Standalone income of your Company increased to
Rs.4,425.63 million as compared to Rs.4,042.29 million in the previous year, registering a
growth of 9.48%. The Standalone profit after tax for the year was Rs.1,170.90 million as
compared to Rs.570.82 million in the previous year registering increase of 105.13%.
During the year under review, the Consolidated income of the Group increased to
Rs.64,155.68 million compared to Rs.51,740.13 million in the previous year, registering
growth of 24.00%. The Consolidated profit for the period for the Group was Rs.397.49
million as compared to Rs.209.61 million in the previous year registering increase of
The operating and financial performance of your Company has been covered in the
Management Discussion and Analysis Report which forms part of the Annual Report.
There are no material changes and commitments affecting the financial position of your
Company, which have occurred between the end of the FY 2023-24 and the date of this
report. Further, there has been no change in the nature of business of your Company.
There is no amount proposed to be transferred to the reserves.
Your Board did not recommend any dividend on the equity shares of the Company for
financial year ended March 31, 2024 considering that the Company is in growth stage and
requires funds to support its growth objectives.
In terms of Regulation 43A of the Securities and Exchange Board of India (Listing
Obligations and Disclosure Requirements) Regulations, 2015 ("the Listing
Regulations"), your Company has formulated a Dividend Distribution Policy, with an
objective to provide the dividend distribution framework to the stakeholders of the
Company. The policy sets out various internal and external factors, which shall be
considered by the Board in determining the dividend pay-out. The policy is available on
the website of the Company at: Dividend Distribution Policy
The details of changes in paid-up equity share capital during the year under review,
are as under:
tt |
Paid-up Equity Share Capital |
Rs. in Million |
A |
At the beginning of the year, i.e., as on April 01, 2023 |
2,852.45 |
B |
Allotments made pursuant to exercise of vested stock options under the various
employee stock option schemes of the Company |
3.54 |
C |
At the end of the year, i.e., as on March 31, 2024 (C=A+B) |
2,855.99 |
The audited financial statements of the Company are drawn up, both on Standalone and
Consolidated basis, for the financial year ended March 31, 2024, in accordance with the
requirements of the Companies (Indian Accounting Standards) Rules, 2015 (Ind-AS) notified
under Section 133 of the Companies Act, 2013 ("Act") read with relevant Rules
and other accounting principles. The Consolidated Financial Statement has been prepared
based on the financial statements received from Subsidiaries and Associate company, as
approved by their respective Board of Directors.
The Company strives to create and enhance the value for its shareholder through
synergising and optimising its business operations and thus, in line with your Company's
Value of 'Be Better Everyday', the following strategic initiatives were taken during the
year under review:
Your Board, at its meeting held on February 06, 2024, had approved acquisition of
athleisure and lingerie business of Nykaa Fashion Limited, wholly owned subsidiary of the
Company, as a going concern on a slump sale basis via business transfer agreement and the
same was completed by the Company during the financial year under review.
This transaction will enable the owned brands business to grow through improved focus.
Further, Nykaa Fashion will become a distinct platform which will enable improved partner
Your Board, at its meeting held on February 06, 2024, had approved Scheme of
Arrangement between FSN Distribution Limited and Nykaa E-Retail Limited, Wholly owned
subsidiaries of the Company, and their respective shareholders and creditors.
Nykaa E-Retail Limited primarily has an inventory led business model to sell beauty and
personal care products of own brands as well as third party brands through online channels
i.e., its own online platforms and websites. FSN Distribution Limited has a B2B inventory
led business model to sell beauty and personal care products through its distribution
networks using online as well as offline sales channels. The Scheme comprises of demerger
of online B2B beauty business from FSN Distribution Limited to Nykaa E- Retail Limited.
Post demerger, residual business of offline B2B business i.e. General / Modern Trade
Business will continue in FSN Distribution Limited.
This demerger will facilitate synergy in operations such as effective utilization of
warehouse and office space, synergy in technology cost and overheads. It will further
result into consolidation of beauty online business under one entity; reduction in
compliances, intercompany transactions and improve customer experience.
Your Board, at its meeting held on May 22, 2024, had approved the proposal to acquire
the Western Wear and Accessories business of Nykaa Fashion Limited ("Transferor
Company"), which is a wholly owned subsidiary of the Company, as a going concern on a
slump sale basis, in accordance with the business transfer agreement ("BTA") to
be entered between the Company and the Transferor Company. The expected date of completion
of the acquisition is by September 30, 2024. The total cost of acquisition is
approximately Rs. 1,337 million.
Your Board, at its meeting held on May 22, 2024, had approved transfer of 100% equity
stake held in Iluminar Media Limited ("LBB") to Nykaa Fashion Limited, which is
a wholly owned subsidiary of the Company. The Board of Directors of the Company had given
its in-principle approval for the proposal to amalgamate Iluminar Media Limited
("Transferor Company") with Nykaa Fashion Limited ("Transferee
Company") under sections 230-232 of the Act and the rules and regulations made
thereunder. The Transferor Company and the Transferee Company are wholly owned
subsidiaries of the Company. LBB have also initiated the process for shifting its
registered office from Delhi to Mumbai, Maharashtra.
As on March 31, 2024, the Company has ten direct subsidiaries, four step-down
subsidiaries and one associate company. Following subsidiaries were converted from Private
Company to Public Company during the year under review:
(i) Nykaa E-Retail Private Limited to Nykaa E-Retail Limited;
(ii) Nykaa Fashion Private Limited to Nykaa Fashion Limited;
(iii) FSN International Private Limited to FSN International Limited;
(iv) Iluminar Media Private Limited to Iluminar Media Limited; and
(v) FSN Distribution Private Limited to FSN Distribution Limited.
Nessa International Holdings Limited ('Nessa International'), Step down subsidiary of
the Company based out of UAE had incorporated a wholly-owned subsidiary, Nysaa Beauty LLC
in Dubai, during the year under review.
Pursuant to the provisions of Section 129(3) of the Act read with the Companies
(Accounts) Rules, 2014 and in accordance with applicable accounting standards, a statement
containing the salient features of financial statements of your Company's Subsidiaries and
Associate Company in Form No. AOC-1 is annexed as Annexure — I to this Report.
In accordance with the provisions of Section 136 of the Act and the amendments thereto,
and the Listing Regulations, the Audited Financial Statements, including the Consolidated
Financial Statements and related information of the Company and financial statements of
your Company's Subsidiaries and Joint Ventures have been placed on the website of your
Company viz. https://www.
Your Company has formulated a Policy for determining Material Subsidiaries. The said
policy is available on the website of the Company at: Policy for determining Material
During the year under review, Nykaa E-Retail Limited, FSN Brands Marketing Private
Limited and Nykaa Fashion Limited were material subsidiaries of the Company as per
Regulation 16 of the Listing Regulations, while Nykaa E-Retail Limited and FSN Brands
Marketing Private Limited were material subsidiaries of the Company as per Regulation 24
of the Listing Regulations, which requires appointment of one of the Company's independent
directors on the boards of the material subsidiary company.
Management Discussion and Analysis Report for the year under review, as stipulated
under the Listing Regulations, is presented in a separate section, forming a part of the
Annual Report.
SEBI vide Circular No. SEBI/HO/CFD/CMD/CIR/P/2017/10 dated February 06, 2017, had
recommended voluntary adoption of 'Integrated Reporting' by the top 500 listed companies.
SEBI has also mandated the requirement of submission of Business Responsibility and
Sustainability Report ('BRSR') with effect from the financial year 2022-23 under
Regulation 34(2)(f) of the Listing Regulations.
SEBI vide its Notification dated December 26, 2019 and consequent amendments carried
out to the Listing Regulations has made the Business Responsibility and Sustainability
Report (BRSR) applicable to the top 1,000 listed entities (by market capitalisation) for
reporting on a mandatory basis from FY 2022-23.
An Integrated Report intends to give a holistic picture of an organisation's
performance and prospects to the providers of financial capital and other stakeholders. It
is thus widely regarded as the future of corporate reporting. In line with the global
trends on Environmental, Social, and Governance ("ESG"), your Company continues
with its integrated reporting journey in the current fiscal for comprehensive review of
the financial and non-financial factors enabling better assessment of the Company's
long-term perspective. The Board acknowledges its responsibility for the integrity of the
report and the information contained therein.
The BRSR for the year under review, containing the initiatives taken by your Company
from social and governance perspective, forms an integral part of the Annual Report.
Your Company embeds sound Corporate Governance practices and constantly strives to
adopt emerging best practices. It has always been the Company's endeavour to excel through
better Corporate Governance and fair and transparent practices. A Report on Corporate
Governance forms part of this Report as 'Annexure — II'.
M/s. S. N. Ananthasubramanian & Co., Company Secretaries, the Secretarial Auditor
of the Company vide their certificate dated May 22, 2024, have confirmed that the Company
is and has been compliant with the conditions stipulated in the chapter IV of the Listing
Regulations. The said certificate is annexed as 'Annexure — III' to this
The Annual Return of the Company as on March 31, 2024 in Form MGT - 7 in accordance
with Section 92(3) and Section 134(3) (a) of the Act as amended from time to time and the
Companies (Management and Administration) Rules, 2014, will be made available on the
website of the Company at: https://www.nvkaa. com/annual-report/lp.
Pursuant to the provisions under Section 134(5) of the Act, with respect to Directors'
Responsibility Statement, the Directors of the Company confirm that:
(a) in the preparation of the annual accounts for the year ended March 31, 2024, the
applicable accounting standards had been followed and there are no material departures
from the same;
(b) the Directors had selected such accounting policies and applied them consistently
and made judgements and estimates that are reasonable and prudent so as to give a true and
fair view of the state of affairs of the Company as at March 31, 2024 and of the profits
of the Company for the year ended on that date;
(c) the Directors had taken proper and sufficient care for the maintenance of adequate
accounting records in accordance with the provisions of this Act for safeguarding the
assets of the Company and for preventing and detecting fraud and other irregularities;
(d) the Directors had prepared the annual accounts on a going concern basis;
(e) the Directors had laid down internal financial controls to be followed by the
Company and that such internal financial controls are adequate and were operating
effectively; and
(f) the Directors had devised proper systems to ensure compliance with the provisions
of all applicable laws and that such systems were adequate and operating effectively.
(i) Statutory Auditors
M/s. S. R. Batilboi & Associates LLP, Chartered Accountants (Firm Registration No.
101049W /E300004), were reappointed as Statutory Auditors of the Company at the 9th AGM of
the Company held on September 29, 2021, to hold office till the conclusion of the 14th AGM
to be held for the FY 2025-26.
In terms of Section 139 and 141 of the Act and relevant Rules prescribed thereunder,
M/s. S. R. Batilboi & Associates LLP, Chartered Accountants has confirmed that they
are not disqualified from continuing as Auditors of the Company. The Auditors have also
confirmed that they have subjected themselves to the peer review process of Institute of
Chartered Accountants of India (ICAI) and hold a valid certificate issued by the Peer
Review Board of the ICAI.
The Auditors have issued an unmodified opinion on the Financial Statements for the
financial year 2023-24 and the Auditor's Report forms part of this Annual Report. The
Auditor's Report does not contain any qualification, reservation or adverse remark.
(ii) Secretarial Auditor
In terms of the provisions of Section 204 of the Act read with Rule 9 of Companies
(Appointment and Remuneration of Managerial Personnel) Rules, 2014 and Regulation 24A of
the Listing Regulations, your Company has appointed M/s. S. N. Ananthasubramanian &
Co., Company Secretaries, as Secretarial Auditor to conduct Secretarial Audit of the
Company for FY 2023-24. The Secretarial Audit Report of the Company does not contain any
qualification, reservation, adverse remark or disclaimer.
Further, in compliance of Regulation 24A of the Listing Regulations, Company's unlisted
material subsidiaries also undergo Secretarial Audit and the Secretarial Audit Reports of
the Company and its unlisted material subsidiaries thereto in the prescribed Form No. MR-3
is attached as Annexure - IV, IV(A), IV(B) and IV(C) forming part of this Report. The same
are also available on the website of the Company.
A. Board of Directors ("Board")
(i) Number of meetings
The Board met 5 (Five) times during the year under review. The details of such meetings
are disclosed in the Corporate Governance Report forming part of this Annual Report.
The maximum interval between any two meetings did not exceed 120 days, as prescribed by
the Act.
(ii) Directors retiring by rotation
In accordance with the provisions of the Act and the Articles of Association of the
Company, Mr. Sanjay Nayar, Non Executive (Non-Independent) Director and Mr. Anchit Nayar,
Executive Director, are due to retire by rotation at the ensuing Annual General Meeting
and being eligible, have offered themselves for re-appointment. The Board of Directors on
the recommendation of the Nomination and Remuneration Committee ("NRC") has
recommended their re-appointment.
Resolution seeking their re-appointment along-with their profile as required under
Regulation 36(3) of the Listing Regulations forms part of the Notice of Twelfth Annual
General Meeting.
(iii) Board evaluation
The Nomination and Remuneration Committee and the Board of Directors reviewed the Board
evaluation framework and process for the financial year 2023-2024 to further strengthen
the criteria, parameters and sharpness of rating/feedback for Board, its Committees &
individual Board Members.
Pursuant to applicable provisions of the Act and the Listing Regulations, the Board, in
consultation with its Nomination and Remuneration Committee, has formulated a framework
containing, inter-alia, the criteria for performance evaluation of the entire Board of the
Company, its Committees and Individual Directors, including Independent Directors. The
framework is monitored, reviewed and updated by the Board, in consultation with the
Nomination and Remuneration Committee, in accordance with the new compliance requirements.
The annual performance evaluation of the Board, its Committees and each Director has
been carried out for the financial year 2023-24 in accordance with the framework. The
details of evaluation process of the Board, its Committees and Individual Directors,
including Independent Directors have been provided under the Corporate Governance Report
which forms part of this Report.
The Policy on Board of Directors' Evaluation Framework can be accessed at: Policy on
Board of Directors' Evaluation Framework
(iv) Declaration of independence
The Company has received necessary declaration from each Independent Director of the
Company stating that:
(i) they meet the criteria of independence as provided in Section 149(6) of the Act and
Regulation 16(1)(b) of the Listing Regulations; and
(ii) they have registered their names in the Independent Directors' Databank maintained
by the Indian Institute of Corporate Affairs as required vide Rule 6 (1) & (2) of the
Companies (Appointment and Qualifications of Directors) Rules, 2014.
Based on the declarations received from the Directors, the Board confirms that the
Independent Directors fulfil the conditions as specified under Schedule V of the Listing
Regulations and are independent of the management.
(v) Familiarisation programme for Independent Directors
Disclosure pertaining to familiarisation programme for Independent Directors is
provided in the Corporate Governance Report forming part of this Annual Report.
B. Committees of the Board
The Board has constituted five committees which are mandated by the Act and the Listing
Regulations, viz.
(i) Audit Committee,
(ii) Nomination and Remuneration Committee,
(iii) Stakeholders' Relationship Committee,
(iv) Risk Management Committee and
(v) Corporate Social Responsibility & Environmental, Social, and Governance
In addition to the said committees, the Board has also constituted Fundraise and
Investment Committee.
Details of all the committees, along with their charters, composition and meetings held
during the year, are provided in the Corporate Governance Report forming part of this
Annual Report.
C. Directors and Key Managerial Personnel
During the year, following were the changes in Director/ Key Managerial Personnel:
1. Mr. Neelabja Chakrabarty has been appointed as the Company Secretary &
Compliance Officer with effect from February 08, 2024, in place of Mr. Sujeet Jain. Mr.
Sujeet Jain continues to be the Chief Legal and Regulatory Officer of the Company.
After the year end and upto the date of the Report, following are the changes in
Director/ Key Managerial Personnel:
1. The Board of Directors at its meeting held on May 22, 2024, on the recommendation of
Nomination and Remuneration Committee, has approved the re-appointment of Mr. Pradeep
Parameswaran as an Independent Director for a term of 3 (three) years to be effective from
July 15, 2024, subject to approval of the shareholders.
2. The Board of Directors at its meeting held on May 22, 2024, on the recommendation of
Nomination and Remuneration Committee, has approved the re-appointment of Mr. Seshashayee
Sridhara as an Independent Director for a term of 3 (three) years to be effective from
July 26, 2024, subject to approval of the shareholders.
3. The Board of Directors at its meeting held on May 22, 2024, on the recommendation of
Nomination and Remuneration Committee, has approved the appointment of Mr. Santosh Desai
as an Independent Director for a term of 3 (three) years to be effective from July 15,
2024, subject to approval of the shareholders.
4. Ms. Alpana Parida shall complete her term as an Independent Director of the Company
on July 14, 2024 and hence shall cease to be a Director of the Company effective end of
the day, July 14, 2024.
In accordance with the provisions of Sections 2(51) and 203 of the Act read with the
Companies (Appointment and Remuneration of Managerial Personnel) Rules, 2014 the following
are the Key Managerial Personnel of the Company:
(a) Ms. Falguni Nayar - Executive Chairperson, Managing Director and Chief Executive
(b) Mr. P. Ganesh - Chief Financial Officer
(c) Mr. Sujeet Jain - Chief Legal and Regulatory Officer, Company Secretary &
Compliance Officer (till February 07, 2024)*
(d) Mr. Neelabja Chakrabarty - Company Secretary & Compliance Officer (appointed
w.e.f. February 08, 2024)
* Mr. Sujeet Jain ceased to be the Company Secretary & Compliance Officer of the
Company, with effect from close of business hours on February 07, 2024. Mr. Sujeet Jain
continues to be the Chief Legal and Regulatory Officer of the Company.
D. Remuneration of Directors and Employees
Disclosure comprising particulars with respect to the remuneration of Directors and
employees and other details, as required to be disclosed in terms of the provisions of
Section 197(12) of the Act and Rule 5(1) of the Companies (Appointment and Remuneration of
Managerial Personnel) Rules, 2014, is annexed as "Annexure - V" to this Report.
In terms of the provisions of Section 197(12) of the Act read with Rules 5(2) and 5(3)
of the Companies (Appointment and Remuneration of Managerial Personnel) Rules, 2014,
statement showing the names of the top ten employees in terms of remuneration drawn and
names and other particulars of the employees drawing remuneration in excess of the limits
set out in the said rules forms part of this Report.
Further, in terms of the second proviso to Section 136(1) of the Act, the Annual Report
excluding the aforesaid information is being sent to the members of the Company. Any
member interested in obtaining such information may write to the Company Secretary or
e-mail at nvkaacompanvsecretarv@
Your Company has adopted 'Remuneration Policy for Directors, Key Managerial Personnel
and other Employees' which sets out criteria for the remuneration for Directors, Key
Managerial Personnels ('KMPs') and Employees which can be accessed at: Remuneration Policy
for Directors, KMPs and other Employees.
E. Vigil Mechanism/Whistle-Blower
Your Company believes in conduct of the affairs of its business in a fair and
transparent manner by adopting highest standards of honesty, integrity, professionalism,
and ethical behavior.
Your Company has established a Vigil Mechanism/Whistle- Blower Policy
("Policy") in accordance with the provisions of the Act and the Listing
Regulations with a view to provide a platform and mechanism for Employees, Directors and
other stakeholders of the Company to report actual or suspected unethical behaviour, fraud
or violation of the Company's Code of Conduct, ethics, principles and matters specified in
the Policy without any fear of retaliation, and also provide for direct access to the
Chairperson of the Audit Committee as the case may be, in exceptional cases.
Employees and other stakeholders are encouraged to report actual or suspected concerns
or violations of applicable laws and regulations and the Code of Conduct. Such genuine
concerns or violations are called 'Protected Disclosures' which can be raised by a
Whistle-blower to "Speak-up Helpline" (an external independent agency appointed
by the Company to receive and attend to the Protected Disclosures through toll-free
number/e-mail/web portal), established in terms of the Policy.
The Company affirms that in compliance with the WhistleBlower Policy/Vigil Mechanism,
no personnel had been denied access to the Audit Committee. The Policy is available on the
Company's website and can be accessed at: Whistle-Blower Policy/Vigil Mechanism.
F. Corporate Social Responsibility ('CSR')
A brief outline of the CSR Philosophy, salient features of the CSR Policy of the
Company, the CSR initiatives undertaken during the financial year 2023-24 together with
progress thereon and the report on CSR activities in the prescribed format, as required
under Section 134(3)(o) read with Section 135 of the Act and the Companies (Corporate
Social Responsibility Policy) Rules, 2014, are set out in Annexure - VI to this Report and
the CSR Policy can be accessed using the link CSR Policy.
G. Employee Stock Option Scheme and Share Based Employee Benefits
Your Company grants employee stock options that would enable the employees to share the
value they create for the Company in the years to come. Accordingly, pursuant to the
approval of Board and shareholders of the Company and in terms of the provisions of
applicable laws, your Company has instituted Employees Stock Options Scheme - 2012
("ESOS 2012"), FSN Employees Stock Scheme - 2017 ("ESOS 2017"), FSN
E-Commerce Ventures Limited - Employee Stock Option Plan 2022" ("ESOP
2022") and FSN E-Commerce Ventures Limited - Employee Stock Unit Plan 2022
("Stock Unit Plan 2022") for grant of stock options to eligible employees.
The Nomination and Remuneration Committee of the Board of Directors of the Company,
inter-alia, administers and monitors the ESOS & RSU Schemes, in accordance with the
Securities and Exchange Board of India (Share Based Employee Benefits and Sweat Equity)
Regulations, 2021 ("SEBI SBEB Regulations"). During the year under review, there
is no material change in the ESOS & RSU Schemes, and they are in compliance with the
provisions of SEBI SBEB Regulations and other applicable provisions of law.
The applicable disclosures as stipulated under Regulation 14 of SEBI SBEB Regulations
with regard to the ESOP & RSU Schemes of the Company are available on the website of
the Company and weblink for the same is https://www.nvkaa. com/annual-report/lp.
A certificate from M/s. S.N. Ananthasubramanian & Co., Company Secretaries, the
Secretarial Auditor of the Company, confirming that the aforesaid ESOP & RSU Schemes
have been implemented in accordance with the SEBI SBEB Regulations, will be open for
inspection at the ensuing Twelfth Annual General Meeting.
H. Investor Education and Protection Fund ('IEPF')
The Company, till date, is not required to transfer any amount to the IEPF Account in
terms of the provisions of the Companies Act, 2013 and the rules thereunder.
I. Related Party Transactions
All transactions with related parties were reviewed and approved by the Audit Committee
and are in accordance with the Policy on Materiality of Related Party Transactions and on
dealing with Related Party Transactions and the Related Party Framework, formulated and
adopted by the Company. An omnibus approval from the Audit Committee is obtained for the
related party transactions which are unforeseen in nature.
All contracts/arrangements/transactions entered into by the Company during the year
under review with Related Parties were in the ordinary course of business and on arm's
length. During the year under review, the Company had not entered into any contract/
arrangement/ transaction with related parties which could be considered material in
accordance with the policy of the Company on materiality of related party transactions or
which is required to be reported in Form No. AOC-2 in terms of Section 134(3) (h) read
with Section 188 of the Act and Rule 8(2) of the Companies (Accounts) Rules, 2014.
Accordingly, there are no transactions that are required to be reported in Form AOC-2.
The Company's Policy on Materiality of Related Party Transactions and on dealing with
Related Party Transactions is available on the website of the Company at: Related Party
Transactions Policy.
The details of the related party transactions as per Indian Accounting Standards (IND
AS) - 24 are set out in the Standalone Financial Statement of the Company. The Company, in
terms of Regulation 23 of the Listing Regulations, submits within the stipulated time from
the date of publication of its standalone and consolidated financial results for the half
year, disclosures of related party transactions, in the specified format to the stock
exchanges. The said disclosures can be accessed on the website of the Company at: annual-filings-2024/lp.
J. Conservation of Energy, Technology
Absorption, Foreign Exchange Earnings and Outgo
Considering the nature of business of your Company, the particulars with respect to
conservation of energy and technology absorption required as per Section 134(3)(m) of the
Act read with Rule 8(3) of the Companies (Accounts) Rules, 2014, are not applicable to the
The foreign exchange earnings and outgo are as below:
Particulars |
2023-24 |
2022-23 |
Earnings in Foreign Exchange |
Nil |
Nil |
Expenditure in Foreign Exchange |
C80.50 million |
C139.63 million |
K. Risk Management
Your Company has a risk management framework that supports decision making across
various levels, across the enterprise while being designed to proactively identify, assess
and mitigate risks.
Furthermore, the Enterprise Risk Management ('ERM') Governance Structure of your
Company identifies the key internal stakeholders responsible for creating, implementing
and sustaining ERM in the organisation.
The Board of Directors of the Company has formed a Risk Management Committee to frame,
implement, and monitor the risk management plan for the Company. The Committee is
responsible for reviewing the risk management plan and ensuring its effectiveness. The
Committee considers the risks that impact the mid-term to the long-term objectives of the
business, including those reputational in nature.
The Company endeavours to continually strengthen its Risk Management systems and
processes in line with a rapidly changing business environment. There are no risks which
in the opinion of the Board threaten the existence of the Company. Details of various
risks faced by your Company are provided in the Management Discussion & Analysis
Your Company has framed and implemented a Risk Management Policy in terms of the
provisions of Regulation 21 of the Listing Regulations, for the assessment and
minimisation of risk, including identification therein of elements of risk, if any, which
may threaten the existence of the Company. The policy can be accessed at Risk Management
L. Internal Financial Control
According to Section 134(5)(e) of the Act the term Internal Financial Control (IFC)
means the policies and procedures adopted by the Company for ensuring the orderly and
efficient conduct of its business, including adherence to company's policies, the
safeguarding of its assets, the prevention and detection of frauds and errors, the
accuracy and completeness of the accounting records, and the timely preparation of
reliable financial information. The Act also mandate the need for an effective Internal
Financial Control system in the Company which should be adequate and shall operate
effectively. Rule 8(5)(viii) of Companies (Accounts) Rules, 2014 requires the information
regarding adequacy of Internal Financial Controls with reference to the financial
statements to be disclosed in the Board's Report.
The Company has adequate Internal Financial Control System over financial reporting
ensuring that all transactions are authorised, recorded, and reported correctly in a
timely manner to provide reliable financial information and to comply with applicable
accounting standards which commensurate with the size and volume of business of the
The key internal financial controls have been documented, automated wherever possible
and embedded in the respective business processes. Assurance to the Board on the
effectiveness of internal financial controls is obtained through 3 Lines of Defence which
(a) Management reviews and self-assessment;
(b) Continuous controls monitoring by functional experts; and
(c) Independent design and operational testing by the external professional firm.
The Company believes that these systems provide reasonable assurance that the Company's
internal financial controls are adequate and are operating effectively, as intended.
During the year under review, such controls were tested by the Statutory Auditors of the
Company and no material weaknesses or significant deficiencies in the design or operations
were observed and reported by the Statutory Auditors. Details of the internal controls
system are provided in the Management Discussion & Analysis Report.
M. Policy on Directors' Appointment and Remuneration
In terms of Section 178 of the Act and Regulation 19 of the Listing Regulations, the
Board of your Company, on recommendation of the Nomination and Remuneration Committee
("NRC"), had adopted a "Remuneration Policy for Directors, Key Managerial
Personal ('KMP') and other employees" ('Remuneration Policy') and "Policy on
Board Diversity".
The Company's Remuneration Policy is directed towards designing remuneration so as to
attract, retain, and reward talent who will contribute to long-term success of the Company
and build value for its shareholders. Objective of Board Diversity Policy is to ensure
that the Board is fully diversified and comprises of an ideal combination of Executive and
Non-Executive Directors, including Independent Directors, with diverse backgrounds.
The salient features of the policies are outlined in the Corporate Governance Report
and the policies are made available on the Company's website, which can be accessed using
the link
N. Particulars of Loans, Guarantees and Investments
Particulars of loans given, investments made, guarantees given and securities provided
along with the purpose for which the loan or guarantee or security provided is proposed to
be utilised by the recipient are provided in the Standalone Financial Statement.
O. Disclosure under the Sexual Harassment of Women at Workplace (Prevention,
Prohibition and Redressal) Act, 2013
In compliance with the requirement of the Sexual Harassment of Women at Workplace
(Prevention, Prohibition & Redressal) Act, 2013 and rules made thereunder, your
Company has adopted a Prevention of Sexual Harassment Policy for the prevention of sexual
harassment and constituted Internal Complaints Committee to deal with complaints relating
to sexual harassment at workplace. For details, kindly refer to relevant disclosures in
the Corporate Governance Report which forms part of the Annual Report 2023-24.
P. Environment & Safety
Your Company is conscious of the importance of environmentally clean and safe
operations and has framed and adopted Health, Safety and Environment (HSE) Policy which
can be accessed at Health, Safety and Environment Policy. The Company's policy requires
conduct of operations in such a manner, so as to ensure safety of all concerned,
compliances of environmental regulations and preservation of natural resources.
Your Company is committed to the highest standards of health, safety and environment
practices within the organisation and the extended areas within its influence, with an aim
to provide safe and healthy working environment to the employees, customers, business
partners, suppliers and visitors.
During the year under review, the Company continued its waste management efforts
through various environment friendly measures i.e. use of eco-friendly packaging material,
recycling of plastic waste and redesigning packaging to reduce plastic waste. Scrap
disposal is in line with industry benchmarks.
Your directors state that no disclosure or reporting is required in respect of the
following items as there were no transactions/ events on these items during the year under
• There was no change in the nature of business of your Company as stipulated
under sub-rule 5(ii) of Rule 8 of Companies (Accounts) Rules, 2014.
• Details relating to deposits covered under Chapter V of the Act since your
Company has not accepted any deposits from the public falling under Section 73 of the Act
read with the Companies (Acceptance of Deposits) Rules, 2014.
• No significant or material orders were passed by the Regulators or Courts or
Tribunals, which impact the going concern status and Company's operations in future.
• Issue of shares (including sweat equity shares) to employees of the Company
under any scheme save and except Employees' Stock Options Schemes referred to in this
• No fraud has been reported by the Auditors to the Audit Committee or the Board.
• There is no application made or proceeding pending under the Insolvency and
Bankruptcy Code, 2016 during the FY 2023-24.
• The Company has not made any one-time settlement for the loans taken from the
Banks or Financial Institutions, therefore, the same is not applicable.
• Your Company has not issued Equity shares with differential rights as to
dividend, voting or otherwise; and
• Your Company has not raised funds through preferential allotment or qualified
institutions placement as per Regulation 32(7A) of the Listing Regulations.
During the year under review, your Company has complied with the Secretarial Standards
1 and 2 on meetings of the Board of Directors and on General Meetings, respectively,
issued by the Institute of Company Secretaries of India and notified by the Ministry of
Corporate Affairs, in terms of Section 118(10) of the Act.
Your Company is not engaged in the business of production of goods or providing of
services as specified in Rule 3 of the Companies (Cost Records and Audit) Rules, 2014
("Rules"). Accordingly, the requirement of maintaining cost records in
accordance with Section 148(1) of the Act read with the Rules is not applicable to the
Company for the period under review.
The Board wishes to place on record its appreciation for the assistance, co-operation
and encouragement extended to the Company by the Company's customers, business partners,
brands, bankers and other stakeholders.
The Directors take this opportunity to place on record their warm appreciation for the
valuable contribution, untiring efforts and spirit of dedication demonstrated by the
employees and officers at all levels, in ensuring an excellent all-around operational
performance. We applaud them for their superior levels of competence, solidarity, and
commitment to the Company. The Directors would also like to thank the shareholders for
their wholehearted support and contribution. We look forward to their continued support in
For and on behalf of the Board of Directors |
Falguni Nayar |
Executive Chairperson, Managing Director & CEO |
DIN: 00003633 |
Place: Mumbai |
Date: May 22, 2024 |