'Net sales (including other operating income)
of Oil & Natural Gas Corpn has increased 7.26% to Rs 158329.1 crore. Sales of Offshore segment has gone down 1.98%
to Rs 23,004.17 crore (accounting for 13.00% of total sales). Sales of Onshore segment has gone down 7.18%
to Rs 10,803.13 crore (accounting for 6.11% of total sales). Sales of Refining & Marketing segment
rose 9.20% to Rs 137,127.09 crore (accounting for 77.50% of total sales). Sales of Outside India segment has gone down
11.93% to Rs 2,350.09 crore (accounting for 1.33% of total sales). Inter-segment sales rose Rs 16,508.41 crore
to Rs 18,654.86 crore.
Profit before interest, tax and other
unallocable items (PBIT) has slumped 40.14% to Rs 13,314.44 crore.
PBIT of Offshore segment rose 3.45% to Rs
10,738.07 crore (accounting for 80....
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