'Consolidated net sales
(including other operating income) of Petronet LNG has declined 0.58% to Rs
13793.16 crore. Operating profit margin
has jumped from 6.79% to 8%, leading to 17.08% rise in operating profit to Rs
1,103.56 crore. Raw material cost as a %
of total sales (net of stock adjustments) decreased from 91.09% to 90.18%. Employee cost increased from 0.25% to
0.34%. Other expenses fell from 1.87%
to 1.48%.
Other income rose 17% to Rs
153.64 crore.
PBIDT rose 17.07% to Rs
1257.2 crore. Provision for interest
fell 21.57% to Rs 70.75 crore. Loan
funds declined from Rs 3,345.02 crore as of 31 March 2023 to Rs 3,008.10 crore
as of 31 March 2024. Inventories rose to
Rs 1,465.44 crore as of 31 March 2024 from Rs 1,153.07 crore as of 31 Ma...
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