'EPL consolidated net
sales increased 3.20% to Rs 975.1 crore in Q3FY24 compared to Q3FY23. Sales of
AMESA segment has gone down 1% to Rs 350 crore (accounting for 33% of total
sales). Sales of EAP segment has increased
12% to Rs 252.4 crore (accounting for 24% of total sales). Sales of AMERICAS segment rose 12% to Rs
252.8 crore (accounting for 24% of total sales). Sales of EUROPE segment has gone up 9% to Rs
207.6 crore (accounting for 20% of total sales). Inter-segment sales rose from Rs 50.6 crore
to Rs 87.7 crore.
Profit before
interest, tax and other unallocable items (PBIT) has jumped 19% to Rs 100.2
PBIT of AMESA segment fell 3% to
Rs 39.2 crore (accounting for 39% of total PBIT). PBIT of EAP segment rose 13% to Rs 41.2 crore
(accounting for 41% of total PBIT). ...
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