'Standalone net sales (including other operating income) of Bharat Bijlee has increased 36.69% to Rs 587.47 crore. Operating profit margin has jumped from 9.01% to 10.51%, leading to 59.44% rise in operating profit to Rs 61.75 crore. Raw material cost as a % of total sales (net of stock adjustments) decreased from 72.63% to 67.34%. Purchase of finished goods cost rose from 1.20% to 1.65%. Employee cost increased from 9.26% to 9.88%. Other expenses rose from 8.04% to 8.90%.
Other income up 44.55% to Rs 12.07 crore. PBIDT rose 56.80% to Rs 73.82 crore. Provision for interest fell 29.86% to Rs 4.84 crore. PBDT rose 71.68% to Rs 68.98 crore. Provision for depreciation rose 49.70% to Rs 4.97 crore. Profit before tax grew 73.66% to Rs 64.01 crore. Provision for tax was expense of Rs 15.48 crore, compared to Rs 10 crore. Effective tax rate was 24.18% com...
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