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companylogoIFGL Refractories Ltd

You are Here : Home > Markets > CompanyInformation > Board Meeting
BSE Code : 540774 | NSE Symbol : IFGLEXPOR | ISIN : INE133Y01011 | Industry : Refractories / Intermediates |

Board Meeting
Announcement Date Date Of Meeting Purpose Detail
27-Feb-2025 27-Feb-2025 Change in Directors Kindly be informed that the Board of Directors of the Company at its meeting convened and held, at a short notice, today i.e. 27th February, 2025, following recommendation of Nomination and Remuneration Committee, has a)accepted resignation of Managing Director of the Company, Mr. James Leacock McIntosh (DIN : 09287829) effective end August, 2025, in terms of Clause 10(e) of Agreement entered by the Company with him. b)announced as succession planning measure that Mr Mihir Prakash Bajoria (DIN : 09346426), presently Chairman of Company's UK Subsidiary, Monocon International Refractories Limited, will assume the position of Managing Director of the Company pending finalization of terms and conditions including remuneration and subject to necessary approvals w.e.f 1st September, 2025.
20-Jan-2025 08-Feb-2025 Quarterly Results Quarterly Results IFGL Refractories Ltdhas informed BSE that the meeting of the Board of Directors of the Company is scheduled on 08/02/2025 ,inter alia, to consider and approve unaudited financial results, both on standalone and consolidated basis, for quarter/nine months ended on 31st December, 2024. (As Per BSE Announcement dated on 20.01.2025) The Board of Directors of the Company in their meeting held to-day have approved and taken on record unaudited financial results, both on standalone and consolidated basis, for quarter and nine months ended on 31st December, 2024. Said unaudited financial results have been subjected to 'Limited Review' by the Company's Statutory Auditors, M/s S R Batliboi & Co. LLP and also reviewed by Company's Audit Committee in their meeting held earlier today. The Board of Directors of the Company in their meeting held to-day have approved and taken on record unaudited financial results, both on standalone and consolidated basis, for quarter and nine months ended on 31st December, 2024. Said unaudited financial results have been subjected to 'Limited Review' by the Company's Statutory Auditors, M/s S R Batliboi & Co. LLP and also reviewed by Company's Audit Committee in their meeting held earlier today. Please be informed that following recommendation of the Audit Committee of the Company, the Board of Directors of the Company (hereon Board) at their meeting held on Saturday, 8th February, 2025 have unanimously resolved to further strengthen Internal Audit function within Indian Operations of the Company under leadership of its Director - General Counsel [Presently, Director- General Counsel of the Company is Mr Rajesh Agarwal (DIN: 09786410)] or any other person as may be thought fit, proper and desirable. This change will be effective from 1st April, 2025. As a first step, the Board approved Internal Audit Charter recommended by the Audit Committee. Pursuant to aforesaid change, Internal Auditors for Financial Year 2024-25, M/s Rupa & Co., Chartered Accountants (Firm Registration No. 323292E) will constitute part of overall new inhouse Internal Audit function of the Company. (As Per BSE Announcement Dated on 08/02/2025)
01-Nov-2024 09-Nov-2024 Quarterly Results IFGL Refractories Ltdhas informed BSE that the meeting of the Board of Directors of the Company is scheduled on 09/11/2024 inter alia to consider and approve unaudited financial results both on standalone and consolidated basis for quarter/six months ended on 30th September 2024 The Board of Directors of the Company in their meeting held to-day have approved and taken on record unaudited financial results, both on stand alone and consolidated basis, for quarter and six months ended on 30th September, 2024. Notice is hereby given that following recommendation of Nomination and Remuneration Committee and Audit Committee of the Company, in their meeting held to-day, 9th November, 2024, the Board of Directors of the Company in their meeting also held to-day have appointed Mr Amit Agarwal, hitherto designated as Vice President Finance and Accounts as 'Chief Financial Officer' and hence, that will be his designation henceforth. In continuation to disclosures made on 11th July, 2023 and 27th September, 2024, please be informed that the Board of Directors of the Company in their meeting held to-day to-day, 9th November, 2024, have decided to set up facility for manufacturing of DBM Bricks instead of Continuous Casting Refractories, at recently allotted plot of land measuring an area of Ac. 16.40 in Village: Goudaput under Khordha Tahasil in the District of Khurdha, Odisha by IDCO. (As Per BSE Announcement dated on 09.11.2024)
10-Oct-2024 10-Oct-2024 Joint Venture Please be informed that in the meeting of the Board of Directors of the Company held to-day i.e 10th October 2024, it was resolved that the Company do enter a Joint Venture Agreement in agreed form with Marvels International Group Co Ltd of Seychelles and Marvel Refractories (Anshan) Company Limited of P R China to set up a Joint Venture Company in India with limited liability for setting up green field facility at capital outlay of about Rs 300 crores for manufacture in India. Further to our disclosure dated 10th October, 2024 w.r.t outcome of Board Meeting held on 10th October, 2024, please be informed that today, i.e 14th October, 2024, the Company has entered into a Joint Venture Agreement with Marvels International Group Co Ltd of Seychelles and Marvel Refractories (Anshan) Company Limited of P R China to set up a Joint Venture Company in India with limited liability. (As Per BSE Announcement dated on 14.10.2024)
26-Jul-2024 10-Aug-2024 Quarterly Results IFGL Refractories Ltdhas informed BSE that the meeting of the Board of Directors of the Company is scheduled on 10/08/2024 inter alia to consider and approve unaudited financial results both on standalone and consolidated basis for quarter ended on 30th June 2024. The Board of Directors of the Company in their meeting held to-day have approved and taken on record unaudited financial results, both on stand alone and consolidated basis, for quarter ended on 30th June, 2024. Said unaudited financial results have been subjected to 'Limited Review' by the Company's Statutory Auditors, M/s S R Batliboi & Co. LLP and also reviewed by Company's Audit Committee in their meeting held earlier today. The Board Meeting commenced at 3.30 PM and concluded at 6.00 PM (As Per BSE Announcement Dated on: 10/08/2024)
25-Apr-2024 18-May-2024 Accounts IFGL Refractories Ltdhas informed BSE that the meeting of the Board of Directors of the Company is scheduled on 18/05/2024 ,inter alia, to consider and approve Kindly be informed that a meeting of the Board of Directors of the Company will be held on Saturday, 18th May, 2024 to inter alia consider and approve audited financial results, both on standalone and consolidated basis, for year ended on 31st March, 2024 and recommend payment of Dividend, if any, for said year. This advance Notice is being sent to you in compliance of Regulation 29 of the SEBI (Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requirements) Regulations, 2015 and is also being hosted on our Company's Website: www.ifglgroup.com at the link https://ifglgroup.com/investor/announcement As per letter dated 18.05.2024 attached . The Board of Directors resolved to recommend payment of Final Dividend of 70% (Rs 7 per Equity Share of Rs 10 each face value) for FY 2023-24, subject to necessary approvals/permissions including shareholders of the Company at their ensuing Annual General Meeting. Based on recommendation of Nomination and Remuneration Committee of the Company and subject to approval of shareholders at ensuing AGM and such other approvals and/or permissions as may be necessary including that of the Central Government, the Board of Directors unanimously resolved to Re-appoint Mr James Leacock McIntosh (DIN : 09287829) as Managing Director of the Company for a period of 3 (three) years on and from 1st September 2024 to 31st August 2027 both days inclusive. (As Per BSE Announcement Dated on 18/05/2024)
13-Mar-2024 13-Mar-2024 Change in Directors All concerned are informed that following recommendation of the Nomination and Remuneration Committee of the Company, the Board of Directors of the Company in their meeting held to-day, 13th March, 2024 have appointed Mr Arasu Shanmugam (DIN: 02316638) as an Additional Director of the Company with immediate effect i.e from 13th March, 2024. Mr Arasu has also been appointed as Whole-time Director (hereon 'WTD') of the Company for a period of 3 (three) years from 13th March, 2024 on terms and conditions including remuneration agreed upon and has been designated as Director and Chief Executive Officer (India) of the Company. His appointment as WTD is liable to retire by rotation and subject to approval of shareholders, in accordance with applicable provisions of the Companies Act, 2013, Rules and Regulations framed thereunder and SEBI LODR Regulations 2015
15-Jan-2024 03-Feb-2024 Quarterly Results IFGL Refractories Ltdhas informed BSE that the meeting of the Board of Directors of the Company is scheduled on 03/02/2024 inter alia to consider and approve unaudited financial results both on stand-alone and consolidated basis for quarter/nine months ended on 31st December 2023. The Board of Directors of the Company in their meeting held to-day have approved and taken on record unaudited financial results, both on stand alone and consolidated basis, for quarter and nine months ended on 31st December, 2023. Said unaudited financial results have been subjected to 'Limited Review' by the Company's Statutory Auditors, M/s S R Batliboi & Co. LLP and also reviewed by Company's Audit Committee in their meeting held earlier today. The Board Meeting commenced at 6:30 PM and concluded at 8:25 PM. In accordance with Regulation 33 of the SEBI (Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requirements) Regulations, 2015 (LODR), Text of the following along with copy each of Report dated 3rd February, 2024 of said Statutory Auditors are enclosed herewith for your perusal, necessary action and record. The Board of Directors of the Company in their meeting held to-day have approved and taken on record unaudited financial results, both on stand alone and consolidated basis, for quarter and nine months ended on 31st December, 2023. Said unaudited financial results have been subjected to 'Limited Review' by the Company's Statutory Auditors, M/s S R Batliboi & Co. LLP and also reviewed by Company's Audit Committee in their meeting held earlier today. The Board Meeting commenced at 6:30 PM and concluded at 8:25 PM. In accordance with Regulation 33 of the SEBI (Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requirements) Regulations, 2015 (LODR), Text of the following along with copy each of Report dated 3rd February, 2024 of said Statutory Auditors are enclosed herewith for your perusal, necessary action and record. (As per BSE Announcement Dated on 03/02/2024)
25-Oct-2023 04-Nov-2023 Quarterly Results IFGL Refractories Ltdhas informed BSE that the meeting of the Board of Directors of the Company is scheduled on 04/11/2023 inter alia to consider and approve consider and approve unaudited financial results both on stand alone and consolidated basis for quarter/six months ended on 30th September 2023 Unaudited financial results have been subjected to 'Limited Review' by the Company's Statutory Auditors, M/s S R Batliboi & Co. LLP and also reviewed by Company's Audit Committee in their meeting held earlier today. The Board Meeting commenced at 3.30 PM and concluded at 5:30 PM In accordance with Regulation 33 of the SEBI (Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requirements) Regulations, 2015 (LODR), Text of the following along with copy each of Report dated 4th November, 2023 of said Statutory Auditors are enclosed herewith for your perusal, necessary action and record. a) Unaudited stand alone financial results for quarter and six months ended on 30th September, 2023 b) Unaudited consolidated financial results for quarter and six months ended on 30th September, 2023 c) Extract of Unaudited consolidated financial results for quarter and six months ended on 30th September, 2023 being published in newspapers following Regulation 47(1)(b) of LODR (As per BSE Announcement Dated on 04/11/2023)
11-Sep-2023 11-Sep-2023 Others Following to our Disclosure dated 19th August, 2023 under Regulation 30 of the SEBI (Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requirements) Regulations, 2015 (hereon 'SEBI LODR 2015') regarding receipt of an application dated 18th August, 2023 from Company's Foreign Promoter, M/s Krosaki Harima Corporation (KHC) of 1-1, Higashihama-machi, Yahatanishi-ku, Kitakyushu, 806-8586, Japan, for reclassification/de-classification of its status from 'Promoter and Promoter Group' in terms of Regulation 31A of SEBI LODR 2015, please be informed that the Board of Directors in their meeting held today, 11th September, 2023, considered, discussed and expressed views on said application of KHC. In this regard, an extract of minutes of said meeting of the Board of Directors of the Company is enclosed herewith and marked as Annexure - A for information of all concerned. This announcement is also being hosted on Company's Website: https://ifglgroup.com
12-Jul-2023 05-Aug-2023 Quarterly Results IFGL Refractories Ltdhas informed BSE that the meeting of the Board of Directors of the Company is scheduled on 05/08/2023 inter alia to consider and approve unaudited financial results both on stand alone and consolidated basis for quarter ended on 30th June 2023. IFGL REFRACTORIES LIMITED has informed BSE about Board Meeting to be held on 05 Aug 2023 to consider financial statements for the period ended June 2023. Financial results. The Board of Directors of the Company in their meeting held to-day have approved and taken on record unaudited financial results, both on stand alone and consolidated basis, for quarter ended on 30th June, 2023. Said unaudited financial results have been subjected to 'Limited Review' by the Company's Statutory Auditors, M/s S R Batliboi & Co. LLP and also reviewed by Company's Audit Committee in their meeting held earlier today. The Board Meeting commenced at 12 Noon and concluded at 2:40 PM The Board of Directors of the Company in their meeting held to-day have approved and taken on record unaudited financial results, both on stand alone and consolidated basis, for quarter ended on 30th June, 2023. Said unaudited financial results have been subjected to 'Limited Review' by the Company's Statutory Auditors, M/s S R Batliboi & Co. LLP and also reviewed by Company's Audit Committee in their meeting held earlier today. The Board Meeting commenced at 12 Noon and concluded at 2:40 PM (As Per BSE Announcement Dated on 05.08.2023)
10-May-2023 27-May-2023 Accounts IFGL Refractories Ltdhas informed BSE that the meeting of the Board of Directors of the Company is scheduled on 27/05/2023 inter alia to consider and approve audited financial results both on standalone and consolidated basis for year ended on 31st March 2023 and recommend payment of Dividend if any for said year. In the meeting of Board of Directors of the company held today 27th May 2023, following Company''s Policy on Dividend Distribution, the Board resolved to recommend payment of Final Dividend of 70 % (Rs 7 per Equity Share of Rs IO each face value) for FY 2022-23, subject to necessary approvals/permissions including shareholders of the Company at their ensuing Annual General Meeting. The Board of Directors (hereon the Board) of the Company following recommendation of Nomination and Remuneration Committee of the Company, in their meeting held to day, Saturday, 27 th May, 2023 unanimously resolved to re appoint Mr Kamal Sarda (DIN: 03151258) as Whole time Director of the Company for the period 1st June, 2023 to 30 th November, 2024, both days inclusive, on terms and conditions including remuneration, perquisites and other entitlements similar to that of his appointment hitherto in place which shall stand superseded on and from 1st June, 2023. Aforesaid re appointment is subject to approval of shareholders of the Company in their General Meeting and such other approvals / permissions as may be necessary. Please be informed that the Board of Directors of the Company in their meeting held on Saturday, 27th May, 2023 noted payment of Fine of Rs 64,900 /- (Rupees sixty four thousand nine hundred only) each to the National Stock Exchange of India Limited and BSE Limited, by the Company for non-compliance of Regulation 17(1) of SEBI (LODR) Regulations, 2015 i.e. with respect to delays in appointment of Non-executive Independent Directors including appointment of Woman Director, for period forming part of quarter ended 31st December, 2022. (As Per BSE Announcement Dated on 27/05/2023)
24-Jan-2023 04-Feb-2023 Quarterly Results IFGL Refractories Ltdhas informed BSE that the meeting of the Board of Directors of the Company is scheduled on 04/02/2023 inter alia to consider and approve Unaudited financial results both on stand alone and consolidated basis for quarter/nine months ended on 31st December 2022. The Board of Directors of the Company in their meeting held to-day have approved and taken on record unaudited financial results, both on stand alone and consolidated basis, for quarter/nine months ended on 31st December, 2022. Said unaudited financial results have also been subjected to ''Limited Review'' by the Company''s Statutory Auditors, M/s S R Batliboi & Co. LLP. The Board Meeting commenced at 18.20 Hours and concluded at 20.00 hours (As per BSE Announcement Dated on 04/02/2023)
31-Oct-2022 12-Nov-2022 Quarterly Results IFGL Refractories Ltdhas informed BSE that the meeting of the Board of Directors of the Company is scheduled on 12/11/2022 inter alia to consider and approve Kindly be informed that a meeting of the Board of Directors of the Company will be held on Saturday 12th November 2022 to inter alia consider and approve unaudited financial results both on stand alone and consolidated basis for quarter/six months ended on 30th September 2022. This advance Notice is being sent to you in compliance of Regulation 29 of the SEBI (Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requirements) Regulations 2015. This announcement is also being hosted on Companys website www.ifglref.com Based on recommendation of the Nomination and Remuneration Committee, the Board of Directors of the Company in their meeting held on 12th November, 2022 have Appointed Mr Rajesh Agarwal (DIN: 0009786410) as an Additional Director of the Company effective 12.11.2022 and also appointed him effective that date to be 'Director- General Counsel' of the Company for a period of 3 years, liable to retire by rotation, subject to approval of shareholders.By virtue of aforesaid, Mr Agarwal ceases to hold office of Company Secretary of the Company effective 12.11.2022. Based on recommendation of the Nomination and Remuneration Committee, the Board of Directors of the Company in their meeting held on 12th November, 2022 have Appointed Mrs Mansi Damani (FCS 6769) as Company Secretary of the Company effective 12th November 2022 . Mrs Damani has hitherto been holding the office of Deputy Company Secretary of the Company. Mrs Mansi Damani has also been appointed as the 'Compliance Officer' of the Company as required under Regulation 6 of the SEBI LODR Regulations 2015 and her contact details are given hereinbelow. Mobile No. : 91-9830433095 E Mail : mansi.damani@ifgl.in (As Per BSE Announcement Dated 13.11.2022) The Board of Directors of the Company in their meeting held to-day have approved and taken on record unaudited financial results, both on stand alone and consolidated basis, for quarter/six months ended on 30th September, 2022. Said unaudited financial results have also been subjected to 'Limited Review' by the Company's Statutory Auditors, M/s S R Batliboi & Co. LLP. (As Per BSE Announcement Dated 12.11.2022) Reference above and your E-mail dated 14th November, 2022 and in terms of SEBI Circular no. CIR/CFD/CMD/4/2015 dated September 09, 2015, please note the following : Time of Commencement of Board Meeting held on 12th November, 2022 : 12 Noon Time of Conclusion of Board Meeting held on 12th November, 2022 : 3.15 PM (As Per BSE Announcement Dated on 14.11.2022)
29-Aug-2022 29-Aug-2022 EGM At an urgent meeting of the Board of Directors of the Company convened and held today, 29th August, 2022 it has been decided that Extra-Ordinary General Meeting scheduled to be held virtually on Tuesday, 30th August, 2022 at 11 AM be cancelled forthwith with consequential effects.
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