Savera Hotels Ltd (SHL), (formerly Savera Enterprises) incorporated in 1969 owns and operates an 4 star Savera Hotel in Chennai. SHL also operates a Restaurant cum Pub at Bangalore and Hyderabad.
SHL in Jan.'95, tapped the capital market to expand its room capacity (from 125 to 261 rooms) and to add other facilities. Its new conference halls are becoming increasingly popular. Thirty-four guest rooms on the third and fourth floors (a part of the expansion project) are ready for occupation. In 1995, the name of the company changed from Savera Enterprises to Savera Hotel. The main objective of the change of name is to reflect the true nature of business in the name of the company.
SHL intends to set up hotels in other important cities of Tamilnadu. It is also not averse to the idea of taking over existing hotels in the red and turning them around.
SHL renovation is in process & Company has not apply any loans from any institution, expenses adjusted from companies interal accruals. As a expansion programme the company has opened a Pub Restaurant at Bangalore at the fag end of 2001. This has been well accepted by the customers of Bangalore.