Amin Tannery Limited was incorporated on March 25, 2013. The principal activities of the Company are manufacturing and exports of finished leather and leather shoes/uppers.
Pursuant to Scheme of Arrangement (Demerger) between Super Tannery Limited (STL) and the Company and their respective Shareholders and Creditors, as sanctioned by the Hon'ble Bench Allahabad vide its Order dated 27 December 2017. the Company demerged its Goat Tannery business of Super Tannery Limited by transferring the same as a going concern to the Company effective from April 01, 2017 in year 2017-18. In terms of the said Scheme, 5,00,000 Equity Shares of Re. 1/- each held by existing shareholders of the Company were cancelled and new shares were allotted in the ratio of 1:1 to shareholders on 27 February 2018 in Super Tannery Limited.