Electronics Mart India Limited was originally formed as a sole proprietorship under the name of M/s. Bajaj Electronics' at Hyderabad in 1980. The erstwhile sole proprietorship later converted into a Partnership Firm under the name of M/s Bajaj Electronics' pursuant to Partnership Deed dated March 25, 2011 and subsequently, converted the Firm into a Public Limited Company with the name Electronics Mart India Limited' effective from September 10, 2018.
The Company operate business activities across three channels of retail, wholesale and e-commerce. It offer a diversified range of products with focus on large appliances (air conditioners, televisions, washing machines and refrigerators), mobiles and small appliances, IT and others. Their offering includes more than 6,000 SKUs across product categories from more than 70 consumer durable and electronic brands.
The Company's business model is a mix of ownership. Under the ownership model, it own the underlying property including land and building and in lease rental model, has entered into a long-term lease arrangement with the property owners. As of August 15, 2021, out of the total 99 stores it operate, eight stores are owned, 85 stores are under long-term lease rental model and six stores are partly owned and partly leased.
In 1980, the Company commenced business operations as a proprietary concern by setting up first consumer durable and electronic retail store at Lakdikapoo, in Hyderabad .
In 2018, it opened 50th store in Hyderabad. It launched first Apple IQ store at Attapur, Telangana.
In 2019, it expanded operations beyond brick-and-mortar stores situated at Andhra Pradesh and Telangana by commencing business operations on E-commerce platform in association with Amazon and Paytm.
In 2021, number of operational stores reached to 99 stores comprising 88 multi brand outlets and 11 exclusive brand outlets. On August 15, 2021, the Company opened 24 stores in Kurnool, Andhra Pradesh and 75 stores in Telangana.
In August 2022, Company had 112 stores across 36 cities / urban agglomerates with a retail business area of 1.12 million sq. ft.
In October 2022, Company allotted 84,745,762 Equity Shares of Rs 10 each as a part of its Initial Public Offering process by raising funds from public aggregating to Rs. 500 Crore.
The Company entered new area by opening 12 Electronics Mart' stores in Delhi, NCR in 2022. In 2023, it opened the first specialised Easy Kitchen' store in Hyderabad and further opened Audio & Beyond' store in Hyderabad, providing automation, video and security solutions.
In 2023-24, the Company opened 33 new stores.