During the year, the major factors adversely affecting your
Company's profitability before tax are as under: a. Lower margins of Industrial
products impacted profitability on account of volatility in international markets b.
Production of Urea beyond reassessed capacity adversely impacted Thal Urea profitability
on account of lower import purchase price. c. The steep reduction in subsidy owing to fall
in NPK nutrients effective from October 1, 2023, impacted the operating margins of
manufactured NPK fertilizers.
Your Company has been entering into a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU)
with the Ministry of Chemicals & Fertilizers, Government of India, setting the
performance parameters and targets every year. Your Company has secured "Very
Good" rating for the year 2022-23.
The performance rating for 2023-24 MoU is yet to be finalised by the
Although your Company has lined up a number of capex programmes which
will entail substantial expenditure, considering the consistent profits being made by the
Company and based on the Company's performance, your Directors are
pleased to recommend a final Dividend of 1.24 per equity share of 10/- each for the
financial year 2023-24, which would involve a total cash outflow of 68.41 Crore (88.27
Crore as Interim Dividend and
204.12 Crore as Final Dividend in the previous year).
The final dividend pay-out is subject to the approval of members at the
ensuing Annual General Meeting.
Your Company earned a net Profit after Tax of227.74 Crore ( 967.15
Crore in the previous year). Remeasurement of defined benefit plans resulted in loss of
22.37 crore (previous year 35.76 crore). The dividend pay-out
pertaining to financial year 2022-23 was204.12 Crore (137.92 Crore pertaining to
financial year 2021-22 and interim dividend pertaining to financial year
2022-23 was 88.27 Crore).The balance amount of 1.25 Crore (705.20
Crore in the previous year 2022-23) was transferred to General Reserves.
As in the past, your Company has won many awards during the year
2023-24, some of which are as under:
Green Excellence Award in Environment Management at Navabharat
Environment Conclave and Summit 2023.
Highest Platinum Award in Fertilizer Sector for outstanding Achievement
in OHS Management announced by Grow Care India at the hands of Hon. Shri Daya Shankar
Singh, Minister of Transportation, UP.
Winner" of "Greentech Pollution Control Waste Management
& Recycling (PCWR) Award 2024" for outstanding achievements in "Innovative
Waste Management Technology" Category.
SCOPE award for best women employee (non- executive category) for the
year 2023-24 in the 1st runner up position was bestowed on Mrs. Swardha
Tirlokar of R&D department.
During the year, the unit produced 18.42 lakh MT of Urea compared to
18.80 lakh MT produced during the previous year. In terms of nutrients in the fertilisers,
the unit produced 8.47 lakh MT of N during the year, compared to 8.65 lakh MT during
previous year.
The Trombay Unit produced 3.35 lakh MT of Urea & 5.77 lakh MT of
Suphala during the year compared to 3.16 lakh MT of Urea & 6.43 lakh MT of Suphala
produced respectively during the previous year . In terms of Nutrient values, the unit
produced 2.41 lakh MT of N, 0.87 lakh MT
Your Company produces industrial chemicals at both its units. During
the year, your Company produced approx. 5.08 lakh MT of various major industrial chemical
products as against approx. 5.79 lakh MT during the previous year. Your Company produces,
amongst others, Ammonium
Dilute Nitric Acid 58%, Conc. Nitric Acid 98%, Strong Nitric Acid,( 72%
& 68%), Strong Sulphuric Acid, Weak Supluric Acid, Phosphoric Acid 27%, MonoMethyl
Amine, DieMethyl Amine, Tri-Methyl Amine, Di-Methyl Acetamide, Argon, Nitrogen,
Refrigerant Grade Ammonia, Gypsum, Chalk etc.
Your Company achieved sales volume of 36.01 lakh MT during the year
2023-24 as compared to 33.14 lakh MT during the previous year. Your Company sold 21.57
lakh MT of Urea, 5.60 lakh MT of Suphala, 0.24 lakh MT of City Compost/PDM/PROM and 8.54
lakh MT of other bought out products i.e. DAP, MOP, Imp NPK etc. As compared to 22.08 lakh
MT of Urea, 6.09 lakh MT of Suphala, 0.38 lakh MT of City Compost/PDM/PROM and 4.47 lakh
MT of other bought out products i.e. DAP, MOP, Imp. NPK etc. during the previous year. The
Total sale of manufactured fertilizers (Urea & NPK) during 2023-24 was 27.17 lakh MT
as against 28.23 lakh MT during the previous year. Your company sold 8.54 LMT Imported
products i.e. DAP, MOP and Imp NPK etc. as compared to 4.47 LMT during previous year.
Sales of imported fertilizers registered growth of 91 % over previous year.
The sale of Microla touched 312 KL during the year . Other products
such as Biola, Sujala, pH balancer, Shubhada,
Silica and OGS also registered healthy volumes during the year.
Nano Urea under the marketing tie-up.
In the face of intense market competition & falling international
prices, Industrial Products Division has achieved the sales turnover of 1939.16 Crore as
against 3406.03 Crore during the previous year. During the year, your Company has
achieved the following:
1. Highest ever sale of AN melt of 1,77,086 MT.
2. Highest ever sale of Trimethyl Amine of 2,916 MT.
3. Highest ever sale of Liquid Nitrogen of 1,578 MT.
Taking into consideration the requirement of coal industry, production
capacity of AN Melt is enhanced from 1.40 Lakh MT to 1.90 Lakh MT per annum. Also setting
up a new AN Melt plant with capacity of 1.40 Lakhs MT per annum and new 100 MTPD liquid
CO2 plant at Trombay is in process. Sale of high volume products like Ammonia, Ammonium
Nitrate (Melt) & DNA will facilitate improvement in turnover as well as profitability.
Maximizing sale of CNA98%, SNA 72% & 68% will also support in
improving Profitability. IPD is also planning to enter in Agrochemical business which is a
booming industry.
Considering the indigenous demand, the scope for export is very
limited. However, your Company successfully popularized its Ammonium Bicarbonate (ABC)
brand in the overseas market through third party export. During financial year 2023-24,
your Company has done third party export of 384 MT Ammonium Bicarbonate (ABC) under "MRUDULA"
brand to the tune of 78.22 lakh as against 264 MT Ammonium Bicarbonate (ABC) to the tune
of 70.97 lakh during the previous year.
Your Company has been designated as State Trading Enterprise (STE)
since October, 2019 for
Import of Urea on Government Account. Based on the instructions of
Department of Fertilizers (DoF), RCF imported approx. 10.06 lakh MT quantity of Urea
through issue of total Two (2 Global tenders during the year 2023-24.)
DOF has also assigned RCF the responsibility for execution of Urea
imports under Long term Agreement (LTA) between M/s. OQ Trading & Govt. of India (DOF)
w.e.f. February 2022 onwards for a period of 3 years (till January 2025), for a Quantity
of 10 lakh
MT +/- 10% per annum on FOB basis. Accordingly in
FY 2023-24, fourteen (14) Urea shipments have been shipped from OQ
Trading Ltd. under this LTA, with a total quantity of approx. 6.79 Lakh MT.
An MOU was signed between Govt. of India & Govt. of Nepal on
28.02.22, wherein it has been decided that Govt. of India will supply Urea & DAP
(Fertilizers) to Nepal for next five years period under the
G2G Agreement. Further RCF has been nominated as the State Trading
Enterprise (STE) by DOF for execution of this MOU on behalf of Govt. of India and
accordingly based on this MOU a separate financial
Agreement was signed on 18.07.22 by RCF & M/s. Krishi Samagri
Company Limited (KSCL)-Nepal who is the nominated agency by Govt. of Nepal. Under this
agreement and as per the initial requirement provided by M/s. KSCL-Nepal, the first
shipment of 30,593.30 MT Bagged Urea has already been delivered to three designated
warehouses in Nepal by the end of February 2023. Further against this MOU with M/s KSCL
Nepal, RCF has received an indent for supply of 25,000 MT DAP in bagged conditions to
Nepal warehouses which has also been delivered .
Under ‘Atmanirbhar Bharat Abhiyan', following initiatives are
taken by your Company:
Your Company has enhanced the production of Suphala NPK (15:15:15) by
installation of additional spherodizer and associated system.
Your Company is manufacturing various Industrial Chemical products
having high brand values. Plants manufacturing industrial chemical products like
Acid, Concentrated Nitric acid and Sulphuric acid are operated at
optimum level to meet the market demand.
In order, to meet the growing power need of the country, enhancement in
domestic production of AN melt which is used for coal mining is very important. Therefore,
your Company is setting-up new AN Melt plant of 425 MTPD at RCF Trombay unit with latest
and energy efficient technology.
The additional production from this AN melt project shall be
substituting the existing imports, leading to improved availability of Coal to the power
plants and hence in turn shall help in ensuring power security for the country.
Your Company is setting-up liquid Nano Urea plant of 75 KL per day at
RCF Trombay unit using indigenous technology, developed by M/s IFFCO. Nano Urea is
expected to be more efficient as compared to conventional Urea.
In order to increase domestic supply of DAP/NPK fertilizers, your
Company is exploring possibility of setting up NPK Fertilizer plant of 1200 MTPD (in terms
of DAP) at Thal subject to economic viability.
Your Company is setting up Briquette Fired Boiler at RCF Thal at an
estimated project Capital Cost is 26.75 Crore plus taxes. The low cost steam shall help
in reducing the variable cost of chemicals.
Briquette (Bio-Mass) or ‘White Coal' is made-up from
agriculture and forest natural waste. It can be efficiently for steam generation will
reduce the Green House Gas (GHG) emissions.
Your Company has developed the technology for producing Urea Gold
indigenously and this will help to produce affordable Sulphur carrying fertilizers so as
to reduce import dependency. Urea Gold production was started on October 17, 2023 from ANP
plant @ 100 MTPD. First rake of Urea Gold was flagged of on January 25, 2024. ‘Urea
Gold' is a sulphur coated urea, a slow release fertilizer. It has Nitrogen 37% and
Sulphur 17%. It supplies the much required sulphur – secondary nutrient, along with
Nitrogen from Urea. Sulphur is an important secondary nutrient for enhancing crop yield
and crop quality which is more so for oil seeds and pulses.
RCF PROM is an important alternative to nutrients for organic and
conventional farming, which is prepared by processing a balanced mixture of organic
residues, rock phosphate, oil cake, amino acids, humic acids and beneficial
micro-organisms. It contains
8-10% phosphorus (P2O5) and organic carbon. The phosphorus PROM is an
organic alternative to expensive synthetic phosphatic fertilizers, which enriches the soil
with phosphorus and other nutrients and keeps it soft for a long time. During the
financial year 2023-24 , a quantity of 1138 MT was produced and made available to the
farming community.
RCF has undertaken several agriculture extension activities so as to
educate the farmers on efficient use of agro-inputs and provided know-how on improved and
scientific methods of cultivation contributing to increase in their farm yield. Some of
the services so undertaken during the year are as under:
1. Soil Sample Analysis: 40,578 number of NPK and 16,126 number of
Micro-nutrient analysis have been done and Soil Health Cards distributed.
2. Farmer Training Centres are operational at Thal and Nagpur for
imparting residential training to farmers.
1281 farmers during the year.
3. RCF Kisan Care Toll Free service 1800-22-3044 was operated for
imparting Agricultural information to the farming community.
4. RCF Sheti Patrika: 6.60 lakh copies of RCF Sheti Patrika (Marathi
edition) covering the relevant subjects pertaining to Agriculture and allied fields were
printed & distributed to farmers.
5. Social Media: Information has been shared through Social Media
(WhatsApp, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and You Tube) with handle @ rcfkisanmanch.
6. Agricultural Extension Services: 406 Field Demonstrations, 192 Soil
Testing Days, 374 Farmers' Meetings, 16 Krishi Melas, 2 Veterinary Camp/Rural Sports,
34 Exhibitions, etc. were organized for the benefit of the farmers.
7. Adoption of Villages for Promotion of City Compost/
Biofertilizer/ PDM/PROM/Nano Urea, etc: 3 villages from Maharashtra
& Karnataka were selected for promotion of City Compost/ Biofertilizer/ PDM/
PROM/Nano Urea, etc.
8. RCF has established 12071 Pradhan Mantri Kisan
Samrudhi Kendra (PMKSK) on Pan India Basis. These
PMKSK are unique initiative to support the farmers as a one stop
9. With active participation in Government's (DOF) flag ship
program i.e. Vikasit Bharat Sankalp Yatra (VBSY), RCF has Organized 26000 No.'s,
Spraying demonstrations, through Drone's at Gram panchayat level,
in Maharashtra, Karnataka Goa & Rajasthan states.
10. Drone Pilot training was organized by RCF at different
DGCA approved Pilot training centers for Drone Didis (Members of
Self-Help Group).
11. Seventy No. of Agricultural Spray drones procured by RCF and
distributed among Drone Didis of Namo Drone Didi Scheme (NDD) in Maharashtra, Andhra
Pradesh, Telangana, Karnataka and Uttar Pradesh states.
12. RCF is organizing Broadcasting of Farming related
Bharat" through Five Community Radio Stations in Maharashtra since
Dec-2023 for the Purpose of information dissemination, education and communication.
Department of Fertilizers intends to create awareness about various programs and scheme of
Department of Fertilizers viz. PM- PRANAM, balanced use of fertilizers, nutrient
management etc.
There are no material changes and commitments affecting the financial
position of the Company between the end of the financial year 2023-24 and to the date of
this report.
(Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requirements) Regulations, 2015,
the Company has framed a Risk Management Policy for risk assessment and minimization
procedures. The Risk Management Policy developed with the objective of having a balanced
approach towards business plan and mitigating the associated risks, is in place. The
system identifiesbetter management practices to ensure greater degree of confidence
amongst various stakeholders and facilitates good Corporate Governance practice. All risks
associated with Operations, Environment, Finance, Marketing, Human Resource, Legal,
Information Technology Security, Projects etc., are continuously monitored. The degree of
impact of the perceived risks is further graded into high, medium and low and the
probability of the occurrence of each risk is also classified into Unlikely and likely. In
order to mitigate losses arising out of such perceived risks, appropriate procedures are
being adopted to contain the risks. Also the practices adopted during emergencies,
including the communication system and mode of disseminating information are periodically
reviewed and updated to minimize the impact on the Company. Quarterly report in respect of
the same is presented to the Board. The Board of Directors had constituted Risk Management
Committee to identify elements of risk in different areas of operations and to develop
policy for actions associated to mitigate the risks. The Committee on timely basis informs
the Board of Directors about risk assessment and minimization procedures which in the
opinion of the Committee may threaten the existence of the Company. The details of Risk
Management Committee are included in the Corporate Governance Report.
Ammonia-V revamp project is implemented as a part of energy improvement
schemes to meet the new energy norms for Trombay Urea plant. The estimated project cost is
101.88 Crore. The scheme is envisaged to result in energy saving of 0.18 Gcal/MT of
Ammonia. Project was completed in May 2024.
Your Company is setting-up new AN Melt plant of 425 MTPD at RCF Trombay
unit with latest and energy efficient technology. The proposed project is planned as a
response to Hon'ble PM's call of Atmanirbhar Bharat. Due to shortage of AN melt,
Coal production is affected. This in turn has affected the power generation from the Coal
based plants. In order, to meet the growing power need of the country, enhancement in
domestic production of AN melt is very important. The work order for execution of the
project on LSTK basis has been awarded to M/s Larsen & Toubro Limited. The estimated
Project Cost is 187 Crore. Site work is in progress. The project is scheduled to be
completed by September 2024.
Treatment Plant at Thal for treating 10,000 M3/day effluent to ensure
the quality of treated effluent only meeting the statutory norms but also suitable for
recycling the treated effluent as raw water.
Benefit of the project will be better environment management on
sustained basis through recycling of treated effluent as a raw water. The project is
executed in two phases. In 1st phase, around 5000 m3/day treated water will be recycled.
Pre-commissioning activities are in progress and commissioning of 1st phase is expected in
September 2024. In 2nd phase, balance effluent will be recycled, to achieve "Zero
Effluent Discharge" goal.
Action for 2nd Phase has been initiated.
Nanotechnology is an emerging field with potential to provide efficient
nutrient management as compared to existing fertilizer management practices. Nano Urea is
expected to reduce Urea consumption and being an eco-friendly product will protect the
health of soil. Your Company is setting up Nano Urea Plant of 75 KL per day capacity at
Trombay based on IFFCO Technology. The estimated Project Cost is 238 Crore.
Briquette (Bio-Mass) or ‘White Coal' is made-up from
agriculture and forest natural waste. It can be efficiently used to replace fossil fuel.
Use of Briquettes for steam generation will reduce the Green House Gas (GHG) emissions.
Your Company is setting up Briquette Fired Boiler at RCF Thal. The low cost steam shall
help in reducing the variable cost of chemicals. Work Order is awarded to M/s Forbesvyncke
Pvt. Ltd. The estimated project Capital Cost is 26.75 Crore plus taxes. The project is
expected to be completed by November 2024.
India is largely dependent upon Imported NPK nutrients to meet its
domestic requirements. As an "Atmanirbhar
Bharat" initiative, Your Company is exploring possibility of
setting up NPK Fertilizer plant at Thal subject to economic viability . The plant would be
capable of producing various grades of NPK fertilizer as per market requirements.
Environment Clearance for the project is received from Ministry of Environment, Forest and
Climate Change (MoEFCC). Selection of LSTK contractor through tendering process is
Zero Effluent Discharge plant at Trombay Unit to treat the effluent and
recycle the treated effluent as raw water. It consists of treatment of the various liquid
effluent streams generated in the various plants at Trombay unit and converting the
effluents in the raw water which shall be used in the process. Detailed Feasibility Report
(DFR) received from Consultant. Estimated Project cost is 99.78 Crore. Project is
expected to be completed by Sept. 2025.
Your Company is exploring the possibility to implement energy schemes
suggested by M/s Topsoe A/S – Technology supplier of Ammonia plant at Thal. The
expected energy saving is 0.40 Gcal/MT of Ammonia at existing Ammonia production level.
Your Company, along with Coal India Limited (CIL), Gas Authority of
India Limited (GAIL) and Fertilizer Corporation of India Limited (FCIL), is setting-up a
MTPD Ammonia plant and 3850 MTPD Urea plant, at FCIL, Talcher, Odisha.
Land and certain facilities needed for the project are provided by FCIL. The project will
utilize state-of-the-art Coal Gasification Technology from
M/s Air Liquid Products (erstwhile M/s Shell Eastern). A joint venture
company ‘Talcher Fertilizers Limited' has been incorporated for setting-up and
operating Coal
Gasification based Fertilizer complex.
The project is of strategic importance for the country as it aims to
make breakthrough for an alternative source of feedstock in the form of abundantly
available coal from domestic sources in place of natural gas. Success of this project is
expected to be a game changer and shall pave a way forward to the production of chemicals
and fertilizers from coal leading to lesser Regasified Liquefied
Natural Gas (RLNG) imports. It will also help in meeting much needed
Urea production capacity for the eastern part of the Country.
The estimated Project capital cost is approx. 17080.69 Crore (?10%)
(RCF share is 2169.67 Crore (?10%)). M/s Wuhuan Engineering has been engaged through
competitive bidding as LSTK contractor for Coal
Gasification and Ammonia/Urea packages of the project.
The various site activities are in progress.
A separate statement containing the salient features of financial
statements of all the joint ventures of your Company forms part of consolidated financial
statements in compliance with Section 129 and other applicable provisions, if any, of the
Companies Act,
2013. The financial statements of the joint ventures and related
information are available for inspection by the members electronically up to the date of
the Annual General Meeting (AGM) as required under Section 136 of the Companies Act, 2013.
Any member seeking to inspect such documents are requested to write to the Company at
investorcommunucations@rcfltd.com . The financial statements including the consolidated
financial statements and all other documents required to be attached to this report have
been uploaded on the website of your Company (www.rcfltd.com).
FACT-RCF Building Products Ltd. (FRBL), Kochi
Your Company has formed a Joint Venture Company with Fertilizers and
Chemicals Travancore Limited (FACT) by incorporating FACT-RCF Building Products Ltd. to
set up a Rapidwall project at Kochi. Both your Company and FACT have 50:50 equity holding
in the Company. Production has been suspended owing to expected takeover of the Plant
& Machinery by the ARC. National Company Law Tribunal (NCLT) proceedings have been
initiated vide order dated 11th December, 2023 on FACT-RCF Building Products Limited
(FRBL) a joint venture entity with a
50:50 partnership between the Company and Fertilizers and Chemicals
Travancore (FACT) Limited and an Interim Resolution Professional (IRP) has been appointed
in place
31,2024 reported loss of 2.63 Crore, thus resulting in accumulated
loss of 219.52 Crore.
Urvarak Videsh Limited (UVL) was incorporated on 18th July, 2008 as
Special Purpose Vehicle (SPV) with equity participation of Rashtriya Chemicals and
Fertilizers Limited(RCF), National Fertilizers Limited (NFL) and
Krishak Bharti Co-operative Limited (KRIBHCO) with the object of
setting up joint venture in India and abroad for manufacturing, mining, long term tie ups
for Nitrogenous, Phosphatic and Potassic Fertilizers and fertilizer raw materials
including exploring the possibility of making investments and rendering Consultancy
services, etc. The company explored many alternatives to take up various projects but the
same did not fructify due to want of funds as UVL business objective requires heavy
capital investment. As the company could not take up any business, the Board of UVL has
decided to declare the company as a Dormant company for the time being in terms of
provision of section 455 of the Companies Act, 2013 as the keeping the status of the
company as active was not serving any purpose.
31, 2024 reported loss of 61,700/-, thus resulting in accumulated loss
of 0.50 Crore.
Your Company has formed a Joint Venture company, with Coal India
Limited (CIL), GAIL (India) Limited (GAIL) and Fertilizer Corporation of India Limited
(FCIL), with the name Talcher Fertilizers Limited for revival of FCIL's fertilizer
unit at Talcher by establishing and operating coal gasification based fertilizer complex.
Equity participation of RCF, CIL and GAIL is 31.85 % each and that of FCIL is 4.45% . The
company is yet to start its operations. During the year, your Company has infused Nil
Crore in TFL.
The audited financial statements of the said Company as at March,31
2024 reported a loss of 7.34 Crore, thus resulting in accumulated loss to 32 Crore.
The Consolidated Financial Statement of your Company has been prepared
by taking into consideration Joint
Venture Companies i.e. FACT-RCF Building Products
Limited, Urvarak Videsh (NUE). The use of Sulphur coating Limited and
Talcher Fertilizers Limited.
The Consolidated financial statements have been prepared under equity
method along with Company's standalone financial statements.
Your Company has taken up several Research and Development (R & D)
projects, some of which are for commercial scale design and engineering. They are as
Phosphate rich organic manure (PROM) is an organo-mineral product that
contains 10% organic carbon and 8% Phosphate. It is an important alternative to nutrient
for organic and conventional farming which is prepared by processing a balanced mixture of
organic residue, rock phosphate, soil cake, amino acids, humic acids and beneficial
micro-organisms. It has all the potential to partially replace imported fertilizers. It
availability of nutrients in soil and plant. CO2 is released
during decomposition and helps to reduce the alkalinity of the soil. It
can be used for all cereals, pulses, vegetables, fruits, and flowers for all plants
Flowers, vegetables or crops.
Production of PROM commenced on December 1, 2023 at
Trombay unit. The first despatch to Kolhapur Maharashtra was flagged
off on December 16, 2023. The MoU target of 1111 MT PROM production has been successfully
completed during 2023-24.
Slow Release fertilizer: Sulphur Coated Urea (Urea Gold)
Your Company has developed the technology for producing Urea Gold
indigenously and applied for the patent for the same. Sulphur Coated Urea increases the
Nitrogenuse on urea results in providing the most important secondary
nutrient to the crops added with slow release of nitrogen with improved nitrogen use
efficiency. slow release of fertilizers can potentially decrease fertilizer use by 20 to
30 percent of the recommended rate of a conventional fertilizer while obtaining the same
Urea gold was first launched on July 27, 2023 at the hands of Prime
Minister at Sikar Rajasthan.
Urea Gold production commenced on October 17, 2023 at ANP plant @ 100
MTPD. First BCN rake of 2536 MT Urea Gold was flagged of on January 25, 2024.
Expanding horizon: Expansion of value added products
The value added products (VAP) like Micronutreint fertilizer -Microla
,bio-inoculants or biofertilizer- Biola, water pH corrector-pH Balancer, plant growth
regulators- Bio stimulants and Silica fertilizer- Silicon fertilizers are gaining
significance in the market. The demand for these products are increasing year on year
basis. To meet the market demand, to cater to the farming community and contribute towards
sustainable agriculture; a new manufacturing setup with higher capacity for production of
various VAPs is being installed at Trombay unit.
Crop Strengthening: Secondary nutrient Fertilizer
Secondary nutrients like Ca, Mg & S are now emerging as most
limiting factor in enhancing crop productivity.
Hence, State Agriculture Department has notified a new secondary
nutrient fertilizer grade i.e. Ca:Mg:S : 6:2:4 in powder or granular form. This grade has
been developed in powder form as well as in granular form. Granular Ca:Mg:S : 6:2:4 has
been produced successfully at pilot plant.
Collaborative Research: MoU with Indian Council of Agricultural
Research (ICAR) Institutes and State Agricultural Universities (SAUs)
Collaboration with Indian Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR)
Institutes and State Agricultural Universities (SAUs) is done for carrying out fieldtrials
of Sulphur Coated Urea,
Nano DAP, Nano Urea, and Nano NPK product. These trials will immensely
support towards provision of new products to the farming community for doubling their
income through enhanced crop productivity.
Your Company is committed to ensuring clean environment, beyond
satisfying all stipulated requirements laid down by the statutory authorities, meeting the
expectation of stake holders around its operating units.
Your Company has established ISO 14001 compliant Environment Management
System (EMS) along with Safety Management System (ISO 45001), Quality Management System
(ISO 9001), and Energy Management System
(ISO 50001). Certification for IFA Protect & Sustain
Product Stewardship System of international standard for Safety,
environment and product security at its both the manufacturing units. The Management
Systems are constantly upgraded, periodic audits and Management Review conducted to ensure
compliance and continual improvement. Apart from Stack monitors, which continuously
monitor the emissions, four fixed ambient air quality monitoring stations are in place, at
both Trombay and Thal, to monitor ammonia, NOx, SO2, Particulate matter
(PM10 & PM2.5) & metrological parameters.
These monitoring units are connected to MPCB and CPCB servers for
continuous monitoring online data of air quality, effluent parameters. At both unit, Third
party monitoring for stack, ambient air quality (Dust, Ammonia,
NOx, SO2) and ETP overflow (as per consent parameters) is being done by
MoEFCC approved laboratory once in a month. As you are aware RCF uses clean fuel to reduce
Green House Gas emission, efforts are taken to minimize emissions with
Reduce, Recycle & Reuse schemes.
The Effluent Treatment plants (ETP) at Trombay and Thal unit have
ensured that the environment in and around the operating units are fully protected.
Environmental safety of neighbors around operating units are taken care. Various schemes
with state of the art technologies and modernization schemes are implanted to reduce
energy consumption and wastages. As a proactive measure, RCF Trombay unit has two nos. of
Sewage treatment Plants to treat sewage of Mumbai city & use the purified water after
treatment for industrial purpose, thereby saving equivalent quantity of potable water for
consumption by Mumbaikars.
The integrated Effluent Treatment Plant in both Units ensures that the
effluent discharged from the factory meets the statutory requirements laid down by the
Pollution Control Board.
At Trombay unit, Sludge generated in Effluent Treatment
Plant, Sulphur Sludge Generated in Sulphuric Acid plant and waste
streams of effluents from complex fertilizer plants are recycled back in the processes. 3-
R strategy (Reduce, Reuse and Recycle) is employed by way of recycling the sludge
generated in ETP, Sulphur sludge generated in Sulphuric Acid Plant is used in Suphala
plant for recovery of nutrients.
Your Company is upgrading the existing Effluent
Treatment Plant at Thal for treating 10,000 M3/day effluent to ensure
the quality of treated effluent not only meeting the statutory norms but also suitable for
recycling the treated effluent as raw water. It will reduce burden on fresh water
resources. Thal unit implemented various schemes to reduce specific water consumption.
Briquette boiler project is in full swing which uses briquette a carbon neutral fuel for
boiler feed.
RCF being the Brand Owner is Recyling Plastic Waste since last three
years as per Pastic Waste Management Rule-2016 issued by MoEFCC. Your Company has disposed
of 9227 MT plastic waste during the year 2023-24.
Trombay and Thal units have taken up a massive plantation drive in
factory premises, in residential colony and surrounding areas.
For increasing awareness regarding environment and safety, public
awareness campaign programmes are arranged by Trombay and Thal units by providing
demonstrations to local youth, college and school students, housing societis, Panchayat
offices, ladies club members and household members in the adjoining localities.
As part of its initiatives under "Corporate Social
Responsibility', your Company has undertaken several projects in the areas of
promoting health care, Nutrition, rural development, Women empowerment, Skill
Development and education aimed for the benefit of needy and for
general good of the society. These projects are in accordance with Schedule VII of the
Companies Act, 2013 and the Company's CSR Policy.The report on CSR activities as
required under the Companies (Corporate Social Responsibility Policy) Rules, 2014, is
annexed as Annexure I, and forms an integral part of this report. During the year,
your Company has spent 17.93 Crore including 0.50 Crore set off for succeeding financial
year on CSR activities. The activities, in brief, are as under: The key activities in
brief, are as under:
Supply of drinking water to the villages:
RCF has been providing drinking water for last 25 years to seven
villages around Thal unit through pipelines laid down from the water reservoir in the
unit. More than
20,000 residents of the villages got benefited of the scheme. The
villages of Thal, Navgaon, Vaishet, Tudal,
Boris-Gunjis, Bhal, which are under RCF, Thal factory, are being
supplied with drinking water by RCF. Nearly 20,000 families are getting the benefit of
this scheme.
Medical equipment to Primary Healthcare centre :
RCF has provided medical equipment to 9 sub centers of Primary
Healthcare centre Dhokawade under CSR. All sub-centres are under Primary Healthcare center
Dhokawade, Taluka Alibag, District Raigad provide free medical services
to locals.
Installation of Community Fitness Centers across Bidar district,
RCF has been supported the project for installation of full fledge
fitness center for youth, Bidar. This programme implemented by - Sarvodaya Integrated
Rural Development Society (SIRDS) and it has been successfully implemented by the
Project for Women's Income Generation Through Sanitary
Pads manufacturing units, Delhi:
RCF has been supported the project to increase affordability and access
to sanitary pads to girls and women, together with providing income generation
opportunities to women and reduce unhygienic menstrual practices and disease burden. This
programme implemented by - BADLO RE and it has been successfully implemented by the
Project for conducting mass screen programme for ovarian cancer and
other tests including free distribution of sanitary napkins to underprivileged society:
RCF has organized programme for conducting community based mass screen
programme for ovarian cancer and relationship of risk factors of vitamin D including free
distribution of sanitary napkins to underprivileged society of Delhi NCR or other area. It
was organized by Savera Foundation Trust (SFT).
Medical equipment to Govt. Hospital :
RCF has been provided Microscope to the Department of Ophthalmology of
Rajawadi Municipal Hospital, Ghatkopar under CSR. An appeal has been received from Rotary
club. This microscope is required during eye surgeries of Cataract, Glaucoma, Corneal
Transplant, etc. With addition of this microscope, more cases of surgeries can be done
thereby reducing waitlist of operations.
Gym Equipment for gymnasium for senior citizens:
RCF has been provided gym equipment for Gurukul Gymnasium under CSR.
They have one park for the senior citizens in same premises. The organization is planning
to open well equipped gymnasium for senior citizens. The gymnasium will conduct health and
wellness programs such as nutrition guide programmes, Yoga and seminars on health related
topics etc.
Purchase of Modular Toilet blocks for Fisherman Societies, Local
Schools nearby RCF Thal unit:
RCF has assist Thal unit for the building of Modular Toilets for two
fisherman societies and two schools of Thal and
Nagaon villages under CSR budget.
Gymnasium Equipment for nearby Grampanchayat of RCF Thal unit:
RCF has been provided gymnasium equipments for local gym of villages
under CSR budget. This note has been submitted by Thal unit to promote Fit India Moment
and motivate local youth for daily exercise and healthy lifestyle.
Construction of Toilet block for Sience Innovation and Activity centre:
RCF has assist to Devrukh Shikshan Prasarak Mandal, Dist. Ratnagiri a
well-known educational institution working in the field of Education for the building of
Sponsorship for Construction of New Hospital Building:
Lions Health Foundation, Alibag is the registered NGO working in the
field of health care in the rural area of Raigad district. RCF has financially
Health Foundation for construction of new hospital under CSR budget.
Purchase of Ration to Divija Old age Home:
Swastik Foundation is an NGO working for welfare and wellbeing of
senior citizen in society through their Old age Home "Divija Old Age Home" at
Alsade, Sindudurg District, Maharashtra.
RCF has purchased grocery and other food requirements for Divija Old
Age Home. The CSR project was successfully implemented the through Swastik Foundation.
Medicines and Hygiene kits for school:
RCF has contributed for purchase of medicine and hygiene kits to
distribute to students. The proposal have been received from Panchratn Mitra Mandal and
they organize Health checkup camp at Anandnagar Municipal Special School, Chembur.
Distribution of Educational Material and stationary items to school:
RCF has supported for the purchase of Educational
Material and stationery items i.e School Bags, note books, book shelfs,
stationery Items, Biscuits and Chocolate including awareness banners for Anandnagar
Municipal Special School, Chembur under CSR budget. The CSR project was successfully
implemented the through Pancharatna Mitra Mandal.
Medical Camps:
RCF has arranged free health check up , including free distribution of
medicines and spectacles under CSR. We have organized 10 health camp in the surrounding
area with the help of Asmita Mahila Mandal.
Distribution of Educational Material to students nearby Chembur:
RCF has supported for the purchase of Educational Material and
stationery items one school bag, one compos box, six note books, six long and six short
books for Students living in Indira Nagar, Naga Baba Nagar, Rahul Nagar, Prabuddha Nagar,
Aziz Bagh, MMRDA
Campus, Kukreja Campus, Ayodhya Nagar and Shastri Nagar in Chembur
under CSR budget. The CSR project was successfully implemented the through Asmita Mahila
Installation of Solar system in college building:
RCF has contributed in installation of New Solar System for J.S.M.
College, Alibag, Raigad under CSR. An appeal has been received from Janata Shikshan
Mandal, Alibag. The project is for energy conservation and using sustainable energy and
renewable energy.
New Audio System for School:
RCF has contributed for the purchase of New Audio
System for Javahar Vidya Bhavan Marathi, Hindi and
English medium school, Chembur under CSR. An appeal has been received
from Lokmanya Shikshan Sanstha, the registered organization running Javahar Vidya Bhavan
schools at Chembur.
Vocational/ Skill Training cum livelihood project for the disabled:
RCF has financially assisted the
National Association of Disabled's Enterprises (NADE) is providing
training, employment and other rehabilitation services to disabled persons from all over
Maharashtra and other part of the nation.
Under the project Unnati , NADE is providing Umbrella making training
for a period of one year to make them independent in the society.
Promotion of prevention of Cancer Program in Schools at Kharghar,
RCF has financially assisted of Prevention of cancer programme in 25
schools of
Kharghar, CBD Belapur area of under CSR. An appeal has been received
from Brahmaputra Cancer care society.
From the above project the organization has created awareness on
prevention of Cancer among the school students through Quiz competitions.
Provided general OPD and Free Medicines to Patients visiting Sushrut
Hospital, Chembur:
RCF has provided the financial assistance of 5 Lakhs to operate free
OPD and dispensing free medicines to needy & deserving patients at CHPT. RCF has been
5 lakh annually to the CHPT towards the noble cause as the RCFL is
one of the trustee organization of CHPT. From this contribution CHPT can be able to
operate and able to provide free consultation and medicines to the patients.
Project for Educational Empowerment of SC/ST students:
RCF has been contributing for the implementation of educational
empowerment project for SC/ST student residing in the Marathwada, Vidarbha and Western
Maharashtra region. The CSR project was successfully implemented the through Rural
Development Center (IRDC).
Medical Camps at Mankhurd, Chembur:
RCF has arranged free health check up , including free distribution of
medicines and spectacles for villages in Mankhurd, Chembur under CSR. Chandra Sundra Trust
is a registered NGO working in the field of Healthcare,
Women Empowerment and education in the surrounding area of Chembur,
The CSR project was successfully implemented the through Chandra Sundra
Life Saving Medical Aid to 50 Patients:
RCF has contributed to organize varies schemes expenses that includes
Life saving medical Aid to 100 beneficiaries and Six months dialysis support schemes to 50
beneficiaries. An appeal has been received through
Modern Education Social & Cultural Organization (MESCO).
projectUnnatiunderCSR. Nutrition and Patients Welfare Centre:
RCF has financially assisted for of Mumbai center of the organization
under CSR. An appeal has been received from Access Life Assistance Foundation.Access Life
Foundation is registered NGO working in the field of Healthcare and offering lifesaving
support to Childhood cancer patients.
Strengthening Self Help Groups and uplifting women and girls through
entrepreneurship for social impact:
RCF has contributed for project women power
for"Strengtheningorganizing Promotion self-help groups and uplifting women and girls
through entrepreneurship for social impact" in Uttar Pradesh State under CSR. An
appeal has been received from All India Institute of Local Self-Government (AIILSSG), a
registered NGO implementing sustainable employment opportunities by providing skill sets
to rural women in Uttar Pradesh.
Under this project the organization implementing three such project at
Prayagraj, Varanasi and Sultanpur districts with the help of self-help groups of the
surrounding of respected area.
Rural Development- Repairing of Roads:
RCF has completed road repairing work of local villages in the vicinity
of RCF Thal unit under CSR. The company has been repaired local Roads from Thal Navagaon
, Boris Gunjis and local Road from Chondhi naka to Kihim bus stand road
under the rural development for good transportation of villagers.
Installation of Air Purification System in Chembur:
RCF has installed Air Purification Units at two locations in
Chembur area through the allocated technology provider by BMC M/s Amida
Cleantech Pvt. Ltd under CSR. To support the pilot project of govt of Maharashtra to
resolve the pollution issue in Mumbai city.
Purchase of Agriculture Spray Drones under PM Mahila Kisan Drone Kendra
Scheme to Distribute SHGs of all over India:
RCF has contributed to purchase Agriculture Spray Drones under PM
Mahila Kisan Drone Kendra Scheme to Distribute Self Help Groups for education and
empowerment of Women under CSR budget.
Under Secretary, Department of Fertilizers (Fertilizer Innovation
Division), Ministry of Chemicals and Fertilizers, Govt. of India has sent a letter to
Director, CSR Cell and MCA for inclusion of above activity under CSR.
Implementation of Swachha Bharath Abhiyan at District Civil Hospital,
RCF has contributed to implement various activities under Swachha
Bharat Abhiyan at District Civil Hospital
, Alibaug under CSR budget. The Surabhi Swayansevi Sanstha, Alibaug is
registered NGO working in the field of education, health care, rural sports and rural
development. The district civil hospital has requested to the NGO for implementation of
cleanness drive in the hospital building hence the organization has requested to RCF for
the financial assistance to implement the said drive for maintain hygiene in the Hospital
Construction of School at Sree Krishna Vidyalaya Matric High School,
Alampadi, Tamilnadu:
RCF has financially assisted
Krishna Vidyalaya Matric High School, Alampadi, Choozhikkonam,
Maruthancode, Vilavancode Taluk, Dist. Kanyakumari, Tamilnadu. The proposal has been
received from Shree Krishna Educational Trust. Shree Krishna Educational Trust is the
registered organization running Sree Krishna Vidyalaya Matric High School at Alampadi
since 1995.
Government of India, Ministry of Micro, Small and Medium
Enterprises, vide order dated March 23, 2012, notified the public
procurement policy in respect of procurement of goods and services produced and provided
by Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises and further amended it vide Govt. of lndia Gazette
Notification S.O. 5670(E) dated
November 9, 2018.
With amendment in Public procurement policy for Micro & Small
Enterprises (MSEs) order, 2012 vide GoI Gazette
Notification S.O. 5670(E) dated 9th November 2018, the percentage
target of procurement of goods and services by Govt. Departments/CPSEs from MSEs is
increased from 20% to at least 25% along with the provision of minimum 3% reservation for
Women owned MSEs within this 25% reservation. This amendment is made applicable from 9th
Nov 2018. Due to the very nature of operations of our Company, the procurement targets for
Women owned MSEs could not be achieved in the year 2023-24.
With the efforts taken by the company, the procurement from MSEs, cost
of the items procured through MSEs is 893.88 Crore out of the total procurement cost of
2071.24 Crore (excluding raw material, gas, water, electricity, catalysts, proprietary
items etc.) which works out to be 43.16 %. The procurement from MSEs owned by SC/ST
Entrepreneurs is 0.8136 Crore which is 0.04 % and procurement from women owned MSEs is
22.69 Crore which is 1.1 % of the total procurement of the year 2023-24. The percentage
procurement is calculated excluding Raw materials, gas, water, electricity, catalyst and
proprietary items which cannot be procured from MSEs.
Your Company has taken up several Sustainable development activities
including the following:
Sewage Treatment plants
Your Company is running Two Sewage Treatment Plants (STPs) at Trombay
Unit with each plant having capacity to treat around 22.75 Million Litres per Day (MLD) of
sewage received from MCGM which otherwise would have been drained in to the sea after
preliminary treatment. The STP plants treat waste sewage generated in the city and convert
it into treated water. Both plants together for construction of Sree generate about 30 MLD
of treated water which is being used in our plants as process water. A part of treated
water generated is supplied to M/s BPCL. Both STP plants of Your Company are of great
value to residents of Mumbai and Society at large besides improving reliability of
operations of RCF Trombay Unit. During the year 2023-24, about 8,152.82 Million litres of
treated water was generated at both STP plants.
Solar Power Plant
As part of achieving ecologically sustainable growth, Your Company has
forayed into solar power generation. Your Company has set up a 2 MWp ground mounted
Photovoltaic Solar power plant in Trombay Unit. In addition to this, Your Company has
commissioned solar rooftop facilities at Thal and Trombay with an aggregate capacity of
2.12 MWp. The power generated is used for captive consumption, thereby reducing your
Company's power import to the equivalent extent.
The green power generated by solar plants replaces the conventional
power generated through burning of fossil fuels leading to reduction in overall Greenhouse
gas emissions.
At RCF, during the year 2023-24, 4439 MWh of solar power was generated.
Also, during the year 2023-24,
2218 no. of Solar Renewable Energy Certificates (RECs) were generated.
Shri. Sameer Rastogi from Indian Forest Service headed the Vigilance
Department of RCF as Chief Vigilance
Officer (CVO) till completion of his tenure on February
2024. Dr. Rahul S. Jagtap from Indian Statistical Service assumed the
charge of CVO w.e.f. March 30, 2024. The
CVO leads a team of Vigilance Officers who are drawn from various
functional departments of RCF and posted in Vigilance department at Mumbai Corporate
office and
Thal Unit, Alibag.
Vigilance Department is committed to bring greater of transparency,
fairness and transactions and execution of works in the company, in line with the
guidelines of Central Vigilance Commission (CVC). With the preventive vigilance objectives
of being watchfulness and alertness, regular watch is being kept on various activities of
finance, personnel, operation, marketing, material, and contracts etc. in the location of
Corporate Office, Trombay Unit, Thal Unit and Marketing offices
situated across the country. Vigilance Department collect intelligence about the corrupt
practices committed, or likely to be committed by the employees and carry out
investigations on the allegations reported. During the period of April 2023 to March 2024,
Vigilance Department has processed 44 number of complaints. Systemic improvements and
corrective actions are suggested wherever necessary. Online Vigilance complaints
Management System (VCMS) is being used for handling of complaints and online NOC system is
being used for issuing speedy Vigilance clearances to the employees for foreign visits,
promotion, gratuity, job application and resignation.
Vigilance Department has always given emphasis on spreading awareness
about rules/regulations, procedures and solicited information as well as complaints from
all regarding any malpractices or corruption. Besides, carrying out such awareness through
the online and offline preventive vigilance training programs for Management trainees,
junior, middle, senior level Managers, Vigilance team has given thrust on inculcating the
importance of ethics and integrity among the employees and always encouraged them to
follow the ideology "All officers are Vigilance Officers" and to implement
various directives
As per CVC's circulars 06/08/23 dated 02.08.2023, three
month's Precursor campaign on preventive vigilance measures cum housekeeping
activities were taken up and successfully completed during the period 16th August to 15th
November, 2023 as a prelude to Vigilance Awareness
Week with focus areas like; Awareness Building about
Public Interest Disclosure and Protection of Information (PIDPI)
Resolution (through workshops, posters, banners, videos), Capacity Building Programs (on
role of IO/PO,
Public Procurements, Ethics and Governance, Systems and Procedure of
organization, Cyber Hygiene and
Security), Identification and implementation of systematic improvements
measures, Leveraging of IT for complaint disposal, Updation of Circulars/Guidelines/
Manuals, Disposal of complaints pending before June 30, 2023. The Vigilance department
initiated the alignment of existing RCF's procurement manual in line with the Goods,
Works and Services procurement manuals of Government of India given by CVC and adopted the
same by RCF during this campaign period on October 1, 2023.
Vigilance Awareness Week on the theme "Say no to Corruption;
commit to the nation" based on the CVC circular 08/09/2023 dated 11.09.2023, was
observed by Vigilance Department, from October 30 to November 5, 2023 in RCF Trombay unit,
Thal unit, Industrial Products division and Fertilizer Marketing offices across the
During this week, the activities received wholehearted participation
from stakeholders in various activities such as; taking integrity pledge, conducting
workshop on policies and procedures of company and workshop of Vigilance Study Circle,
building awareness about PIDPI within the stakeholders, conducting competitions like Quiz,
Posters, Slogan, Essay, Skit Play for employees and their family members as well as for
dealers and retailers of Fertilizer Marketing and Industrial Products division. Social
media platforms like Twitter, WhatsApp and Email/ SMS were extensively used for spreading
the awareness among the stakeholders and the citizens about activities of abovesaid
precursor campaign and Vigilance Awareness Week.
Management Discussion and Analysis report for the year under
regulations 34(2)(e) of SEBI (Listing Obligations and
Disclosure Requirements) Regulations, 2015, highlighting the industry
structure and developments, opportunities and threats, future outlook, risk and concerns
etc. is annexed as Annexure II and form an integral part of this report.
Your Company has not accepted any deposits, within the meaning of
section 73 of the Companies Act, 2013, read with the Companies (Acceptance of Deposits)
Rules, 2014.
Your Company has fully endeavoured to implement the provisions of
Official Language Act, 1963 and the policy of the Government. Publicity material and
literature for employees and farmers are made available in Hindi and other regional
The Comptroller and Auditor General of India (CAG) has appointed, M/s
K. Gopal Rao & Co. (Firm Registration Number 000956S ) and M/s. Parakh & Co. (Firm
Registration Number 001475C ) as Joint
Statutory Auditors of your Company for the financial year 2023-24. The
Auditors would be retiring at the conclusion of the Forty Sixth Annual General Meeting.
There are no qualifications, reservations or adverse remarks made by
Statutory Auditors, in their report.
The Statutory Auditors for the financial year 2024-
25 will be appointed by the CAG. However, their remuneration is
required to be fixed at the AGM by the members. b. COST AUDITORS AND THEIR REPORT
Your Directors, on the recommendation of Audit Committee, has appointed
M/s. Dhananjay V. Joshi
& Associates, Cost Accountants (FRN No.000030), Mumbai as Cost
Auditor to audit the cost accounts of the Company for the year 2024-25 on a remuneration
of 2.50 lakh excluding applicable taxes. As required under the Companies Act, 2013, the
remuneration payable to cost Auditor is required to be placed before the members in a
general meeting for their ratification. Accordingly, a resolution seeking
Members' approval for the remuneration payable to M/s. Dhananjay
V. Joshi & Associates, Cost Auditor forms part of the notice convening the Annual
General Meeting for their ratification.
The Companies (Cost Records and Audit) Rules, 2014 and amendments
thereof, the Company is required to maintain cost accounting records in respect of certain
specified products and accordingly such accounts and records are made and maintained in
the prescribed manner. Further, the cost accounting records maintained by the Company are
required to be audited.
During the year, the Company filed the Cost Audit Report for the
financial year 2023-24 with the Ministry of Corporate Affairs within the prescribed time
Pursuant to the provisions of Section 204 of the Companies Act, 2013
and the Companies (Appointment and Remuneration of Managerial Personnel) Rules, 2014, the
Company has appointed
M/s. Bhandari and Associates, a firm of Company
Secretaries in Practice (C.P. No. 366) to undertake the Secretarial
Audit of the Company. The Secretarial Audit Report is annexed as Annexure III and
forms an integral part of this Report.
M/s. Bhandari and Associates, Practising Company
Secretaries, Secretarial Auditor of the Company has made the following
observations in their Secretarial Audit Report: a) As per Regulation 17(1)(a) of the
Listing Regulations, the Board of directors of top 1000 listed entities shall have at
least one independent woman director by April 1, 2020. The Company was in top 500 listed
entities on the basis of market capitalisation as at March 31, 2023 and the Company did
not have an independent woman director on its Board from June
25, 2023 to March 31, 2024. b) As per Regulation 17(1)(b) of the
Listing Regulations and DPE Guidelines, the Chairman being an Executive
Director, at least half of the Board of Directors should be comprised
of Independent Directors. The Board of Directors comprised of six Directors, constituting
of three Executive Directors (including the Chairman & Managing Director); two Nominee
Directors (non-executive) and one Independent Director as on March 31, 2024 and therefore,
the Company did not have at least half of the Board as Independent
Directors for the period from April 1, 2023 to March 31, 2024. Further,
the Company did not have at least one-third of the total number of Directors as
Independent Directors for the period from June 25, 2023 to September 30, 2023 and from
November 07, 2023 to March 31, 2024 as required under section 149(4) of the Act. c) As per
Regulation 17(1)(c) of the Listing Regulations, the Board of Directors of the top 2000
listed entities with effect from April 1, 2020 shall comprise of not less than six
directors. The Board of Directors comprised of five directors from November 07, 2023 to
16, 2024 and therefore, the Company did not have at least six directors
for the aforesaid period. d) i. As per Regulation 18(1)(a) of the Listing Regulations,
section 177 of the Act and DPE Guidelines, the Audit Committee shall comprise of at least
three directors. The Audit Committee comprised of two directors constituting of one
Independent Director and one Nominee Director (non-executive) on November 07, 2023 and
November 8, 2023 and therefore, Audit Committee did not have requisite number of directors
for the aforesaid period. ii. As per Regulation 18(1)(b) of the Listing Regulations and
DPE Guidelines, at least two-thirds of the directors shall be independent directors and as
per section 177 of the Act, the Audit Committee shall consist of a minimum of three
directors with independent directors forming a majority . The Audit Committee comprised of
three directors (including one Independent Director) for the period from November 9, 2023
to March 31, 2024 and therefore, the Audit Committee did not have requisite number of
Independent Directors for the aforesaid period as per above mentioned provisions. iii. As
per Regulation 18(2)(b) of the Listing Regulations, the quorum for Audit Committee meeting
shall either be two members or one third of the members of the audit committee, whichever
is greater, with at least two independent directors. The Audit Committee meetings held on
November 10, 2023 and February 13, 2024 were attended by two directors (including one
Independent Director) and therefore, requisite quorum was not present in the aforesaid
Audit Committee meetings. e) i. As per Regulation 19(1)(a) of the Listing Regulations,
section 178 of the Act and DPE Guidelines, the Nomination and Remuneration Committee shall
comprise of at least three directors. The Nomination and Remuneration Committee (NRC)
comprised of two directors constituting of one Independent Director and one Nominee
Director (non-executive) on November 07, 2023 and November 08, 2023 and therefore, the NRC
did not have requisite number of directors for the aforesaid period. ii. As per Regulation
19(1)(c) of the Listing Regulations and DPE Guidelines, at least two-thirds of the
directors shall be independent directors and as per section 178 of the Act, not less than
one-half of the directors shall be independent directors. The NRC comprised of three
directors (including one Independent Director and one Whole Time Director) for the period
from November 09, 2023 to March 31, 2024 and therefore, the NRC did not have requisite
number of Independent Directors for the aforesaid period as per above mentioned
provisions. iii. As per Regulation 19(1)(b) of the Listing Regulations and section 178 of
the Act, all directors of the committee shall be non-executive directors. The NRC
comprised of three directors (including one Whole Time Director) for the period from
November 09, 2023 to March 31, 2024 and therefore, the NRC did not have all the members as
non-executive directors for the aforesaid period. f) As per Regulation 25(6) of the
Listing Regulations, an independent director who resigns or is removed from the Board of
Directors of the listed entity shall be replaced by a new independent director by listed
entity at the earliest but not later than three months from the date of such vacancy. The
vacancy was arised in the Company due to resignation of an
Independent Director with effect from November 07, 2023 which has not
yet been fulfilled by the Company.
Explanations on observations made by Secretarial Auditors in seriatim
are as under: a. Your Company is a Central Public Sector Undertaking under the
Administrative control of the Ministry of Chemicals and Fertilizers, Department of
Government of India and its Directors on the Board are nominated /
appointed by the President of India. The Company is continuously pursuing with the
Government of India for the appointment of Woman
Independent Director on the Board in order to comply with the
provisions of the SEBI (Listing Obligations &
Disclosure Requirements) Regulations, 2015. b. Your Company is a
Central Public Sector Undertaking under the Administrative control of the Ministry of
Chemicals and Fertilizers, Department of Fertilizer,
Government of India and its Directors on the Board are nominated /
appointed by the President of India. The Company is continuously pursuing with the
Government of India for the appointment of requisite number of Independent Directors on
Board in order to comply with the provisions of the SEBI (Listing
Obligations & Disclosure Requirements)
Regulations, 2015. c. Due to cessation of One Independent Director on
Board of the Company w.e.f. 07.11.2023, the strength of the Board of
the Company is Five Directors from period of 07.11.2023 to 16.01.2024. Your Company is a
Central Public Sector Undertaking under the Administrative control of the Ministry of
Chemicals and Fertilizers, Department of Fertilizer, Government of India and its Directors
on the Board are nominated / appointed by the President of India. The Government of India
appointed Director (Technical) w.e.f. January 17, 2024. Hence, the Company has complied
with the said regulation w.e.f. January 17, 2024. d. (i), (ii) & (iii) Due to
cessation of one independent director & Member of the audit Committee w.e.f.
07.11.2023, there was shortfall of number of members of Audit Committee. Due to this, the
Company has only one Independent Director on the
Board from 07.11.2023. The Company reconstituted the Audit Committee on
November 09, 2023. Your Company is a Central Public Sector Undertaking under the
Administrative control of the Ministry of Chemicals and Fertilizers, Department of
Government of India and its Directors on the Board are nominated /
appointed by the President of India. The Company has been continuously following up with
the Government of India for appointment of Independent Directors and it is given to
understand that the Government is in the process of appointing requisite number of
Independent Directors. e. (i), (ii) & (iii) Due to cessation of one independent
director & Member of the Nomination and RemunerationCommitteew.e.f.07.11.2023,therewas
shortfall of number of members of Nomination and Remuneration Committee. Due to this, the
Company has only one Independent Director on the Board from 07.11.2023. The Company has
reconstituted the Nomination and Remuneration Committee on November 09, 2023. Your Company
is a Central Public Sector Undertaking under the Administrative control of the Ministry of
Chemicals and Fertilizers, Department of Fertilizer, Government of India and its
Directors on the Board are nominated / appointed by the President of
India. The Company has been continuously following up with the Government of India for
appointment of Independent Directors and it is given to understand that the Government is
in the process of appointing requisite number of Independent Directors. f. Your Company is
a Central Public Sector Undertaking under the Administrative control of the Ministry of
Chemicals and Fertilizers, Department of Fertilizer,
Government of India and its Directors on the Board are nominated /
appointed by the President of India. The Company has been continuously following up with
the Government of India for appointment of Independent Directors and it is given to
understand that the Government is in the process of appointing requisite number of
Independent Directors. d. SECRETARIAL STANDARDS
During the year 2023-24, your Company has complied with the applicable
Secretarial Standards issued by the Institute of Company Secretaries of India.
There are no significant and material orders passed by the
Regulators/Courts/Tribunals that would impact the going concern status
of the Company and its future operations.
There was no instance of fraud during the year under review, which
required the Auditors to report to the Audit
Committee and / or Board under Section 143(12) of the
Act and the rules made there under.
There are no applications made or any proceedings pending under the
Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code, 2016
(31 of 2016) during the year.
As no settlement has taken place with any of the Bank or Financial
Institution during the financial year, therefore, no disclosure or reporting is required
in respect of the details of difference between amount of the valuation done at the time
of one time settlement and the valuation done while taking loan from the Banks or
Financial Institutions.
Your Company is prompt in making the payment of interest and repayment
of loans to the financial institutions / banks. During the COVID-19 Pandemic period, it
has not availed any moratorium on any of its payments to the institutions. Banks and
Financial Institutions continue their unstinted support in all aspects and the Board
records its appreciation for the same.
To the best of knowledge and belief and according to the information
and explanations obtained by them, your Directors make the following statement in terms of
section 134(3) (c) of the Companies Act, 2013: i] that in the preparation of the annual
accounts for the year ended March 31, 2024, the applicable accounting standards have been
followed along with proper explanation relating to material departures, if any; ii] the
Directors had selected such accounting policies and applied them consistently and made
judgments and estimates that are reasonable and prudent so as to give a true and fair view
of the state of affairs of the Company as at March 31, 2024 and of the profit of the
Company for the year ended on that date; sufficient iii] that the Directors have taken
proper and care for the maintenance of adequate accounting records in accordance with the
provisions of the Companies Act, 2013 for safeguarding the assets of the Company and for
preventing and detecting fraud and other irregularities; iv] the annual accounts have been
prepared on a going concern basis; v] that the Directors had laid down internal financial
controls to be followed by the company and that such internal financial controls are
adequate and were operating effectively; and vi] that the Directors had devised proper
systems to ensure compliance with the provisions of all applicable laws and that such
systems were adequate and operating effectively.
As per SEBI (Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requirements)
Regulations, 2015, a separate section on Corporate Governance practices followed by the
Company, together with a certificate of Compliance from the Practising
Company Secretary forms an integral part of this report.
DPE, Government of India, has laid down certain parameters for the
purpose of grading the CPSEs on the basis of their compliance with guidelines on Corporate
Governance and this report needs to be submitted to the Government on quarterly/annual
basis. Your Company has been complying with the Guidelines on Corporate Governance for
CPSEs laid down by DPE and regularly submits reports to the Government. DPE issued
‘Excellent Rating' to your Company for the year 2022-23.
Your Company's internal financial control over financial reporting
is a process designed to provide reasonable assurance regarding the reliability of
financial reporting and the preparation of financial statements for external purposes in
accordance with generally accepted accounting principles. Your Company's internal
financial control over financial reporting includes those policies and procedures that:
(1) pertains to the maintenance of records that, in reasonable detail, accurately and
fairly reflect the transactions and dispositions of the assets of the company; (2) provide
reasonable assurance that transactions are recorded as necessary to permit preparation of
financial statements in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles, and that
receipts and expenditures of the company are being made only in accordance with
authorizations of Management and Directors of the Company; and (3) provide reasonable
assurance regarding prevention or timely detection of unauthorized acquisition, use, or
disposition of the company's assets that could have a material effect on the
financial statements.
The following are Key Managerial Personnel of the Company as on March
31, 2024 :
1. Shri S. C. Mudgerikar [DIN 03498847], Chairman & Managing
2. Ms Nazhat J. Shaikh [DIN 07348075], Director (Finance) & CFO
3. Ms Ritu Goswami [DIN 10463372], Director (Technical) (w.e.f.
4. Shri Milind M. Deo [DIN 08715250], Director (Technical) (upto
5. Shri Jai Bhagwan Sharma [FCS 5030], Company
Shri Chandra Bhushan Pandey [DIN 09407412],
Independent Director ceased to be Director due to resignation on
November 7, 2023.
Shri Milind M. Deo [DIN 08715250], ceased to be Director
(Technical) on the Board of the Company w.e.f. October
1, 2023.
Shri Sanjay Rastogi (DIN 07722405) ceased to be Government Nominee
Director w.e.f. January 5, 2024. Dr. Ajay Shanker Singh (DIN 10449154) appointed as
Government Nominee Director on the Board of the
Company w.e.f. January 5, 2024.
Ms Ritu Goswami [DIN 10463372] appointed as Director
(Technical) on the Board of the Company w.e.f. January
17, 2024.
The Board has placed on record their appreciation of the Directors who
have ceased to be members of the Board for the valuable contribution made and the guidance
/ suggestion provided by them which has greatly benefited the company.
As per Section 152 of the Companies Act, 2013, Ms Nazhat J. Shaikh [DIN
07348075] and Ms Aneeta C. Meshram (DIN: 09781436), Directors retire by rotation at the
ensuing Annual General Meeting and being eligible, offer themselves for reappointment.
The Company's independent directors are eminent professionals with
several decades of experience in banking and financial services, technology, finance,
governance and management areas and are fully conversant and familiar with the business of
the Company. The Company has an ongoing familiarisation programmes for all Independent
directors with regard to their roles, duties, rights, responsibilities in the Company,
nature of the industry in which the Company operates, the business model of the Company,
All the Independent Directors of the Company have registered their
names in the Independent Directors Databank as required under the Act and the Rules
referred therein. The Independent Directors are also required to take up an online
proficiency two years from the date of inclusion of their name in the Independent
Directors databank, unless exempted from such requirement, under the Act and the Rules
referred therein.
Board opined that Independent Directors of the Company has made
significant commitment, effective deployment of knowledge and expertise, integrity and
maintenance of confidentiality and independence of behaviour and judgement.
All independent Directors of the company have given declaration
confirming that they meet the criteria of independence as prescribed under Section 149(6)
of the Companies Act, 2013 and Regulation 16(1) (b) of Securities and Exchange Board of
India (Listing Obligations and
Disclosure Requirements) Regulations, 2015.
The Company's Board has the following committees: i. Audit
Committee ii. Stakeholders Relationship Committee iii. Share Transfer Committee iv.
Nomination and Remuneration Committee v. Committee on Corporate Social Responsibility
(CSR) vi. Empowered Committee for Procurement. vii. Risk Management Committee viii.
Empowered Committee for Procurement of Urea on Govt. Account ix. Debenture Allotment
Committee The details of the committees along with their composition, number of meetings
held and attendance of each Director at the meetings are provided in the Corporate
Governance Report.
As per notification dated June 5, 2015 issued by Ministry of Corporate
Affairs, provision of section 134(3) (e) of the
Companies Act, 2013 regarding disclosure of its policy on
Director's appointment and remuneration including criteria for determining
qualifications, positive attributes, independence of a Director and other matter provided
under sub- section (3) of section 178 of the Companies Act, 2013 are not applicable to a
Government company. Your Company being a Government company, the above provisions are not
applicable to it.
Similarly, section 197 of the Companies Act, 2013 requiring disclosure
of ratio of the remuneration of each director to the median employee's remuneration
and other such details including the name and other particulars of every employee of the
company, who if employed throughout/ part of the financial year, was in receipt of
remuneration in excess of the limits set out in the rules, are not provided in terms of
section 197(12) read with rule 5(1) (2) of the Companies(Appointment and Remuneration of
Managerial Personnel) Rules, 2014, being not applicable to a Government company as per
notification dated June 5, 2015 issued by Ministry of Corporate Affairs.
Eleven (11) Board Meetings were held during the year. The details of the
Board Meetings held during the financial year 2023-24 are provided in the Corporate
Governance Report.
Section 134(3) (p) of the Companies Act, 2013 requires the Company to
disclose the manner in which formal annual evaluation has been made by the Board of its
own performance and that of its committees and individual Directors. As per notification
dated June 5, 2015 issued by Ministry of Corporate Affairs, provision of section 134(3)
(p) of the Companies Act, 2013 shall not apply in case Directors are evaluated by the
Ministry which is administratively in charge of the Company, as per its own evaluation
methodology. Your Company, being a Government Company, the performance evaluation is
carried out by the Administrative Ministry (Ministry of Chemicals & Fertilizers),
Government of India, as per applicable Government Guidelines. Your Company has evaluated
the performance of the Independent Directors for the year 2023-24 as per regulation 17(1)
of SEBI (Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requirements) Regulations, 2015.
Particulars of Loans given, Investments made, Guarantees given and
Securities provided along with the purpose for which the loan or guarantee or security is
proposed to be utilized by the recipient are provided in the notes to the financial
The Credit rating assigned by Rating Agencies for the various debt
instruments of the Corporation is provided in the Corporate Governance Report.
During the year under review, none of employees of the Company had drawn
remuneration in excess of the limits prescribed under section 134(3) (c) of the Companies
Act, 2013 read with Companies (Appointment of Managerial Personnel) Rules, 2014.
The details of Vigil Mechanism/Whistle Blower Policy are provided in
Corporate Governance Report.
All contracts/arrangement/transactions entered by the Company during the
financial year with related parties were in the ordinary course of business and on
length basis. There are no materially significant related party
transactions made by the Company with Promoters, Directors, Key Managerial Personnel or
other designated persons which may have a potential conflict with the interest of the
Company at large.
All Related Party Transactions are placed before the
Audit Committee and also before the Board for approval.
None of the Directors has any pecuniary relationships or transactions
vis-?-vis the Company.
The details of the investment in equity made by the Company as on March
31, 2024 is as under:
1 FACT-RCF Building Products Limited |
32.87 * |
2 Urvarak Videsh Limited |
0.18 * |
3 Talchar Fertilizers Limited |
805.48 |
Total |
838.53 |
* Company has made full provision towards the value of investment.
The details of transactions with related parties are provided in the
accompanying financial statements.
There are no transactions to be reported in Form AOC-2.
In connection with one time settlement entered into with Dena Dank, the
Company had paid total 51 crore ( 12 crore during the year 2017-18 and Rs 39 crore
during the year 2018-19) to Dena Bank as one time settlement which includes an amount of
25.50 crore being the share of The Fertilisers and Chemicals Travancore Limited (FACT),
the joint venture partner in FRBL. This amount is shown as interest bearing inter
corporate deposit given. FACT shall repay the same in five annual equal instalments
commencing from December 2020. FACT has made payment of Four installment total amounting
of 20.40 crore out of the total 5 installments as per agreement.
Your Company has allotted 30,000, Listed, Unsecured,
Rated, Redeemable, Taxable, Non-Convertible Bonds in the nature of
Debentures (NCDs) of face value of 1,00,000/- ((Rupees One Lakh only) each, aggregating
to 300 crore (Rupees Three Hundred Crore only) on private placement basis for cash at
par, in dematerialized form (ISIN: INE027A08028), through BSE Electronic Book Platform
(EBP) on August 7, 2024 .
The NCDs are for a tenure of Three years, carrying interest @ 7.99%
p.a. payable annually. NCDs are listed on National Stock Exchange of India Limited (NSE)
BSE Limited (BSE), on the Whole Sale Debt Market (WDM) Segment. The
Company has appointed M/s SBICAP
Trustee Company Limited as Debenture Trustee for the said debt
Your Company has in place a Policy on Prevention, Prohibition and
Redressal of Sexual Harassment of Women at Workplace in line with the requirements of the
Sexual Harassment of Women at the Workplace (Prevention, Prohibition & Redressal) Act,
2013.The Internal Complaints Committee (ICC) has been set up to redress complaints
received regarding sexual harassment. During the year, one complaint of Sexual Harassment
of Women at Workplace was received by the internal complaints committee formed by your
Company under the Sexual Harassment of Women at Workplace (Prevention, Prohibition and
Redressal) Act, 2013. During the year, committee disposed of Two (2) complaints (out of
two complaints, one complaint was pertaining to the previous year) of Sexual Harassment of
Women at Workplace.
In order to promote transparency and accountability, an appropriate
mechanism has been set up across the Company in line with the provisions of the Right to
Information Act, 2005. Your Company has nominated
CPIO/ACPIOs/ Appellate Authorities at its units/offices across the
Company to provide information to citizens under the provisions of the RTI Act.
During the year under review, your Company has received 348 RTI
applications out of which 331 have been replied.
The information on conservation of energy, technology absorption and
foreign exchange earnings and outgo stipulated under Section 134(3) (m) of the Companies
Act, 2013 read with Rule 8 of The Companies (Accounts) Rules, 2014, is annexed to this
Report as Annexure IV and form an integral part of this report.
Pursuant to Section 92(3) of the Companies Act, 2013 read with Section
134(3)(a) of the Companies Act, 2013, the Annual Return in Form MGT 7 as on March 31, 2024
is available on the Company's website on www.rcfltd.com/ investerrelations/agm-1
The details of unpaid / unclaimed dividend and shares transferred to
the IEPF in compliance with the provisions of the Companies Act, 2013 has been provided in
the Corporate Governance Report.
Pursuant to Regulation 34 (2) (f) of SEBI (Listing Obligations and
Disclosure Requirements) Regulations, 2015, the
Business Responsibility Report initiatives taken from an environmental,
social and governance prospective in the prescribed format is available as a separate
section of the Annual Report and forms an integral part of this report.
Business Responsibility & Sustainability Report is also available
on the Company's website www.rcfltd.com.
As per the Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI) circular
CIR/2023/172 dated October 19, 2023, The Company, is a Large Corporate
and Company shall endeavor to comply with the requirement of raising 25% of their
incremental borrowings done during FY 2022, FY 2023 and FY 2024 respectively by way of
issuance of debt securities till 31st March, 2024.
Accordingly the disclosure requirements towards compliance for the year
2023-24 is as under:
Sr No. Particulars |
Crore |
1 Incremental Borrowings (a) |
275.45 |
2 Mandatory borrowings to be
done through issuance of debt (b)=(25% of (a) |
68.86 |
3 Actual borrowings done
through Debt securities in FY 2023-24 (c) |
0.00 |
4 Shortfall in the mandatory
borrowing through debt securities, if any (d)=(b)-(c) |
68.86 |
5 Reasons for shortfall, if
any, in mandatory borrowings through debt securities |
Availability of alternative
source of finance and unfavourable bond market |
Your Directors wish to gratefully acknowledge the valuable guidance and
continued support extended by Government of India and in particular, the Department of
Fertilizers and the Office of Fertilizer Industry Coordination Committee (FICC), Railways,
DPE, Members of MOU Task force, and other Central Government Departments and Agencies.
The Board also wishes to acknowledge with sincere gratitude, the help
and unstinted support from the Government of Maharashtra and other State
Governments, MSEB, MIDC, various Media, Municipal Authorities,
Maharashtra Pollution Control Board, Factory Inspectorate and IBR, Bankers to your
Company, Financial
Institutions, Dealers and Customers.
Your Board wishes to acknowledge gratefully, the confidence posed,
unstinted support and suggestions made to the Board by the esteemed Share Owners of the
Company. The Board also wishes to place on record the positive suggestions and guidance
provided by the Statutory Auditors, Cost Auditors, the Office of the
Principal Director of Commercial Audit and Secretarial Auditor.
You Board wishes to acknowledge with sincere gratitude, the help and
unstinted support from Trade Unions &
Officers Association for your unwavering support.
Last but not the least, your Directors take pleasure in placing on
record their deep appreciation of the excellent contribution made by the employees of your
Company at all levels, without which your Company would not have achieved such good
[Pursuant to Section 135 of the Companies Act, 2013 (‘the
Act') & Rules made thereunder]
1. Brief outline on CSR Policy of the Company
Rashtriya Chemicals and Fertilizers Limited (‘the Company')
is committed to upholding the highest standards of Corporate Social Responsibility
(‘CSR'). The Company endorses the RCF's purpose of improving the quality of
life of the communities it serves through long-term stakeholder value creation. The
Company believes in positively impacting the environment and supporting the communities it
operates in focusing on sustainability of its programmes and empowerment of its
The CSR commitment of RCF positions its social and environmental
consciousness as an integral part of its business plan and its commitment to all its
stakeholders including customers, shareholders, employees, local communities and the
society at large The Company has framed a CSR Policy in compliance with the provisions of
the Act, as amended, which is available on the Company's website at
https://www.rcfltd.com /public/storage/cmspages/cmspdfFile/F1565001231-CSR_ POLICY.pdf
2. Composition of CSR Committee
Sr. No. Name of Director |
Designation/ Nature of
Directorship |
Number of meetings of CSR
Committee held during the year |
Number of meetings of CSR
Committee attended during the year |
1 Smt. Shashi Bala
Bharti (upto 22.06.2023) |
Chairperson and Independent
Director |
1 |
1 |
2 Shri Gopinathan Nair
Anilkumar (from 22.06.2023) |
Chairperson and Independent
Director |
4 |
4 |
3 Ms Nazhat J. Shaikh |
Member and Director (Finance) |
5 |
5 |
4 Ms Aneeta C. Meshram |
Member and Govt. Nominee
Director |
5 |
0 |
5 Shri Chandra Bhushan Pandey
(from 22.06.2023 to 06.11.2023) |
Member and Independent
Director |
2 |
2 |
3. Provide the web-link where Composition of CSR committee, CSR
Policy and CSR projects approved by the board are disclosed on the website of the Company
Composition of the CSR committee shared above and is available on the
Company's website on https://www.rcfltd.com/public/storage/investers/1712925732.pdf
CSR policy
pdf CSR projects –https://www.rcfltd.com/socialresponsibility/annual-report-
4. Provide the executive summary along with web-link(s) of
Impact Assessment of CSR Projects carried out in pursuance of sub-rule (3) of rule 8, if
Not Applicable
5 . (a) Average net profit of the company as per sub-section (5) of
section 135: 88,398 Lakh (b) Two percent of average net profit of the company as per
sub-section (5) of section 135:1768 Lakh (c) Surplus arising out of the CSR Projects or
programmes or activities of the previous financial years: Nil (d) Amount required to be
set-off for the financial year, if any: 50 Lakh
(e) Total CSR obligation for the financial year [(b)+(c)-(d)]1718 Lakh
6. (a) Amount spent on CSR Projects (both Ongoing Project and other
than Ongoing Project) 1793 Lakh (b) Amount spent in Administrative Overheads: Nil (c)
Amount spent on Impact Assessment, if applicable: Not Applicable (d) Total amount spent
for the Financial Year [(a)+(b)+(c)] 1793 Lakh (e) CSR amount spent or unspent for the
Financial Year:
Total Amount |
Amount Unspent (in ) |
Spent for the Financial Year.
(Rs in lakh.) |
Total Amount
transferred to Unspent CSR Account as per subsection (6) of section 135. |
Amount transferred
to any fund specified under Schedule VII as per second proviso to sub-section (5) of
section 135. |
Amount |
Date of transfer |
Name of the fund |
Amount |
Date of transfer |
1793 |
Nil |
NA |
Nil |
Nil |
NA |
(g) Excess amount for set off, if any : 265.00 Lakh
Sl. No. Particulars |
Amount ( in lakh) |
(i) Two percent of average net
profit of the company as per sub-section (5) of section 135 |
1768 |
(ii) Total amount spent for the Financial
Year |
2058 |
(iii) Excess amount spent for the Financial
Year [(ii)-(i)] |
290 |
(iv) Surplus arising out of
the CSR projects or programmes or activities of the previous Financial Years, if any |
Nil |
(v) Amount available for set off in
succeeding Financial Years [(iii)-(iv)] |
265 * |
* Total CSR spent for the year 2023-24 is 2058.00 Lakh. Total CSR
expenditure accounted for the year 2023-24 is 1793 lakh. Excess amount available for set
off in succeeding financial year is 265 (i.e. 2058 lakh - 1793 lakh)
7. Details of Unspent Corporate Social Responsibility amount for
the preceding three Financial Years:
Sl. No. Preceding
Financial Year(s) |
Amount transferred to
Unspent CSR Account under subsection (6) of section 135 (in ) |
Balance Amount in Unspent
CSR Account under subsection (6) of section 135 (in ) |
Amount Spent in the
Financial Year (in ) |
Amount transferred to a
Fund as specified under Schedule VII as per second proviso to subsection (5) of section
135, if any Amount Date of (in ) transfer |
Amount remaining to be
spent in succeeding Financial Years (in ) |
Deficiency, if any |
Not Applicable |
8. Whether any capital assets have been created or acquired through
Corporate Social Responsibility amount spent in the Financial Year: No If Yes,
enter the number of Capital assets created/ acquired: Not Applicable Furnish the
details relating to such asset(s) so created or acquired through Corporate Social
Responsibility amount spent in the Financial Year:
Sl No. Short
particulars of the property or asset(s) [including complete address and location of the
property] |
Pincode of The
property or asset(s) |
Date of
creation |
Amount of CSR
amount spent |
Details of
entity/ Authority/ beneficiary of the registered owner |
CSR Registration Number,
if applicable |
Name |
Registered Address |
Not Applicable |
(All the fields should be captured as appearing in the revenue record,
flat no, house no, Municipal Office/Municipal Corporation/ Gram panchayat specified and
also the area of the immovable property as well as are to be boundaries)
9. Specify the reason(s), if the company has failed to spend two
per cent of the average net profit as per subsection (5) of section 135.