Your Directors have the pleasure in presenting the Thirty Third Board Report of PVP
Ventures Limited along with the Audited Standalone and Consolidated Financial Statements
for the year ended March 31, 2024.
The summarized Financial Results are as under:
[Rs. In Lakhs]
Particulars |
Standalone |
Consolidated |
Year Ended March 31, 2024 |
Year Ended March 31, 2023 |
Year Ended March 31, 2024 |
Year Ended March 31, 2023 |
Summary of Statement of Profit and Loss: |
Total Income |
767.65 |
16,013.98 |
1,680.27 |
17,608.06 |
Less: Total Operating and other administrative expenses |
1,075.50 |
2,071.3 |
2,044.02 |
4,267.65 |
Profit/(Loss) before Finance cost and Depreciation |
(307.85) |
13,942.68 |
(363.75) |
12,980.41 |
Less: Finance Cost |
490.33 |
762.26 |
536.62 |
1,008.80 |
Profit/(Loss) before Depreciation |
(798.18) |
13,180.42 |
(900.37) |
11,971.61 |
Less: Depreciation and Amortization |
80.47 |
84.75 |
190.13 |
112.06 |
Profit/(Loss) before Exceptional Items |
(878.65) |
13,095.67 |
(1,090.50) |
11,859.55 |
Less: Exceptional Items |
(3,650.28) |
6,870.67 |
(7,248.20) |
(14,396.93) |
Profit/(Loss) before Tax |
2,771.63 |
6,225.00 |
6,157.70 |
26,256.48 |
Less: Tax including Deferred Tax |
(467.77) |
2,428.20 |
(496.28) |
2,478.76 |
Profit/(Loss) after Tax |
3,239.40 |
3,796.80 |
6,653.98 |
23,777.72 |
Other Comprehensive Income/(Loss) |
(225.30) |
7.96 |
(222.56) |
7.79 |
Total Comprehensive income/(Loss) |
3,014.10 |
3,804.76 |
6,431.42 |
23,785.51 |
Earnings per Share (In Rs.) |
1.28 |
1.55 |
2.64 |
5.87 |
Summary of Movement of Retained Earnings : |
Balance brought forward from last year |
(90,269.88) |
(94,074.64) |
(1,04,568.18) |
(1,18,945.04) |
Add: Profit/(Loss) after Tax |
3,239.40 |
3,796.80 |
6,700.88 |
14,376.86 |
Other Comprehensive Income |
(225.30) |
7.96 |
3.49 |
0 |
Less: Appropriations |
- |
- |
- |
- |
Final Dividend |
- |
- |
- |
- |
Tax on Dividend Balance Carried to Balance Sheet |
- |
- |
- |
- |
(87,255.78) |
(90,269.88) |
(85,555.09) |
(104,729.49) |
Performance and State of Affairs of the Company
The projects already signed by the Company with Brigade Enterprises Limited, Rainbow
Foundations Limited, Casagrand Builders Private Limited for developing residential
communities on a portion of its land parcel situated at Perambur, Chennai progressed as
per expectations. Major portion of the revenue will be realized during the financial year
2025 to 2027. The Company's revenue is expected to show a substantial increase as the
apartments come up for sale.
During the year under review, the total consolidated revenue stood at Rs. 1,680.27
Lakhs against the previous year revenue of Rs. 17,608.06 lakhs. The profit after tax is
Rs. 6,653.98 lakhs against the previous year PAT of Rs. 23,777.72 lakhs.
The diagnostics division of the Company contributed to the consolidated revenue of the
Company. The Company is actively pursuing a unique house of brands strategy aimed at
creating a healthcare platform including specialty services, diagnostics, teleradiology
and senior care. Going forward, the Company will be focusing on healthcare services
relying on the cash flows from its real estate operations to fund its foray into
healthcare through acquisitions.
During the year under review, the Company implemented a significant restructuring of
its holding structure and investments to bring about focus. The group has streamlined its
operations majoriy focusing on real estate and healthcare. During the year under review,
the Company brought into its fold Humain Heaithtech Private Limited, a medical diagnostic
company. The company also divested two of its wholly owned subsidiaries (PVP Global
Ventures Private Limited and PVP Media Ventures Private Limited) and a subsidiary New
Cyberabad City Projects Private Limited. Pursuant to this exercise, Picturehouse Media
Limited, a listed company ceased to be its subsidiary.
Share Capital
During the year under review there was an increase in paid up share capital from Rs.
24,50,52,701 to Rs.26,04,03,681 due to:
Conversion of fully convertible debentures where in the company allotted
24,50,980 equity shares to Vikasa India fund
1,29,00,000 equity shares allotted to PV Potiuri Ventures Private Limited for
part consideration payable for the acquisition of Humain Heaithtech Private Limited
Details of Issue of Equity Shares with Differential Rights, details of issue of Sweat
Equity Shares
During the year under review, the Company neither issued any shares with differential
rights nor any sweat equity shares. Hence, the disclosure under these sections are not
The change in nature of the Company's business
During the financial year 2023-2024, there was no change in the nature of the Company's
business. No material change and/or commitment affecting the financial position of your
Company has occurred during the year under review.
The Board of Directors have not recommended any dividend as the Company did not have
significant operational cash flows during the year under review.
Transfer of Profit to Reserves
The Company has not proposed to transfer any of its profits to reserves.
Material changes and commitments affecting the financial position of the Company
between the end of the financial year and the date of the Report
During the period between the year ended March 31, 2024 and date of this report, an
amount of Rs. 48 crores which was deposited in an escrow account by Brigade Enterprises
Limited is received by the Company on July 24, 2024.
There are no other material changes and commitments affecting the financial position of
the Company between the end of the financial year and the date of this Report.
Human Resources
The number of direct employees as on March 31, 2024, was 33. The Company provides equal
opportunities regardless of race and gender. The Company continues to attract talent with
competency for the growth of the Company. Employee relations continue to be cordial and
harmonious at all levels and in all the divisions of the Company. The Board of Directors
would like to express their sincere appreciation to all the employees for their continued
hard work and dedication.
Research and Development, conservation of energy, technology absorption, foreign
exchange earnings and outgo
The Company did not engage in any research and development activities and hence there
is no disclosure to that extent.
The Company did not engage in any manufacturing or service activities. However, the
company had taken all possible measures to conserve energy and the employees are
encouraged to use electric vehicles, public transport for commuting wherever possible.
There had been no foreign exchange earnings and outgo during the year under review.
Particulars of loans, guarantees or investments under Section 186 of the Companies Act
The particulars of loans, guarantees and investments under Section 186 of the said Act,
read with the Companies (Meetings of Board and its Powers) Rules, 2014 for the financial
year 2023-2024 are given in Note No. 5, 6, 7, 12 & 14 of the Notes to the standalone
financial statements.
Particulars of contracts or arrangements with related parties
In compliance with the Act and the Securities and Exchange Board of India
("SEBI") (Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requirements) 2015 ("Listing
Regulations"), the Company has formulated a Policy on Materiality of Related Party
Transactions and on dealing with Related Party Transactions (RPTs) as approved by the
Board which is available on the Company's website
The Company entered into transactions with its related parties in the ordinary course
of business and at arms iength basis. Aii such transactions were piaced and approved by
the Audit Committee. During the year under review, there were no materiaiiy significant
transactions entered with the related parties which were in conflict with the interests of
the Company and that require an approval of the Members in terms of the SEBI Listing
Regulations. Adequate disclosures on the RPTs have been made in Note No 43 of the Notes to
the standalone financial statements which forms part of this annual report.
The Company had not entered into any contract/ arrangement/ transactions with related
parties which could be considered material in accordance with the provisions of the Act.
Hence, the disclosure of RPT's in Form AOC-2 is not applicable.
Details of loan from Directors
During the year under review, the Company did not borrow any loan from its directors.
Downstream investments by the Company
All the downstream investments by the Company are in compliance with the provisions of
Section 186 and other applicable provisions of the Act reading along with the relevant
Rules and also the SEBI Listing Regulations.
Corporate Social Responsibility
Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) is an initiative brought in by the Ministry of
Corporate Affairs whereby every company having net worth of Rs. 500 Crores or more, or
turnover of Rs. 1000 Crores or more or a net profit of Rs. 5 Crores or more during the
immediately preceding financial year is mandated to serve the society by contributing at
least 2% of the average net profits of the Company made during the three immediately
preceding financial years in various CSR activities as defined in Schedule VII of the Act.
The Company had constituted the CSR Committee as per the provisions of Section 135 of
the Act read along with the relevant Rules and the SEBI Listing Regulations. The Committee
formulated a policy and the same is available for access at the Company's website The composition of the committee is disclosed in the Corporate
Governance Report which forms part of this report. The core functions of the committee is
to formulate and recommend to the Board the activities to be undertaken by the Company as
specified in Schedule VII of the Act. However, since the Company did not have adequate
profit, no amount was allocated and spent on the CSR projects.
Corporate Governance
The Company is committed to maintaining the highest standards of corporate governance.
The Company's Annuai Report contains a certificate issued by the Chief Executive Officer
in terms of SEBI Listing Regulations on the compliance declarations received from the
Directors and the senior Management personnel and is enclosed along with Annexure 1. The
Corporate Governance Report is enciosed as Annexure 1 to this Report.
The Company had obtained a certificate from a Practicing Company Secretary confirming
compliance with the Corporate Governance requirements per the SEBI Listing Regulations.
The said certificate is enclosed as Annexure 2.
The certificate from the Chief Executive Officer and Chief Financial Officer are
enclosed along with Annexure 1.
Details of significant and material orders passed by the Regulators or Courts or
After the balance sheet date, the Company received an adjudication order from the
Securities and Exchange Board of India ("SEBI") that the Company did not file
the no defauit statement to the credit rating agency pursuant to their continuous
surveillance for credit rating. The default was alleged to be between July 2017 to June
2018. This order was passed pursuant to a personai representation by the Company's
representatives in June 2022 in SEBI's office. SEBI levied a penalty of Rs 14,00,000/-.
The order was served to the Company on July 06, 2024. The Company has appeaied against the
order since the Company has in fact compiied with the credit rating agency's request by
submitting the no default statement for the period under dispute. The Company is confident
of a favorable disposal of this order.
Apart from the above, there are no significant and materiai orders passed by the
Regulators or Courts or Tribunals which would impact the going concern status of the
Subsidiaries, Joint Ventures, Associate Companies
As on March 31, 2024, the Company had three whoiiy owned subsidiary companies, two step
down subsidiaries and no associate company. During the year under review, Humain
Heaithtech Private Limited became a wholly owned subsidiary and PVP Media Ventures Private
Limited, PVP Giobai Ventures Private Limited ceased to be whoiiy owned subsidiaries of the
Company. There were no joint ventures signed by the Company during the year under review
and the Company does not form part of any joint ventures during the said period. Form
AOC-1 describing the salient features of the financial statements of the subsidiary
companies is enclosed as Annexure 3 to this report.
In accordance with the provisions of Section 136 of the Act and the amendments thereto,
and the SEBI Regulations, the audited financial statements, inciuding the consoiidated
financial statements and related information of the Company and financial statements of
the Company's subsidiaries are placed on the Company's website viz.
After the balance sheet date, the Board of Directors of the Company has approved for
voluntary strike off of one of its subsidiaries viz., Safetrunk Services Private Limited
through a circular resolution dated July 10, 2024 since the subsidiary ceased to carry on
any business since the Financial year 2021-22.
The Company has formuiated a poiicy to determine materiai subsidiaries. The said policy
is available on th Company's website viz.,
Consolidated financial statements
Pursuant to Section 129(3) of the Companies Act, 2013 and SEBI Listing Regulations, the
consolidated financial statements prepared in accordance with the Indian Accounting
Standards is attached to this report.
Changes in Directors and Key Managerial Personnel
During the year under review, the following key managerial personnel were separated
from the Company:
S. No |
Name of the Personnel |
Designation |
Cessation Date |
1 |
Ms. Derrin Ann Geroge |
Deputy Company Secretary |
November 8, 2023 |
2 |
Mr. M Kumar |
Company Secretary |
February 29, 2024 |
3 |
Mr. R Sabesan |
Chief Financial Officer |
December 27, 2023 |
During the year under review and after the balance sheet date, the following
appointments took place:
S. No |
Name of the Personnel |
Designation |
Appointment Date |
1 |
Mr. Mahesh D |
Company Secretary |
May 28, 2024 |
2 |
Mr. K Anand Kumar |
Chief Financial Officer |
February 13, 2024 |
During the year under review the following changes have occurred in the Composition of
the Board of Directors of the Company.
S. No |
Name of the Director |
Reason for Change |
1 |
Mr. N S Kumar |
Resigned with effect from May 31, 2023 |
2 |
Mr. Arjun Ananth |
Appointed as Whole Time Director and Chief Executive Officer of the Company with
effect from July 4, 2023 |
3 |
Mr. Subramanian Parameswaran |
Change of designation from Non-Executive Director Non Independent Director to
NonExecutive Independent Director with effect from June 5, 2023 |
4 |
Mr. Sohrab Chinoy Kersasp |
Resigned with effect from August 8, 2023 |
5 |
Mr. Gautam Shahi |
Appointed as Non-Executive Independent Director with effect from August 16, 2023 |
6 |
Mr. Nandakumar Subburaman |
Resigned with effect from August 24, 2023 |
7 |
Mr. Kushal Kumar |
Appointed as Non-Executive Independent Director with effect from February 29, 2024. |
Declaration by Independent Directors
The Company has received necessary declarations from Mr. N S Kumar, Mr. Sohrab Chinoy
Kersasp, Mr. Nandakumar Subburaman, Mr. Subramanian Parameswaran, Mr. Gautam Shahi, Mr.
Kushal Kumar Independent Directors, under Section 149 (7) of the Act, that they meet the
criteria of independence as laid down in Section 149(6) of the Act and Regulation 25 of
the Listing Regulations and their Declarations have been taken on record.
Details of any director who is in receipt of any commission from the company and who is
a managing or whole-time director of the company shall not be disqualified from receiving
any remuneration or commission from any holding company or subsidiary company of such
company -Not Applicable
Confirmation on other matters on Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code
There is no other application or proceeding pending against the Company under the
Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code, 2016 during the year under review. During the year under
review, there had been no one-time settlements which the Company had entered into with any
bank or financial institution.
Internal Control Systems and its adequacy
The Company has an adequate internal control system to oversee the adherence to the
Company's policies, to safeguard the assets, to ensure that the transactions are at arm's
length, and to ensure the transactions are accurate, complete and properly authorized
prior to execution. The Management Discussion and Analysis Report annexed to this report
has details of such internal controls.
Risk Management
The main objective of Risk Management is risk reduction in the business and optimizing
the risk management strategies. The Company has a risk management policy in place to
mitigate the risk at appropriate situations and there are no elements of risk, which in
the opinion of the Board of Directors may jeopardize the existence of the Company.
Vigil Mechanism/ Whistle Blower Policy
Pursuant to the provisions of Section 177(9) of the Act, read with Rule 7 of the
Companies (Meetings of Board and its Powers) Rules, 2014 and Regulation 22 of the SEBI
Listing Regulations and in accordance with the requirements of SEBI (Prohibition of
Insider Trading) Regulations, 2015, the Board of Directors had approved the Policy on
Vigil Mechanism / Whistle Blower and the same are available on the Company's website WhistleBlowerPolicy-PVPL.pdf
The Members of the Audit Committee have access to these policies and changes if any per
their recommendation are implemented upon proper analysis.
As on March 31, 2024 the Company has constituted Audit Committee, Nomination and
Remuneration Committee, Stakeholders Relationship Committee, Corporate Social
Responsibility Committee as per prescribed statutes. Composition of these committees are
provided in the Report on Corporate Governance which forms part of this Report.
Secretarial Auditor
Pursuant to the provisions of Section 204 of the Act, read with Rule 9 of the Companies
(Appointment and Remuneration of Managerial Personnel), Rules 2014, the Board of Directors
in their meeting held on May 28, 2024, approved the appointment of M/s. Damodaran &
Associates (Practicing Company Secretaries), Chennai as the Secretarial Auditors of the
Company to conduct the Secretarial Audit of the Company for the financial year ended March
31, 2024. The Company had received necessary consent from the firm to act as the
Secretarial Auditor of the Company.
Responses to Auditors' Qualifications
The Secretarial Audit Report for the financial year ended March 31, 2024 is enclosed as
Annexure 4 to this Report. The said report had highlighted the following deviations.
Management response for the deviations is also given below
S. No. |
Deviations |
Management Response |
1. |
During the period from November 25, 2023 to February 28, 2024, the board of directors
of the Company comprised of only three Non-Independent Directors and two Independent
Directors. Hence, half of the Board of Directors of the Company did not comprise
Independent Directors as required under Regulation 17(1)(b) of SEBI (LODR). |
The Chairman established contacts with several potential candidates for filling this
casual vacancy. The potential candidates for Independent Directors were evaluated on the
basis of various criteria viz., having adequate skills, expertise, and competence in the
fields of governance, strategy, financial management, risk management, regulatory and
legal affairs. This process took longer than expected and hence there was a delay in
filling the vacancy. Subsequently, the Company paid the necessary fine to the National
Stock Exchange and there is no further action required in this regard. The Company is now
in compliance with the board composition requirements. |
2. |
During the period from November 25, 2023 to February 28, 2024, the board of directors
of the Company comprised of five Directors. Hence, the Company did not comply with the
requirements of the provisions of Regulation 17(1)(c) of SEBI (LODR) during the above said
period. |
The Statutory Auditors Report for the financial year 2023-24 does not contain any
modification or qualification w.r.t true and fair view on the state of affairs.
Management responses to the Points on "Other Legal and Regulatory Requirements
Section" and the "Companies (Auditor's Report) Order 2020" are detailed
a) The terms and conditions of loans granted by the Company to 2 of its erstwhile
subsidiaries and currently related parties and 1 subsidiary (loan amount granted Rs. 17.01
Lakhs and balance outstanding as at balance sheet date Rs. 39,780.73 Lakhs) are
prejudicial to the Company's interest for the loans granted as below:
The loans granted in prior years to Safetrunk Services Private Limited (Subsidiary),
PVP Global Ventures Private Limited (erstwhile subsidiary, now a related party) and PVP
Media Ventures Private Limited (erstwhile subsidiary, now a related party), amounting to
Rs. 39,864.01 Lakhs as on 31 March 2023, were unsecured and were fully provided for.
Despite the same, the Company has further provided loans amounting to Rs. 17.01 Lakhs to
these parties during the year against which corresponding provision has also been created
for an equivalent amount during the year ended 31 March 2024.
b) In respect of loans granted by the Company, the schedule of repayment is stipulated
except w.r.t. loans granted to one of its subsidiaries and two of its erstwhile
subsidiaries (currently related parties) wherein the schedule of repayment of principal
has not been stipulated and in the absence of such schedule, we are unable to comment on
the regularity of the repayments of principal amounts.
c) In respect of advances in the nature of loans provided by the Company, there is no
overdue amount remaining outstanding as at the balance sheet date except w.r.t. loans
granted to one of its subsidiaries/ two of its erstwhile subsidiaries (currently related
parties) wherein the schedule of repayment of principal has not been stipulated and in the
absence of such schedule, we are unable to comment on the amount due.
d) None of the advances in the nature of loans granted by the Company have fallen due
during the year except w.r.t. unsecured Loans granted to one of its subsidiaries/ two of
its erstwhile subsidiaries (currently related parties) wherein the schedule of repayment
of principal has not been stipulated and in the absence of such schedule, we are unable to
comment on the amount due.
Management response: The Company had extended the loans for supporting the
operational/ financial needs of these entities and overall benefit of the Group. At the
time of extending the loans, these entities were subsidiaries of the Companies, and no new
loans were granted post these entities ceasing to be subsidiaries on account of
Since these loans were granted as a financial support to these entities, the schedule
of repayment are not defined. The Management of the Company is in constant discussion with
these entities, and once the cashflows of these entities are regular, the repayment of the
loan shall also commence.
e) The Company has generally been regular in depositing undisputed statutory dues w.r.t
Provident Fund and Employees' State Insurance. However there have been material delays in
remittance of Tax Deducted at Source, Goods and Services Tax, Income Tax (including
Advance tax) ,Urban Land Tax and other material statutory dues applicable to it to the
appropriate authorities.
Management response: During FY 2023-24, the Group underwent a major restructuring
and divested nonprofitable ventures and restructured its debt obligations, thereby freeing
up working capital. After the date of audit report and until the date of this report, the
Company has remitted income tax dues of FY 2022-23 approximating to Rs. 1606.43 lakhs.
f) Though the Company has an internal audit system as required under Section 138 of the
Act, the same needs to be further strengthened to ensure periodical coverage of the entire
year and all business cycles, to make it commensurate to the size and nature of its
Management response: For the healthcare subsidiaries, the Company has appointed BDO
as an internal auditor for the FY 2024-25 to strengthen the internal audit controls.
g) Based on written representations received from the directors as on 31 March 2024,
taken on record by the Board of Directors, except for the directors Prasad V. Potluri, P J
Bhavani, Subramanian Parameswaran none of the directors are disqualified as on 31 March
2024 from being appointed as a director in terms of Section 164(2) of the Act.
Management response: The Board had obtained an extension till 30 June 2022 from the
Non-convertible debenture holders vide letter dated 24 May 2022 and believes that the same
is with retrospective effect from the date of original scheduled date of repayment due to
which there is no delay as regards repayment of debenture and interest thereon and
consequently disqualification under Section 164(2)(b) of the Act is not attracted.
h) Based on our exa mination, the Company uses Tally Prime as its primary accounting
software. However, the Company has not implemented the Audit trail feature (Edit log
facility) in the accounting software. Hence, neither was the audit trail feature of the
said software enabled nor was it operating during the year for all relevant transactions
recorded in the software. Accordingly, the requirement of examining whether there were any
instances of the audit trail feature being tampered with and the requirement of
preservation of the same by the Company as per the statutory requirements for record
retention, does not arise. Corresponding qualification have also been included under the
clause on "maintenance of books of accounts".
Management response: The Company has already implemented controls on various
processes. The control includes engagement of an internal auditor, maker- checker and
delegation of authorities. The Company is in discussions with vendors and will enable the
audit trail functionality.
Pursuant to Regulation 24(A) of the SEBI Listing Regulations, the Company has obtained
an annual secretarial compliance report from the above mentioned Secretarial Auditor and
the same was submitted to the stock exchanges as per the prescribed timeline.
Humain Healthtech Private Limited, a material unlisted subsidiary of the Company, had
obtained the Secretarial Audit Report from M/s. Damodaran & Associates, Practicing
Company Secretaries and this report is enclosed as Annexure 5. This subsidiary company is
in the process of filling the board position with the right candidate who shall also be an
Independent Director as described in the Report and also in compliance with the Act and
the Listing Regulations.
Secretarial Standards
The Board confirms compliance with the Secretarial Standards notified by the Institute
of Company Secretaries of India.
Annual Return
Pursuant to the provisions of Section 92(3) read with Section 134(3) of the Act, the
Annual Return of the Company as at March 31, 2024 is available on the Company's website at
Board meetings held during the year
During the year under review, the Board of Directors met nine (9) times. The details of
the meetings are furnished in the Corporate Governance Report enclosed as Annexure 1 to
this Report.
Particulars of employees
Disclosure pertaining to the remuneration and other details as required under Section
197(3) of the Act and the Rules frames thereunder is enclosed as Annexure 6 to this
The Company's Employee Stock Option Scheme
During the year under review, no options were granted to any employee of the Company.
The Company has an Employee Stock Option Scheme as approved by the Board of Directors,
Shareholders and the said scheme is in compliance with the Securities and Exchange Board
of India (Share Based Employee benefits and Sweat Equity) Regulations, 2021. Disclosure
with respect to the above mentioned ESOP Scheme is available in the Company's website
https://www. .
Performance Evaluation
Section 134 of the Act states that a formal evaluation needs to be made by the Board,
of its performance and that of its committees and the individual Directors. Schedule IV of
the Act and Regulation 17(10) of SEBI Regulations state that the performance evaluation of
each Independent Director shaii be done by the entire Board of Directors excluding the
Director being evaluated.
Pursuant to the provisions of section 134(3)(p) of the Act and the reievant SEBI
Reguiations, the Board has carried out an evaLuation of its performance, the Directors
individuaiiy as weii as its Committees. The manner in which the evaLuation has been
carried out has been expiained in the Corporate Governance Report forming part of the
Annuai Report.
Directors' Responsibility Statement
As required under Section 134(5) of the Act, the Board of Directors hereby confirms,
that -
(a) In the preparation of the Annuai Accounts for the financial year ended March 31,
2024, the applicable Accounting Standards have been followed and there are no materiai
(b) They have seiected such accounting poiicies and applied them consistently and made
judgments and estimates that are reasonabie and prudent to give a true and fair view of
the state of affairs of the Company at the end of the financial year and of the profit of
the Company for the financial year 2023-2024.
(c) They have taken proper and sufficient care for the maintenance of adequate
accounting records in accordance with the provisions of the Act for safeguarding the
assets of the Company and for preventing and detecting fraud and other irreguiarities.
(d) They have prepared the annual accounts on a going- concern basis.
(e) They have laid down proper internal financial controls to be followed by the
Company and such internal financial controls are adequate and are operating effectively;
(f) They have devised proper systems to ensure compliance with the provisions of all
applicable laws and that such systems are adequate and operating effectively.
Details in respect of Frauds
The Company's auditors' report does not have any statement on suspected fraud in the
company's operations to expiain as per Sec. 134(3) (ca) of the Act.
Cost Records
Rule 3 of the Companies (Cost Records and Audit) Rules, 2014 provides the ciasses of
companies, engaged in the production of goods or providing services, having an overaii
turnover from all its products and services of Rs.35 crore or more during the immediateiy
preceding financial year to maintain cost records in their books of account.
Maintenance of cost records as specified by the Centrai Government under sub-section
(1) of section 148 of the Act, is not required by your Company and hence, such accounts
and records are not made and maintained.
Audit related matters Statutory Auditors
Section 139 of the Companies Act, 2013 provides for the appointment of Statutory
Auditors for a period of five years and thus M/s PSDY & Associates, Chartered
Accountants (Registration No.016025S), Chennai were appointed as the Statutory Auditors of
the Company in the Annual General Meeting of the Company held on 30th September, 2022 for
a period tillthe conciusion of the Thirty Sixth Annual General Meeting.
Accordingiy, M/s. PSDY & Associates will continue as Statutory Auditors of the
Company till the financial year 2026-27.
Internal Auditor
The Board appointed Phanindra & Associates Chartered Accountants Chartered
Accountants as the internal auditor for the Financial Year 2023-2024 based on the
recommendation of the Audit Committee. The Board had appointed BDO India LLP as the
Internai Auditors for auditing the healthcare business for the financial year 2024-2025.
Board Committee Composition
The Board has constituted the following committees viz. Audit Committee, Stakeholders'
Relationship Committee, Nomination and Remuneration Committee, Corporate Social
Responsibility Committee and Investment Committee.
A. Audit Committee
Pursuant to Regulation 18 of SEBI Regulations and the provision of Section 177(8) read
with Rule 6 of the Companies (Meeting of Board and its Powers) Rules 2014, the Company has
duly constituted a qualified and independent Audit Committee. The Audit Committee of the
Board consists of two "Independent Directors" and
One "Non - Independent Directors" as members having adequate financial and
accounting knowledge. The composition, procedures, powers, and role/functions of the audit
committee and its terms of reference are set out in the Corporate Governance Report
forming part of the Board's Report.
During the period under review, the suggestions put forth by the Audit Committee were
duly considered and accepted by the Board of Directors. There were no instances of
non-acceptance of such recommendations.
The Audit Committee acts in accordance with the terms of reference specified by the
Board of Directors in terms of Section 177(4) of the Act and in terms of Regulation 18 of
the SEBI Regulations. It also oversees the vigil mechanism and is obliged to take suitable
action against the Directors or employees concerned, when necessary. A detailed note on
the Audit Committee is given in the Corporate Governance Report forming part of the Annual
B. Nomination and Remuneration Committee
According to Section 178 of the Companies Act, 2013 and in terms of Regulation 19 of
SEBI (LODR) Regulations, 2015, the Company has set up a Nomination and Remuneration
Committee which has formulated the criteria for determining the qualifications, positive
attributes, and independence of a Director and ensures that:
1) The level and composition of remuneration are reasonable and sufficient to attract,
retain and motivate Directors having the quality required to run the Company successfully.
2) The relationship of remuneration to performance is clear and meets appropriate
performance benchmarks; and
3) Remuneration to Directors, key managerial personnel, and senior management involve a
balance between fixed and variable pay, reflecting short-term and long-term performance,
objectives appropriate to the working of the Company and its goals.
The Nomination and Remuneration Policy of your Company is set out and available on your
company website A detailed note on the Nomination and Remuneration
Committee is given in the Corporate Governance Report forming part of the Annual Report.
C. Stakeholders' Relationship Committee
A detailed note on the Stakeholders' Relationship Committee is given in the Corporate
Governance Report forming part of the Annual Report.
D. Corporate Social Responsibility Committee
The Board has constituted the Corporate Social Responsibility Committee in accordance
with Section 135 of the Companies Act, 2013. The Company is committed to operate in a
socially responsible manner in terms of protecting the environment and conserving water
resources and energy.
Other Matters
A. Remuneration details of Directors and Employees
The Company's policy on Directors' appointment and remuneration, including criteria for
determining qualification, positive attributes and independence of a director and other
matters provided under sub-section (3) of section 178, is posted on our company's website
in the following link statutory-information/ and forms part
of this Report pursuant to the first proviso of Section 178 of the Act.
B. Debentures
During the previous year, the Company has redeemed Non-Convertible Debentures (Tranche
A & B) in its entirety. The Company entered into a One-Time Settlement with the
debenture holder for waiver of principal amounting to Rs. 371.5 lakhs (Tranche B) and
interest accrued amounting to Rs. 7,445.5 lakhs (Tranche A & B). Thus, the liability
of the Company has been reduced significantly.
During the year under review, the Company received a request for conversion of 5,000,
14.5% Fully Convertible Debentures (FCD's) at a price of Rs. 204 from the current
debenture holder i.e, Vikasa India EIF I Fund - Incube Global Opportunities vide letter
dated 19 April 2023 which was later approved by the Board in the meeting held on April 28,
2023. The Company has also obtained a waiver for the interest accrued on FCD's upto March
31, 2023.
As on March 31, 2024, the Company has no outstanding debentures.
C. Bonus Shares
During the year under review, the Company has not issued any bonus shares.
D. Borrowings
The Company has outstanding borrowings including loan from subsidiary companies and
other related parties for the financial year ended March 31, 2024 as disclosed in Note No.
23 of the audited standalone financial statements of the Company for the year ended March
31, 2024.
E. Deposits
The Company has not accepted any deposits in terms of Chapter V of the Act, read with
the Companies (Acceptance of Deposit) Rules, 2014, during the year under review and as
such, no amount on account of principal or interest on public deposits was outstanding as
of the balance sheet date.
F. Transfer to Investor Education and Protection Fund
There are no amounts which were required to be transferred to the Investor Education
and Protection Fund by the Company.
G. Code of Conduct for Directors and Senior Management:
The Board of Directors adopted a code of conduct for the Board Members and employees of
the company. This Code helps the Company maintain the standard of Business Ethics and
ensure compliance with the legal requirements of the Company.
The Code is aimed at preventing any misconduct and promoting ethical conduct at the
Board level and by employees. The Compliance Officer is responsible for ensuring adherence
to the Code by all concerned.
The Code lays down the standard of conduct which is expected to be followed by the
Directors and the designated employees in their business dealings and in particular, on
matters relating to integrity in the workplace, in business practices, and in dealing with
All the Board Members and the Senior Management personnel have confirmed compliance
with the Code.
H. Management Discussion and Analysis Report
In accordance with the requirement of the SEBI Regulations, the Management Discussion
and Analysis Report is presented in a separate section of the Annual Report, which is
appended as Annexure 7.
I. Disclosure on Sexual Harassment of Women at Workplace (Prevention, Prohibition and
Redressal) Act, 2013
The Company has in place a Sexual Harassment Policy in line with the requirement of the
Sexual Harassment of Women at Workplace (Prevention, Prohibition and Redressal) Act, 2013.
Internal Compliant Committee (ICC) has been set up to redress the complaints received
in connection with sexual harassment in any form.
All employees (permanent, contractual, temporary, trainees) are covered under this
a. Number of complaints filed during the financial year - NIL.
b. Number of complaints disposed of during the financial year - NIL.
c. Number of complaints pending as of the end of the financial year - NIL.
J. Green initiatives
Pursuant to the provisions of Section 108 of the Act read with Rule 20 of the Companies
(Management and Administration) Rules, 2014 (as amended) and Regulation 44 of SEBI
Regulations(as amended), and inline with the circulars issued by the Ministry of Corporate
Affairs (MCA) on various dates, the Company is providing the facility of remote e-voting
to its members in respect of the business to be transacted at the Annual General Meeting.
Electronic copies of the Annual Report 20232024 and Notice of the Thirty Third Annual
General Meeting are sent to all the members whose email addresses are registered with the
Company/Depository Participant(s). Further, the soft copy of the Annual Report (in pdf
format) is also available on our website https:// For
this purpose, the Company has entered into an arrangement with National Securities
Depository Limited (NSDL) for facilitating voting through electronic means, as the
authorized agency. The facility of casting votes by a member using remote e-Voting system
on the date of the Annual General Meeting will be provided by NSDL.
The Board of Directors takes this opportunity to thank the Company's employees for
their dedicated service and firm commitment in pursuing the goals of the Company. The
Board extends its gratitude and appreciation for the continued support of the Government,
bankers, financial institutions, etc.,
The Directors thank the Shareholders, Suppliers, Bankers, Financial Institutions and
all other business associates for their continued support to the Company and the
confidence reposed in its Management. The Directors also thank the Government authorities
for their cooperation. The Directors wish to record their sincere appreciation of the
significant contribution made by the PVP employees at all levels towards its successful
By the Order of Board of Directors |
For PVP Ventures Limited |
Prasad V. Potluri |
Place : Chennai |
Chairman & Managing Director |
Date : August 12, 2024 |
DIN - 00179175 |