Dear Members,
Your Directors have pleasure in presenting the 19th Annual Report of the
Company along with the audited financial statements for the financial year ended March
The financial performance of your Company on standalone basis is summarized below:
(? in crore, except earnings per share)
Particulars |
2023-24 |
2022-23 |
Revenue from operations |
189.45 |
2,359.46 |
Other income |
43.85 |
147.85 |
Total income |
233.30 |
2,507.31 |
Profit / (loss) before finance costs, depreciation and tax |
(125.05) |
272.70 |
Less: Finance cost |
504.53 |
491.69 |
Less: Depreciation & amortisation expenses |
19.69 |
25.85 |
Profit / (loss) before tax |
(649.27) |
(244.84) |
Less: Tax Expense |
- |
94.27 |
Net profit / (loss) after tax |
(649.27) |
(339.11) |
Other comprehensive income for the year, net of tax |
2.15 |
0.46 |
Total comprehensive income / (loss) for the year |
(647.12) |
(338.65) |
Earnings per equity share (in ?): |
Basic |
(13.95) |
(7.29) |
Diluted |
(13.95) |
(7.29) |
Paid-up share capital |
465.40 |
465.40 |
Other equity |
2,432.53 |
3,079.65 |
The Company is one of the prominent jewellery companies in the organised jewellery
retail sector in India. It is engaged in the business of trade, manufacture and sale of
gold, diamond, precious stone, gold and diamond studded jewellery as well as silver
articles. As on March 31, 2024, the Company has total of 60 showrooms including 6
franchisee showrooms and also has 4 manufacturing units in India covering 12 States and 3
Union Territories.
The Company offers wide range and variety of jewellery to cater not only to wedding
jewellery but party and daily wear
also. In view of the changing trends, customers preferences and demands, the Company
keeps on launching new jewellery designs and collections from time to time. The Company
has launched a number of jewellery collections over the years. Some of the Company's
prominent jewellery collections are Anant, Dashavatar, Bandhan, Amour, Wedding Collection,
Animal Collection, Folia Amoris, The Fluttering Beauty, Mens Collection, Hand Mangalsutra
The Company is engaged in jewellery business, in which trust and goodwill of a brand is
a major impact factor. Due to the litigations and negative promotion about the Company,
the customer sentiments towards the Company's future and existence got affected adversely
during the year under review. As a result of which, although the Company's showrooms were
operational, but the quantum of operations was very low / negligible. This led to a fall
in the Company's revenue and its operational levels as well during the year. The revenue
from operations of the Company decreased from Rs. 2,359.46 crore during previous year to
Rs. 189.45 crore. Further, the reduction in operations has also resulted in losses at
EBIDTA as well as PBT level for the Company. Consequently, the Company's net loss
increased to Rs. 649.27 crore as compared to Rs. 339.11 crore during the previous year.
During the financial year 2021-22, the Company's lenders classified its accounts as
Non-Performing Assets, which was contested by the Company in various legal fora and the
matter is currently sub-judice. Subsequently, the Company and its lenders were involved in
various litigations. During the year under review, State Bank of India ("SBI")
also filed a petition with National Company Law Tribunal, Delhi ("NCLT")
against the Company under the Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code, 2016 ("IBC
2016") for initiation of corporate insolvency resolution process. The Company has
from time to time responded to all the legal notices, petitions and plaints suitably.
The Company has also taken proactive action in resolving the legal cases by approaching
its lenders to resolve the issue of unpaid debt with a One Time Settlement ("OTS")
proposal. After several rounds of negotiations, during third quarter of the year under
review, the lenders had in-principle agreed to take forward the OTS proposal to their
respective internal / competent authorities for approval and the upfront payment for the
furtherance of the proposal was deposited in a no lien account with SBI by a Promoter
Group entity.
Subsequently, the internal / competent authorities of 2 banks, namely, SBI (Lead Bank)
and Axis Bank, have given their acceptances / approval to the Company's OTS proposal
during the fourth quarter of the year under review.
Further, owing to the above positive development, after end of the year SBI had also
filed an application under IBC 2016 before Hon'ble NCLT for withdrawal of its earlier
petition on account of the settlement terms agreed between SBI and the Company.
Subsequently, NCLT vide its order dated April 30, 2024 allowed SBI to withdraw the
petition and dismissed the same as withdrawn.
Keeping in view the aforesaid positive developments, the Company has again started
focusing on increasing its brand presence and has started its marketing initiatives for
the same. The Company continues to maintain a wide network of showrooms. Also, the core
strengths of the Company in the form of manufacturing & designing capabilities,
skilled staff, soft skills in the form of systems and procedures, customer policies, etc.
remain intact. Supported by its strong historical financials, the Company is aware of its
growth potential and hence is also revamping all other aspects of its business operations
such as, preparing to launch new jewellery collections, revamping its franchisee business,
cost optimization etc.
Authorised Share Capital: The authorised share capital of the Company remained
unchanged at Rs. 760 crore comprising of 50 crore equity shares of Rs. 10/- each and 26
crore preference shares of Rs. 10/- each.
Paid-Up Share Capital: The paid-up share capital of the Company also remained
unchanged at Rs. 465,40,38,960/- comprising of 46,54,03,896 equity shares of Rs. 10/-
The Board of Directors ("Board") has not recommended any dividend for
the year.
The Board has not proposed transfer of any amount to the reserves.
As on March 31,2024, the Company had 6 Directors comprising of 2 Executive Directors
and 4 Non-Executive Independent Directors including 1 Woman Director.
During the year Shri Suresh Kumar Jain, Independent Director, ceased to be a Director
of the Company w.e.f. September 19, 2023 due to completion of his second and final term as
an Independent Director of the Company. Shri Ramesh Kumar Sharma is liable to retire by
rotation at the 19th Annual General Meeting ("AGM") of the
Company and being eligible, offered himself for re-appointment as a Director of the
Pursuant to Regulation 36 of the SEBI (Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requirements)
Regulations, 2015 ("LODR Regulations") and Secretarial Standard 2 issued
by the Institute of Company Secretaries of India, the details of Shri Ramesh Kumar Sharma
form part of the Notice convening the 19th AGM.
During the year under review, no changes have taken place among Key Managerial
Personnel of the Company.
As on March 31,2024, the Company has following 3 wholly owned non-material
i) Luxury Products Trendsetter Private Limited: It is engaged in the business of
manufacturing / job working and trading of jewellery. During the year under review its
revenue from operations was Rs. 0.26 crore and it registered net profit of Rs. 0.68 crore.
ii) PCJ Gems & Jewellery Limited: It is authorized to carry on the business
of manufacturing and trading of all kinds of jewellery. However, it has not commenced
business operations during the year under review.
iii) PC Jeweller Global DMCC: It is engaged in the business of jewellery
trading. During the year under review its revenue from operations was Rs. 1.02 crore and
it registered net profit of Rs. 6.06 crore.
During the year under review, PC Universal Private Limited ceased to be a subsidiary of
the Company w.e.f. September 8, 2023 due to issue of additional shares to a third party
and consequent increase in its paid-up share capital.
During the year under review, no company has become subsidiary of the Company.
Pursuant to the provisions of Section 129(3) of the Companies Act, 2013 (the "Act")
a statement containing salient features of the financial statements of the subsidiaries
(Form AOC - 1) is annexed as "Annexure - 1" to this Report. Please refer
Note 56 of the consolidated financial statements for the financial year ended March
31,2024 for the details of contribution of the subsidiaries to the overall performance of
the Company. The financial statements of all the subsidiaries are available on the
Company's website in Investors section.
The Company do not have any associate or joint venture company within the meaning of
Section 2(6) of the Act and no company has become or ceased to be associate or joint
venture company during the year.
The consolidated financial statements of the Company have been prepared in accordance
with the accounting principles applicable in India including Indian Accounting Standards
(IND AS) specified under Section 133 of the Act read with the Rules made thereunder and
forms part of the Annual Report.
The Company has complied with the applicable provisions of Secretarial Standards 1 and
2 issued by the Institute of Company Secretaries of India and notified by the Ministry of
Corporate Affairs.
The Company is not required to maintain cost records as specified under Section 148 of
the Act.
All Independent Directors of the Company have confirmed their independence and
submitted declaration of independence with the Company in accordance with the provisions
of the Act and LODR Regulations. They have also confirmed that they are not aware of any
circumstance or situation, which exist or may be reasonably anticipated, that could impair
or impact their ability to discharge their duties with an objective independent judgement
and without any external influence.
During the year, 6 Board meetings of the Company were held on May 30, 2023; August 14,
2023; August 22, 2023, November 14, 2023; February 14, 2024 and March 22, 2024
Audit Committee of the Company comprises of 4 Directors including 3 Independent
Directors. Dr. Manohar Lal Singla,
Independent Director, is the Chairman of the Committee. For further details, please
refer to Report on Corporate Governance.
During the year under review, the Company has neither invited nor accepted any deposits
from the public under Chapter V of the Act. There was no public deposit outstanding as at
the beginning and end of the year under review.
The details of loans given and investments made by the Company are disclosed in the
notes forming part of the financial statements. The Company has not provided any
All the related party transactions entered into by the Company during the year under
review were on an arm's length basis and in the ordinary course of business. The Company
had not entered into any contract / arrangement / transaction with related parties, which
could be considered as material in accordance with the Company's Policy on Materiality of
and Dealing with Related Party Transactions. Hence, disclosure in Form AOC - 2 is not
required. The details of transactions with related parties during the year have been
disclosed in Note 37 of the standalone financial statements.
Shri Balram Garg and Smt. Krishna Devi hold more than 10% shares in the Company. The
details of transactions of the Company with them during the year under review are as
(T in crore)
Particulars |
Year ended March 31, 2022 |
Rent paid: |
Shri Balram Garg |
0.01 |
Smt. Krishna Devi |
0.03 |
The Company has put in place a Risk Management Policy to define a framework for
identification, assessment, categorisation and treatment of risks and selecting
appropriate risk management approach. The Company's outlook in dealing with various risks
associated with the business includes the decision on acceptance of risks, avoidance of
risks, transfer of risks and risks tolerance level. Pursuant to Regulation 21 of LODR
Regulations, the Company has
constituted a Risk Management Committee, which comprises of 3 Directors including 1
Independent Director. For further details on Risk Management Committee, please refer to
Report on Corporate Governance.
The Company has effective internal control systems in place, which ensures that all the
assets of the Company are safeguarded and protected against any loss from unauthorized use
or disposition. The Company has also put in place adequate internal controls with
reference to the financial statements commensurate with the size and nature of operations
of the Company. Such controls were tested and test results summary of the testing done
based on key controls shown effective controls prevailing within the Company during the
year under review.
Internal auditor of the Company also periodically carry out review of the internal
control systems and procedures and their reports are placed before Audit Committee for
review. There were no significant comments / findings in the reports of Internal auditor
during the year under review.
There have been no material changes and commitments affecting financial position of the
Company between end of the financial year and the date of the report except as under:
> State Bank of India ("SBI") filed an application under the
Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code, 2016 before National Company Law Tribunal, Delhi ("NCLT"),
for withdrawal of its earlier petition on account of the settlement terms agreed between
SBI and the Company. Subsequently, NCLT vide its order dated April 30, 2024 allowed SBI to
withdraw the petition and dismissed the same as withdrawn.
> The shareholders of the Company in its meeting held on August 8, 2024 approved
raising of funds for an aggregate amount of up to Rs. 2,705.14 crore by issuance of up to
48,13,42,500 Fully Convertible Warrants on a preferential basis to the persons belonging
to 'Promoter Group' and 'NonPromoter, Public Category'
> Out of the 14 consortium lenders of the Company, 12 lenders have accepted /
approved the One Time Settlement proposal submitted by the Company towards settlement of
their outstanding debts.
The Company is committed towards conservation of energy and emphasises on optimal use
of energy and avoid wastages at its premises.
The Company has not carried out any research and development activities.
The Company's foreign exchange earnings and outgo during the year were Nil.
Pursuant to the provisions of Sexual Harassment of Women at Workplace (Prevention,
Prohibition and Redressal) Act, 2013 and the rules framed thereunder, the Company has
adopted a policy against sexual harassment. The Company has constituted Internal
Complaints Committee for redressal of the complaints on sexual harassment. During the year
under review, the Company had not received any complaint on sexual harassment and no
complaint was pending as on March 31, 2024.
The Company has in place a Whistle Blower Policy, which provides a formal mechanism for
all the employees and Directors of the Company to report about unethical behaviour, actual
or suspected fraud or violation of the Company's code of conduct and leak of unpublished
price sensitive information etc. and provides reassurance that they will be protected from
reprisals or victimization for whistle blowing.
During the year under review, the Company had not received any complaint under Whistle
Blower Policy and no complaint was pending as on March 31,2024. The Policy is available on
the Company's website in Investors section.
The Company has in place the Board approved criteria for evaluation of performance of
the Board, its Committees and individual Directors. Annual performance evaluation of the
Board, its Committees and the Directors is carried out on the basis of evaluation forms,
which include a rating mechanism.
The Board carried out annual performance evaluation of its own performance on the basis
of evaluation forms received from all the Directors. The performance of each Committee of
the Board was evaluated by the Board, based on evaluation forms received from members of
the respective Committee. Further, performance of individual Directors (except Shri Suresh
Kumar Jain, who ceased to be a Director of the Company during the year under review) was
evaluated by Nomination and Remuneration Committee as well as the Board on the basis of
evaluation forms received from all the Directors except the Director being evaluated.
Independent Directors also reviewed the performance of the Board and NonIndependent
Directors at their separate meeting.
The criteria for performance evaluation of the Board and its Committees amongst others
include their composition, processes, information and functioning, terms of reference of
the Committees, etc. The criteria for performance evaluation of the Directors including
Independent Directors amongst others include their contribution at the meetings, devotion
of time and efforts to understand the Company, its business, their duties and
responsibilities and adherence to the code of conduct, etc.
Based on the feedbacks received, the consolidated report on the performance of the
Board, its Committees and individual Directors was placed before the Board. The Board
expressed satisfaction over the performance of the Board, its Committees and the
No significant / material orders have been passed by the regulators or courts or
tribunals impacting the going concern status of your Company and its operations in future.
However, during the year under review, State Bank of India ("SBI") filed
a petition against the Company with National Company Law Tribunal, Delhi ("NCLT")
for initiation of corporate insolvency resolution process. Subsequently, after end of the
year under review, pursuant to an application submitted by SBI, NCLT vide its order dated
April 30, 2024 allowed SBI to withdraw the earlier petition and dismissed the same as
Pursuant to Section 134(3)(c) of the Act, your Directors confirm that:
a) in the preparation of the annual accounts, the applicable accounting standards had
been followed and there were no material departures from the same;
b) the Directors had selected such accounting policies and applied them consistently
and made judgments and estimates that are reasonable and prudent so as to give a true and
fair view of the state of affairs of the Company at
the end of the financial year and of the profit and loss of the Company for that
c) the Directors had taken proper and sufficient care for the maintenance of adequate
accounting records in accordance with the provisions of the Act for safeguarding the
assets of the Company and for preventing and detecting fraud and other irregularities;
d) the Directors had prepared the annual accounts on a going concern basis;
e) the Directors had laid down internal financial controls to be followed by the
Company and that such internal financial controls are adequate and were operating
effectively; and
f) the Directors had devised proper systems to ensure compliance with the provisions of
all applicable laws and that such systems were adequate and operating effectively.
With the objective of retaining talent and reward loyalty, the Company has in place PC
Jeweller Limited Employee Stock Option Plan 2011 ("ESOP 2011"). ESOP 2011
is in compliance with the SEBI (Share Based Employee Benefits and Sweat Equity)
Regulations, 2021. During the year under review, no changes were made in ESOP 2011.
The disclosure relating to ESOP 2011 as required under the SEBI (Share Based Employee
Benefits and Sweat Equity) Regulations, 2021 is available on the Company's website and can
be accessed through the link uploads/201
ESOP-Disclosure-under-the-SEBI-SBEB-&-SE-Regulations-2021. pdf. The certificate of
secretarial auditor with respect to the implementation of ESOP 2011 will be available for
inspection by Members during the 19th AGM.
Nomination & Remuneration Policy of the Company is designed to identify the persons
for appointment as Director(s) and who may be appointed in Senior Management including Key
Managerial Personnel ("KMP") as well as determining the remuneration of
the Director, KMP and other employees and to attract, motivate and retain manpower by
creating a congenial work atmosphere, encouraging initiatives, personal growth and team
work by creating a sense of belonging and involvement, besides offering appropriate
remuneration packages.
The objective of Policy on Criteria for determining Qualifications, Positive Attributes
and Independence of a Director is to define the criteria for determining the
qualifications, positive attributes and independence of a Director.
No changes have been made in both the policies during the year. Both the policies are
available on the Company's website and can be accessed through the link codes-policies/
As per LODR Regulations, Management Discussion and Analysis Report forms part of the
Annual Report.
As per LODR Regulations, Business Responsibility and Sustainability Report forms part
of the Annual Report.
In terms of Regulation 43A of LODR Regulations, the Company has in place a Dividend
Distribution Policy. The Policy is available on the Company's website and can be accessed
through the link
investors/corporate-governance/Dividend-Distribution-Policy. pdf
In accordance with Section 92(3) of the Act read with the Companies (Management and
Administration) Rules, 2014, Annual Return is available on the Company's website and can
be accessed through the link annual-return/
During the year under review, M/s Arun K. Agarwal & Associates, Chartered
Accountants (Firm Registration No. 003917N) (hereinafter referred to as "AKA")
resigned as statutory auditor of the Company on August 14, 2023 (after issue of Limited
Review Reports on financial results of the Company for the quarter ended June 30, 2023) on
the ground of economic viability.
Thereafter, on the recommendation of Audit Committee, the Board of the Company approved
the appointment of M/s A H P N & Associates, Chartered Accountants (Firm Registration
009452N) (hereinafter referred to as "AHPN") as statutory auditor of
the Company w.e.f. August 22, 2023 to fill the casual vacancy caused by the resignation of
AKA and to hold the office till the conclusion of the 18th AGM and for further
5 consecutive years from the conclusion of the 18th AGM till the conclusion of
the 23rd AGM and the same was approved by Members of the Company at the 18th
The notes to the financial statements referred to in statutory auditors' report are
self-explanatory and do not call for any further explanations or comments. However, the
explanations or comments of the Board on the qualification, reservation or adverse remark
or disclaimer made in statutory auditors' report are as under:
1) Para 4 (i) of Independent Auditors' Report regarding providing of discounts of T
513.65 crore to export customers during the financial year ended March 31, 2019
The management had extended the discounts as on March 31,2019 to its overseas buyers in
view of the genuine business problems and operational issues being faced by them. The
discount extended amounted to one-time discount of 25% of the export value of outstanding
receivables as on March 31, 2019. The discount extended was in accordance with the FED
Master Direction No. 16/2015-16 dated January 1, 2016 issued by the Reserve Bank of India.
Subsequently, the Company had obtained approvals from Authorized Dealer Banks for
reduction in the receivables corresponding to discounts amounting to Rs. 330.49 crore and
approval for the balance amount i.e. Rs. 183.16 crore is under process. The discount
extended was in accordance with the aforesaid Master Direction and the management does not
expect any material penalty to be levied and therefore no provision for the same has been
recognized in the financial statements.
2) Para 4 (ii) of Independent Auditors' Report regarding adequacy of the provision of
expected credit loss relating to overdue overseas trade receivables and its consequential
impact and adjustments on the standalone financial statements
The Company has computed and applied cumulative expected credit loss on the outstanding
export receivables of Rs. 263.68 crore as on March 31, 2024 and the same is in accordance
with the laid down accounting norms. The Company is exploring various options for recovery
of its overseas trade receivables and is confident of the recovery of the same.
3) Para 4 (iii) of Independent Auditors' Report regarding inventory value and its
consequential impact and adjustments on the standalone financial statements
Debt Recovery Appellate Tribunal, Delhi has stayed the ex- parte order of seizing the
inventory passed by Debt Recovery Tribunal, Delhi ("DRT"). However, the
inventory lying at few locations of the Company is still under the custody of DRT and the
matter is sub-judice. But given the nature of the Company's inventory, it does not
envisage any adverse impact of the on-going litigations on the net realizable value of the
4) Para 5 of Independent Auditors' Report regarding material uncertainty related to
going concern
The Company is optimistic about resolving pending legal issues with its lenders
amicably soon and believe that its status as a going concern remains intact.
5) Para ii (a) of Annexure - A to Independent Auditors' Report regarding physical
verification of inventory lying at few locations
The Auditor's observation is a statement of fact and the management does not have
anything further to comment on the same.
6) Para ii (b) of Annexure - A to Independent Auditors'Report regarding variances in
quarterly returns or statements filed with the banks with the books of accounts of the
As compared to the total value of the Company's inventory, the variances in the value
of inventory are almost negligible and have arisen only due to minor corrections during
finalization of the financial statements.
Statements for the quarter ended March 2024 were submitted by the Company after issue
of Independent Auditors' Report on the standalone financial statements.
7) Para iii (c), (d) and (e) of Annexure - A to Independent Auditors' Report regarding
loans / advances granted by the Company
The Company has in earlier years granted loans for business purposes to its two
subsidiaries as they do not enjoy any credit facility from any bank / financial
institution. However, during the year, the Company has not granted any fresh loans to
them. Also there is a reduction in the quantum of these loans during the year. Although
there is no specific schedule of repayment, but the loan is to be repaid within specified
period from the date of the receipt of each tranche of loan and also carries agreed rate
of interest. The provision for impairment of loans has been made in accordance with the
laid down accounting norms.
The staff advances have been extended to permanent employees of the Company in the
normal course for their personal requirements.
8) Para vii (b) of Annexure - A to Independent Auditors' Report regarding arrear of
undisputed statutory dues outstanding for a period of more than six months as on March 31,
The liquidity constraints being faced by the Company have delayed the payment. However,
as on date the same stands adjusted against the income tax refunds for the assessment
years 2015-16 and 2016-17.
9) Para ix (a) of Annexure - A to Independent Auditors' Report regarding default in
repayment of loans (including interest) to Bankers
The Company is contesting the matter of "default" in various legal fora and
this matter is currently sub-judice. However, the Company has taken proactive action in
resolving the legal cases by approaching its lenders to resolve the issue of unpaid debt
with a One Time Settlement ("OTS") proposal.
As on date, the internal / competent authorities of 12 banks out of 14 consortium
members banks have given their acceptances / approval to the Company's OTS proposal.
10) Para xvii of Annexure - A to Independent Auditors' Report regarding cash losses
The cash losses are the result of proportionately greater decrease in revenue as
compared to the expenses incurred during the year.
11) Para xx (b) of Annexure - A to Independent Auditors' Report regarding unspent CSR
amount pursuant to ongoing project not yet transferred to special account
The Company's liquidity position had become very constrained after March 2020 on
account of lockdowns and frequent disruptions in business due to spread of Covid-19
pandemic. Although, the Company had identified an ongoing project for making requisite CSR
expenditure during financial years 2020-21 and 2021-22 but its banking transactions got
highly restricted during financial year 202122 causing further liquidity constraints for
the Company. Further, the Company's lenders had frozen its bank accounts and have started
legal proceedings for recovery of their dues during the year. Hence, the Company could
neither spend nor transfer the unspent amount to Unspent CSR Account. However, the Company
is committed to meet its CSR obligations after resolution of the banking issues and
improvement in the liquidity position.
In accordance with Section 204 of the Act read with the Companies (Appointment and
Remuneration of Managerial Personnel) Rules, 2014, the Company appointed M/s R S Sharma
& Associates, Company Secretaries, a peer reviewed firm, as a secretarial auditor of
the Company for the year under review.
Secretarial Audit Report is annexed herewith as "Annexure - 2" to this
Report. The explanations or comments of the Board on the obserations made in Secretarial
Audit Report are as under:
1) Regarding the composition of the Board did not have sufficient number of directors
liable to retire by rotation
The Company will do the needful to ensure necessary compliance in due course.
2) Regarding unspent CSR amounts for the financial years 2020-21 and 2021-22 pursuant
to ongoing project(s) are not transferred to special account
Please refer to point no. 11 of the explanations or comments of the Board on the
qualification etc. in statutory auditors' report.
3) Regarding non-disclosures / delayed disclosures of certain events pursuant to the
provisions of Regulations 4, 30 and Part A of Schedule III of LODR Regulations and SEBI
Circular dated November 21, 2019
The Company has been disclosing the required / relevant information in its quarterly
results as well as results presentations. However, to settle the matter amicably relating
to the alleged non-compliances, the Company submitted a settlement application with the
SEBI under the SEBI (Settlement Proceedings) Regulations, 2018 and subsequently also filed
relevant pending disclosures with the exchanges.
Statutory and secretarial auditors of the Company have not reported any fraud under
Section 143(12) of the Act during the year under review.
As per LODR Regulations, Report on Corporate Governance forms part of the Annual
Report. The Corporate Governance Compliance Certificate from Practicing Company Secretary
is annexed as "Annexure - 3" to this Report.
The information required under Section 197(12) of the Act read with the Companies
(Appointment and Remuneration of Managerial Personnel) Rules, 2014 in respect of the
employees of the Company is annexed as "Annexure - 4" to this Report.
The Corporate Social Responsibility Policy of the Company lays down the guidelines and
mechanism for undertaking socially useful programs for welfare and sustainable development
of the community, in the local area and around areas of operations of the Company
including other parts of the Country. The Policy is available on the Company's website and
can be accessed through the link
The Company was not required to spend any amount towards CSR activities during the year
under review because average net profit of the Company as per Section 135(5) of the Act
was negative. Annual Report on CSR activities pursuant to Section 135 of the Act and the
Rules made thereunder is annexed as "Annexure - 5" to this Report.
During the year under review:
• There was no change in the nature of business of the Company.
• No issue of equity shares with differential rights as to dividend, voting or
otherwise, was made.
• No issue of sweat equity shares to directors or employees was made.
• No Whole-time Director received remuneration from any of the subsidiary(ies) of
the Company.
• The equity shares of the Company have not been suspended from trading by SEBI.
• State Bank of India ("SBI") filed a petition with National
Company Law Tribunal, Delhi ("NCLT") against the Company under the
Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code, 2016 ("IBC
2016"). However, after end of the year under review, SBI filed an application
under IBC 2016 before NCLT, for withdrawal of its earlier petition on account of the
settlement terms agreed between SBI and the Company. Subsequently, NCLT vide its order
dated April 30, 2024 allowed SBI to withdraw the petition and dismissed the same as
The Company had submitted One Time Settlement ("OTS") proposal with
its consortium of lenders comprising of total 14 banks. Out of 14 banks, 2 banks have
approved the OTS proposal during the year. Further, after end of the year under
review, 10 more banks have approved the OTS proposal till date.
Your Directors would like to convey their sincere gratitude and place on record
appreciation for the continued support and co-operation of the Company's customers,
suppliers, investors and regulatory authorities. Your Directors also appreciate the
commendable efforts, teamwork and professionalism of the employees of the Company at all
For and on behalf of the Board
Sd/- |
Sd/- |
Place: New Delhi |
Date: August 14, 2024 |
Executive Director |
Managing Director |
DIN: 01980542 |
DIN: 00032083 |