Dear Members,
The Board of Directors of Gulf Oil Lubricants India Limited ("the
Company" or "your Company") is pleased to present the 16th
Annual Report on the business and operations of the Company along with the Audited
Financial Statements of the Company for the financial year ended March 31, 2024
("financial year under review" or "financial year 2023-24").
Rs ( in Lakhs)
Standalone |
Consolidated |
_Particulars |
For the year ended March
31, 2024 |
For the year ended March
31, 2023 |
For the year ended March
31, 2024 |
For the year ended March
31, 2023 |
Revenue from Operations |
3,28,409.68 |
2,99,910.02 |
3,30,115.31 |
2,99,910.02 |
Profit before finance cost,
depreciation & tax |
48,583.90 |
38,995.72 |
48,912.98 |
38,995.72 |
Less: Finance Costs |
2,560.94 |
3,764.03 |
2,590.70 |
3,764.03 |
Profit before depreciation & tax |
46,022.96 |
35,231.69 |
46,322.28 |
35,231.69 |
Less: Depreciation/Amortization |
4,677.45 |
3,961.29 |
5,074.31 |
3,961.29 |
Profit before share of net
profit/ (loss) in associate accounted using equity method |
41,345.51 |
31,270.40 |
41,247.97 |
31,270.40 |
Share of net (Loss)/profit of
associate accounted using equity method |
- |
- |
(18.31) |
0.40 |
Profit Before Taxation |
41,345.51 |
31,270.40 |
41,229.66 |
31,270.80 |
Taxation |
- |
- |
_ |
_ |
Current Tax |
10,841.51 |
8,196.91 |
10,872.21 |
8,196.91 |
Deferred Tax |
(305.85) |
(156.50) |
(444.25) |
(156.50) |
Profit After Taxation |
30,809.85 |
23,229.99 |
30,801.70 |
23,230.39 |
Profit/ (Loss) attributable to: |
30,809.85 |
- |
30,796.11 |
- |
Owners of the Company |
Profit/ (Loss) attributable
to: Non- Controlling Interests |
- |
- |
5.59 |
- |
Balance brought forward
from previous year |
95,792.93 |
76,117.37 |
95,792.01 |
76,115.41 |
Appropriations |
- |
- |
_ |
_ |
Interim Dividend paid on
Equity Shares |
(7,860.47) |
- |
(7,860.47) |
- |
Final Dividend paid on Equity
Shares |
(12,268.18) |
(2,450.85) |
(12,268.18) |
(2,450.85) |
Other Comprehensive Income
(OCI) |
(171.26) |
(98.13) |
(171.62) |
(97.49) |
Transfer to General Reserve |
(1,000.00) |
(1,000.00) |
(1,000.00) |
(1,000.00) |
Transfer to securities premium
reserve from share options outstanding account |
- |
22.88 |
- |
22.88 |
Buy Back of equity shares |
- |
(28.33) |
- |
(28.33) |
Transfer to retained earnings
from share options outstanding account |
154.93 |
- |
154.93 |
_ |
Balance Carried to Balance
Sheet |
1,05,457.80 |
95,792.93 |
1,05,442.78 |
95,792.01 |
Financial statements for the financial year 2023-24 have been prepared
in accordance with the Indian Accounting Standards (hereinafter referred to as the
‘Ind AS?) as notified by Ministry of Corporate Affairs pursuant to Section 133
of the Companies Act, 2013 ("the Act") read with Rule 3 of the Companies (Indian
Accounting Standards) Rules, 2015 as amended from time to time.
There are no material departures from the prescribed norms stipulated
by the accounting standards in preparation of the annual accounts. Accounting policies
have been applied consistently. The management evaluates all recently issued or revised
accounting standards on an ongoing basis.
The Company discloses consolidated and standalone financial results on
a quarterly basis, which are subject to limited review and publishes consolidated and
standalone audited financial results annually.
Financial Performance (Standalone)
The Company has continued to achieve an all round growth_ in terms of_
Volume, Revenues, PBT and PAT over the previous year and has demonstrated strong
resilience during yet another challenging year. The performance has been achieved by the
Company in spite of the environment of global uncertainty, volatile economic conditions
and high cost pressures.
Net revenues for the year 2023-24 was up 9.5% at Rs 3,28,409.68 lakhs
(H 2,99,910.02 lakhs in the previous year), Profit before tax for the financial year
2023-24 was up 31.9% at Rs 41,229.66 lakhs (H 31,270.80 lakhs in the previous year).
Profit after tax for the financial year 2023-24 was up 32.6% at Rs 30,801.70 lakhs (H
23,230.39 lakhs in the previous year) resulting in an Earnings Per Share (Basic) of Rs
62.76 (H 47.30 in the previous year), up 32.7%.
Financial Performance (Consolidated)
Net revenues for the year 2023-24 was up 10.1% at Rs 3,30,115.31 lakhs
(H 2,99,910.02 lakhs in the previous
year), Profit before tax for the financial year 2023-24 was up 31.9% at
Rs 41,229.66 lakhs (H 31,270.80 lakhs in the previous year). Profit after tax for the
financial year 2023-24 was up 32.6% at Rs 30,801.70 lakhs (H 23,230.39 lakhs in the
previous year) resulting in an Earnings Per Share (Basic) of Rs 62.76 (H 47.30 in the
previous year), up 32.7%.
The market for your Company?s products is growing, and your
Company has a strong pipeline of new products. Your Company is also focusing on cost
savings and operational efficiency, which contributed to the growth in revenue.
Significant developments
In a strategic move to bolster its presence in the Electric Vehicle
(EV) segment, your Company acquired controlling 51% stake in Tirex Transmission Private
Limited (Tirex) for Rs 102.51 crores and consequently,
Tirex has become a Subsidiary of the Company with effect from October
30, 2023.
Tirex Transmission is a key player in manufacturing DC Fast Chargers
for EVs in India. With a track record of deploying over 1,000 high-capacity EV fast
chargers across the country. It has carved a niche for itself as a leading technology
player and a reliable brand in the fast-charging domain, with its comprehensive range of
DC chargers, spanning from 30KW to 240KW. Tirex caters to a diverse clientele, including
PSUs, Charge Point Operators (CPOs), Automotive OEMs, and retail with a range of high
quality chargers available for all vehicle types, including e-Buses.
The Management Discussion and Analysis for the financial year under
review, as stipulated under Regulation 34(2)(e) read with Part B of Schedule V of the
Securities and Exchange Board of India (Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requirements)
Regulations, 2015 ("SEBI Listing Regulations"), is presented in a separate
section and forms part of this Annual Report. It provides mandatory disclosures required
under the SEBI Listing Regulations comprising inter-alia details about the overall
industry structure, economic scenarios, operational and financial performance of the
Company, business strategy, internal controls and their adequacy, risks and concerns and
other material developments during the financial year under review.
The Directors recommend for approval of the members at the ensuing
Annual General Meeting payment of final dividend of Rs 20 per equity share of face value
of Rs 2 each (1,000% on the face value of Rs 2 per equity share).
The final dividend on Equity shares is subject to the approval of the
shareholders at the ensuing 16th Annual General Meeting ("AGM"). The
final dividend, if approved by the shareholders, will be deposited in a separate bank
account within 5 days from the date of declaration and will be paid within 30 days of
declaration subject to deduction of income tax at source, as applicable.
During the financial year under review the Board of Directors of your
company after considering the company?s dividend distribution policy has declared and
paid an interim dividend of Rs 16 per equity share of the face value of Rs 2 each (800% on
the face value of
H 2 per equity share).
Cumulatively, the Board of Directors of your company has declared /
recommended a total Dividend of Rs 36 per equity shares (1,800% on the face value of Rs 2
per equity share).
The Board of Directors of your company has approved and adopted the
dividend distribution policy of the company and dividends declared/recommended during the
year are in accordance with the said Policy.
Taxation on Dividend
Dividends paid or distributed by a company after April 1, 2020 are
taxable in the hands of the Shareholders. Accordingly, the Company is required to deduct
tax at source ("TDS") at rates (plus surcharge and cess) as applicable, at the
time of making the payment of the dividend, if approved and declared at the ensuing AGM.
Dividend Distribution Policy
The Company has adopted a Dividend Distribution Policy in compliance
with Regulation 43A of the SEBI Listing Regulations. The Dividend Distribution Policy is
also placed on the Company?s website and can be accessed at the weblink: gulfindia/files/2023-01/Dividend%20Distribution%20
During the financial year under review, there were no amendments to the
Dividend Distribution Policy of the Company.
Transfer to Reserves
During the year, Board has approved the appropriation of H1,000 lakhs
to General Reserves. (Previous year H1,000 lakhs).
Increase in Issued, Subscribed and Paid-Up Equity Share Capital
Particulars |
No. of equity shares |
Amount in Rs |
Issued, subscribed and Paid-up
Capital as on April 1, 2023 |
4,90,17,086 |
9,80,34,172 |
Allotment of shares to
employees on May 18, 2023 |
9,514 |
19,028 |
Allotment of shares to
employees on August 24, 2023 |
46,101 |
92,202 |
Allotment of shares to
employees on January 3, 2024 |
6,187 |
12,374 |
Allotment of shares to
employees on February 5, 2024 |
49,074 |
98,148 |
Allotment of shares to
employees on February 27, 2024 |
40,471 |
80,942 |
Issued, subscribed and Paid-up
Capital as on March 31, 2024 |
4,91,68,433 |
9,83,36,866 |
Your Company is primarily engaged in the production and marketing of
lubricating oils, greases and other derivatives.
The Company markets its products under the brand name "GULF".
These products comprise of automotive lubricants, such as engine oils, driveline fluids,
brake fluids and radiator coolants, gear oils, transmission oils, greases and specialties,
covering the entire automobile spectrum of 2-wheelers, cars, commercial and off-highway
Industrial lubricants comprises of lubricating oils like hydraulic
oils, slideway oil, turbine oil, industrial gear oils and industrial greases. Apart from
these, the Company also has a full range of metalworking fluids.
The company also has a significant presence in manufacturing and
marketing of AdBlue?, a diesel exhaust fluid used in automotives to reduce NOx from
emission coming out of vehicles. The company has also entered into EV Chargers & EV
SaaS segments recently via subsidiaries/ associates.
The manufacturing facilities are located at places with an annual
production capacity as below:
Plant Location |
Lubes Annual Blending
Capacity |
AdBlue? Blending
Capacity |
Silvassa in Dadra and Nagar
Haveli and Daman and Diu |
90,000 KL |
36,000 KL |
Ennore near Chennai, Tamil
Nadu |
50,000 KL |
39,000 KL |
During the year under review, there was no change in the nature of
business of the Company.
ISO Certification
The Company?s factories at :
Silvassa has been certified ISO for:
Environmental Management Systems- ISO 14001:2015
Occupational Health & Safety Management Systems - ISO
Quality Management System -IATF 16949:2016
Quality Management System –ISO 9001:2015 Ennore at
Chennai has been certified ISO for:
Environmental Management Systems- ISO 14001:2015
Occupational Health & Safety Management Systems - ISO
Quality Management System -IATF 16949:2016
Whistleblowing, an integral part of Corporate
Governance in exposing corruption, frauds, and other wrongdoings, has
emerged as an effective mechanism of spotting questionable practices of corporations.
The Vigil Mechanism as envisaged in the Act, the Rules framed
thereunder and the SEBI Listing Regulations, is implemented through the Company?s
Whistle Blower and Vigil Mechanism Policy. The policies add statements such as, "no
unfair treatment will be meted out to a whistle blower" by virtue of his/her having
reported a ‘Protected Disclosure?, and the company condemns any kind of
discrimination, harassment, victimization or any other unfair employment practice being
adopted against whistle blowers. Hence provides for adequate safeguards against
victimisation of the Employees and Directors of the Company to report genuine concerns
regarding unethical behaviour, actual or suspected fraud or violation of the
Company?s Codes and Policies, instances of leak/suspected leak of unpublished price
sensitive information, accounting or auditing irregularities or misrepresentations, fraud,
theft, bribery and other corrupt business practices, etc.
All protected disclosures concerning financial, or accounting matters
should be addressed, in writing, to the Chairperson of the Audit Committee of the Company
for investigation. In respect of all other protected disclosures, those concerning the
Ombudsman, (as appointed under the Whistle Blower and Vigil Mechanism Policy of the
Company) and employees at the levels of Senior Vice Presidents and above should be
addressed to the Chairperson of the Audit Committee of the Company and those concerning
other employees should be addressed to the Ombudsman of the Company. The Ombudsman may
refer the matter to the Chairperson of the Audit Committee depending on the importance of
the matter.
During the financial year under review, no personnel was denied access
to the Chairperson of the Audit Committee of the Board. An update on whistle blower
complaints is provided to the Audit Committee of the Company on a quarterly basis. No
whistle blower complaints were received during the financial year under review.
The Whistle Blower and Vigil Mechanism Policy of the Company is
available on the website of the Company and can be accessed at the web link:
Emerging mobility trends in India requires rapid adaptation to evolving
technologies. EV, Bio fuels, Synthetic Fuels, Hydrogen Fuel Cell, Hydrogen ICE requires
dedicated lubricant and fluid solutions.
The Company?s research and technology teams are working closely
with OEMs and technology providers to develop lubricants and Fluid solutions for various
alternate powertrain.
The research and technology team worked on lubricating solutions for
conventional powertrain and introduced latest technology engine oils offering superior
performance, longer drain intervals and fuel economy benefits.
Industry leading 1000 hours drain interval was launched for tractor
segment by the company during the financial year under review as one of the many such
advanced technology products.
Your Company?s EV lubricant portfolio too is evolving and we
worked with established as well as evolving OEMs for customised lubrication and cooling
solutions which are commercialised and R & D is continuously working on upgrading
these products.
The teams are working closely with various Business-to-Business (B2B)
customers and original equipment manufacturers (OEMs) in the Automotive and Industrial
segments. Your Company has established various customised Engine oil, Transmission oil,
Greases, Hydraulic oils, Industrial lubricants, Metal working fluids etc.
Subsidiary Company
The Company has one Subsidiary Company viz: Tirex Transmission Private
Limited ("Tirex"), in which the Company holds 51% stake on a fully diluted basis
as on March 31, 2024. Tirex became a subsidiary of the Company with effect from October
30, 2023.
Tirex is, inter alia, primarily engaged in the business of
manufacturing and selling of DC chargers for EVs.
Associate Company
The Company has one associate Company viz: Techperspect Software
Private Limited, in which the Company holds 26% stake on a fully diluted basis as on March
31, 2024.
TechPerspect, is an Information Technology and eMobility Software as a
Servise (SaaS) company based out of Noida, Delhi NCR. The Company is into implementation
of IoT based eMobility Solutions and created an IoT based eMobility Technology Platform
under the brand Electreefi that serves both businesses and end customers.
Performance and financial position of the Subsidiary and Associate
company included in the consolidated financial statements
There has been no material change in the nature of business of the
Subsidiary and the Associate Company, during the year under review.
Pursuant to Section 136 of the Companies Act, 2013, the Financial
Statements including Consolidated Financial Statements, along with relevant documents have
been posted on the Company?s website . The same are
also open for inspection at the Registered Office of the Company on all working days
(Monday to Friday) between 11.00 a.m. to 6.00 p.m. up to the date of the AGM.
A statement containing salient features of performance and financial
position of subsidiary and associate included in the financial statements is attached as Annexure-I
to this report in Form AOC-1.
Further, as per the fourth proviso of the said Section, accounts of
subsidiary as of March 31, 2024, have also been uploaded on https://india.gulfoilltd.
com/. Shareholders interested in obtaining a copy of the accounts of the subsidiary may
write to us at the Company?s registered office or email to
Your Company believes in nurturing a positive work culture. Your
Company?s culture and people are key enablers to continue creating value for our
stakeholders. The Company is focused on investing in the welfare, safety & well being
of its employees to meet dynamic business requirements towards building a high performing
and caring organisation. The company drives all it?s human capital interventions
based on the Group?s guiding principles & Brand values.
The key pillars of the Human Resources Development Programme are as
Employee Wellness & Safety
The wellness programme of your Company aims at the overall wellbeing of
the employees for last many years. The programme objective is to support employees on the
various aspects of wellbeing & create awareness about it. The programme consists of
physical wellbeing, emotional wellbeing, financial wellbeing & employee safety. Your
Company provides a safe work environment and promote healthy lifestyles and behaviour. The
Company has implemented safety excellence by identifying
& taking preventive measures for the near misses, eliminating
serious injury, impact, or fatality events across all our facilities. There are regular
awareness programmes conducted about well-being & safety.
Your Company continually strive to provide a range of options for
better financial and social security, including efficient tax-management options through
flexi compensation structure, medical and personal accident insurance, and Group Term
Insurance Programme. There are periodic webinars on importance of insurance and investment
awareness topics.
Empowering People through Digitisation
The Company has integrated digitisation as part of the overall employee
experience and has developed an in-house new portal called Employee Self Service (ESS)
that allows our employees to manage day to day requirements including attendance, leave
management, employee on boarding etc. The Gulf Oil Learning & Development (GOLD)
Academy assists in Learning & Development initiatives and the ASPIRE portal helps in
smooth operations of performance management system for the organisation. RMS portal helps
in streamlining the recruitment of best talents. The Smart Service Desk helps the
employees with any help/ queries related to policies/ other administrative requirements.
Skill Development
Through cutting-edge learning resources & tools, we offer extensive
online learning programmes (GOLD Academy) not only to enable our people to upskill and
reskill for their roles but also to help them prepare for the future. The Company
continues to build organisational capabilities with clear focus on functional learning
priorities to make our people future-fit and purpose-led. The Company has been building
the skills through Web based Trainings (WBT), self-paced modules, virtual learning
journeys, social learning in addition to Live on Class Room (LOC) & Class Room
Training (CRT) programmes. OJT (on the job training) is adopted for the plant environment
to upgrade the skills. In addition, Gulf India teams are also participating in Gulf
International?s initiatives, Webinars and skill upgradation programs like Rising Star
Program (RSP) etc.
There are various initiatives taken up for digital skill building
including various tools, processes, data analytics etc. during the year.
Leadership Development
With a clear focus on Leadership Development, the initial assessment
& Individual Development Planning exercise have been completed for the Leadership
team. Basis the needs, the senior leaders in critical roles are being assigned executive
coaches and enrolment in executive leadership programs at premier business schools.
Your Company continues to focus on its high growth fast-paced culture
& making the organisation more customer centric. The new ways of working &
redefined business processes are co-created & implemented keeping employee context and
flexibility. The new businesses and step up changes in the existing business processes
drive the transformation agenda across the organisation. Digital transformation is also an
important focus area for us.
Talent Acquisition
We have made concentrated efforts to bring the talent on board &
retaining it. The Campus engagement programme helps to strengthen & build the brand as
well to attract the best talent for the organisation. The culture of openness,
experimentation & performance has provided an edge to attract & retain the right
talent within the organisation. The total employee strength has gone up to 591 during the
financial year under review.
Talent Management
Your Company has institutionalised a structured, well documented
Leadership Competency Framework in view of the future long term business needs, functional
capabilities which defines key competencies and forms the bedrock for various talent
Succession Planning in the organisation is a continuous process that
aligns with the other talent management interventions and endeavours to mitigate critical
people risks.
Contract employee engagement
Your Company engages contract employees to support the company?s
operations for short-term assignments. The duration of such engagements varies depending
on the nature of job. The Company ensure adequate measures for insurance coverage for
these employees. The Company also ensure complete compliance on processes like internal
mandatory trainings (i.e. Information Security, Data Privacy, and Prevention of Sexual
Harassment, among others) as well as background verification. Processes like reimbursement
and invoicing have been digitalized to provide contract employees with a faster and more
seamless experience.
Employees Stock Option Scheme
Employee Stock Options have been recognised as an effective instrument
to attract and retain talent and align the interest of employees with that of the Company,
thereby providing an opportunity for the employees to participate in the growth of the
Company and to create long-term wealth in their hands.
The Company has in force Gulf Oil Lubricants India Limited- Employees
Stock Option Scheme-2015 (GOLIL-ESOP Scheme). The scheme was approved by shareholders vide
a special resolution passed through a postal ballot on May 13, 2015. During the financial
year 2023–24 the Stakeholders Relationship Committee, upon exercise of Options by the
eligible employees, allotted 1,51,347 equity shares to the eligible employees of the
Company, as per the terms and conditions of GOLIL-ESOP Scheme. The total Stock Options
outstanding as of March 31, 2024, are 7,29,315.
The Company has received a certificate from M/s BS & Co LLP,
Practising Company Secretaries that GOLIL-ESOP Scheme have been implemented in accordance
with SEBI Regulations and the resolution passed by members through postal ballot. The
certificate will be placed at the 16th AGM for inspection by members.
The GOLIL-ESOP scheme is in compliance with SEBI regulations. As per
Regulation 14 of Securities and Exchange Board of India (Share Based Employee Benefits and
Sweat Equity) Regulations, 2021, read with Securities and Exchange Board of India circular
CIR/CFD/POLICY CELL/2/2015 dated June 16, 2015, the details of the ESOP
are uploaded on the Company?s website
During the financial year under review, the NRC granted 52,478 options
to the eligible employees of the Company in accordance with the GOLIL-ESOP Scheme approved
by the Shareholders. No eligible employee (including Director) of the Company has been
granted options equal to or exceeding 1% of the issued share capital of the Company at the
time of grant.
Diversity & Inclusion
Your Company?s approach towards gender inclusion is based on
customized needs of our women employees at every stage of their lives and work. Our
holistic approach–including focused hiring efforts and building a strong pipeline of
middle & senior management helps us increase gender diversity. Our structured
governance, continued commitment, and drive from our leaders have resulted in women?s
representation at 6% in financial year 2023-24. The Company has embarked on a focused
strategy to have more gender-diverse voices at decision-making levels.
The Company has Zero Tolerance towards sexual harassment at the
workplace. Your Company has in place a policy on Prevention of Sexual Harassment at
Workplace, which is in line with requirements of the Sexual Harassment of Women at
Workplace (Prevention, Prohibition and Redressal) Act, 2013 ("POSH Act"). The
POSH Policy of the Company is available on the website of the Company and can be accessed
in the Governance section at the Web-link:
files/2024-05/Prevention%20of%20Sexual%20 Harassement%20at%20Work%20place.pdf?
VersionId=RUXt8CVymxRCQ..5E4MSxBzjsNVFmASE The objective of this policy is to provide an
effective complaint redressal mechanism if there is an occurrence of sexual harassment.
Internal Complaints Committees ("IC") have been constituted
to redress complaints of sexual harassment and the Company_ has complied with the
provisions relating to the constitution of IC under the Act. While maintaining the highest
governance norms, IC are constituted for various locations. Half of the total members of
the IC are women. The_ external_ members with requisite experience_ in_ handling_ such
matters_ are also part of the IC. The IC is presided over by a senior woman employee in
each case. The IC is updated on judicial trends and trained regularly on the nuances of
the Act. Continuous awareness in this area has been created through_ the POSH campaign
reiterating Company?s commitment to providing a safe workplace to all its employees.
During the year, the Company organised sensitization and awareness programs vide
inductions for new joiners, e-learning modules for all employees, trainees, associates
including sending emailers and creating posters to sensitise all employees to conduct
themselves in a professional manner.
During the year under review, no case was reported under the said Act.
The Board on the recommendation of the Nomination and Remuneration
Committee ("NRC"), adopted a Remuneration policy entailing Executive
Remuneration Philosophy, which covers the remuneration philosophy of the Directors, KMP
and Senior Management of the Company.
The salient features of the policy are provided in the "Report on
Corporate Governance" Annexure-II to this
Report. During the financial year under review, there has been no
change to the Policy. The Remuneration policy has been uploaded on the website of the
Company and can be accessed at the weblink: https://assets. policy%20%281%29.pdf
The Company believes in creating social value & has been involved
with various social initiatives in the fields of ecology & environment, skill
development & education, healthcare and road safety initiatives etc. The CSR policy of
the Company sets out our commitment, our objectives & overall approach towards the CSR
In view of the increasing significance and thrust towards
sustainability in the global scenario and to focus on the sustainability agenda, the
Corporate Social Responsibility Committee was renamed to Corporate Social Responsibility
& Sustainability Committee with effect from February 5, 2024.
The Company is instilled and guided by the values of our Group Founder,
Shri. Parmanand Deepchand Hinduja?s belief, "My dharma (duty) is to work so that
I can give".
Our approach to social responsibility rests on three important pillars:
1. Strategic Projects : The key domains under CSR are identified
basis the large scale multiplier of social change and sustainable development. CSR is the
process of helping to build a sustainable organization along with external initiatives.
Therefore, the initiatives taken up provide the convergence of business goals and social
2. Systemic Change: With the specific domains identified, we
choose to engage on systemic issues that require deep, meaningful and challenging work.
Given the nature of social change involved, this implies commitment over the long term,
typically for multiple years.
3. Collaborative: The project execution process involves the
company, implementation partner & the community. Our emphasis is to have a
collaborative approach in implementing all the initiatives under CSR.
The Company has continued its multiyear Programmes under CSR
initiatives in the area of water conservation,
Skill development, Road safety, Community welfare and promoting
Healthcare in and around its area of operations as detailed below.
These projects are in accordance with Schedule VII of the Companies
Act, 2013 and Company?s CSR policy:-
Suraksha Bandhan Programme Season 5 – The programme is
centered around the well-being of truck drivers. During the financial year 2023-24 the
company has launched a campaign that focuses on alleviating the challenge of inadequate
access to clean drinking water for truck drivers during their trips. The campaign has been
reinforced with a distribution initiative that has provided over 10,000 water filters to
truck drivers nationwide. In previous seasons, the company has taken up various
initiatives including providing support for free COVID vaccination, Medical insurance
coverage, etc.
Road to School (RTS) & Road to Livelihood (RTL) Project –
The company has taken up the Road to School & Road to Livelihood
project in Chennai.
The Road to School project covers 24 schools & 4,060 students
under the programme during the financial year 2023-24. The objectives of the programme
a. To implement Learning enhancement & remedial measures and
improve foundational literacy & numeracy for grades I to VIII.
>b. To create awareness & provide support for community development
initiatives through awareness programme on health, hygiene & sanitation.
c. To promote physical wellbeing through structured sports programme
for grades I to VIII.
The company has also taken up the Road to Livelihood project in
Chennai. The Road to Livelihood project covers 27 schools & 5,889 students
under the programme during the financial year 2023-24. The objectives of the programme
a. Provide awareness on well being, social & emotional development
of the students; b. Improve the fluency & confidence of communicating in English;
c. Improve financial literacy & apply tools for decision making;
d. Improve the Information & Communication skills (ICT).
Mobile Medical Unit: The Company continued its support for the
mobile medical unit during the current year in the remote villages near Silvassa, DNH.
This CSR project provides much needed free medical support to the population residing in
the villages near Silvassa. The programme is administered through "Rogi Kalyan
Samiti" constituted under the direct supervision of Medical Officer Silvassa &
Vinobha Bhave Hospital, Silvassa. The state-of-the art medical facilities are available to
the villagers free of cost, in the mobile van which includes a diagnostic facility,
laboratory tests and medicine dispensing. The Company also run a similar mobile medical
van around Chennai which provide medical support to the rural population.
"Kushal" Mechanic Programme: The Company has continued
its support to vocational training known as "Kushal Mechanic Program" for
two-wheeler mechanics who are lacking in formal education and training. The programme
scope has now been enlarged to cover the HCV, Electric vehicles & Truck/ Bus &
Tractor modules. The Company has conducted 24 batches for various topic related to two
-wheeler workshop, 5 batches for HCV mechanics and 1 batch on Electric Vehicles during the
financial year 2023-24. Cumulatively, this program by the company has trained around 1,668
mechanics so far. The programme is hybrid session of theory & demonstration at the
Technical Training Centres.
CSR Spend
During the financial year under review, the Company has spent Rs 587.25
lakhs towards CSR activities as stipulated under Schedule VII of the Act. There is no
unspent CSR expenditure as on March 31, 2024.
In terms of the provisions of Section 135 of the Act read with the
Companies (Corporate Social Responsibility Policy) Rules, 2014 (as amended), the Board of
Directors of your Company has a Corporate Social Responsibility
("CSR") & Sustainability Committee. The details of the composition of the
Committee and meetings held during the year are mentioned in the Corporate Governance
Report as well as in the Annual Report on CSR.
CSR Policy
The Board has, pursuant to the recommendation of the CSR &
Sustainability Committee, adopted a CSR Policy. The CSR policy can be accessed through the
weblink: CSR%20Policy.pdf The scope
of the CSR Policy is as under: i. Planning Projects or programmes which the Company
intends to undertake, falling within the purview of Schedule VII of the Act; ii.
Monitoring process of such projects or programmes.
Further, in terms of the amended CSR Rules, the Chief Financial Officer
has certified that the funds disbursed for CSR have been used, for the purpose and in the
manner approved by the Board for the financial year 2023-24.
Annual Report on CSR
The Company?s CSR Policy statement and annual report on the CSR
activities undertaken during the financial year ended March 31, 2024, in accordance with
Section 135 of the Act read with Companies (Corporate Social Responsibility Policy) Rules,
2014 ("CSR Rules") are set out in Annexure-III to this Report.
During the financial year under review, six (6) Board Meetings were
convened and held, the details of which are given in the Report on Corporate Governance,
which forms part of this Report. The intervening gap between the meetings was within the
period prescribed under the Act and the SEBI Listing Regulations. The Committees of the
Board usually meets on the day before or on the day of the formal Board meeting, or
whenever the need arises for transacting business, as per the charter of the respective
The Company has five Board Committees as of March 31, 2024:
1) Audit Committee
2) Nomination and Remuneration Committee
3) Stakeholders? Relationship Committee
4) Risk Management Committee
5) Corporate Social Responsibility & Sustainability Committee*
Details of all the Committees along with their main terms, composition
and meetings held during the financial year under review are provided in the Report on
Corporate Governance, forming part of this Report.
*the Corporate Social Responsibility Committee was re-named as
Corporate Social Responsibility & Sustainability Committee.
As of March 31, 2024, the Board of your company consists of six (6)
Directors comprising of a Managing Director (Executive Director), two (2) Non-Executive
Non-Independent Directors, and three (3) (i.e. 50%) Non-Executive Independent Directors.
During the year under review, none of the managerial personnel i.e. the
Managing Director of the Company received any remuneration or commission from the
subsidiary company.
The Board of the Company at its meeting held on August 6, 2024, on
recommendations of the NRC, inter-alia, approved the following re-appointment(s) on the
Board of Directors of the Company, subject to the approval of Shareholders of the Company
and resolution(s) towards the same have been incorporated in the Notice of 16th
Annual General Meeting.
Re-appointment of Two Independent Directors for a Second Term Mr.
Arvind Uppal (DIN: 00104992)- Non-Executive Independent Director
Mr. Arvind Uppal (DIN: 00104992) was appointed as an Independent
Director of the Company pursuant to Section 149 of the Companies Act, 2013 read with the
Companies (Appointment and Qualification of Directors) Rules, 2014 and applicable
provisions of SEBI Listing Regulations by the Members at the 12th Annual
General Meeting of the Company held on September 18, 2020 for a period of 5 (five)
consecutive years commencing from February 11, 2020 upto February 10, 2025 (both days
inclusive) and is eligible for re-appointment for a second term on the Board of the
The Nomination and Remuneration Committee (NRC) basis performance
evaluation of Mr. Arvind Uppal, and taking into account the external business environment,
the business knowledge, acumen, experience and the substantial contribution made by him
during his tenure, has recommended to the Board that the continued association of Mr.
Arvind Uppal as Independent Director would be beneficial to the Company.
Based on the above and the performance evaluation, the Board at its
Meeting held on August 6, 2024, proposed the re-appointment of Mr. Arvind Uppal as an
Independent Director of the Company for a second term of 5 (five) consecutive years
commencing from February 11, 2025 upto February 10, 2030 (both days inclusive), not liable
to retire by rotation, for the approval of the Members by way of a Special Resolution.
Further, in the opinion of the Board, Mr. Arvind Uppal is a person of
high integrity, expertise and experience and qualifies to be re-appointed as an
Independent Director of the Company.
Mrs. Manju Agarwal (DIN: 06921105)- Non-Executive Independent Director
Mrs. Manju Agarwal (DIN: 06921105) was appointed as an Independent
Director of the Company pursuant to Section 149 of the Companies Act, 2013 read with the
Companies (Appointment and Qualification of Directors) Rules, 2014 and applicable
provisions of SEBI Listing Regulations by the Members at the 12th Annual
General Meeting of the Company held on September 18, 2020 for a period of 5 (five)
consecutive years commencing from March 19, 2020 up to March 18, 2025 (both days
inclusive) and is eligible for re-appointment for a second term on the Board of the
The Nomination and Remuneration Committee (NRC) basis performance
evaluation of Mrs. Manju Agarwal, and taking into account the external business
environment, the business knowledge, acumen, experience and the substantial contribution
made by her during her tenure, has recommended to the Board that the continued association
of Mrs. Manju Agarwal as Independent Director would be beneficial to the Company.
Based on the above and the performance evaluation, the Board at its
Meeting held on August 6, 2024, proposed the re-appointment of Mrs. Manju Agarwal as an
Independent Director of the Company for a second term of 5 (five) consecutive years
commencing from March 19, 2025 up to March 18, 2030 (both days inclusive), not liable to
retire by rotation, for the approval of the Members by way of a Special Resolution.
Further, in the opinion of the Board, Mrs. Manju Agarwal is a person of
high integrity, expertise and experience and qualifies to be re-appointed as an
Independent Director of the Company.
Director Retiring by Rotation
During the year under review, as per the provisions of the Act and the
Articles of Association of the Company, Mr. Shom Ashok Hinduja (DIN: 07128441)
Non-Executive Director retires by rotation at the ensuing Annual General Meeting of the
Company and being eligible, offers his candidature for re-appointment as a Director.
The Board of Directors at their Meeting held on May 21, 2024 based on
the recommendation of NRC, has proposed the re-appointment of Mr. Shom Ashok Hinduja for
approval of the shareholders at the ensuing AGM of the Company.
The Board is of the opinion that Mr. Shom Ashok Hinduja possesses the
requisite knowledge, skills, expertise and experience to contribute to the growth of the
Mr. Shom Ashok Hinduja has consented to and is not disqualified from
being re-appointed as Director in terms of Section 164 of the Act read with applicable
rules made thereunder. He is not debarred from holding the office of Director by virtue of
any order issued by SEBI or any other such authority.
Profile and other information of Mr. Shom Ashok Hinduja as required
under Regulation 36 of SEBI Listing Regulations and Secretarial Standard-2 are given in
the Notice of the 16th AGM of the Company. The above proposal for
re-appointment forms part of the Notice of the 16th AGM and the relevant
Resolution is recommended for approval by the Members of the Company.
The Managing Director & CEO and Independent Directors of the
Company are not liable to retire by rotation.
Declaration by Independent Directors
Our definition of ‘independence? of Directors is derived from
Regulation 16(1)(b) of SEBI Regulations and Section 149(6) of the Companies Act, 2013. In
the opinion of the Board, the Independent Directors fulfill the criteria for independence
specified under Section 149(6) of the Companies Act, 2013, the Rules made thereunder and
Regulation 16(1)(b) of the SEBI Listing Regulations, they are independent of the
management, and are persons of high integrity, expertise and experience.
The Company has received the following declarations from all the
Independent Directors confirming that:
1. In terms of Regulation 25(8) of the SEBI Listing Regulations, they
meet the criteria of independence as provided in Section 149(6) of the Act and Regulation
16(1)(b) of the SEBI Listing Regulations and that they are not aware of any circumstance
or situation, which exist or may be reasonably anticipated, that could impair or impact
their ability to discharge their duties with an objective, independent judgement and
without any external influence; and
2. They have registered themselves with the Independent Director?s
Database maintained by the Indian Institute of Corporate Affairs
(‘IICA?) and have passed the proficiency test, if applicable
to them.
None of the Directors of the Company are disqualified from being
appointed as Directors as specified under Section 164(2) of the Act read with Rule 14(1)
of the Companies (Appointment and Qualification of Directors) Rules, 2014.
The Independent Directors have complied with the Code for Independent
Directors prescribed in Schedule IV to the Act and also a statement on compliance of Code
of Conduct for directors and senior management personnel, formulated by the company.
Key Managerial Personnel
Mr. Ravi Shamlal Chawla, Managing Director & CEO, Mr. Manish Kumar
Gangwal, Chief Financial Officer and Ms. Shweta Gupta, Company Secretary & Compliance
Officer are the Key Managerial Personnel of the Company.
During the year under review, there were no changes in the Key
Managerial Personnel of the Company according to the provisions of Sections 2(51) and 203
of the Act read with the Companies (Appointment and Remuneration of Managerial Personnel)
Rules, 2014.
In terms of the provisions of Section 178(3) of Act and Regulation 19
of the SEBI Listing Regulations, the NRC has formulated the criteria for determining
qualifications, positive attributes and independence of Directors, the key features of
which are as follows:
Qualifications – The Board nomination process encourages
diversity of thought, experience, knowledge, age and gender. It also ensures that the
Board has an appropriate blend of functional and industry expertise.
Positive Attributes - Apart from the duties of Directors as
prescribed in the Act, the Directors are expected to demonstrate high standards of ethical
behavior, communication skills and independent judgment. The Directors are also expected
to abide by the respective Code of Conduct as applicable to them.
Independence - A Director will be considered independent if he/she
meets the criteria laid down in Section 149(6) of the Act, the Rules framed thereunder and
Regulation 16(1)(b) of the SEBI Listing Regulations.
According to the provisions of the Act and SEBI Listing Regulations,
annual performance evaluation of the Board, the Directors individually as well as the
evaluation of the working of its Committees was carried out. The manner in which the
evaluation has been carried out has been explained in the Corporate Governance Report.
The particulars relating to energy conservation, technology absorption
and foreign exchange earnings and outgo, as required under Section 134(3)(m) of the Act
read with Rule 8(3) of the Companies (Accounts) Rules, 2014 are provided in Annexure-IV
and form part of this report.
The Company is committed to pursuing its business objectives ethically,
transparently and with accountability to all its stakeholders. It believes in
demonstrating responsible behaviour while adding value to the society and the community,
as well as ensuring environmental well-being from a long-term perspective.
SEBI vide its Notification dated May 5, 2021 had amended Regulation 34
of the Listing Regulations, wherein SEBI has mandated that the Business Responsibility
Report ("BRR") shall be discontinued after the Financial Year 2021–22 and
thereafter, with effect from the Financial Year 2022–23, the Top 1,000 listed
entities based on market capitalization shall submit a Business Responsibility and
Sustainability Report ("BRSR") in the format as specified by SEBI from time to
As per Regulation 34(2)(f) of the SEBI Listing Regulations, the
Business Responsibility and Sustainability Report ("BRSR") of the Company,
highlighting the initiatives taken by the Company in the areas of social, environment,
governance and economic responsibilities of business for the financial year 2023-24, in
the prescribed format is provided as Annexure-V and forms part of this Annual
The BRSR is intended towards having quantitative and standardized
disclosures on ESG parameters to enable comparability across companies, sectors and time.
Such disclosures will be helpful for investors to make better investment decisions. The
BRSR shall also enable companies to engage more meaningfully with their stakeholders, by
encouraging them to look beyond financials and towards social and environmental impacts.
Pursuant to Section 92(3) read with section 134(3) (a) of the Act, a
copy of the Annual Return of the Company for the financial year under review prepared
under Section 92(1) of the Act read with Rule 11 of Companies (Management and
Administration) Rules, 2014 in prescribed Form No. MGT-7 is placed on the website of the
Company and can be accessed at the weblink: . The final Annual Return shall be
uploaded in the same weblink after the said Return is filed with the Registrar of
Companies, Mumbai.
Your Company is committed to maintaining the highest standards of
Corporate Governance and adheres to the Corporate Governance requirements set out by the
SEBI. The report on Corporate Governance as stipulated under the SEBI Listing Regulations
forms part of this Report.
Your Company has duly complied with the Corporate Governance
requirements as set out under Chapter IV of the SEBI Listing Regulations and M/s. JMJA
& Associates LLP, Practicing Company Secretaries, vide their certificate dated May 3,
2024, have confirmed that the Company is and has been compliant with the conditions
stipulated in Chapter IV of the SEBI Listing Regulations. The said certificate forms part
of the Annexures to the Report of Corporate Governance.
The details including the composition of the Audit Committee and terms
of reference of the Committee are included in the Corporate Governance Report, which is a
part of this report.
During the year under review, all recommendations made by the Audit
Committee were approved by the Board.
Details of loans, guarantees and investments outstanding as on March
31, 2024 under the provisions of Section 186 of the Act read with the Companies (Meetings
of Board and its Powers) Rules, 2014, are set out in Notes 4, 5, 12 & 49 to the
Financial Statements of the Company.
There were no material changes or commitments affecting the financial
position of the Company between the end of the financial year under review and the date of
this Report.
Risk management is integral to the Company?s strategy and for the
achievement of the long-term goals. Our success as an organisation depends on our ability
to identify and leverage the opportunities while managing the risks.
The Company has a well-defined risk management framework in place which
inter-alia includes identification of elements of risk, if any, which in the opinion of
the Management, the Risk Management Committee and the Board may impact the performance
outcome of the Company and their possible mitigation plans.
The Risk Management Committee of the Company has been entrusted by the
Board with the responsibility of reviewing the risk management process in the Company and
ensuring that the risks are identified, measured and the appropriate mitigation plans are
in place.
The Company has adopted a Risk Management Policy aimed to ensure
resilience for sustainable growth and sound corporate governance by having a process of
risk identification and management in compliance with the provisions of the Companies Act,
2013, and the Listing Regulations.
The Risk Management Committee in line with the Risk Management Policy
has implemented an integrated risk management approach and monitors the risk management
process and assesses significant risks on regular basis to ensure that a robust system of
risk controls and mitigation is in place. Chief Risk Officers periodically reviews this
risk management framework to keep updated and addresses emerging challenges.
The Company recognises that all emerging and identified risks need to
be managed and mitigated to –
Protect its shareholder?s and other stakeholder?s
Achieve its business objectives; and
Enable sustainable growth.
The business risks and their mitigation have been dealt with in the
Management Discussion and Analysis Section of this Annual Report.
The Company has well defined and adequate internal control system,
commensurate with size, scale and complexity of its operations. The internal financial
controls are adequate and are operating effectively to ensure orderly and efficient
conduct of business operations. During the financial year, Internal Financial Controls
(IFC) testing process was done to review the adequacy and strength of IFC followed by the
Company. As per the assessment, no major concerns and no reportable material weaknesses in
the design or operation were observed. The Board has also put in place a requisite legal
compliance framework to ensure compliance with all the applicable laws and that such
systems are adequate and operating effectively.
Further there were no letters of internal control weaknesses issued by
the Internal Auditor or the Statutory Auditors during the financial year under review. The
Company?s Financial Statements are prepared on the basis of the Significant
Accounting Policies that are carefully selected by Management and approved by the Audit
Committee and the Board.
These Accounting Policies are reviewed and updated from time to time.
The details of the internal control system and adequacy are mentioned in the Management
Discussion and Analysis section, forming an integral part of the Annual Report.
Compliance monitoring framework
The Company has a comprehensive framework for monitoring compliances
with applicable laws and internal policies. Compliance reviews take place at multiple
levels, as follows:
First line of defence: Business and corporate functions ensure
implementation of laws at the primary level through checks and controls in their
operational processes.
Compliance Reporting tool: Compliances are further mapped into the
Compliance Reporting tool and affirmed at regular frequencies by compliance owners, to
generate Compliance
Reports, which are submitted to the Board on a quarterly basis.
The compliance monitoring framework is periodically subject to
audits by internal auditors as per the internal audit plan.
All related party transactions (RPTs) that were entered during the
financial year under review were on an arm?s length basis and in the ordinary course
of business.
In line with the requirements of the Act and the SEBI Listing
Regulations, the Company has formulated a Policy on dealing with RPTs. The Policy is
uploaded on the Company?s website and the same can be accessed at the weblink: gulfindia/files/2023-01/Policy%20on%20Materiality%20
and%20Dealings%20with%20Related%20Party%20 Transactions%28RPTs%29%20%281%29.pdf
The policy intends to ensure that proper reporting, approval and
disclosure processes are in place for all transactions between the Company and Related
Parties. This policy specifically deals with the review and approval of RPTs, keeping in
mind the potential or actual conflicts of interest that may arise because of entering into
these transactions. All RPTs are placed before the Audit Committee for review and prior
approval. Prior omnibus approval is obtained for RPTs that are of repetitive nature and /
or entered in the ordinary course of business and are at arm?s length.
A statement on RPTs specifying the details of the transactions entered,
under each omnibus approval granted, is placed for review at the meeting of the Audit
Committee held in the succeeding quarter although no such transactions attracted the
provisions of Section 188 of the Act. As such, there are no particulars to be disclosed in
the prescribed Form AOC-2.
All transactions with related parties are as per the policy on RPTS
formulated by the Company. Further, in terms of the provisions of Section 188(1) of the
Companies Act, 2013 read with the Companies (Meetings of Board and its Powers) Rules, 2014
and Regulation 23 of the SEBI Listing Regulations, all contracts/ arrangements/
transactions entered into by the Company with its related parties, during the year under
review, were
in "ordinary course of business" of the Company, on
"an arm?s length basis" and not "material"
The Company has developed a framework for identification and monitoring
of such RPTs. The details of transactions / contracts / arrangements entered into by the
Company with Related Parties during the financial year under review are set out in the
Note 46 to the Financial Statements.
In accordance with Section 134(5) of the Companies Act, 2013 (including
any statutory modification(s) and/ or re-enactment(s) thereof for the time being in
force), the Directors of the Company state that:
a) in the preparation of the annual accounts for the year ended March
31, 2024, the applicable accounting standards have been followed and there are no material
departures from the same;
b) they have selected such accounting policies, applied them
consistently, made judgements and estimates that are reasonable and prudent so as to give
a true and fair view of the state of affairs of the Company as of March 31, 2024 and of
the profit of the Company for year ended on that date;
c) they have taken proper and sufficient care for the maintenance of
adequate accounting records in accordance with the provisions of the Companies Act, 2013
for safeguarding the assets of the
Company and for preventing and detecting fraud and other
d) they have prepared the annual accounts on a going concern basis;
e) they have laid down Internal Financial Controls to be followed by
the Company and that such Internal Financial Controls are adequate and are operating
effectively; and
f) the Directors have devised proper systems to ensure compliance with
the provisions of all applicable laws and that such systems are adequate and operating
Compliance with Secretarial Standards
Your directors confirm that during the financial year under review, the
Company has complied with the applicable Secretarial Standards issued by the Institute of
Company Secretaries of India ("ICSI").
Statutory Auditor
M/s Price Waterhouse LLP ("PWC"), Chartered Accountants (FRN:
301112E/E300264) have issued the Auditors? Report "with an unmodified
opinion" on the financial statements (both standalone and consolidated) of the
Company for the financial year 2023-24, and the same is disclosed in the financial
statements forming part of this Annual Report. There has been no qualification,
reservation, adverse remark or disclaimer given by the Statutory Auditor in their Report
for the financial year under review.
The notes to the financial statements are self-explanatory and do not
call for any further comments.
Further PWC was appointed as statutory auditors at the 6th
AGM of the Company held on June 4, 2014 to hold office until the 11th AGM of
the Company and they were thereafter re-appointed as statutory auditors of the Company at
the 11th AGM held on September 17, 2019, for a second term of 5 years to hold
office until the conclusion of the ensuing 16th AGM of the Company.
Pursuant to the completion of the second tenure of PWC as the Statutory
Auditor of the Company at the ensuing 16th AGM, the Board of Directors of the
Company based on the recommendation of the Audit Committee at its meeting held on May 21,
2024, has proposed the appointment of M/s S R B C & CO. LLP ("SRBC"),
Chartered Accountants (ICAI Firm Registration No. 324982E/_E300003) as the Statutory
Auditors of the Company, in place of retiring Auditors PWC, to hold office for a term of
five consecutive years i.e. from the conclusion of the ensuing 16th AGM till
the conclusion of the 21st AGM to be held in the year 2029.
SRBC has consented to act as Statutory Auditors and have confirmed that
their appointment, if made, would be within the limits specified under Section 141(3)(g)
of the Act. SRBC has also confirmed, that they are not disqualified to be appointed as
Statutory Auditors in terms of the provisions of Sections 139(1), 141(2) and 141(3) of the
Act and the Rules. Further, SRBC confirmed that they hold a valid peer review certificate
issued by the Institute of Chartered Accountants of India.
The Shareholders? attention is drawn to a Resolution proposing the
appointment of M/s S R B C & Co. LLP as Statutory Auditors of the Company which is
included at Item No. 5 of the Notice convening the 16th AGM.
Secretarial Auditor
Pursuant to section 204 of the Act and Rules made thereunder, the
Company had re-appointed M/s. BS & CO LLP (Firm Registration No AAE-0638) to carry out
Secretarial Audit of the Company for the financial year 2023-24.
The Secretarial Audit Report in Form No. MR-3 given by the Secretarial
Auditor of the Company is annexed as Annexure-VI to this Report. There has been no
qualification, reservation, adverse remark or disclaimer given by the Secretarial Auditor
in his Report for the financial year under review.
Annual Secretarial Compliance Report
The Company has obtained an Annual Secretarial Compliance Report for
the financial year ended March
31, 2024 from M/s. BS & CO LLP, Practicing Company Secretaries in
compliance with Regulation 24A of the SEBI Listing Regulations and the SEBI circular CIR/
CFD/CMD1/27/2019 dated February 8, 2019. The said Report is submitted to the Stock
Exchanges within the prescribed statutory timelines and uploaded on the website of the
Company at the weblink: https://india.
Reporting of frauds by Auditors
During the year under review, the Statutory Auditor or Secretarial
Auditor of the Company has not reported any frauds to the Audit Committee or the Board of
Directors under Section 143(12) of the Act, including rules made thereunder.
Cost Records & Cost Auditor
As per the requirements under Section 148(1) of the Act read with the
Companies (Cost Records and Audit) Rules, 2014 as amended from time to time, your Company
is required to maintain the cost records and accordingly such accounts and records are
made and maintained by the Company.
In terms of the provisions of Section 148(2) of the Act read with the
Companies (Cost Records and Audit) Rules, 2014, the Board, on the recommendation of Audit
Committee, has re-appointed M/s Dhananjay V. Joshi & Associates, Cost Accountants
(Firm Registration No.000030), as Cost Auditors of the Company to audit the cost records
of the Company for the financial year 2024-25 for a remuneration of H4,00,000/- (Rupees
Four Lakhs only) plus applicable taxes and reimbursement of out-of-pocket expenses.
The remuneration payable to the Cost Auditor is subject to ratification
by the Members at the Annual General Meeting. Accordingly, the necessary Resolution for
ratification of the remuneration payable to M/s Dhananjay V. Joshi & Associates, Cost
Accountants, to conduct the audit of cost records of the Company for the Financial Year
2024-25 has been included in the Notice of the forthcoming 16th AGM of the
Company. The Directors recommend the same for approval by the Members.
Your Company has in place an adequate internal audit framework to
monitor the efficacy of the internal controls to provide to the Audit Committee with an
independent, objective and reasonable assurance on the adequacy and effectiveness of the
Company?s processes and internal controls. The Internal Auditor of your company
reports directly to the Audit Committee. The Internal Audit function develops an extensive
audit plan for the Company, which covers, inter-alia, corporate, core business operations,
factories, regional offices, warehouses as well as support functions. The internal audit
approach verifies compliance with the operational and system-related procedures and
controls. The Audit Committee reviews the annual internal audit plan. Significant audit
observations are presented to the Audit Committee, together with the status of the
management actions and the progress of the implementation of the recommendations.
Disclosures about remuneration and other details, as required under
Section 197(12) of the Act read with Rule 5(1) of the Companies (Appointment and
Remuneration of Managerial Personnel) Rules, 2014, are given in Annexure-VII to the
Board?s Report.
Further, a statement containing names of the top ten employees in terms
of remuneration drawn as required under section 197(12) of the Act read with rules 5(2)
and 5(3) of the Companies (Appointment and Remuneration of Managerial Personnel) Rules,
2014, forms part of the Annual Report. However, in line with the provisions of the first
proviso to section 136(1) of the Act, the reports and accounts, as set out therein, are
being sent to all shareholders of the Company, excluding the aforesaid information and the
same is open for inspection at the registered office of the Company during working hours
up to the date of the ensuing Annual General Meeting. Any Member desirous of obtaining a
copy of the said annexure may write to the Company Secretary at
As required under Regulation 17(8) read with Schedule II of the SEBI
Listing Regulations, the CEO and CFO certificate was placed before the Board of Directors
of the Company at its meeting held on May 21, 2024 and is attached with the annual report
as Annexure-VIII.
In terms of the applicable provisions of the Act and SEBI Listing
Regulations, your Company additionally discloses that during the financial year under
your Company has not accepted any fixed deposits from the public
falling under Section 73 of the Act read with the Companies (Acceptance of Deposits)
Rules, 2014. Thus, as of March 31, 2024, there were no deposits that were unpaid or
unclaimed and due for repayment, hence, there has been no default in repayment of deposits
or payment of interest thereon;
your Company has not issued any shares with differential voting
your Company has not issued any sweat equity shares;
no significant or material orders were passed by the regulators or
courts or tribunals which impact the going concern status operations of your Company in
the future.
your Company has not raised any funds through preferential
allotment or qualified institutional placement as per Regulation 32(7A) of SEBI Listing
no application has been made under the Insolvency and Bankruptcy
Code; hence the requirement to disclose the details of application made or any proceeding
pending under the Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code, 2016 (31 of 2016) during the financial
year along with their status as at the end of the financial year is not applicable.
the requirement to disclose the details of the difference between
amount of the valuation done at the time of onetime settlement and the valuation done
while taking loan from the Bank or Financial Institutions along with the reasons thereof,
is not applicable.
It is further disclosed that:
There is no plan to revise the financial statements or
directors? reports in respect of any previous financial year.
The Directors take this opportunity to express their appreciation for
the support and co-operation extended by the members, customers, banks and other business
associates. The Directors also acknowledge the on-going co-operation and support provided
by the Government, Regulatory and Statutory bodies.
The Directors place on record their deep appreciation for the exemplary
contributions made by the employees of the Company at all levels. Their dedicated efforts
and enthusiasm have been pivotal to the Company?s growth and deliver one of the best
years in the history of the Company.
For and on behalf of the Board of Directors |
Sanjay G. Hinduja |
Place: London |
Chairman |
Date: August 6, 2024 |
(DIN: 00291692) |