To the Members,
Your Directors take pleasure in presenting this Integrated Annual
Report and the Audited Financial Statements for the financial year ended 31 March 2024
together with the reports of the Statutory Auditors and the Comptroller and Auditor
General of India thereon.
Financial Results and Performance Highlights
Financial results and performance highlights of the Company are
summarised below:
( Rsin Lakhs)
Particulars |
2023-24 |
2022-23 |
Value of Production |
20,38,050 |
17,73,082 |
Turnover |
19,81,993 |
17,33,337 |
Profit Before Depreciation, Interest and |
5,75,401 |
4,40,754 |
Tax |
Finance Cost |
702 |
1,479 |
Depreciation & Amortisation |
41,243 |
40,787 |
Profit Before Tax |
5,33,456 |
3,98,488 |
Provision for Tax |
1,31,456 |
97,821 |
Profit After Tax 4,02,000 |
3,00,667 |
Other Comprehensive Income/(Loss) |
(5,764) |
(16,624) |
Total Comprehensive Income |
3,96,236 |
2,84,043 |
Dividend Paid |
1,46,196 |
1,24,266 |
Transfer to General Reserve |
40,000 |
40,000 |
Other Equity (including Reserves & |
15,35,141 |
12,85,101 |
Surplus) |
Net Worth |
16,08,239 |
13,58,199 |
Earnings Per Share (in ) |
5.50 |
4.11 |
Book Value Per Share (in ) |
22.00 |
18.58 |
Distribution of Value of Production for 2023-24 is given below:
( Rsin Lakhs)
Particulars |
Amount |
Percentage |
Materials |
11,12,648 |
55% |
Employee Cost |
2,46,670 |
12% |
Other Expenses (Net) |
1,04,033 |
5% |
Depreciation & Amortisation |
41,243 |
2% |
Provision for Tax |
1,31,456 |
6% |
Profit After Tax 4,02,000 |
20% |
Total |
20,38,050 |
100% |
The Company's turnover for FY 2023-24 increased to Rs19,81,993
Lakhs from Rs17,33,337 Lakhs in the FY 2022-23, registering a growth of 14.35%. The Profit
After Tax (PAT) for FY is Rs4,02,000 Lakhs as compared to Rs3,00,667 Lakhs in the previous
year. Turnover from indigenously developed products was 77%. Contribution for Defence
supplies was at 80.70% of the turnover in FY 2023-24 as compared to 87% in the previous
In pursuant to Regulation 43A of the SEBI (LODR) Regulations, 2015, the
Board of Directors of the Company formulated a Dividend Distribution Policy keeping in
view the provisions of the SEBI (LODR) Regulations, 2015, the Companies Act, 2013,
Guidelines issued by the SEBI, DPE, DIPAM, Ministry of Finance and other Guidelines to the
extent applicable to the Company. The Policy is placed on the Company's website at -
Our consistent performance and long-term value creation have been
reflected in the quantum of Profits/Reserves distributed to Shareholders by the Company.
The Board of Directors has recommended a final dividend of Rs0.80/- per equity share
(80%), amounting to Rs58,478 Lakhs for FY 2023-24. The first interim dividend of Rs0.70
per equity share (70%) and the second interim dividend of Rs0.70 per equity share (70%)
have been paid to the shareholders for FY 2023-24. Thus, the total dividend for FY 2023-24
is Rs2.20/- per equity share (220%), amounting to Rs1,60,815 Lakhs.
Transfer to Reserves
An amount of Rs40,000 Lakhs has been transferred to General Reserves
for FY 2023-24.
Share Capital
The Company's authorised capital was Rs75,000 Lakhs
(7,50,00,00,000 equity shares of Rs1/- each) and paid-up share capital was Rs73,098 Lakhs
(7,30,97,78,829 equity shares of Rs1/- each fully paid-up) as on 31 March 2024. There was
no change in the authorised/paid-up share capital of the Company during FY 2023-24.
Major Orders Executed
Long-Range Surface-to-Air Missile (LRSAM) Systems, Akash Missile
Systems, SATCOM Network, Command & Control Systems, various Radars, Electronic Warfare
Systems, Communication Equipment, Sonars, Electronic Voting Machine, Voter Verifiable
Paper Audit Trail, Electro-optic Systems, Fire Control Systems, Home Land Security
Systems, Smart City Projects etc.
Your Company has been exporting various products, systems and services
to a number of foreign countries. Your Company has been giving enhanced thrust towards
addressing the export opportunities in defence and non-defence areas and this has resulted
in achieving export sales of US$ 92.98 Million in FY 2023-24 compared to US$ 48.33 Million
in FY 2022-23. Some of the countries to which your Company has exported its products and
systems are Spain, USA, UK, France, Germany, Israel, Sweden, Mauritius, Sri Lanka and
SEZs. The major products/systems exported include Radar Warning Receiver, Missile Approach
Warning System, T R Modules, Data Link II, Coastal Radar Systems, Mechanical Parts,
Communication Equipment, EO System, Smart Mail Box, Services, etc.
Increase in export sales was mainly due to the concerted efforts and
new initiatives taken by your Company. Continuous interactions with MEA, MoD and
prospective customers, proactive offering of products, systems and services, undertaking
and completing on-time delivery of customised projects have resulted in increased export
sales. More efforts are directed towards providing efficient support/services to the
During FY 2023-24, your Company has acquired export orders worth US$
211.41 Million from various countries viz., USA, UK, France, Germany, Israel, Sweden,
Mauritius, Denmark etc. Your Company has achieved an all-time high export order book of
US$ 407.014 Million as on 1 April 2024. Over the years, your Company has established long
term relationship with current and prospective customers.
Along with Defence, your Company is also exploring opportunities for
civilian products and solutions in developed and developing countries in the areas of
Artificial Intelligence (AI), Software Applications, Civil Aviation Radars, Smart Mail
Box, Smart Cities, Critical Infrastructure Development, Solar Power Generation,
Electronics System Design & Manufacturing Services, Wireless Communications etc.
Your Company is also focussing on various opportunities in the area of
Offset Business from foreign OEMs. Your Company is also closely working and partnering
with various major foreign Aerospace and Defence Companies by offering products and
systems to meet their specific requirements. Your Company has identified Contract
Manufacturing (Build to Print and Build to Spec) and Transfer of Technology for the latest
systems and solutions as emerging export opportunities.
Further, efforts are put in to establish long-term supply chain
relationships with global OEMs. In this regard, your Company has offered various products
and services to major Platform OEMs and their Tier-I suppliers. This has helped your
Company in leveraging partnership for co-development, co-production, transfer of
technology, and similar arrangements with various OEMs to undertake manufacturing of their
products at your Company's facilities and utilisation of services of your Company not
only for Indian programs but also for their global requirements.
Persistent efforts by your Company have resulted in acquiring new
customers from targeted geographical locations such as UK, Israel and SEZ - India. During
the year, new proposals for Avionics, Radar Modules, Software Development Services, C4I
etc. were submitted to global customers and foreign ministries.
Actions by your Company to enhance exports are as follows:
a. Major initiatives undertaken
• Emphasis on Make in India and "Sell Globally"
• Co-development/Co-production of products with foreign OEMs.
• Efforts to achieve "Single Vendor" status by
offering customised solution/products.
• Joint working with DRDO to offer customised products and
services in the export market.
• Collaboration with Indian OEMs to offer complete platform
solutions to foreign customers.
• Establishing long term supply chain relations with global
• Focus on big programs (C4I, Gun/Missile Systems/ Tank &
Gun Upgrades etc.).
• Partnership with foreign local industry for business
development and increasing local content.
• Leveraging the reach of Channel Partners.
• Establishing new overseas office.
b. Following products and systems have been offered to foreign
• A vionics & EW Systems
• Weapon Locating Radar
• Electronic System Design & Manufacturing
• Coastal Radar System
• Ship Upgrade Tank & Gun Upgrade
• Air Space Protection System
c. Interactions with following major international customers (OEMs):
• Thales, France
• BAE Systems, UK
• Lockheed Martin, USA
• Airbus Defence & Space, Spain
• Terma, Denmark
• Elbit Systems, Israel
• IAI, Israel
• SAAB, Sweden
• GE Medical Systems, US
• GE Healthcare, US
d. Interactions with the following international customers (Defence
• Sri Lankan Navy
• Ministry of Defence, Armenia
• Maldives' Navy
• Ministry of Civil Aviation, Mauritius etc.
e. Following were the major products exported during 2023-24:
• Data Link II
• Radar Warning Receiver
• Missile Approach Warning System
• Electro-Optics Systems
• EW & Radar Modules
• Software Development Services
MoU with the Government
Your Company has been signing a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) every
year with the Ministry of Defence, Government of India based on guidelines issued by DPE.
Performance of the Company for FY 2022-23 has been rated as "Very Good". The MoU
rating for FY 2023-24 is yet to be furnished.
Order Book Position
The order book of the Company as on 1 April 2024 is around
Rs75,934 Crore. The order book comprises major programmes like
Long-Range Surface-to-Air Missile (LRSAM) Systems, Missile Systems, Electronic Fuzes,
Electronic Warfare, Avionics, Anti-Submarine Warfare, Network Centric Systems,
Communication Equipment, Radars, Fire Control Systems, Thermal Imagers, Smart City
Projects etc.
Your Company has been prudent in its financial management practices. It
has been much disciplined in its Capital allocation strategy and efficient in managing its
operational expenses. During FY 2023-24, the Company has met all its CAPEX and working
capital requirements through internal accruals. All the above measures have contributed to
consistent growth in all parameters. The Company's PBT has grown to Rs5,33,456 Lakhs
in FY 2023-24 from Rs3,98,488 Lakhs in FY 2022-23. During FY 2023-24, EPS has increased to
Rs5.50 from Rs4.11 in FY 2022-23. Net worth of the Company has increased to
Rs16,08,239 Lakhs in FY 2023-24 from Rs13,58,199 Lakhs in FY 2022-23
and corresponding Book Value per Share (BVPS) has increased to Rs22.00 in FY 2023-24 from
Rs18.58 in FY 2022-23.
In spite of increase in Turnover in FY 2023-24 to Rs19,81,993 Lakhs
from Rs17,33,337 Lakhs in FY 2022-23, Trade Receivable as a number of days of Turnover
have decreased to 136 days in FY 2023-24 as against 148 days in respect of the previous
year. During FY 2023-24, Inventory as a number of days of Value of Production has remained
at 133 days as against 132_days in the previous year.
The Company does not have any Public Deposit Scheme at present.
However, the matured Public Deposit amount (collected prior to February 2006) with the
Company was
Rs36.95 Lakhs as on 31 March 2024. Out of this, 34 deposits amounting
to Rs36.50 Lakhs have not been claimed or have not been paid as these accounts were frozen
on the advice of the Karnataka Lokayukta. The remaining matured deposits of
Rs0.45 Lakhs as on 31 March 2023 is unpaid due to insufficient
documents/records produced by the Depositors.
Research & Development
BEL's Research and Development (R&D) philosophy is to enhance
its pre-eminence in products/services for Defence and Professional Electronics through
Research & Development. BEL's R&D strives for the development of new products
built with cutting-edge technology modules. While fully meeting the customer requirements,
the products developed by the Company are state-of-the-art, competitive and incorporate
the highest levels of quality and reliability.
R&D has been one of BEL's core strengths which is being
enhanced through in-house and collaborative R&D modes. Various divisions of BEL are
involved in the development of Strategic Components, Technology Modules, Subsystems,
Products, Systems and Systems of Systems.
BEL has a Three-Tier R&D structure, namely Central Research
Laboratories (CRLs); Product Development and Innovation Centre (PDIC) & Centres of
Excellence (CoEs);and Development and Engineering (D&E) groups attached to Strategic
Business Units (SBUs)/Units. All the R&D/D&E centres of BEL have been recognised
by the Department of Scientific & Industrial Research (DSIR) and function at multiple
locations across India. D&Es are located at each of the SBUs and Units namely
Bengaluru, Chennai, Ghaziabad, Hyderabad, Kotdwara, Machilipatnam, Navi Mumbai, Panchkula
and Pune. PDIC and CoEs are located in Bengaluru while CRLs are located in Bengaluru and
Ghaziabad. The D&Es/PDIC/ CoEs/CRLs work in the identified technology and product
areas, based on three-year R&D plans and after due approval of budget/time by the
competent authority.
Apart from in-house efforts, BEL R&D Engineers and Scientists
collaborate with DRDO, ISRO, CSIR, other Research Laboratories, National and International
Academia, Research Institutes, OEMs/Industries, Experts/Consultants, MSMEs and Start-ups
in niche technology areas. BEL has created an ecosystem to co-create products/solutions in
many business segments.
The D&E groups at SBUs/Units provide Systems and System of Systems
solutions to the end users. Towards this, they get necessary technology modules and
subsystems developed through CRLs, PDIC, CoEs and collaborative R&D partners. They
conduct all evaluations and trials needed in the process of inducting these systems into
service. They also extend technical support during the entire product life-cycle, and
upgrades and also take care of obsolescence management.
D&E Projects Initiated During FY 2023-24: Several R&D
projects have been initiated during FY 2023-24 both through in-house development and
collaborative efforts (mainly with DRDO). Major projects initiated during FY 2023-24 are X
Band GaN-based Radar, Missile Checkout Facility for QRSAM, EOIRST System, 1.0m Ku band
COTM Antenna, Upgrades of 3D CAR Series Radar, Aslesha MK-I & Reporter Radar,
Indigenous Precision Range Extension Kit, High Power Radar Trial Configuration, Long Range
Radar SASTRA, ARM-based Secure Microcontroller, Passive Homing Head V1.2 for Seekers,
Vihaang ESM System, i-CBTC System; SMARD (COMINT) System, HALT & HASS Testing of DFCC,
Vehicle-based Anti-Drone System with Soft & Hard Kill, Project Pralay,
DJAG LRUs for JAGUAR DARIN III upgrade aircraft and Active Protection
System for Tank T-90.
D&E Projects Realised During FY 2023-24: Some of the major
projects realised/completed during FY 2023-24 are Sight and Gimbal for BMP Upgrade,
Indigenous ASR-MSSR for AAI, Voice Communication & Control System (IACCS B-III),
Compact Gun Fire Control System, USHUS-2 (Integrated Submarine SONAR suite for EKM
platform), Development of CMS17A, Upgrade of Turret Sys & Dev of Sight System, Antenna
& Rotator Unit for Naval Missile Defense Radar, Revathi Stabilization Platform, RDP
for IACCS, IFF MK-XIIA Combined Interrogator Transponder, FET for ADC&RS and Multi
Target Tracking Radar.
Important R&D Awards/Recognitions Received During FY 2023-24:
• IETE A wards: Young Scientist Award 2022.
• Smt Ranjana Pal Memorial Award 2023.
• CII Corporate Women Leadership Awards 2022-23: In Technology
• Quantic 2nd Annual Excellence Awards: -Best
Digital Transformation Initiative Award (Electronics): Panchkula for Chandigarh Smart City
Future Plan of Action: BEL's R&D will focus on developing
innovative Products/Services across the organisation aligned with the objectives of growth
and transformation. All the tiers of R&D (D&Es, PDIC, CoEs and CRLs) will continue
to collaborate in identifying new areas of development and complementing each other in
addressing the customer requirements through in-house and collaborative modes of
development. BEL plans to continue investing in R&D to meet the continuously evolving
requirements of its customers as well as for diversification. While a major thrust would
be given for in-house development, collaboration with national laboratories, academic
institutions, research institutes, industry and MSMEs will also continue to be
strengthened. Focussed technology/product development efforts have been initiated in
diversified areas like Arms & Ammunition, Smart Agriculture and AI-based projects
including Predictive Maintenance. BEL has consistently been investing about 7% of its
annual revenue every year in R&D and will continue to support R&D initiatives for
enabling an Atmanirbhar Bharat, making & delivering high-quality defence &
professional electronics products, systems & solutions for India and the world.
New Facilities Established
Infrastructure enhancement is one of the major objectives of the
Company in order to stay upgraded for global opportunities and to be the best in business.
During FY 2023-24, the Company has spent around Rs650 Crore as part of CAPEX investment
towards modernisation of Plant & Machinery, Test instruments, R&D investments,
Infrastructure up-gradation etc.
Information Technology (IT) Initiatives: e-Bhoomi for Building and
Land Management: IS/CO has developed and deployed an e-Bhoomi, a platform to capture all
records of Building and Land Management System in SAP. The platform e-Bhoomi has features
like maintenance of registration types, property documents, ownerships, building or
property titles and boundaries, total extent of areas, survey numbers, etc. and many more
reports. This has resulted in the digitisation of documents pertaining to BEL's land and
Cyber Defense Center: Cyber security threats are continuously growing
on BEL IT infrastructure. Innovative, sophisticated techniques & tactics are being
deployed by adversaries for breaches & data exfiltration. To mitigate and keep a check
on such risks, Cyber Defence Center (CDC) is established as dedicated centralised facility
to monitor, improve the organisation's cyber security posture while preventing, detecting,
analysing, and responding to cyber security threats in BEL. CDC is built on layered
security approach (defence-in-depth) and continuously getting augmented with latest tools
& technologies for maintaining the cyber resiliency.
New two-factor authentication system for Internet Mail: For access for
BEL's Internet mail from outside of BEL premises, a new Grid-based authentication method
has been implemented in the 4th quarter of FY 2023-24. This is a Make-in-India
product that addresses the security requirements without any dependency on third party
hardware (like hardware tokens, smartphones, mobile networks for SMSs, OTPs and agent
installation on user devices). Though the registered PIN and Target number are fixed, the
grid pin will be changing on each login to avoid the risk of credential compromise. The
System has been subjected to VAPT and all reported vulnerabilities were mitigated before
Upgradation of Web Security Systems: Centralised Internet Gateway was
established for uniform deployment of cyber security policies across all BEL units. A
secure web gateway (SWG) was deployed to further upgrade, streamline and enforce the
granular policies on internet access. The objectives of a deployed secure web gateway are
to filter internet traffic, enforce security and acceptable use policies, and protect
users and organisations from online threats. Web gateway scrutinises every outgoing web
request from the user system, ensuring requests do not breach set policies and only
permitting them if deemed safe. Similarly, incoming data is inspected before reaching
users. Web Gateway ensures safe internet access, prevents malware from reaching corporate
Network and shield organisation from potential data breaches.
Quality, Technology and Innovation are three guiding pillars of
BEL's business initiatives. Quality being the first pillar has been one of the focus
areas for the Company. The Company is committed for continual improvement through a
process approach in line with World-Class Quality Systems. All Units/ Strategic Business
Units (SBUs)/Common Services Groups (CSGs) are accredited to ISO 9001 Quality Management
Systems (QMS). Nineteen Units/SBUs of the Company are committed to the Environment
Management System through ISO 14001 Certification. Ghaziabad, Kotdwara, NAMU and Bangalore
Units are certified for first time for ISO 45001 & ISO 14001. BEL Hyderabad Unit has
been conferred with the CII-EXIM Bank Business Excellence Award in the year 2023.
BEL received 24 Green Channel Certificates covering 13 Units/ SBUs from
DGQA for a total of 76 products, in the areas of Radars, Naval Systems, Communications,
and Electro Optics Products. Mast, Batteries and Gun Upgrade, BEL is the first PSU to
reach this new height on Quality aspects; Ghaziabad SBU DCCS has received the Green
Channel Certificate for the first time for CMS Systems in this year. 14 Units/SBUs/
Divisions of the Company are certified for Information Security Management System ISMS ISO
27001. During the year, Navi Mumbai Unit is certified for ISMS ISO 27001 for first time.
BEL has a total of 19 AS9100D Certificates and 8 ISO 9001 Certificates. EM, NS2 SBUs and
Pune, Panchkula, Kotdwara Units got recertified for AS9100D Standard this year. Test
Equipment, Calibration and Maintenance Divisions of Bangalore Complex, Ghaziabad,
Panchkula, Chennai, Navi Mumbai and Hyderabad Units (Total 13 Labs) are certified by NABL
in accordance with ISO/IEC 17025 Standard. Software SBU is certified for CMMi level 5 and
also for ITSMS ISO 20000-1. NCS & DCCS SBUs of Ghaziabad Unit, CRL- Ghaziabad, Chennai
and Hyderabad Units are certified for CMMi Level 3. BAE and BEEI are certified for EOMS
ISO 21001 for the first time.
HYBRID QA 4.0 implemented at Machilipatnam Unit. Online QA
documentation inspection Module WIQAS is implemented at ADSN, NS1, NS2 and MILCOM SBUs of
Bangalore Complex. Digital/Virtual/Remote QA is also implemented at
Hyderabad Unit.
The Company has facilitated involvement of employees in the Quality
Movement through the Quality Control Circle (QCC). During FY 2023-24, 717 QCC
Presentations are made by various QCC Teams. Many QCC teams are nominated for national
competitions and all are adjudged for various categories of Awards. Kotdwara QCC Pragati
Team has participated in ICQCC 2023 Online conducted by China and won the highest Platinum
Award. Around 4,611 suggestions are awarded in FY 2023-24. A total savings of Rs120 Crore
was achieved through this Suggestion Scheme implementation in various process improvements
during this year.
During the year 18 Executives from various Units/SBUs are certified as
"Certified Quality Engineers (CQE)" from ASQ. 23 Executives from various
Units/SBUs were certified as "Certified Reliability Engineers (CRE)" from ASQ. 4
Senior Executives were certified as "Certified Manager of Quality/Organizational
Excellence (CMQ/OE)" from ASQ. 43 Executives were certified as "Project
Management Professionals (PMP)" from PMI USA. 13 Executives were certified as
"Six Sigma Black Belt (SSBB)" by the Indian Statistical Institute (ISI),
Bangalore. 20 Executives were certified as "Design for Six Sigma-Green Belt
(DFSS-GB)" by the Indian Statistical Institute (ISI), Bengaluru. 25 mid-level and
senior executives were certified as "Certified Data Analytics (CDA)" by the
Indian Statistical Institute (ISI), Bengaluru.
Total 368 Six Sigma Projects have been completed during the year
2023-24, resulting in an estimated savings of Rs11,056.87 Lakhs to the company. 15 BEL Six
Sigma teams participated in regional level competitions CCQC-2023 organised by QCFI and
all 15 teams won the highest award "GOLD". 15 BEL Six Sigma teams participated
in National level competitions NCQC-2023 organised by QCFI and all 15 teams won the
highest award "PAR Excellence". 3 BEL Six Sigma teams (GAD, COMP & MC)
participated in ICQCC-2023 organized by QCFI in online mode and won the highest award
"GOLD". Panchkula Unit won the First Prize, GAD NCS SBU, Chennai units won
second and third prizes respectively in companywide Quality Recognition Award (QRA) 2023.
This year also the Company conducted the Integrated Customer
Satisfaction Survey, and the Satisfaction Index is 83.60 with a net promoter score of
53.45 which is very good in comparison with bench mark companies.
Human Resources
Your Company employed 8,937 people as on 31 March 2024 compared to
8,832 people as on 31 March 2023. Out of these employees, 5,078 were engineers/scientists
and 1,928 were women employees. A total of 583 employees were inducted during FY 2023-24.
96 employees belonging to the Scheduled Castes (SC), 55 employees belonging to the
Scheduled Tribes (ST), 207 employees from the Other Backward Classes (OBC), 32 employees
belonging to the Minority Community and 5 Physically Challenged employees were inducted
during FY 2023-24.
Your Company has been complying with the Government directives on
reservations. The particulars of SC/ST and other categories of employees as on 31 March
2024 are as under:
Category of |
Executives |
Non-Executives |
Employees |
Group ‘A' |
Group ‘B' |
Group ‘C' |
Group ‘D' |
Scheduled |
1,096 |
36 |
485 |
22 |
Caste |
Scheduled Tribe |
417 |
17 |
120 |
16 |
1,483 |
63 |
783 |
47 |
Ex-Servicemen |
60 |
- |
251 |
77 |
Physically Challenged |
104 |
5 |
95 |
1 |
Various training programmes were conducted during the year to enhance
competencies in Technical, Functional, Managerial and Leadership areas. Structured
Executive Development Programmes were conducted regularly with premier institutes to meet
the evolving training needs of executives as they progress through various grades. A
detailed write-up on HR initiatives during the year is provided separately in the
Management Discussion and Analysis Report, which forms a part of this report.
Disclosure Under Sexual Harassment of Women at Workplace (Prevention,
Prohibition and Redressal) Act, 2013
The Company is an equal-opportunity employer and consciously strives to
build a work culture that promotes the dignity of all employees. As required under the
provisions of the Sexual Harassment of Women at Workplace (Prevention, Prohibition and
Redressal) Act, 2013 and the rules framed thereunder, the Company has implemented the
policy on prevention, prohibition and redressal of sexual harassment at the workplace,
which has been uploaded on the Company's intranet portal. All women, permanent,
temporary or contractual, including those of the service providers, are covered under the
An Internal Complaints Committee has been constituted in each of the
nine constituent units, including the corporate office to redress complaints relating to
sexual harassment. Awareness programmes were conducted across the Company to sensitise
employees and uphold the dignity of their colleagues at the workplace, particularly with
respect to the prevention of sexual harassment. The details of the complaints filed,
disposed of and pending during the year pertaining to sexual harassment are provided in
the Business Responsibility and Sustainability Report, which forms a part of this report.
Awards and Accolades
Your Company strives to achieve the highest level of quality in all its
products by considering consumer insights and by reaching out to consumers. During the
year, your Company has received the following Awards and Accolades:
• Hyderabad Unit of BEL bagged the prestigious CII EXIM Bank
Award for Business Excellence 2023
• Karnataka State Export Excellence Award
• Economic Times ‘Iconic Brand of the Year
• ‘Employee Excellence Award' from Times Group
• Institution of Engineers (India) ‘Industry Excellence
Gold Award for Business Excellence'
• ‘Project of the Year - Large Category (Runner Up)
Award' from Project Management Institute
• Indian Chamber of Commerce ‘PSE Excellence Awards'
• Governance Now PSU Awards
• National Export Excellence Award 2024
Subsidiaries, Joint Ventures and Associates
BEL Optronic Devices Limited (BELOP) is a wholly-owned subsidiary of
BEL, which manufactures Image Intensifier. BELOP achieved a turnover of Rs12,645 Lakhs for
the year compared to Rs6,098 Lakhs in the previous year. The Profit After Tax (PAT) for
the year was Rs1,659 Lakhs compared to
Rs676 Lakhs in the previous year.
BEL-THALES Systems Limited (BTSL) is a subsidiary of BEL. Your Company
holds 74% of the equity capital in BTSL. During the year, BTSL recorded a turnover of
Rs9,368 Lakhs compared to Rs7,815 Lakhs in the previous year. The Profit After Tax (PAT)
for the year was Rs277 Lakhs compared to Rs700 Lakhs in the previous year.
GE BE Private Limited is Associate Company of BEL. Your Company holds
26% of the equity capital in GE BE Pvt. Ltd. GE BE Pvt. Ltd. recorded a turnover of
Rs1,71,833 Lakhs for the year compared to Rs1,57,547 Lakhs in the previous year. The
Profit After Tax (PAT) was Rs16,184 Lakhs for the year compared to Rs17,624 Lakhs in the
previous year.
The Defence Innovation Organisation (DIO) is a ‘Not for
Profit' Company as per the provisions of Section 8 of the Companies Act, 2013 with an
authorised share capital of Rs1 Crore. With an equity participation of 50% from BEL and
50% from HAL, the Company was formed with the objective of funding innovation in the
Defence sector.
Pursuant to the provisions of Section 129(3) of the Companies Act, read
with Rule 5 of Companies (Accounts) Rules, 2014 (as amended), a separate statement
containing the salient features of the financial statement of Subsidiaries/
Associate/Joint Ventures in Form AOC-1 is appended to the Financial Statements.
Further, pursuant to the provisions of Section 136 of the Act, the
financial statements of the Company, consolidated financial statements along with relevant
documents and separate audited financial statements in respect of subsidiaries, are
available on the website of the Company
Consolidated Financial Statements
Consolidated Financial Statements of your Company and its Subsidiaries
for the year ended 31 March 2024 have been prepared in accordance with the provisions of
Section 129(3) of the Companies Act & applicable Indian Accounting Standards and forms
part of this report.
The Company's Vigilance Organization is headed by a Chief
Vigilance Officer (CVO). Mr Shrikant Walgad, IAS was the CVO till 14 February 2024.
Thereafter on his repatriation to the parent cadre, Ms Kalyani Slyani Sethuraman, IRAS,
CVO/ HAL was entrusted additional charge of BEL. Currently CVO/ HAL is looking after the
post of CVO/BEL as per orders issued by MoD.
Full time Vigilance Officers are posted in Units and SBUs and are
handling vigilance activities in the Units and SBUs. Vigilance Committees are formed to
look after the Vigilance Administration in the Units and SBUs. The Unit/SBU Heads are
designated as Chairman of the Vigilance Committee. Preventive Vigilance has been the
thrust area of the Vigilance Organisation and the same received focussed attention during
the current year. The Vigilance Department examines procurements and processes on
continual basis, conducts regular and surprise inspections and investigates instances of
any suspected transactions referred to it. An employee or third parties can bring any
suspected transaction to the notice of CVO for investigation which is examined as per the
Complaint Handling Policy of the Company. Online Complaint Management System has been made
operational and complaints can be filed by accessing the Vigilance Portal in BEL website.
During the year, 1,233 high-value Purchase Orders/Contracts
(> Rs1 crore) have been reviewed. CTE Type Intensive Examination has
been restructured with the formation of Five Intensive Examination teams. CTE Type of
Intensive Examination of 60 High value Procurements Contracts has been taken up during the
year 2023-24. Regular and surprise checks and inspections have also been conducted by the
Field Vigilance Officers. During the year, 67 Complaints were received. A total of 65
Complaints were disposed. Disciplinary action and system/process improvement have been
recommended in some cases where lapses were observed.
During the year, 1,966 Executives and 200 Non-executives were given a
basic awareness program on Vigilance. 32 Executives & 11 Non-executives working
in sensitive areas for more than 3 years have been rotated out of the total 46
employees covering 93%.
Vigilance Department has been certified for ISO 9001/2015 Certification
for the Vigilance function of BEL. M/s. TUVSUD is an external auditor for ISO 9001/2015
Vigilance Audit with effect from July 2022.
In line with the CVC's guidelines on Leveraging Technology and to
ensure transparency through the effective use of technology, the following functions have
been made operational through SAP and the Company's website:
• E-Procurement.
• Online registration of Vendors.
• Vendor Payment Information System.
• E Payment/Bank transfer of payment to Vendors.
• Details of awarded contracts/purchase orders valuing more
than Rs10 Lakhs in respect of works contracts, service contracts, capital items and
non-production items have been posted in the website.
• Details of awarded Contracts/Purchase Orders issued on
nomination/single tender basis value exceeding Rs5 Lakhs are posted in the website.
• Corruption Risk Management Policy is framed and implemented
across the Company.
• Vendors' Directory is maintained.
• File Life Cycle Management System (FLM) is fully implemented
across the company.
• Online filing of APRs is facilitated in SAP for all the
Executives and the Executives have been filing the APRs in SAP.
• Vigilance Monthly and Quarterly Reports are generated
through SAP.
• Vigilance clearance is accorded through the dedicated
Vigilance portal in SAP.
Vigilance setup in BEL has been continuously endeavouring to bring
transparency, fairness and equity in all transactions and processes of the company by
creating a sense of awareness on systems and procedures through awareness campaigns and
training programmes.
Key activities carried out during the year 2023-24: A) Observation of
Vigilance Awareness Week 2023:
Inauguration and Integrity Pledge taken:
BEL has observed Vigilance Awareness Week from 30 October to 5
November 2023 with the theme "Say No To Corruption; Commit To The Nation" at all
its offices across the country. Programmes under three months campaign, Lecture
programmes, competitions, outreach programmes, Awareness programmes at Gramsabha,
Seminars/Workshops/Training and other activities were conducted on most of the occasions.
Distribution of Pamphlets/Banners/Slogans/Standees on Vigilance:
Display of Banners and Boards near the Entrance Gate of all the 9 Units
of BEL. And in various Schools and Colleges wherever Awareness Week Programme was
conducted. Pamphlets on Integrity Pledge and PIDPI were made and distributed among
Employees, Executives and Contract Personnel. Display of Banners during the Week at
prominent places like Lalbagh Botanical Garden, Kanteerava Stadium, BEL Circle,
Doddabommasandra Arch and Nanjappa Circle in Bengaluru.
Publicity of PIDPI among Vendors and the General Public:
As a part of Vigilance Awareness Week 2023 celebrations, PIDPI standees
are kept all over the Units of BEL in reception areas, hospitals, residential apartments,
entrance etc., Awareness programmes on PIDPI in schools, colleges are conducted and
Training programmes on PIDPI are conducted for Probationary Engineers, Dy. Managers,
Managers, DGMs and Sr. DGMs during the three months campaign as instructed by CVC.
Outreach Activities:
1. Street plays with a set of professionals were hired. 5 plays were
played at prominent public visiting places in Bengaluru including at Lalbagh Botanical
Garden, BEL Circle and Doddabommasandra Lake.
2. Vigilance Awareness Programme was conducted in Karnataka Public
Govt. School, Hebbal, Pavithra Vidhyaniketan High School, Devinagar, Nitte Meenakshi
Institute of Technology, Yalahanka and BEL Schools and Colleges during the period.
3. Workshop on PIDPI awareness by Prof O V Nandimath, National Law
School of India University was held at BEL-Kalakshetra, Bengaluru. More than 600 employees
4. Marathon event was organised at Doddabommasandra Lake. Around 250
students of BEL First Grade College participated in the event.
Capacity Building Program - Precursor to VAW 2023, the following
training programmes were conducted in BAE:
(a) Role of IO/PO in conducting enquiries (b) Public Procurement (c)
Ethics and Governance
(d) Systems and Procedures of the Organisation viz., Purchase, Sub
Contract, Works Contract and CDA rules
(e) Cyber Hygiene and Security
Vigilance Manual Released:
Vigilance Manual of 2018 was revised and the new Vigilance Manual 2023
was released by CMD during the Valedictory Function of Vigilance Awareness Week 2023.
B) V igilance Programmes and other
Organised in BEL: i Mid-career) training on "Vigilance
Overview and Case Studies" for executives working in MM and Purchase finance was held
at BEL Academy for Excellence (BAE), Bangalore.
ii) Sessions on Public Private Partnership (PPP) and GeM was conducted
at BEL Chennai Unit. 34 BEL officers & 24 AVNL officers attended the session.
Faculty was Col Sandeep Bajpai, CQA (AVNL) from Avadi, Chennai.
iii) Interaction between CVO, BDL & MIDHANI, Hyderabad and
Vigilance Officers was held at Corporate Office to discuss Vigilance systems &
procedures. CVO, AGM, Sr. DGMs and DGM of Corporate Vigilance attended the session.
Vigilance Officers from Other Units attended the session through Video Conference.
iv) Orientation Program for Project Engineers and Trainee Engineers on
Vigilance Awareness was held by Head Vigilance-BC at CLD, Bangalore Complex.
v) Vigilance Induction Programmes for Probationary Engineers were held
at BEL Academy for Excellence (BAE), Bangalore.
vi) As part of the induction program, a PIDPI awareness session was
held for 122 newly joined probationary officers at Bengaluru.
C) V igilance Audit Conducted:
I SO 9001:2015 First Surveillance Audit by M/s. TUV SUD for Vigilance
was held in the Chennai Unit, Bangalore Complex and Corporate Office.
D) Annual Vigilance Meet 2023-24:
Annual Vigilance Meet 2023-24 was held at Visakhapatnam on 14 December
2023 and 15 December 2023. During the meet, "Jagriti", a Vigilance Bulletin was
released. The following Talks/Presentations were held during the meet.
i) Talk on "CBI Administration" by Mr Murali Rambha,
IPS, SP & HoD, CBI, ACB, Andhra Pradesh.
ii) Talk on "Vigilance Practices in Steel Plant" by
Mr S Karuna Raju, IAS, CVO, Vizag Steel Plant.
Integrity Pact
One of the initiatives of the Central Vigilance Commission (CVC) to
eradicate corruption in procurement activity is the introduction of the Integrity Pact in
large-value contracts with Government Organisations. In line with the directives from the
Ministry of Defence and the Central Vigilance Commission, your Company has adopted an
Integrity Pact with all vendors/suppliers/contractors/service providers for all
Orders/Contracts of value Rs300 Lakh and above. The Integrity Pact essentially envisages
an agreement between the prospective vendors/bidders and the principal (BEL), committing
the persons/officials of both sides, not to resort to any corrupt practices in any
aspect/stage of the contract. Only those vendors/bidders, who commit themselves to such a
Pact with the principal, would be considered competent to participate in the bidding
process. Integrity Pact, in respect of a particular contract, would be operative from the
stage of invitation of bids till the final completion of the contract. Any violation of
the same would entail disqualification of the bidders and exclusion from future business
As recommended by the CVC, the Company has appointed Mr Sanjay Kumar
Srivastava, IAS (Retd.), Mr Rajiva Ranjan Verma, IPS (Retd.) and Dr Joginder Paul Sharma,
IAS (Retd.) for monitoring the implementation of the Integrity Pact in the Company.
Procurement from Micro & Small Enterprises (MSEs)
Your Company has been providing increased thrust on enhancing
procurement from Micro & Small Enterprises (MSE) and has been implementing Public
Procurement Policy for MSEs as per the guidelines/notification issued by the Ministry of
MSMEs. BEL has on-boarded on the TReDS Platform, GeM, MSME Sambandh & MSME Samadhaan
Portals complying with Government guidelines.
The Company has conducted and participated in Vendor Development
Programs for Indian vendors including MSME/Start-ups on various occasions throughout the
year. BEL extends provisions as envisaged in Ministry of MSME notifications, released from
time to time, to MSME/Start-ups in procurement.
BEL's procurement from MSEs is 37% of total Domestic procurement during
FY 2023-24 against the mandatory target of 25% as per the Public Procurement Policy for
Implementation of Official Language Policy
Your Company is committed to adhering to the Official Language (OL)
policy of the Government of India. During 2023-24, the Company has achieved targets
prescribed in the Annual Program issued by the Dept. of OL, Ministry of Home Affairs
(MHA), GoI to transact official work in Hindi.
OL Inspections: The First Sub-Committee of the Committee of
Parliament on Official Language conducted OL inspections of Regional Office Kolkata on 28
April 2023, Kotdwar Unit on 6 May 2023, Machilipattnam Unit on 11 July 2023, Central
Research Laboratory, Bengaluru on 19 October 2023 and Pune Unit on 19 January 2024.
Corporate OL Inspection team conducted 05 inspections of its subordinate Units/Offices.
DDP, MoD officials conducted an OL inspection of Central Research
Laboratory, Bengaluru on 12 June 2023.
Bilingualisation: All Units and Offices of the Company including
Corporate Office are issuing documents in bilingual as per the Section 3(3) of the
Official Language Act, 1963. Usage of Hindi is being encouraged in correspondence and on
computers. Individual orders under OL Rule 8 (4) were issued by CMD to officers/employees
who are having proficiency in Hindi to do their complete work in Hindi. Also, a circular
on creation of Check Points under Rule 12(1) of OL Rules was issued.
Computerisation and Website: Updated information pertaining to OL
is being communicated through OL Portal GARIMA introduced by OL Dept. of Corporate Office.
Quarterly progress reports from Units/Offices are being received online in SAP. Hindi
notings are being written in File Life-cycle Management (FLM). The Company's website
is also available in Hindi.
Training and Reporting: A roster is maintained for the Hindi
language training and computer training which is updated from time to time. As per the
Roster, employees were nominated for online training. Quarterly/half yearly reports are
sent to OL Dept., MHA, GoI, MoD, Hindi Teaching Scheme and Town Official Language
Implementation Committee (TOLIC) as per schedule.
Hindi Month Celebrations: 24 officers across BEL took part in the
Hindi Day Function and 3rd All India OL Conference organized by Dept. of OL,
MHA on 14 September 2023 at Pune (Maharashtra). Hindi Month and Hindi Day was observed
during September in all the Units and Offices of the Company.
Meetings/Workshops: CMD attended the Raksha Salahkar Samiti meeting
held under the chairmanship of the honorable Defence Minister on 30 June 2023 at Delhi.
Official Language Implementation Committee (OLIC) meetings, Hindi workshops and technical
talks in Hindi were conducted in all Units/ Offices. OL Officers and Sr. Officers from
BEL's Units situated in Karnataka, Andhra Pradesh and Tamil Nadu participated in the
Regional OL Conference organised in Bengaluru on 19 January 2024.
Incentives and Awards: Company has various lucrative Incentive
Schemes for doing original work in Hindi. These schemes are named after the renowned Hindi
Litterateur which carries cash awards from Rs2,000 to Rs10,000. Employees have
participated in the TOLIC competitions and won prizes. Corporate Office was awarded for
excellence in OL implementation by TOLIC (Undertaking), Bengaluru. CMDs OL Shield for
Excellence in OL implementation was awarded to the subordinate units situated in A, B and
C region respectively.
Publications: Hindi Magazines were published by the Units/
Corporate Office of the Company to propagate usage of Hindi.
New Initiatives: In order to strengthen linguistic harmony among
employees towards Hindi, a Linguistic Harmony Program was organised in which popular
television serial Malgudi Days was screened. A dedicated section for OL has been
introduced in the Company's website. Defence Electronics Glossary of BEL is being
prepared in coordination with the Commission for Scientific and Technical Terminology
(CSTT), Ministry of Education. Bharatendu Rajbhasha Kaushal Abhimukheekaran Program was
initiated by the Corporate Office for OL Officers/Translators of Central Government
Offices/Banks/Undertakings located at Bengaluru. World Hindi Day was celebrated on 10
January 2024 and message of honourable Prime Minister was read out. As part of the Krishna
Sobti Hindi Lecture Series, lectures were organised on general interest and technical
Continuous efforts are being made to ensure OL Implementation and for
increasing the progressive usage of Hindi across the Company.
Implementation of the Right to Information Act, 2005
In consonance with the provisions of the Right to Information Act, 2005
(the Act), your Company has a well-defined mechanism in place to address the provisions of
the Act. Your Company has a designated General Manager level officer as a "Nodal
Officer" to oversee the implementation. The requests received are processed by 17
senior personnel designated as "Central Public Information Officers (CPIOs)"
including one at the Corporate Office and each at the Units/ROs. Your Company has a
designated General Manager level officer as a "First Appellate Authority" to
dispose of the first appeals filed under the Act. In compliance with the Government
directives, your Company is successfully processing the applications under the Act,
The information to be provided as per Section 4(1) (b) of the Right to
Information Act, 2005 has been posted on the website of the Company The
FAA, CPIOs and other internal stakeholders involved are sensitized about their obligations
under the Act through training and workshops.
Your Company received 403 applications (including 81 transferred by
other Public Authorities to BEL) during the period from April 2023 to March 2024, and 28
RTI applications were carried forward from the year 2022-23. A total of 393 applications
were responded to including 52 applications that were rejected, out of a total of 431
applications. Your Company received 61 First Appeals during the period, out of which 52
were disposed-off. Quarterly RTI returns for all the four (4) quarters have been submitted
to the Central Information Commission.
Meetings of Board and Committee(s)
During the year, seven Board meetings were held and the maximum
interval between any two meetings was not more than 120 days. The details of meetings of
the Board and Committee(s) held during FY 2023-24 are furnished in the Corporate
Governance Report, which forms a part of this report.
Change in Directors & Key Managerial Personnel and their
The following changes took place in the Directorate and Key Managerial
Personnel of your Company during FY 2023-24:
Name of the Director |
Designation |
Date of Appointment |
Date of Cessation |
1 Mr Vikraman N |
Director (HR) |
01.06.2023 |
Not Applicable |
2 Mr K V Suresh Kumar |
Director (Marketing) |
16.06.2023 |
Not Applicable |
3 Mr Vinay Kumar Katyal |
Director (Bangalore Complex) |
Not Applicable |
31.07.2023 |
Mr Bhanu Prakash Srivastava, Chairman & Managing Director
(Additional Charge) upto 20 June 2024, Mr Damodar Bhattad S, Director (Finance) and Chief
Financial Officer and Mr S Sreenivas, Company Secretary are the KMPs, as defined under
Section 2(51) of the Companies Act, 2013. Mr Manoj Jain took over as Chairman and Managing
Director (KMP) w.e.f 20 June 2024 and is being appointed as Managing Director on terms as
set out in the Notice of 70th Annual General Meeting (AGM).
Mr Vikraman N, Director (Human Resources), retires by rotation at the
ensuing Annual General Meeting and being eligible, offers himself for re-appointment.
The details of Directors and Key Managerial Personnel (KMPs) who are
holding shares in the Company as on 31 March 2024 are given below:
Name |
Designation |
No. of Equity Shares Held |
1 Mr Bhanu Prakash Srivastava |
CMD Addl. Charge (upto 20.06.2024) Director (Other Units)
Director (R&D) - Addl. Charge w.e.f 20.06.2024 |
3,789 |
2 Mr Manoj Jain |
CMD w.e.f 20.06.2024 Director (R&D) - upto 20.06.2024
Director (Bangalore Complex) Addl. Charge |
7,590 |
3 Mr Damodar Bhattad S |
Director (Finance) & CFO |
3,789 |
4 Mr Vikraman N |
Director (HR) |
3,789 |
5 Mr Sreenivas S |
Company Secretary |
3,789 |
Directors' Responsibility Statement
To the best of their knowledge and belief and according to the
information and explanations obtained by them, your Directors, in terms of Sections
134(3)(c) & 134(5) of the Companies Act, 2013 state that: a) in the preparation of the
annual accounts, the applicable accounting standards have been followed along with proper
explanation relating to material departures;
b) the Directors had selected such accounting policies and applied them
consistently and made judgements and estimates that are reasonable and prudent so as to
give a true and fair view of the state of affairs of the Company as at 31 March 2024 and
of the profit of the Company for the year ended 31 March 2024;
c) the Directors have taken proper and sufficient care for the
maintenance of adequate accounting records in accordance with the provisions of the Act
for safeguarding the assets of the Company and for preventing and detecting fraud and
other irregularities;
d) the Directors have prepared the annual accounts on a going concern
e) the Directors ensured proper internal financial controls were in
place and such financial controls were adequate and were operating effectively; and
f) the Directors have devised proper systems to ensure compliance with
the provisions of all applicable laws were in place and the same were adequate and
operating effectively.
Integrated Report
The Company, has voluntarily provided an Integrated Report, which
encompasses both financial and non-financial information to enable the Members to take
well-informed decisions and have a better understanding of the Company's short,
medium and long-term perspective. The Report also touches upon aspects such as the
organisation's strategy, governance framework, performance and prospects of value
creation based on the six forms of capital viz. financial capital, manufactured capital,
intellectual capital, human capital, social and relationship capital and natural capital.
Significant and Material Orders
There are no significant and material orders passed by the regulators
or courts or tribunals impacting the going concern status and the Company's operations in
Events Subsequent to the Date of Financial Statements
There are no material changes and commitments affecting the financial
position of the Company which occurred between 31 March 2024 and the date of
signing of this Report.
Related Party Transactions
There were no materially significant related party transactions with
the Company's Promoters, Directors, Management or their relatives, which could have had a
potential conflict with the interests of the Company. Transactions with related parties
that were entered into during FY 2023-24 were on an arm's length basis and were in
the ordinary course of business. None of the transactions with related parties fall under
the scope of Section 188(1) of the Companies Act, 2013. All Related Party Transactions are
placed before the Audit Committee and also to the Board for approval, if required. Members
may refer to the notes to the accounts for details of related party transactions. The
policy for related party transactions has been uploaded on the Company's website Information pursuant to Section 134(3)(h) of the Companies Act, 2013
read with rule 8(2) of the Companies (Accounts) Rules, 2014 is annexed to this report as Annexure-1.
Corporate Social Responsibility
Your Company has formulated a Corporate Social Responsibility Policy
pursuant to the provisions of Section 135 & Schedule VII of the Companies Act, 2013
and the Companies (Corporate Social Responsibility) Rules, 2014 read with various
clarifications, amendments issued by the Ministry of Corporate Affairs (MCA). The
Corporate Social Responsibility Policy is posted on the Company's website,
The CSR activities undertaken by your Company are in-line with the
applicable Government Legislations & Guidelines issued from time to time, directing
CSR fund distribution, themes for CSR expenditure, areas of operation etc. Our Community
Interventions focus on holistic development, institution building and
sustainability-related initiatives. Our focus sectors are Healthcare, Education, Skill
Development, Rural Development and Environmental Sustainability. By implementing capacity
building measures, empowering marginalised and underprivileged communities, we strive for
inclusive growth and equitable societal development.
During FY 2023-24, DPE guidelines for CSR Expenditure stipulate CPSEs
to take up CSR interventions on the common theme of Health & Nutrition with preference
being given to Aspirational Districts identified by NITI Aayog. Accordingly, the Company
has rolled out focused interventions to augment health infrastructure in Government
Hospitals and make available mobile healthcare services at the door-step of the rural
populace. Encouraging scientific curiosity among students & general public, opening up
opportunities to experience technology-enabled learning aids in government educational
institutions, promoting vocational skills training to enhance employability of youth and
creating a sustainable ecosystem for flora & fauna in the wild are high points in the
CSR space.
Pursuant to the requirement under the Companies (Corporate Social
Responsibility) Rules, 2014 (as amended), a report on CSR activities for FY 2023-24 is
annexed herewith as
Statutory Auditors
Pursuant to Section 139(5) of the Companies Act 2013, for FY 2023-24,
the Comptroller and Auditor General of India (C&AG) appointed M/s P G Bhagwat LLP,
Chartered Accountants, Bengaluru, as Statutory Auditors of the Company for the audit of
accounts of Bangalore Complex, Hyderabad unit, Chennai unit and Corporate Office. M/s C V
Chitale & Co., Chartered Accountants, Pune were appointed as Branch Auditors of Pune
& Navi Mumbai units. M/s Ashwani & Associates, Chartered Accountants, New Delhi,
were appointed as Branch Auditors of Ghaziabad, Panchkula and Kotdwara units. M/s P
Subbarayudu & Co, Chartered Accountants, Vijayawada were appointed as Branch Auditors
for the Machilipatnam unit.
The Statutory Auditors' Report on financial statements for FY
2023-24 and 'Nil' comments of the Comptroller & Auditor General of India (C&AG)
under Section 143(6)(b) of the Companies Act, 2013 on the financial statement, including
consolidated financial statement, are appended to the Annual Report.
Cost Auditors and Maintenance of Cost Records
Your Company appointed M/s Murthy & Co. LLP, Cost Accountants,
Bengaluru, as Cost Auditors of the Company for FY 2023-24 for the audit of the cost
records of the Company. The Company maintains cost records as specified by the Central
Government under Section 148(1) of the Companies Act, 2013.
Secretarial Auditors
Pursuant to the provisions of Section 204 of the Companies Act, 2013
and The Companies (Appointment and Remuneration of Managerial Personnel) Rules, 2014 (as
amended), the Company has appointed M/s Thirupal Gorige & Associates LLP, Practicing
Company Secretaries, Bengaluru for FY 2023-24 to undertake the Secretarial Audit of the
Company. The Secretarial Audit Report is annexed to this report as Annexure-3.
The Secretarial Auditor in his report observed that the Board did not
have the requisite number of Independent Directors as required under 17(1)(b) of the SEBI
(LODR) Regulations, 2015 from 16 June 2023 to 31 July 2023.
It is informed that filling up of the vacancies of Independent
Directors was pending with the appointing authorities namely the Government of India.
Reporting of Frauds by Auditors
During the year, neither the Statutory Auditor nor the Secretarial
Auditor have reported to the Audit Committee under Section 143(2) of the Companies Act,
2013, any instance of fraud committed against the Company by its officers or employees,
the details of which would need to be mentioned in the Board's Report.
Annual Return
Pursuant to Section 92(3) read with Section 134(3)(a) of the Act, the
Annual Return in the prescribed format has been hosted on the website of the company at -
https://bel-india. in/investors/#annualreports
Risk Management
Pursuant to the Reg.21 of SEBI (LODR) Regulations, 2015, the Board of
Directors of the Company has constituted a Risk Management Committee. The details of the
Committee and its terms of reference, Risk Management Policy etc. are set out in the
Corporate Governance Report and a detailed note on Risk Management is provided in the
Management Discussion and Analysis Report, which forms a part of this report.
Company's Policy on Director's Appointment, Remuneration and
Board Evaluation
The Board has, on the recommendation of the Nomination &
Remuneration Committee framed a policy for the selection and appointment of Directors,
Senior Management and their remuneration, Board Evaluation etc. The details are set out in
the Corporate Governance Report, which forms part of this report.
Vigil Mechanism/Whistle Blower Policy
The Company has a vigil mechanism named the Whistle-Blower Policy to
deal with instances of fraud, mismanagement and unethical behaviour, if any. The details
of the policy are set out in the Corporate Governance Report.
Declaration from Independent Director(s)
The Company has received necessary declaration from Independent
Director(s) of the Company under Section 149(7) of the Companies Act, 2013 and Regulation
16(1)(b) of SEBI (LODR) Regulations, 2015 that the Independent Director(s) of the Company
meet with the criteria of his Independence laid down in the Companies Act, 2013 and SEBI
(LODR) Regulations, 2015.
Management Discussion and Analysis Report
Management Discussion and Analysis Report required under the SEBI
(LODR) Regulations, 2015 and also under the Government (DPE) Guidelines on Corporate
Governance for Central Public Sector Enterprises (CPSEs), is annexed to this Report as Annexure-4.
Particulars of Loans, Guarantees & Investments
In terms of Circular No. GSR 463(E) dated 5 June 2015 issued by the
Ministry of Corporate Affairs, Government of India, the Company being a Government Company
engaged in Defence production is exempt from Section 186 of the Companies Act, 2013.
Particulars of Employees and Related Disclosures
The provisions of Section 197 of the Companies Act and the relevant
Rules regarding particulars of employees drawing remuneration in excess of the limits
specified are exempted for Government Companies, in view of the Gazette Notification
No. GSR 463 (E) dated 5 June 2015 issued by the Ministry of Corporate
Affairs, Government of India.
Internal Financial Controls
The Company has in place adequate internal financial controls with
reference to financial statements. A detailed note on Internal Financial Controls is
provided in the Management Discussion and Analysis Report, which forms part of this
Audit Committee
As on 31 March 2024, the Audit Committee comprised of Independent
Directors viz., Mr Prafulla Kumar Choudhury, Chairman of the Committee, Dr Shivnath Yadav
and Mr Gokulan B as its Members. During FY 2023-24, all the recommendations made by the
Audit Committee were accepted by the Board.
Corporate Governance Report
In terms of Regulation 34 of the SEBI (LODR) Regulations, 2015 and DPE
Guidelines, a Report on Corporate Governance along with a Compliance Certificate issued by
the Statutory Auditors of the Company is annexed to this report as
Business Responsibility and Sustainability Report (BR&SR)
The SEBI (LODR) Regulations, 2015 mandated the inclusion of the
Business Responsibility & Sustainability Report (BR&SR) as part of the Annual
Reports for the top 1,000 listed entities based on market capitalisation. In terms of
Regulation 34(2) (f) of Listing Regulations, a BR&SR for FY 2023-24 describing the
initiatives taken by the Company from an Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG)
perspective, in the format as specified by SEBI from time to time is annexed to this
report as Annexure-6.
Conservation of Energy, Technology Absorption, Foreign Exchange
Earnings and Outgo
Your Company, being a Defence PSU, the disclosure of information with
respect to conservation of energy, technology absorption, foreign exchange earnings and
outgo under the provisions of Section 134(3)(m) read with Rule 8(3) of the Companies
(Accounts) Rules, 2014 (as amended) is not required as the Ministry of Corporate Affairs
vide Notification GSR No. 680 (E) dated 4 September 2015 has granted exemption to Defence
Public Sector Undertakings.
Compliance with Secretarial Standards
The Company complies with all applicable mandatory Secretarial
Standards issued by the Institute of Company Secretaries of India.
Your Directors place on record their deep appreciation and gratitude
for the valuable support received from all the customers, particularly the Defence
Services and the Paramilitary Forces and look forward to their continued support and
co-operation in future. Your Directors also place on record their gratitude for the
support received from the various Ministries of the Government of India, especially the
Ministry of Defence, the Department of Defence Production. Your Directors express their
gratitude to the Defence Research and Development Organisation (DRDO) and the various
Research Laboratories under DRDO, particularly in the joint development programmes and new
products. Your Directors express their sincere thanks to the Comptroller and Auditor
General of India, Statutory Auditors, Branch Auditors,
Cost Auditors, Secretarial Auditors, Company's Bankers,
Collaborators and Vendors. Your Directors appreciate the sincere effort by the employees
at all levels, which enabled the Company to achieve a good performance during the year.
Your Directors express their appreciation and gratitude to all the shareholders/investors
for the trust and confidence reposed in the Company and look forward to their continued
support and participation in sustaining the growth of the Company in the coming years.
For and on behalf of the Board |
Manoj Jain |
Bengaluru |
Chairman & Managing Director |
1 August 2024 |