Dear Shareholders,
The Board of Directors are pleased to present the 40th Annual Report of the
Company together with its Audited Financial Statements
(Standalone and Consolidated) for the Financial Year (‘FY') ended 31st
March, 2024.
( in lakhs, except EPS)
Particulars |
Standalone |
Consolidated |
2023-24 |
2022-23 |
2023-24 |
2022-23 |
Gross Sales/Income from Operations |
1,43,951.21 |
1,60,779.02 |
1,43,951.21 |
1,60,779.02 |
Less: GST |
21,777.61 |
24,523.36 |
21,777.61 |
24,523.36 |
Total Operational Revenue (Net of GST including Excise) |
1,22,173.60 |
1,36,255.66 |
1,22,173.60 |
1,36,255.66 |
Other Income |
4,064.25 |
2,891.28 |
3,951.45 |
2,891.28 |
Total Income |
1,26,237.85 |
1,39,146.94 |
1,26,125.05 |
1,39,146.94 |
25,266.62 |
20,588.10 |
25,153.82 |
20,588.10 |
Less: Finance Cost |
20.49 |
117.22 |
20.49 |
117.22 |
Depreciation and Amortisation |
969.72 |
991.64 |
969.72 |
991.64 |
Profit before share of net profit/(loss) of investment accounted for
using equity method |
24,276.41 |
19,479.24 |
24,163.61 |
19,479.24 |
Share of profit/(loss) from Joint Venture accounted for using equity
method |
- |
- |
76.64 |
82.95 |
Profit Before Tax (PBT) |
24,276.41 |
19,479.24 |
24,240.25 |
19,562.19 |
Provision for tax (including Deferred Tax) |
6,303.11 |
5,886.36 |
6,303.11 |
5,886.36 |
Profit from Continuing Operations after Tax (PAT) |
17,973.30 |
13,592.88 |
17,937.14 |
13,675.83 |
Other Comprehensive Income/ (Loss), Net of tax |
(109.74) |
( 29.97) |
(109.74) |
( 29.97) |
Total Comprehensive Income for the FY |
17,863.56 |
13,562.91 |
17,827.40 |
13,645.86 |
Net Worth |
92,137.97 |
1,06,626.01 |
92,277.54 |
1,06,801.75 |
EPS (Equity Share of 1/- each) |
7.22 |
5.46 |
7.21 |
5.50 |
The Company optimally utilisedtheproductionfacilitiesandachievedsignificantgrowth in
production and sales quantities.
The Company recorded the highest ever production levels of ABS and saleable SAN
aggregating to 75,152 TPA thereby achieving a capacity utilisation of 100.20% of the
installed capacity of 75,000 TPA. Similarly, the Sales volume for the FY 2023-24 stood at
75,143 TPA as against 73,388 TPA during the previous financial year, a growth of 2.36%
The key highlights of the Company's performance based on the Standalone Balance Sheet
as on 31st March, 2024 are reflected as under: Net Worth: During the FY under
review, the Net Worth of the Company stood at 92,137.97 lakhs as compared to
1,06,626.01 lakhs for the previous FY.
Book Value of Shares: The Book value of the Equity shares stood at 37.02 as against
42.85 for FY 2022-23, adjusted on account of Bonus issue.
Current Ratio: As on 31st March, 2024 the current ratio was 7.30 as compared
to 10.88 as of 31st March, 2023.
TOL/TON: The ratio of total liability to total net worth for FY 2023-24 was 0.14 as
compared to 0.09 for FY 2022-23. Zero Debt: The Company continues to enjoy the status of a
"Zero Debt Company".
Financing Pattern: There was no change in financing pattern and the Company would be
able to sustain its business operations through internal accruals.
Sales Credit Control: The debtor's percentage to sales increased from 17.46 in FY
2022-23 to 18.82 in FY 2023-24. Trade Receivable Ratio: During the FY under review, the
Trade Receivable Ratio was 5.22 as compared to 5.24 in the previousfiscal Inventory
Turnover Ratio: During the FY under review, the Inventory Turnover Ratio was 5.43 as
compared to 5.35 in FY 2022-23.
Profit before Tax : The Profit before tax margin for FY 2023-24 stood at 19.87 % as
compared to 14.30 % for FY 2022-23. Net Profit Margin : The Net Profit Margin for FY
2023-24 stood at 14.71% as compared to 9.98 % for FY 2022-23.
Further, there has been no change in the nature of business of the Company.
The Company had received the recognition from the Department of Science and Industrial
Research (DSIR), Government of India for its state-of-the-art Research and Development
Centre (‘R&D Centre') at Abu Road, Rajasthan.
Nippon A&L, Company's Joint Venture Partner, headquartered in India are
continuously extending their support and co-operation in terms of development of new
recipe for application development.
During FY 2023-24, the R & D Centre successfully developed /improved properties of
18 new grades, of which 8 have been commercialized. The R & D Centre has also
successfully developed 179+ new colour grades, of which 44 have been commercialized.
The R&D Centre, as a continuous process, also focuses on improvements in the
properties of existing material and other colour developments. The Company has now started
gaining the benefitsof its in-house R&D Center by way of new and improved products,
leading to customer loyalty and satisfaction.
With regard to enhancement of ABS production capacity from 75000 TPA to 200000 TPA at
Company's existing plants at Abu Road (Rajasthan) and Satnoor (Madhya Pradesh), the
Company had appointed Toyo Engineering India Private Limited (‘TOYO') as
Engineering consultant for Front End Engineering Design (FEED) and CAPEX Cost
The realistic project cost for 200000 TPA ABS capacity will be arrived based on TOYO's
report, detailing the project cost of increase in SAN, HRG and Compounding capacities at
Company's plants.
The expansion will be funded through internal accruals and the Company will continue
maintaining its "Zero Debt Status" in future as well. As capacity expansion is
the "Need of the Hour", the Management shall endeavor to implement the project
likely by March, 2026.
During the year under review, your Company has issued 8,29,52,820 Bonus Equity shares
of 1/- each fully paid in the ratio of One Bonus Equity Shares for every Two Equity
shares held as on 5th July, 2023 being the record date. Accordingly, the
paid-up share capital of your Company was increased from 16,59,05,640/- comprising
16,59,05,640 Equity shares of 1/- each fully paid to
24,88,58,460/- comprising 24,88,58,460 Equity shares of 1/- each fully paid. As on
31st March, 2024 the paid-up share capital of your Company stood at
24,88,58,460/- comprising 24,88,58,460 Equity shares of 1/- each fully paid.
The Company has, during the year under review, neither issued any Equity shares with
differential voting rights nor any shares (including sweat equity shares) to its employees
under any scheme.
For the FY ended 31st March, 2024, the Directors do not propose to transfer
any amount to the General Reserve.
The Board of Directors had approved the Dividend Distribution Policy in accordance with
Regulation 43A of Securities and Exchange Board of India (Listing Obligations and
Disclosure Requirements) Regulations, 2015 ("the LODR Regulations").
The policy consists of various parameters, inter-alia, Company's dividend track record,
usage of retained earnings, internal and external factors, financial conditions, etc.
based on which the Board may recommend or declare Dividend.
The Policy may be accessed under the ‘Policies and Procedures' section on the
website of the Company at link:
Considering the Company's performance for FY 2023-24 and to appropriately reward the
members, the Directors have declared
1st, 2nd and 3rd Interim Dividend of 1/- each (300%)
per Equity Share (of face value of 1/- each) which was paid on 31st July
2023, 10th November 2023 and 14th February 2024 respectively. The
Directors have recommended a Final Dividend of 1/- (100 %) per Equity Share for the
financial year ended 31st March, 2024 which is subject to approval of the
shareholders of the Company in the ensuing 40th Annual General Meeting.
Considering the above, the total dividend declared/recommended by the Company for FY
2023-24 amounts to 4/- (400 %) per equity share of the face value of 1/- each fully
paid-up as against 17/- (1700%) per equity share of the face value of 1/- each fully
paid up for FY 2022-23.
The Company has not invited any deposits from the public during the FY and as such, no
amount of principal or interest related thereto was outstanding as on 31st
March, 2023.
The Company has, during the FY under review, not given any loans, guarantees or
provided security and has not made any investments in any body corporate in excess of
limits specified under Section 186 of the Act.
Pursuant to the provisions of Section 124 and 125 of the Act, read with Investor
Education and Protection Fund Authority (Accounting Audit, Transfer and Refund) Rules,
2016 (‘IEPF Rules'), as amended from time to time, the unpaid and unclaimed dividend
pertaining to the FY 2015-16, amounting to 5,29,747/- (Rupees Five lakhs Twenty Nine
Thousand Seven Hundred Forty Seven only) which was lying in the Company's unpaid /
unclaimed dividend account and remaining unclaimed for a period of seven years, was
transferred to the Investor Education and Protection Fund (‘IEPF').
Further, pursuant to the provision of Section 124(6) of the Act, read with Rule 6 of
IEPF Rules, 1,19,472 Equity shares on which dividend had not been paid or claimed for
seven consecutive years has been transferred to the DEMAT account of the IEPF authority as
provided in Circular no. 11/06/2017-IEPF dated 16th October, 2017 (General Circular No.
During the FY under review, the Company did not have any Subsidiary Company. It has a
Joint Venture (JV) Company, namely Bhansali Nippon A&L Private Limited, wherein it
holds 50% of the paid-up equity share capital. The Registered Office of the JV Company is
at 301 & 302, 3rd Floor, Peninsula Heights, C. D. Barfiwala Road, Andheri
(West), Mumbai - 400 058.
The Report on the performance and statement containing salient feature of Financial
Statements of the aforesaid Joint Venture Company in terms of Section 129 of the Act is
separately attached in Form No. AOC-1 with the Consolidated Financials, which forms part
of this Annual Report.
In accordance with Section 136 of the Act, the Financial Statements of the Company
including the Consolidated Financial Statements pertaining to its aforesaid Joint Venture
Company are available on the Company's website (
The Company has framed a policy on Material Subsidiaries in terms of Regulation
16(1)(c) of Listing Regulations. The policy may be accessed under the ‘Policies and
Procedures' section on the website of the Company at link:
The Company has, in accordance with Section 129(3) of the Act, prepared Consolidated
Financial Statements, consolidating its financials with its JV Company, Bhansali Nippon
A&L Private Limited. The Audited Consolidated Financial Statements have been prepared
in accordance with the requirements of Ind AS prescribed under Section 133 of the Act,
read with relevant rules issued thereunder, as applicable and other accounting principles
generally accepted in India and forms part of this Annual Report.
Management's Discussion and Analysis Report, as stipulated under the Listing
Regulations, forms part of this Annual Report and is attached as Annexure 1.
The Company is committed to quality. It aims to develop, produce and deliver products
which consistently conform to the customer requirements, and to pursue the goal of
error-free performance through product, process and quality management. The Company
continues to monitor and maintain its effective and well-crafted Quality Control (QC)
measures. QC is aligned to the business objectives of the Company and ensures that the
Company is focused on maintaining Quality Centric approach towards its customers/ clients.
Over the years, the Company has evolved robust processes and strives to improve them
Ministry of Chemicals and Fertilizers (Dept of Chemicals & Petrochemicals) has
promulgated Acrylonitrile-Butadiene Styrene (ABS) (Quality Control) Order, 2021, Bureau of
Indian Standard (BIS), which has come into force in the public interest.
We are pleased to inform that your Company has obtained the accreditation under the BIS
Certification for ABS Grades as per IS 17077 (Part 1): 2022 and implemented all relevant
standards and norms in compliance with the same.
The Company believes in making lasting impact towards creating a just, equitable,
humane and sustainable society. It considers that, ‘it does not exist only for doing
good business, but equally for the betterment of society.' It is always at the forefront
while extending helping hand to the public at large.
CSR provides an opportunity to the Companies to effectively align its values and
strategy for the benefitsof the society, by contributing to the social, economic and
environmental development of the society at large.
In compliance with the requirements of Section 135 of the Act read with the applicable
rules made thereunder the Company has a duly constituted CSR Committee which steers the
CSR activities. The CSR Policy, formulated in accordance with the Act (as amended from
time to time), guides the Company to serve the society.
The CSR policy may be accessed under the ‘Policies and Procedures' section on the
website of the Company at link
The Company generally undertakes projects/activities pertaining to (a) Education /
Skill Development Programme, (b) Protection and Promotion of National Heritage, Art &
Culture, and (c) Health & Safety etc.
During FY 2022-23, the Company had spent an amount of 2432.49 lakhs on various CSR
Activities as against the CSR obligation of 666.34 lakhs, resulting in excess CSR spent
of 1766.15 lakhs. The excess amount is to be set-off in succeeding 3 financial years.
The Annual Report on CSR activities forming part of this Report is attached as Annexure 2.
Pursuant to the provisions of Section 134(3)(a) of the Act, an extract of Annual return
for the Financial year ended 31st March, 2024 in accordance with the provisions
of Section 92(3) of the Act is available on the Company's website and can be accessed
through the link:
The Company believes in adopting the best corporate governance practices. The report on
Corporate Governance as stipulated under Regulation 34(3) read with Schedule V of the LODR
Regulations and the certificate from a Practicing Company Secretary regarding compliance
with Corporate Governance norms, forms part of this Annual Report and is attached as
Annexure 3 and Annexure 3A, respectively.
The declaration by Managing Director of the Company relating to compliance of Code of
Conduct by all Board Members and Senior
Management Personnel of the Company, in accordance with the provisions of Regulation
17(5) of the LODR Regulations is attached as Annexure 3B and forms part of this Annual
Declaration of Independence
The Company has received necessary declarations from the Independent Directors stating
that they meet the prescribed criteria for independence and complied with the code for
Independent Directors prescribed in Schedule IV of the Companies Act, 2013.
During the FY 2023-24, 5 (Five) meetings of the Board of Directors were held. The
details of the said meetings are mentioned in the report on Corporate Governance forming
part of this Annual Report.
The Company believes in conducting its affairs in a fair and transparent manner by
adopting highest standards of professionalism, honesty, integrity and ethical behaviour.
Pursuant to Section 177(9) of the Act read with Rule 7 of the Companies (Meetings of
Board and its Powers) Rules, 2014 and Regulation 22 of the LODR Regulations, the Board
of Directors have implemented a vigil mechanism through the adoption of Whistle
Blower/Vigil Mechanism Policy. The details of the same are mentioned in the Corporate
Governance Report forming part of this Annual Report.
Pursuant to Section 134(3)(n) of the Act read with Regulation 17 (9)(b) of the LODR
Regulations, the Company has in place a business risks and opportunities. The Company
recognizes that robustriskmanagementframeworkwhichidentifies these risks need to be
managed and mitigated to protect the interest of the shareholders and stakeholders, to
achieve business objectives and enable sustainable growth. The risk management framework
is aimed at effectively mitigating the Company's various business and operational risks,
through strategic actions. Risk management is embedded in our critical business
activities, functions and processes. It also provides control measures for risk and future
action plans. The policy may be accessed under the ‘Policies and Procedures' section
on the website of the Company at the web link
assets/policies_and_ procedures/1593593348.Risk_Management_Policy.PDF
In terms of Section 188 of the Act, read with rules framed thereunder and as per
Regulation 23 of the LODR Regulations, the Company has formulated the policy for Related
Party Transactions. The policy may be accessed under the ‘Policies and Procedures'
section on the website of the Company at the web link procedures/1593593208.
Policy_for_Related_Party_Transactions.pdf During the FY under review, there were no
transactions entered into by the Company with any related party falling within the purview
of Section 188 of the Act.
All Related Party Transactions as required under Ind AS 24 – Related Party
Disclosures are reported in Note 41 of Notes to Accounts of the Standalone financial
statements of the Company.
Retiring by Rotation / Change in Directorate:
In accordance with the provisions of Section 152 of the Act and in terms of the
Articles of Association of the Company, Mr. Jayesh B.
Bhansali, (DIN: 01062853) Joint Managing Director cum CFO retires by rotation at the
ensuing 40th AGM of the Company and being eligible, offers himself for
Mr. M. C. Gupta (DIN 01362556); Dr. B. S. Bhesania (DIN 00026222) and Mr. Dilip Kumar
(DIN 06882358) vacated the officeas
Independent Directors effective from the closing hours of 31st March, 2024
on completion of their respective second consecutive term of 5 years and accordingly they
ceased to be Chairman / Member of committees in which they were appointed. Further, Ms.
Jasmine F. Batliwalla, Independent Director (DIN: 00340273) and Mr. Kenji Asakawa,
Additional (Executive) Director (DIN: 10512625) resigned from the Directorship of the
Company effective from the closing hours of 31st March, 2024 whereas Mr. Kiran
H. Bhansali
(DIN: 05243336) resigned from the Directorship of the Company effective from the
closing hours of 21st May, 2023
Further, based on the recommendations of the Nomination and Remuneration Committee at
its meeting held on 31st March, 2024, the Board at its meeting held on the same
day considered and approved (i) appointment of Mr. Rohinton Bomanshaw Anklesaria
(DIN: 10571057); Mr. Firdaus Nariman Pavri (DIN: 10549118) and Mrs. Taruna Niraj
Kumbhar (DIN: 08384526) as Additional Director (Non- Executive Independent) of the Company
w.e.f 1st April, 2024. (ii) appointment of Mr. Dilip Krushnarao Shendre (DIN:
10566412) as Additional (Executive) Director of the Company w.e.f 1st April,
2024 and (iii) re-designation of Mr. B. M. Bhansali (DIN: 00102930) as Chairman &
Managing Director of the Company w.e.f 1st April, 2024.
Performance evaluation of the Board:
In accordance with the provisions of the Act and the LODR Regulations, the Company has
formulated the criteria for performance evaluation of all the Directors including
Independent Directors, the Board and its Committees and the Chairman, details of which are
mentioned in the Corporate Governance Report forming part of this Annual Report.
Pursuant to the provisions of Section 203 of the Act, the Key Managerial Personnel of
the Company as on the date of this Report are:
Mr. B. M. Bhansali, Chairman & Managing Director; Mr. Jayesh B. Bhansali, Joint
Managing Director cum CFO; Mr. Dilip Krushnarao Shendre, Whole Time Director and Mr.
Ashwin M. Patel, Company Secretary & GM (Legal)
The details pertaining to the Committees of Board of Directors of the Company viz.
Audit Committee, Nomination and Remuneration Committee, Stakeholders' Relationship
Committee, Corporate Social Responsibility Committee and Risk Management Committee have
been stated in the Corporate Governance Report forming part of this Annual Report
AUDITORS Statutory Auditors:
M/s. Azad Jain & Co., Chartered Accountants, Mumbai (FRN-006251C), were appointed
as Statutory Auditors of the Company at the 38th AGM held on 29th
June, 2022 to hold office up to the conclusion of 43rd AGM on the remuneration
to be determined by the Board of Directors.
The Report given by the Statutory Auditors on the financial statements of the Company
forms part of this Annual Report. There is no qualification, reservation or adverse remark
made by the Auditor in their report.
Secretarial Auditors:
M/s Rathi & Associates, Practicing Company Secretaries, (FRN-P1988MH011900), were
appointed as the Secretarial Auditors by the Board to conduct the secretarial audit of the
Company for FY 2023-24.
In accordance with Section 204(1) of the Act, the Secretarial Audit Report for the FY
ended 31st March, 2024 is annexed as Annexure 4 to this Report. The Secretarial
Audit Report does not contain any qualification, reservation or adverse remark.
Cost Auditors:
The Board of Directors, on recommendation of the Audit Committee, had appointed M/s.
Joshi Apte and Associates, Cost
Accountants, Pune (FRN-000240), as Cost Auditors of the Company, for the FY 2024-25,
for conducting the audit of the cost records maintained by the Company for the products as
mandated by the Central Government at a remuneration as mentioned in the Notice convening
the 40th AGM of the Company.
The Company has received a certificate from M/s. Joshi Apte and Associates, Cost as
Cost Auditors under Section 141 of the Act and Rules framed thereunder.
A resolution seeking members' ratification for the remuneration payable to the Cost
Auditors for the FY 2024-25 forms part of the
Notice of the 40th AGM of the Company.
As per Section 148 of the Act read with the Companies (Cost Records and Audit) Rules,
2014, the Company is required to maintain cost records and accordingly, such accounts and
records are maintained.
Adequate Internal Financial Control systems, commensurate with the nature of the
Company's business, size and complexity of its operations, are in place and have been
operating satisfactorily and effectively. During the FY under review, no material
weaknesses in the design or operation of Internal Financial Control system was reported.
No significant material order(s) were passed by the regulators/courts which would and
its future operation during the FY under review.
There have been no instances of fraud reported by the Statutory Auditors under Section
143 (12) of the Act and Rules framed thereunder, either to the Company or to the Central
There have been no material changes, which have occurred between the end of FY till the
date of this report, affecting the financial position of the Company.
During the FY under review, the Company has complied with all the applicable provisions
of Secretarial Standards issued by the
Institute of Company Secretaries of India.
The Company believes in strategic allignment of Human Resources to its business
priorities and corporate objectives. The Company undertakes various staff welfare
measures/activities to strengthen unity, breaking the monotony and bringing the peer
groups together for collaborative decision-making.
Pursuant to the Sexual Harassment of Women at Workplace (Prevention, Prohibition and
Redressal) Act, 2013 and the Rules made thereunder, the Company has in place a Policy on
Prevention of Sexual Harassment (PoSH) of women at workplace. Further, the Company has
also formed an Internal Complaints Committee to redress the complaints regarding sexual
harassment. During the
FY under review, no complaint regarding Sexual Harassment has been reported and the
same has been submitted to the concerned authority i.e. the District Officer, Mumbai
Suburban vide annual report for the calendar year 2023.
The Company has adopted a well-defined Nomination and Remuneration Policy for
Directors, Key Managerial Personnel and other employees. The policy may be accessed under
the ‘Policies and Procedures' section on the website of the Company at the web link
Disclosure with respect to the remuneration of Directors and Employees as required under
Section 197 of the Act and Rule 5 of the
Companies (Appointment and Remuneration of Managerial Personnel) Rules, 2014, as
amended, is annexed as Annexure 5 which forms part of this Report.
Statement containing Particulars of Employees pursuant to Section 197 of the Act and
Rule 5(2) and Rule 5(3) of the Companies
(Appointment and Remuneration of Managerial Personnel) Rules, 2014, as amended, forms
part of the Annual Report. As per the provisions of Section 136 of the Act, the reports
and Financial Statements are being sent to shareholders of the Company and other
stakeholders entitled thereto, excluding the Statement containing Particulars of
Employees. Any shareholder interested in obtaining such details may write to the Company
Secretary of the Company.
The particulars as required pursuant to the provisions of Section 134(3)(m) of the Act
read with Rule 8 of the Companies (Accounts) Rules, 2014, with respect to conservation of
energy, technology absorption, foreign exchange earnings and outgo etc. forms part of this
Annual Report as Annexure-6.
As per Regulation 34 of the SEBI (Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requirements)
Regulations, 2015, the Business Responsibility and Sustainability Report for F.Y. 2023-24
forms part of this Annual Report as Annexure 7. Further, the Company has evolved a
Business Responsibility Policy, encompassing the broad scope of the initiatives, to be
undertaken, to best sub serve the interest of all the Stakeholders. The policy may be
accessed under the ‘Policies and Procedures' section on the website of the Company at
the web link
Pursuant to the requirement of Section 134 of the Act, the Directors of the Company
confirm that: i. in the preparation of the annual accounts for the FY ended 31st
March, 2024, the applicable accounting standards have been followed and there are no
material departures from the same; ii. they have selected such accounting policies and
applied them consistently and made judgments and estimates that are reasonable and prudent
so as to give a true and fair view of the state of affairs of the Company as at 31st
March, 2024 and of the profit of the Company for the year ended on that date; iii. they
have taken proper and sufficient care for the maintenance of adequate accounting records
in accordance with the provisions of the Act for safeguarding the assets of the Company
and for preventing and detecting fraud and other irregularities; iv. they have prepared
the annual accounts on a ‘going concern' basis; v. they have laid down internal
financial controls to be followed by the Company and that such internal financial controls
are adequate and are operating effectively; and vi. they have devised proper systems to
ensure compliance with the provisions of all applicable laws and that such systems are
adequate and operating effectively.
The Board takes this opportunity to thank the Company's Members, Customers, Vendors and
all other Stakeholders for their continued support throughout the FY. The Directors also
thank the Stock Exchanges, Banks, Ministry of Corporate Affairs, State
Governments, Government of India, and all other Government agencies and Regulatory
authorities for the support extended by them and also look forward to their continued
support in future.
The Board would also like to take this opportunity to express their appreciation for
the dedicated efforts of the employees of the Company.
For and on behalf of the Board of Directors
B.M. Bhansali |
Chairman & Managing Director |
(DIN:00102930) |
Place : Mumbai |
Date : 20th April, 2024 |