Dear Members,
The Board of Directors present the Company's Ninth Annual Report
and the Company's audited financial statements for the financial year ended March 31,
The summarised financial results of the Company for the financial year
ended March 31, 2024, are presented below:
(Rs in 000)
Particulars |
Standalone |
Consolidated |
2023-24 |
2022-23 |
2023-24 |
2022-23 |
Revenue from Operations |
64,748.47 |
1,34,192.99 |
64,700.37 |
1,47,420.60 |
Other Income |
13,523.25 |
15,381.21 |
15,097.95 |
16,663.89 |
Total Revenue |
78,271.72 |
1,49,574.20 |
79,798.32 |
1,64,084.49 |
Profit/(Loss) before Interest &
depreciation |
(75,938.34) |
(1,22,438.38) |
(1,01,884.19) |
(1,42,759.60) |
Less: Interest cost on Lease Liability |
(2,061.38) |
(2,537.92) |
(2,061.38) |
(2,537.92) |
Less: Depreciation and Amortization Expense |
(19,735.95) |
(16,482.05) |
(20,889.82) |
(16,973.42) |
Profit/(Loss) Before Exceptional Items and
Tax |
(97,735.67) |
(1,41,458.35) |
(1,24,835.39) |
(1,62,270.94) |
Share of Net Profit/(Loss) of Associates
and Joint Ventures accounted using Equity method |
- |
- |
(417.55) |
(2,150.00) |
Exception Item |
- |
- |
(10,029.94) |
- |
Profit/(Loss) Before Tax |
(97,735.67) |
(1,41,458.35) |
(1,35,282.88) |
(1,64,420.94) |
Add/Less: Current Tax |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
(Add)/Less: Deferred Tax |
3,567.76 |
(3,987.35) |
3,567.76 |
(4042.11) |
Profit/(Loss) After Tax |
(1,01,303.43) |
(1,37,471.00) |
(1,38,350.64) |
(1,60,378.83) |
Other Comprehensive Income |
1,12,429.89 |
(2,17,768.68) |
1,12,412.77 |
(2,17,900.93) |
Total Comprehensive Income |
11,126.46 |
(3,55,239.68) |
(26,437.87) |
(3,78,279.77) |
Note: The above figures are extracted from the standalone and
consolidated financial statements prepared in compliance with Indian Accounting Standards
(Ind AS). The Financial Statements of the Company complied with all aspects with Indian
Accounting Standards (Ind AS) notified under Section 133 of the Companies Act, 2013 (the
Act) read with the Companies (Indian Accounting Standards) Rules, 2015, as amended from
time to time and other relevant provisions of the Act.
On Standalone basis, the revenue from operations has decreased by about
51.75% on annual basis to 64,748.47 thousand in the financial year ended March 31, 2024,
compared to 134,192.99 thousand in the financial year ended March 31, 2023.
On Standalone basis, the Company's Operating Earnings/(Loss)
Before Interest, Depreciation and Taxes (EBITDA) margin stands at - 97.02% of the
operating income in the financial year ended March 31, 2024. The loss before tax of the
current year on standalone basis stand at (97,735.67) thousand as compared to loss before
tax (1,41,458.35) thousand for the preceding financial year.
The net loss of the current financial year on a standalone basis
decreased to (1,01,303. thousand as compared to net loss (1,37,471.00) thousand for the
preceding financial year
During the year, there were no changes in the nature of business of the
Company, the detailed discussion on Company's overview and future outlook has been
given in the section on Management Discussion and Analysis' (MDA).
With a view to conserve resources for expansion of business, the Board
of Director have not recommended any dividend for the financial year under review.
As per Regulation 43A of the SEBI (Listing Obligation and Disclosures
Requirements) Regulations, 2015 (the Listing Regulations), the top 1000 listed Companies
shall formulate a Dividend Distribution Policy. The Company does not come under the
category of top 1000 listed Companies based on the market capitalization, however for Good
Corporate Governance practice, the Company has formulated its Dividend Distribution
Policy, which is available on the website of the Company and may be viewed at https://www. .
The Company has not transferred any amount to the reserves during the
financial under review. For complete details on movement in Reserves and Surplus during
the financial year ended March 31, 2024, please refer to the Statement of Changes in
Equity table of the standalone financial statement of the Company.
During the year, your Company has not accepted any deposits within the
meaning of Sections 73 and 76 of the Companies Act, 2013 read with the Companies
(Acceptance of Deposits) Rules, 2014, hence there are no details to disclose as required
under Rule 8(5)(v) and (vi) of the Companies (Accounts) Rules, 2014.
The Company has following three Subsidiaries including one Step-Down
Subsidiary, one Associate Company and one Associate Entity as on March 31, 2024: a. Signal
Analytics Private Limited ("Signal" or "SAPL") - Subsidiary of the
b. Soultrax Studios Private Limited ("Soultrax" or
"SSPL") - Step-Down Subsidiary of the Company;
c. Xelpmoc Design and Tech UK Limited - Wholly-Owned Subsidiary of the
d. Xperience India Private Limited ("Xperience" or
"XIPL") - Associate Company; . e. During the year, Mayaverse Inc., USA become
Associate entity of the Company on April 12, 2023.
During the year under review, the Company does not have any material
Pursuant to requirements of Regulation 16(1)(c) of the Listing
Regulations, the Company has formulated "Policy on determining Material
Subsidiaries" which is posted on website of the Company and may be viewed at for%20determining%20Material%20Subsidiary.pdf
No Company has become and/or ceased as Subsidiary, Joint Venture or
Associate of the Company. The Company does not have any joint venture.
The statement containing salient features of the financial statements
of the Subsidiary Companies, Step Down Subsidiary and Associate Company in the prescribed
format i.e., Form AOC-1 is appended as an Annexure-1' to the
Board's Report. The statement also provides the details of performance and financial
position of Subsidiary Companies.
The contribution of the subsidiaries and Associate Company for the
growth and expansion of the Company is provided in note 43 of the Consolidated Financial
The consolidated financial statement represents those of the Company
and its Subsidiaries i.e., Signal Analytics Private Limited, Soultrax Studios Private
Limited, Xelpmoc Design and Tech UK Limited and its Associate Company i.e., Xperience
India Private Limited and Associate entity i.e. Mayaverse Inc. The Company has
consolidated its statement in accordance with the Ind AS 110 Consolidated Financial
Statements' pursuant to Section 133 of the Companies Act, 2013 read with Companies
(Indian Accounting Standards) Rules, 2015.
The Audited Financial Statements for the year ended March 31, 2024 of
Signal Analytics Private Limited, Soultrax Studios Private Limited, and Xelpmoc Design and
Tech UK Limited, Subsidiary Companies are available on website of the Company and may be
viewed at
During the year under review, there was no change in the Authorized
Share Capital of the Company.
During the year under review, the Company has issued and allotted
1,00,000 Equity shares upon conversion of Stock Options granted under the Company's
ESOP scheme, 2019. Consequent to this allotment, the paid-up Equity share capital of the
Company stands increased to 1,46,28,413 Equity shares of Rs 10/- each i.e., Rs
The Company has not issued any equity shares with differential rights
as to dividend, voting or otherwise, during the year under review.
The Company has not issued any sweat equity shares to its directors or
employees during the period under review.
The Board as on March 31, 2024, comprised of 7 (Seven) Directors out of
which 3 (Three) are Independent Directors, 1 (One) is Non-Executive & Non-Independent
Director and 3 (Three) are Executive Directors including one Managing Director.
Mr. Sandipan Chattopadhyay (DIN: 00794717), Managing Director &
CEO, Mr. Srinivas Koora (DIN: 07227584), Whole-Time Director & CFO, Mr. Jaison Jose
(DIN: 07719333), Whole-Time Director and Mrs. Vaishali Kondbhar, Whole-time Company
Secretary are the Key Managerial Personnel as per the provisions of the Companies Act,
2013 and rules made there under.
None of the Directors of the Company have been debarred or disqualified
from being appointed or continuing as Director of Company by the Securities and Exchange
Board of India (SEBI) and Ministry of Corporate Affairs (MCA) or any such other Statutory
a. Appointments of Directors and Key Managerial Personnel
The following appointments were made during the year: i. Mr. Srinivas
Koora (DIN: 07227584), appointed as a Director liable to retire by rotation at the 8th
Annual General Meeting of the members of the Company held on September 30, 2023. ii. Mr.
Tushar Trivedi (DIN: 08164751) and Mr. Premal Mehta (DIN: 00090389), Independent Directors
of the Company, re-appointed to hold office for the second term of consecutive years
w.e.f. July 02, 2023.
b. Re-appointment of Directors & Key-Managerial Personnel of the
The term of appointment of Mr. Sandipan Chattopadhyay (DIN: 00794717),
Managing Director and Chief Executive Officer, Mr. Srinivas Koora (DIN: 07227584),
Whole-Time Director and Chief Financial Officer and Mr. Jaison Jose (DIN: 07719333),
Whole-Time Director, of the Company will be expired on July 01, 2024. Therefore, the Board
of Directors of the Company has approved their re-appointment for a further period of 3
(Three) years with effect from July 02, 2024 to July 01, 2027, subject to shareholders
approval at ensuing annual general meeting.
c. Director liable to Retire by Rotation
In terms of Section 152 of the Companies Act, 2013, Mr. Pranjal Sharma
(DIN: 06788125), Non-Executive and Non-Independent Director, being Director liable to
retire by rotation shall retire at the ensuing Annual General Meeting and being eligible
for re-appointment, offers himself for re-appointment.
The information as required to be disclosed in relation to the
aforesaid re-appointments under Regulation 36 of Listing Regulations and Secretarial
Standard on General Meetings ("SS-2") will be provided in the notice of next
General Meeting.
d. Independent Directors
The Company has received declarations/confirmations from each
Independent Directors under Section 149(7) of the Companies Act, 2013 and regulation 25(8)
of the Listing Regulations confirming that they meet the criteria of independence as laid
down in the Companies Act, 2013 and the Listing Regulations.
The Company has also received requisite declarations from Independent
Directors of the Company as prescribed under rule 6(3) of Companies (Appointment and
Qualification of Directors) Rules, 2014.
All Independent Directors have affirmed compliance to the Code of
Conduct for Independent Directors as prescribed in Schedule IV to the Companies Act, 2013.
In the opinion of the Board, Independent Directors of the Company
possess requisite qualifications, experience and expertise and hold the highest standards
of integrity. Further in terms of the rule 6(1) of Companies (Appointment and
Qualification of Directors) rules, 2014, as amended all the Independent Directors of the
Company have registered their names in the online databank of Independent Directors
maintained by Indian Institute of Corporate Affairs. Further, out of the three Independent
Directors as on March 31, 2024, one Independent Director Mr. Premal Mehta on the basis of
his experience has got exemption from giving online proficiency self-assessment test as
prescribed under Rule 6(4) of Companies (Appointment and Qualification of Directors) five
Rules, 2014 and Mr. Tushar Trivedi and Mrs. Karishma Bhalla, Independent Directors have
already passed the online proficiency self-assessment test.
The Independent Directors are provided with all necessary
documents/reports and internal policies to enable them to familiarise with the Companies
procedures and practices. The programs undertaken for familiarizing Independent Directors
with the functions and procedures of the Company are disclosed in the Corporate
Governance Report.
4 (Four) meetings of the Board of Directors of the Company were held
during the year under review. Detailed information of the meetings of the Board is
included in the Report on Corporate Governance, which forms part of this Report.
Pursuant to the requirement under Section 134(3)(c) of the Companies
Act, 2013, the Directors hereby confirm and state that: (a) in the preparation of the
annual accounts for the financial year ended March 31, 2024, the applicable accounting
standards have been followed and that no material departures have been made from the same;
(b) the Directors have selected such accounting policies and applied
them consistently and made judgments and estimates that are reasonable and prudent so as
to give a true and fair view of the state of affairs of the Company at the end of the
financial year and of the loss of the Company for that period;
(c) the Directors have taken proper and sufficient care for the
maintenance adequate accounting records in accordance with the provisions of this Act for
safeguarding the assets of the Company and for preventing and detecting fraud and other
(d) the Directors have prepared the annual accounts on a going concern
(e) the Directors have laid down internal financial controls to be
followed by the Company and that such internal financial controls are adequate and were
operating effectively; and
(f) the Directors have devised proper systems to ensure compliance with
the provisions of all applicable laws and that such systems were adequate and operating
The Nomination and Remuneration Committee (NRC') works with
the Board to determine the appropriate characteristics, skills and experience for the
Board as a whole as well as for its individual members with the objective of having a
Board with diverse backgrounds and experience in business, government, education and
public service. Characteristics expected of all Directors include independence, integrity,
high personal and professional ethics, sound business judgement, ability to participate
constructively in deliberations and willingness to exercise authority in a collective
manner. The Company has in place a Policy on appointment & removal of Directors
The salient features of the Policy are:
It acts as a guideline for matters relating to appointment and
re-appointment of Directors.
It contains guidelines for determining qualifications, positive
attributes for Directors and independence of a Director.
It lays down the criteria for Board Membership.
It sets out the approach of the Company on board diversity.
It lays down the criteria for determining independence of a Director,
in case of appointment of an Independent Director.
The Nomination and Remuneration Policy is posted on website of the
Company and may be viewed at
Remuneration%20Policy-updated.pdf . of
The Board evaluation framework has been designed in compliance with the
requirements under the Companies Act, 2013 and the Listing Regulations, and in accordance
with the Guidance Note on Board Evaluation issued by SEBI on January 05, 2017. The Board
evaluation was conducted through questionnaire designed with qualitative parameters and
feedback based on ratings.
The Nomination and Remuneration Committee of the Company has laid down
the criteria for performance evaluation of the Board, its Committees and individual
directors including Independent Directors covering various aspects of the Board's
functioning such as adequacy of the composition of the Board and its Committees, Board
culture, execution and performance of specific duties, obligations and governance.
Pursuant to the provisions of the Companies Act, 2013 and Regulation 17
of the Listing
Regulations, based on the predetermined templates designed as a tool to
facilitate evaluation process, the Board has carried out the annual performance evaluation
of its own performance, the Individual Directors including Independent Directors and its
Committees on parameters such as level of engagement and contribution, independence of
judgment, safeguarding the interest of the Company and its minority shareholders etc.
Committees of the board
The Company has several committees, which have been established as part
of best corporate governance practices and comply with the requirements of the relevant
provisions of applicable laws and statutes: The Committees and their Composition as on
March 31, 2024, are as follows:
Audit Committee |
1. Mr. Tushar Trivedi |
Chairman |
2. Mr. Srinivas Koora |
Member |
3. Mr. Premal Mehta |
Member |
4. Mrs. Karishma Bhalla |
Member |
Nomination and Remuneration Committee |
1. Mr. Premal Mehta |
Chairman |
2. Mr. Tushar Trivedi |
Member |
3. Mr. Pranjal Sharma |
Member |
Stakeholders Relationship Committee |
1. Mr. Tushar Trivedi |
Chairman |
2. Mr. Srinivas Koora |
Member |
3. Mr. Jaison Jose |
Member |
Management Committee |
1. Mr. Srinivas Koora |
Chairman |
2. Mr. Sandipan Chattopadhyay |
Member |
3. Mr. Jaison Jose |
Member |
The details with respect to the powers, roles and terms of reference
etc. of the relevant committees of the Board are given in detail in the Corporate
Governance Report of the Company, which forms part of this Report.
Further, during the year, there are no such cases where the
recommendation of any Committee of Board, have not been accepted by the Board, which is
required to be accepted as per the law.
Your Company does not fall in the ambit of limit as specified in
Section 135 of the Companies Act, 2013 read with Rule framed there under in respect of
Corporate Social Responsibility. However, the directors of the Company, in their personal
capacity, are engaged in philanthropy activities and participating for cause of upliftment
of the society.
The Management Discussion and Analysis Report for the year under review
as stipulated under Regulation 34(2)(e) of the Listing Regulations is presented in a
separate section and forming part of this Report.
The corporate governance is an ethical business process to create and
enhance value and reputation of an organization. Accordingly, your directors function as
trustee of the shareholders and seek to ensure that the long term economic value for its
Shareholders is achieved while balancing interest of all the Stakeholders.
The Report on Corporate Governance as stipulated under Regulation 34(3)
of the Listing Regulations is presented in a separate section and forms part of this
Report. The report on Corporate Governance also contains certain disclosures required
under the Companies Act, 2013.
A certificate from Mr. Manish Gupta, Practising Company Secretary,
partner of VKMG & Associates LLP, Company Secretaries, conforming compliance to the
conditions of Corporate Governance as stipulated under Regulation 34(3) of the Listing
Regulation, is annexed to Corporate Governance Report.
Your Company has in place Whistle Blower Policy ("the
Policy"), to provide a formal mechanism to its directors and employees for
communicating instances of breach of any statute, actual or suspected fraud on the
accounting policies and procedures adopted for any area or item, acts resulting in
financial loss or loss of reputation, leakage of information in the nature of Unpublished
Price Sensitive Information (UPSI), misuse of office, suspected/actual fraud and criminal
offences. The Policy provides for a mechanism to report such concerns to the Chairman of
the Audit Committee through specified channels. The framework of the Policy strives to
foster responsible and secure whistle blowing. In terms of the Policy of the Company, no
employee including directors of the Company has been denied access to the Chairman of
Audit Committee of the Board. During the year under review, no concern from any whistle
blower has been received by the Company. The whistle blower policy is available at the
link https://www. .
Risk assessment and management are critical to ensure long-term
sustainability of the business. The Company has in place, a strong risk management
framework with regular appraisal by the top management. The Board of Directors reviews the
Company's business risks and formulates strategies to mitigate those risks. The
Senior Management team, led by the Managing Director, is responsible to proactively manage
risks with appropriate mitigation measures and implementation thereof.
Enlisted below are the key risks identified by the management and the
related mitigation measures.
Market Risk
Fluctuations in the local and global economies, political instability,
and regulatory changes can affect the technology sector. An industry downturn could
adversely impact our operations. To counteract market-specific risks, the company plans to
diversify presence and clientele across various regions and sectors.
Competition Risk
We operate in a highly competitive market that is witnessing an influx
of new entrants To maintain a competitive edge, companies must embrace cutting-edge
technologies and develop innovative applications for clients. Our company stands out due
to our deep expertise, cutting-edge technology solutions, and customer-centric offerings,
which equip us to withstand competitive pressures.
Technology Risk
The rapid pace of technological innovation, evolving business models,
and the introduction of new software and products compel organizations to adopt advanced
technologies to enhance efficiency. The success of a tech service provider hinges its
ability to deliver impactful solutions to its clients. To manage this risk, our company is
continuously refining our services and solutions to align with the evolving needs the
Talent Risk
The tech sector could experience a significant talent shortage. At
Xelpmoc, human capital is our most prized resource. Acknowledging its importance to our
success, we strive to foster a welcoming and diverse work environment while offering
attractive benefits to our employees. We cultivate a culture of innovation and
entrepreneurial spirit and provide opportunities for employee training and development.
Pursuant to provision of Section 186 of the Companies Act, 2013, during
the year under review, the Company has not given any guarantees or provided security in
connection with a loan to any other body corporate or person. However, the Company has
made investment in the securities of bodies corporate and has given loan to body
corporate, the details of the investments made including the investments as prescribed
Section 186(2) of the Companies Act, 2013 and loans given are provided
in Notes Nos. 7, 8, 9 and 9a of the Standalone Financial Statement of the Company.
The particulars of contract or arrangements or transactions entered
into by the Company with related parties, which falls under the provisions of sub-section
(1) of Section 188 of the Companies Act, 2013, though that transactions are on arm's
length basis, forms part of this report in Form No. AOC-2 is annexed as an Annexure-2'
to this report.
During the year, the Company had not entered into any
contract/arrangement/ transaction with related parties which could be considered material
in accordance with . provision of listing regulations and the policy of the Company on
materiality of related party transactions.
The statement showing the disclosure of transactions with related
parties in compliance with applicable provision of Ind AS, the details of the same are
provided in Note No. 34 of the Standalone Financial Statement. All related party
transactions were placed before the Audit Committee and the Board for approval.
The Policy on materiality of related party transactions and dealing
with related party transactions as approved by the Board is available at the link:
The Company has in place adequate standards, processes and structures
to implement internal financial controls with reference to financial statements. During
the year, such controls were tested and no reportable material weakness in the design or
operation was observed. In addition to above, the Company has in place Internal Audit
carried out by independent audit firm to continuously monitor adequacy and effectiveness
of the internal control system in the Company and status of its compliances.
The Equity Shares of the Company are listed on BSE Limited (BSE) and
National Stock Exchange of India Limited (NSE).
The Company has formulated following policies as required under the
Listing Regulations, the details of which are as under:
1. "Documents Preservation & Archival Policy" as per
Regulation 9 and Regulation 30 which may be viewed at Preservation%20&%20Arcihval%20Policy.pdf
2. "Policy for determining Materiality of events/information"
as per Regulation 30 which may be viewed at
Determining%20Materiality%20of%20Information%20or%20Events.pdf .
(a) Statutory Auditors
M/s. JHS & Associates LLP, Chartered Accountants, (Firm
Registration No. 133288W/ W100099) were appointed as Statutory Auditors of the Company for
a term of 5 (five) consecutive years, from the conclusion of 8th Annual General
Meeting till the conclusion of the 13th Annual General Meeting of the Company. Your
Company has received necessary confirmation from them stating that they satisfy the
criteria provided under Section 141 of the Companies Act, 2013.
The report of the Statutory Auditor forms part of the Annual Report.
The said report does not contain any qualification, reservation, adverse remark or
(b) Secretarial Auditors
Pursuant to provisions of Section 204 of the Companies Act, 2013 and
the Companies (Appointment and Remuneration of Managerial Personnel) Rules, 2014, the
Company had appointed Mr. Manish Rajnarayan Gupta, partner of M/s. VKMG &
Associates LLP, Practicing Company Secretaries, as the Secretarial Auditors of the
Company to undertake Secretarial Audit for the financial year ended March 31, 2024. The
Secretarial Audit Report for the financial year ended March 31, 2024, is annexed herewith
and marked as Annexure-3' to this Report. The Secretarial Auditor has
also issued Annual Secretarial Compliance Report for the year ended March 31, 2024, as
required under regulation 24A of Listing Regulations. Further, the Secretarial Audit
Report and Annual Secretarial Compliance Report does not contain any qualification,
reservation or adverse remark or disclaimer.
(c) Internal Auditors
Pursuant to provisions of Section 138 of the Companies Act, 2013 read
with Rule 13 of Companies (Accounts) Rules, 2014, the Company had appointed M/s. Venu
& Vinay, Chartered Accountants to undertake Internal Audit for financial year
ended March 31, 2024.
During the year under review, the Auditors of the Company have not
reported to the Audit Committee, under Section 143(12) of the Companies Act, 2013, any
instances of fraud committed against the Company by its Officers or Employees, the details
of which would need to be mentioned in the Board's Report.
There were no material changes and commitments, affecting the financial
position of the Company, which has occurred between the end of the financial year of the
Company, i.e. March 31, 2024 till the date of this Directors' Report.
There were no other significant and material orders passed by the
regulators/courts/ tribunals, which may impact the going concern status and the
Company's operations in future.
(a) The ratio of the remuneration of each Director to the median
employee's remuneration and other details in terms of sub-section 12 of Section 197
of the Companies Act, 2013 read with Rule 5(1) of the Companies (Appointment and
Remuneration of Managerial Personnel) Rules, 2014, are forming part of this report as Annexure-4'.
(b) In terms of the provisions of Section 197(12) of the Act read with
Rules 5(2) and 5(3) of the Companies (Appointment and Remuneration of Managerial
Personnel) Rules, 2014, a statement showing the names and other particulars of the
employees drawing remuneration in excess of the limits set out in the said rules is
provided in a separate annexure forming part of this Report. Having regard to the
provisions of the first proviso to Section 136(1) of the Act, the Annual Report excluding
the aforesaid information is being sent to the Members of the Company. In terms of Section
136, the said annexure is open for inspection by the members through electronic mode. Any
member interested in obtaining such particulars may write to the Company Secretary of the
Company at The said particulars shall be open for inspection
by the Members at the registered office of the Company on all working days, except
Saturdays, Sundays and public holidays, between 11.00 a.m. to 1.00 p.m. upto the
date of AGM.
The Company does not have any unpaid/unclaimed amount which is required
to be transferred, under the provisions of the Companies Act, 2013 into the Investor
Education and Protection Fund (IEPF) of the Government of India.
The disclosures to be made under Section 134(3)(m) of the Companies
Act, 2013 read with Rule 8(3) of the Companies (Accounts) Rules, 2014 by the Company are
as under:
(a) Conservation of Energy
(i) The steps taken or impact on conservation of energy:
Though business operation of the Company is not energy-intensive, the
Company, being a responsible corporate citizen, makes conscious efforts to reduce its
energy consumption. Some of the measures undertaken by the Company on a continuous basis,
including during the year, are listed below: a) Use of LED Lights at office spaces.
b) Rationalization of usage of electricity and electrical equipment air
conditioning system, office illumination, beverage dispensers, desktops.
c) Regular monitoring of temperature inside the buildings and
controlling the air-conditioning system.
d) Planned Preventive Maintenance schedule put in place for
electromechanical equipment.
e) Usage of energy efficient illumination fixtures.
(ii) Steps taken by the Company for utilizing alternate source of
The business operation of the Company are not energy-intensive, hence
apart from steps mentioned above to conserve energy, the management would also explore
feasible alternate sources of energy.
(iii) The capital investment on energy conservation equipment:
There is no capital investment on energy conservation equipment during
the year under review.
(b) Technology Absorption
(i) The efforts made towards technology absorption:
The Company itself operates into the dynamic information technology
space. The Company has a sizeable team of Information technology experts to evaluate
technology developments on a continuous basis and keep the organisation updated.
(ii) The benefits derived:
The Company has been benefited immensely by usage of Indigenous
Technology for business operation of the Company.
(iii) The Company has not imported any technology during last three
years from the beginning of the financial year.
(iv) The Company has not incurred any expenditure on Research and
Development during the year under review.
(c) Foreign Exchange Earnings and Outgo
The foreign exchange earnings and outgo, during the year, is as under:
Foreign Exchange Earnings:
(Rs in 000)
Sr. No. |
Particulars |
2023-24 |
2022-23 |
1. |
Revenue from software development |
33,048.83 |
49,589.53 |
Total |
33,048.83 |
49,589.53 |
Foreign Exchange Outgo: |
(Rs in 000) |
Sr. No. |
Particulars |
2023-24 |
2022-23 |
1. |
Technical Consultancy Services |
5,739.35 |
2,523.62 |
2. |
Travel Expenses |
0 |
260.66 |
3. |
Software Expenses |
784.08 |
1,186.56 |
4. |
Other Expenses |
675.55 |
70.65 |
Total |
7,198.98 |
4,041.48 |
Pursuant to sub-section 3(a) of Section 134 and sub-section (3) of
Section 92 of the Companies Act, 2013 read with Rule 12 of the Companies (Management and
Administration) Rules, 2014, the copy of Annual Return of the Company as on March 31, 2024
is available on the Company's website and can be accessed at Annual%20Return%20-%20FY%02023-24.pdf
The Company has complied with the Secretarial Standards on Meeting of
the Board of Directors (SS-1) and General Meetings (SS-2) specified by the Institute of
Company Secretaries of India (ICSI).
Maintenance of cost records as prescribed by the Central Government
under sub-section (1) of Section 148 of the Companies Act 2013 is not applicable to
the Company.
Your Company is fully committed to uphold and maintain the dignity of
women working in the Company and has zero tolerance towards any actions which may fall
under the ambit of sexual harassment at workplace. The Company has complied with
provisions relating to the constitution of Internal Complaints Committee under the Sexual
Harassment of Women at Workplace (Prevention, Prohibition and Redressal) Act, 2013.
Further, during the year Internal Complaints Committee of the Company has not received any
case related to sexual harassment.
The policy framed pursuant to the Sexual Harassment of Women at
Workplace (Prevention, Prohibition and Redressal) Act, 2013 read with Rules framed
thereunder may be viewed at
Harassment_3.pdf .
The Employees' Stock Option Scheme enable the Company to hire and
retain the best talent for its senior management and key positions. The Nomination and
Remuneration Committee of the Board of Directors of the Company, inter alia, administers
and monitors the Employees' Stock Option Scheme in accordance with the applicable
SEBI Regulations.
The applicable disclosures as stipulated under the SEBI (Share Based
Employee Benefits and Sweat Equity) Regulations, 2021 as on March 31, 2024 (cumulative
position) with regard to the Xelpmoc Employee Stock Option Scheme 2019 and Xelpmoc
Employee Stock Option Scheme 2020 are disclosed on the Company's website which may be
viewed at
All the schemes i.e. Xelpmoc Employee Stock Option Scheme 2019 and
Xelpmoc Employee Stock Option Scheme 2020, are in compliance with SEBI (Share Based
Employee Benefits and Sweat Equity) Regulations, 2021 and erstwhile SEBI (Share Based
Employee Benefits) Regulations, 2014. There were no material changes in aforesaid schemes,
during the year under review.
A certificate from the Secretarial Auditor of the Company stating that
the aforesaid schemes have been implemented in accordance with the SEBI (Share Based
Employee Benefits) Regulations, 2014 and in accordance with the resolution passed by the
members shall be placed at the ensuing Annual General Meeting for inspection by members.
Pursuant to the provisions of Sections 13 and 27 of the Companies Act,
2013, read with the Companies (Incorporation) Rules, 2014 and the Companies (Prospectus
and Allotment of Securities) Rules, 2014 and SEBI (Listing Obligations and Disclosure
Requirements) Regulations, 2015 and the SEBI (Issue of Capital and Disclosure
Requirements) Regulations, 2018 and other applicable law and considering the explanation
for variation as stated below, the Shareholders of the Company vide special resolution
dated September 30, 2023 with majority of more than 90% of the voting shareholders voted
in the favor of the resolution, had approved the further variation in utilization of the
IPO proceeds, by way of deploying and/or utilise the unutilized amount/balance proceeds of
Rs 7,332 thousand of the existing object "Purchase of IT hardware and network
equipment's for development centres in Kolkata and Bangalore" towards the other
IPO object of "Funding working capital requirements of the Company".
Explanation for the Variation
Post Covid-19 situation, the Company has expanded more in Hyderabad as
compared to Bangalore, as a result of this change there has been a significant reduction
in the capital expenditure (capex) requirements in the Bangalore and Kolkata regions. This
change in operational emphasis has naturally led to a decreased demand for the financial
resources that were previously allocated for capex in these areas. Meanwhile, the
financial resources necessary for capex in Hyderabad were primarily sourced from
preferential allotment funds. This well-considered allocation of funds has played a
crucial role in supporting the Company's expansion efforts in the Hyderabad region.
Considering decreased need for capex funds in Bangalore and Kolkata due to the operational
realignment, the Company's board of directors is proposing to redirect these funds
towards enhancing the Company's working capital, reflecting the Company's
adaptive approach to financial resource management. This strategic adjustment underscores
the Company's commitment to effective financial utilization as it navigates its
evolving operational landscape.
The details of the utilisation of the unutilised amount of IPO proceeds
during the year ended March 31, 2024 are as follows:
Objects of the issue upon
variation |
Amount available for
utilization upon 1st variation |
Utilised amount after 1st
variation of objects i.e. from October 01, 2020 till year ended March 31, 2023 |
Utilised amount during
the Period April 01, 2023 to September 30, 2023 |
Unutilised amount as on
September 30, 2023 |
Amount available for
utilization upon 2nd variation as stated above |
Amount utilised during the
Period October 01, 2023 to March 31, 2024 |
Unutilised amount as on
March 31, 2024 |
Purchase of IT hardware and
network equipments for development centers in Kolkata and Bangalore |
8,613.40 |
1,281.40 |
- |
7,332.00 |
- |
- |
- |
Funding working capital
requirements of the Company |
1,03,465.68 |
1,03,465.68 |
- |
- |
7,332.0 |
7,332.00 |
- |
General Corporate
purposes(including savings in offer related expenses) |
10,202.56 |
10,202.56 |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
Total |
1,22,281.64 |
1,14,949.64 |
- |
7,332.00 |
7,332.00 |
7,332.00 |
- |
(Rs in 000)
Objects of the Issue for which IPO
proceeds utilized |
Utilization upto March 31, 2024 |
Purchase of IT hardware and network
equipment's for development centers in Kolkata and Hyderabad |
2,543.191 |
Purchase of fit outs for new development
centers and Hyderabad* |
719.792 |
Funding working capital requirements of the
Company |
1,52,474.713 |
General corporate purposes (including savings
in offer related expenses) |
45,729.49 |
Total |
2,01,467.18 |
*The above stated objects was the original object of the issue and
after variation in the objects of issue the aforesaid objects has been cancelled.
Rs 1,261.79 (Rs in 000) utilised before variation of the
Objects of the Issue and Rs 1,281.40 (Rs in 000) utilized after variation of the
Objects of the Issue.
Utilised before first variation of the Objects of the Issue for
original object i.e. for purchase of fit outs for new development centers in Kolkata and
Rs 41,677.03 (Rs In 000) utilised before first variation
of the Objects of the Issue and Rs
1,03,465.68 (Rs In 000) utilized after
first variation of the Objects of the Issue and Rs 7,332.00
(Rs in 000)
utilized after second variation of the Objects of the Issue.
Rs 35,526.93 (Rs In 000) utilised before first variation
of the Objects of the Issue and Rs 10,202.56 (Rs In 000) utilized after first
variation of the Objects of the Issue.
Further to inform you that as stated above, IPO proceeds have been
fully utilized during the year ended March 31, 2024.
During the financial year 2021-22, the Company has issued and allotted
on preferential basis 7,20,000 Equity shares of Rs 10/- each fully paid-up at a price of
Rs 375/- per Equity share (including securities premium), aggregating Rs 2,70,000.00
thousands to Foreign Portfolio Investors Category I (QIBs).
The details of the utilisation of the proceeds as per the approved
object as on March 31, 2024 is as follows: (Rs in 000)
Proceeds utilized for |
Utilisation upto |
Utilisation upto |
March 31, 2023 |
March 31, 2024 |
Investment in UK Subsidiary* |
12,788.47 |
15,942.14 |
Tender Deposit for MP Tourism |
9,000.00 |
9,000.00 |
Investment in Overseas Associate Entity for |
- |
20,710.43 |
Business Expansion |
Other General Purpose |
86,085.03 |
229,602.93 |
Total Utilised |
1,07,873.50 |
2,75,255.50* |
*Further the excess utilisation is on account of profit received on
mutual fund & interest earned on balance in FD accounts.
As stated above proceeds of preferential allotment have been fully
utilized during the year ended March 31, 2024.
Your Directors state that no disclosure or reporting is required in
respect of the following items as there were no transactions for the same during the year
under review:
Neither the Managing Director nor the Whole-Time Directors of the
Company receive any remuneration or commission from any of its subsidiaries.
Issue of debentures/bonds/warrants/any other convertible securities.
Scheme of provision of money for the purchase of its own shares
by employees or by trustees for the benefit of employees.
Instance of one-time settlement with any Bank or Financial Institution.
Application or proceedings under the Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code,
Your Directors take the opportunity to express our deep sense of
gratitude to all users, vendors, government and non-governmental agencies and bankers for
their continued support in Company's growth and look forward to their continued
support in the future.
Your Directors would also like to express their gratitude to the
shareholders for reposing unstinted trust and confidence in the management of the Company.
Registered Office: |
For and on behalf of the Board of Directors
of |
Xelpmoc Design and Tech Limited |
Xelpmoc Design and Tech Limited |
CIN: L72200KA2015PLC082873 |
17, 4th Floor, Agies Building, |
Sandipan Chattopadhyay |
Srinivas Koora |
1st A' Cross, 5th
Block, |
Managing Director & CEO |
Whole-Time Director & CFO |
Koramangala, |
(DIN: 00794717) |
(DIN: 07227584) |
Bengaluru 560034 |
website: |
E-mail ID: |
Place: Hyderabad |
Place: Hyderabad |
Date: May 28, 2024 |
Date: May 28, 2024 |