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Modern Denim Ltd

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BSE Code : 500451 | NSE Symbol : MODERNDENM | ISIN : INE01N301019 | Industry : Textiles |

Directors Reports



To The Members of Modern Denim Limited,

Your Directors are pleased to present the 45th Annual Report on the business and operations of the Company together with the Audited Financial Statements for the year ended 31st March, 2023.


(Rs in Crores)

Particulars Year ended 31.03.2023 Year ended 31.03.2022
Revenue from Operations 39.84 26.35
Other income 0.34 2.31
Total revenue 40.18 28.66
Profit before finance cost and depreciation 0.35 (1.10)
Finance cost - -
Depreciation 0.93 1.06
Profit before exceptional items and tax (0.58) (2.16)
Exceptional Items - (4.10)
Profit/(Loss) before tax (0.58) (6.26)
Tax expense - -
Profit/(Loss) after tax (0.58) (6.26)
Other comprehensive income (Net of tax) 0.03 0.06
Total comprehensive income (0.55) (6.20)
Retained earnings at the beginning (173.07 (166.93)
of the year
Retained earnings at the end of the year (173.62) (173.07)


During the Financial Year ended on 31st March, 2023, your company achieved a turnover of Rs 39.84 Crores as against Rs 26.35 Crores in the previous year. In spite of difficult business conditions prevailing in the domestic textile market, your Company could reduce losses as compared to last year by way of various measures to reduce cost and improve utilization of available resources, etc. In view of accumulated losses, your Directors are unable to declare any dividend for the year under review.

There are no material changes or commitments affecting the financial position of the Company that have occurred between the end of the financial year and the date of this Report.


The exports of the Company during the year under review were Rs 2.66 crores as compared to previous year of Rs 3.60 crores despite continued recessionary business ambiance in the global market. However, the Company is continuing its efforts to enhance presence of its products in overseas markets.


Your Company is engaged in the business of denim fabric manufacturing. The Company manufactures various types of denim fabrics including basic denim, stretch denim, ring, multi/mixed count denim, cross hatch, face & back denim & blended denim fabric. The Company?s plant at Ahmedabad has a composite denim mill with an installed production capacity of 40 MMPA. Our experienced marketing and designing teams ensure that our products meet the latest trends in the denim market.

In the recent past, denim markets across the world have witnessed a remarkable upswing in demand, primarily from the new generation. Further, people in rural areas of India are increasingly adopting denim as daily wear. The growing apparel market, increasing adoption of denim, and rising disposable incomes of the Indian population are expected to present humongous business opportunities to our Company.

Industry Overview

Our business is gaining momentum in the domestic market and expects the growth to continue in the coming years, on account of changing dynamics of the Indian consumer base. We expect our Company to benefit substantially from the favourable drivers for the Indian denim industry as an increasing number of global denim manufacturers are looking at India as an emerging denim export region owing to its quality standards, cost-effectiveness, and a large pool of skilled workforce.

Outlook, Opportunities, Threats, Risks and concerns

The demand for denim has been continuously rising in India and is expected to grow manifold in the coming years. India is being positioned as one of the leading manufacturers and exporters of denim, owing to its quality standards, cost-effectiveness, and a large pool of skilled workforce. Moreover, higher disposable income, the westernization of clothing culture, and the growing popularity of denim jeans as business casual wear are expected to drive future growth of the Denim Industry.

SCHEME OF ARRANGEMENT FOR THE MERGER OF THE COMPANY INTO MODERN INSULATORS LIMITED The Board of Directors of your Company had approved the merger/ amalgamation of the Company with Modern Insulators Limited under the ambit of the Board for Industrial & Financial Reconstruction (BIFR). Since, SICA stood repealed and BIFR stood dissolved in terms of the Sick Industrial Companies (Special Provisions) Repeal Act, 2003 the Board of Directors has approved the scheme of compromise, arrangement, and amalgamation of Modern Denim Limited with the Company under the provisions of section 230-232 of the Companies Act, 2013.

The Scheme has been approved by the shareholders and creditors of the Company at their respective meetings held on 23rd July 2022. Thereafter Company has filed the Second Motion Petition for approval of the Scheme of arrangement for the merger of the company into Modern Insulators Limited with the Hon?ble NCLT, Jaipur Bench.

The Hon?ble NCLT, vide its order dated July 31, 2023, has given necessary directions to all concerned to submit their observation/objection, if any on or before the next hearing date i.e. 18th September, 2023 fixed for the consideration of the scheme of arrangement for the merger of the company into Modern Insulators Limited under sections 230 to 232 of the Companies Act, 2013.

The consolidation of two companies will facilitate savings in administrative costs and also be beneficial in terms of saving on Income Tax under the provisions of the Income Tax Act, 1961.


The Authorized Share Capital of the Company stood at Rs 60.00 crore. During the year under review, the Company has not altered/modified the authorized share capital of the Company. The paid-up Equity Share Capital as at March 31, 2023 stood at Rs 37.50 crore.


As mandated by the Ministry of Corporate Affairs, the financial statements for the year ended on March 31, 2023, have been prepared in accordance with the Indian Accounting Standards (Ind AS) notified under Section 133 of the Companies Act, 2013 (hereinafter referred to as "The Act") read with the Companies (Accounts) Rules, 2014 as amended from time to time. The estimates and judgments relating to the Financial Statements are made on a prudent basis, so as to reflect in a true and fair manner, the form and substance of transactions and reasonably present the Company?s state of affairs, profits, and cash flows for the year ended March 31, 2023. The

Notes to the Financial Statements form an integral part of this Report. Accounting policies have been consistently applied except where a newly issued accounting standard, if initially adopted or a revision to an existing accounting standard requires a change in the accounting policy hitherto in use. Management evaluates all recently issued or revised accounting standards on an ongoing basis. The Company discloses financial results on a quarterly basis which are subjected to limited review.


The Company has an unpaid amount of Fixed Deposits & Interest thereon outstanding as on 31st March, 2023, the details of which have been given in the Note No. 16 & 18 annexed with the financial statements. However, payments on compassionate grounds continue to be made as per the decision of the committee formed by the National Company Law Tribunal for this purpose.

The Company has not accepted any deposits during the year under review within the meaning of Section 73 of the Companies Act, 2013, and the Companies (Acceptance of Deposits) Rules, 2014.

SUBSIDIARY, ASSOCIATES AND JOINT VENTURE COMPANIES The Company does not have any Subsidiaries, Joint Ventures & Associate Companies during the year.


Pursuant to Regulation 34(3) of the Securities and Exchange Board of India (Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requirements), Regulations, 2015, (SEBI (LODR) Regulations, 2015) a report on Corporate Governance along with a Certificate from the Company Secretary in Practice towards compliance of the provisions of Corporate Governance, forms an integral part of this Annual Report and are given in Annexure - A.

The Executive Director and the Chief Financial Officer have certified to the Board with regard to financial statements and other matters as required under Regulation 17(8) read with Schedule II to the SEBI (LODR) Regulations, 2015.


Pursuant to the provisions of Section 186 of the Companies Act, 2013 and schedule V of SEBI (LODR) Regulations, 2015, disclosures on particulars relating to loans, advances, and investments are provided as part of the financial statements. There are no guarantees issued or securities provided by your Company in terms of Section 186 of the Act, read with the rules issued thereunder.


Pursuant to Section 134(3) (a) of the Act, the draft annual return as on March 31, 2023, prepared in accordance with Section 92(3) of the Act is made available on the website of the Company and can be assessed using the link http://www.moderndenim.com/investors/fininformation.html. DIRECTORS

In accordance with the provisions of Section 152 of the Act and the Company?s Articles of Association, Shri Suvrat Sachin Ranka, Whole-Time Director, retires by rotation at the forthcoming Annual General Meeting ("AGM") and being eligible, offers himself for re-appointment. The Board recommends his re-appointment for the consideration of the Members of the Company at the forthcoming AGM on the terms and conditions mentioned in the Notice convening the AGM. A brief profile of Shri Suvrat Sachin Ranka has also been provided therein.

During the year under review, the directors of the Company were Shri Sachin Ranka, Chairman & Managing Director, Shri Suvrat Ranka, Whole-time Director, Shri S.K. Sharma, Shri Rahul Singhvi and Smt. Meenu Sacheti,

Independent Directors and Shri K.M. Ladha, Non-Executive Director. During the year none of the directors has resigned.


In terms of the provisions of Sections 2(51) and 203 of the Act, read with the Companies (Appointment and Remuneration of Managerial Personnel) Rules, 2014, Shri Sachin Ranka, Chairman & Managing Director, Shri Suvrat Ranka, Whole Time Director, Shri C.S. Jain, Chief Financial Officer and are the Key Managerial Personnel (KMP) of the Company. During the year Ms. Komal Sulaniya resigned from the post of Company Secretary & Compliance Officer of the Company. The appointment and remuneration of Directors and KMPs are as per policy of the Company. Ms. Harshita Hetawal has been appointed as Company Secretary & Compliance officer of the Company w.e.f 01.08.2023


All Independent Directors of the Company have given declarations that they meet the criteria of independence as laid down under Section 149(6) of the Act and Regulation 16(1) (b) of the Listing Regulations. In the opinion of the Board, the Independent Directors, fulfil the conditions of independence specified in Section 149(6) of the Act and Regulation 16(1) (b) of the Listing Regulations. The Independent Directors have also confirmed that they have complied with the Company?s Code of Business Conduct & Ethics.

The Ministry of Corporate Affairs (‘MCA?) vide Notification No. GS.R. 804(E) dated October 22, 2019 and effective from December 01, 2019 has introduced the provision relating to inclusion of names of Independent Directors in the Data Bank maintained by Indian Institute of Corporate Affairs (‘IICA?). All Independent Directors of your Company are registered with IICA.

In the opinion of the Board, the independent directors possess the requisite integrity, experience, expertise, proficiency and qualifications.


The Board of Directors has carried out an annual evaluation of its own performance, Board Committees, and individual directors pursuant to the provisions of the Act and the Listing Regulations.

The Board evaluated its performance after seeking inputs from all the directors on the basis of criteria such as the Board composition and structure, effectiveness of board processes, information and functioning, etc. The performance of the Committees was evaluated by the Board after seeking inputs from the committee members on the basis of criteria such as the composition of committees, effectiveness of committee meetings, etc. The above criteria are as provided by the Guidance Note on Board Evaluation issued by the Securities and Exchange Board of India.

The Chairman of the Board had one-on-one meetings with the Independent Directors and the Chairman of Nomination & Remuneration Committee (NRC) had one-on-one meetings with the Executive and Non- Executive (Non-Independent) Directors. These meetings were intended to obtain Directors? inputs on effectiveness of the Board/Committee processes.

The Board and the NRC reviewed the performance of individual directors on the basis of criteria such as the contribution of the individual director to the board and committee meetings like preparedness on the issues to be discussed, meaningful and constructive contribution and inputs in meetings, etc.

In a separate meeting of independent directors, performance of nonindependent directors and the board as a whole was evaluated. The Independent Directors in the said meeting also evaluated the quality, quantity and timeliness of flow of information between the Company management

and the Board that is necessary for the Board to effectively and reasonably perform their duties. Additionally, the Chairman of the Board was also evaluated on key aspects of his role, taking into account the views of executive directors and non-executive directors in the aforesaid meeting. The above evaluations were then discussed in the board meeting that followed the meeting of the independent directors and NRC, at which the performance of the Board, its Committees, and individual directors was also discussed. Performance evaluation of independent directors was done by the entire board, excluding the independent director being evaluated.


During the year 2022-23, four Board Meetings were held, on 30th May, 2022, 09th August, 2022, 10th November, 2022 and 10th February, 2023. Further details on the Board Meetings are provided in the Corporate Governance Report, forming part of this Annual Report.


The Independent Directors met on 10th February, 2023, without the attendance of Non-Independent Directors and members of the management. The Independent Directors reviewed the performance of Non-Independent Directors, the Committees and the Board as a whole along with the performance of the Chairman of the Company, taking into account the views of Executive Directors and Non-Executive Directors and assessed the quality, quantity and timeliness of flow of information between the management and the Board that is necessary for the Board to effectively and reasonably perform their duties.


The Board of Directors has the following Committees:

1. Audit Committee

2. Remuneration and Nomination Committee

3. Stakeholders? Relationship Committee

The details of the Committees along with their composition, number of meetings held and attendance at the meetings are provided in the Corporate Governance Report.

DIRECTORS? RESPONSIBILITY STATEMENT Based on the framework of internal financial controls and compliance systems established and maintained by the Company, work performed by the internal, statutory, cost and secretarial auditors and external agencies including audit of internal financial controls over financial reporting by the statutory auditors and the reviews performed by the management and the relevant Board Committees, including the Audit Committee, the Board is of the opinion that the Company?s internal financial controls were adequate and operating effectively during the financial year 2022-23.

To the best of knowledge and belief and according to the information and explanations obtained by them, your Directors make the following statement in terms of Section 134(3)(c) read with section 134 (5) of the Companies Act, 2013:

(a) in the preparation of the Annual Accounts for the year ended 31st March, 2023, the applicable accounting standards have been followed along with proper explanation relating to material departures;

(b) they have selected such accounting policies and applied them consistently and made judgments and estimates that were reasonable and prudent so as to give a true and fair view of the state of affairs of the Company at the end of the financial year and of the profit and loss of the Company for that period;

(c) they have taken proper and sufficient care for the maintenance of adequate accounting records in accordance with the provisions of this Act for safeguarding the assets of the Company and for preventing and detecting fraud and other irregularities;

(d) they have prepared the annual accounts on a going-concern basis;

(e) they have laid down internal financial controls to be followed by the Company and that such internal financial controls are adequate and were operating effectively;

(f) they have devised proper systems to ensure compliance with the provisions of all applicable laws and that such system was adequate and operating effectively.


M/s. J.T. Shah & Co., Chartered Accountants, Ahmedabad (Firm Registration No. 109616W), Auditors of the Company, having in compliance with the provisions of Section 139 of the Companies Act, 2013 read with the Companies (Audit and Auditors) Rules, 2014, been appointed as the Statutory Auditors of the Company by the Shareholders of the Company at their Annual General Meeting held on 30th September 2022, for a period of 5 consecutive years, so as to hold office as such from the conclusion of the 44th Annual General Meeting till the conclusion of the 49th Annual General Meeting, continue as the Auditors of the Company for the FY 20222023.

The observations made in the Auditors? Report read together with relevant notes thereon are self-explanatory and hence, do not call for any further comments under Section 134 of the Companies Act, 2013.

The Statutory Auditors of the Company have not reported any fraud as specified under Section 143(12) of the Companies Act, 2013 in the year under review.

Secretarial Auditor

Pursuant to the provisions of Section 204 of the Act, read with the Companies (Appointment and Remuneration of Managerial Personnel) Rules, 2014, the Company has appointed M/s Jyoti Soni & Associates, Company Secretaries, Jaipur to conduct the secretarial audit for the financial year 2022-23. The Secretarial Audit Report, issued by M/s Jyoti Soni & Associates, Company Secretaries for the financial year 2022-23, forms part of this Report, and is set out in Annexure ‘B? to this Report. The observations in the Secretarial Audit Report pertain mainly to listing agreement requirements, stock exchange compliances, etc. It is clarified that the company has started all the compliances related to the stock exchange and is in the process of revocation of its suspension from BSE Limited.

Internal Auditors

M/s Pramod & Associates, Chartered Accountants are the Internal Auditors of the Company. Internal Audit Report, their significant findings, and followup actions taken by the management is reviewed by the Audit Committee on a quarterly basis.

NOMINATION AND REMUNERATION POLICY The Board of Directors has framed a policy that lays down a framework in relation to the remuneration of Directors, Key Managerial Personnel, and Senior Management of the Company. The Policy broadly lays down the guiding principles, philosophy, and the basis for payment of remuneration to Executive and Non-executive Directors (by way of sitting fees and commission), Key Managerial Personnel, Senior Management, and other employees. The policy also provides the criteria for determining qualifications, positive attributes, and Independence of the Director and criteria for appointment of Key Managerial Personnel/Senior Management and performance evaluation which are considered by the Nomination and Remuneration Committee and the Board of Directors while making selection of the candidates. The above policy has been posted on the website of the Company at www.moderndenim.com


The Company has established a Vigil Mechanism for reporting concerns through the Whistle Blower Policy of the Company, which is in compliance with the provisions of Section 177 of the Act, read with Rule 7 of the Companies (Meetings of Board and its Powers) Rules, 2014, and SEBI (LODR), Regulations, 2015. The Policy provides for a framework and process whereby concerns can be raised by its employees against any kind of discrimination, harassment, victimization, or any other unfair practice being adopted against them. Adequate safeguards are provided against victimization to those who avail of the mechanism, and access to the Chairman of the Audit Committee in exceptional cases is provided to them. The details of the Vigil Mechanism are also provided in the Corporate Governance Report and the Whistle Blower Policy has been uploaded on the website of the Company, www.moderndenim.com.


Risk management is embedded in your Company?s operating framework. Your Company believes that managing risks helps in maximizing returns. The Company?s approach to addressing business risks is comprehensive and includes periodic review of such risks and a framework for mitigating controls and reporting mechanisms of such risks. The risk management framework is reviewed periodically by the Board and the Audit Committee.

The Company has framed and implemented a Risk Management Policy to identify the various business risks. This framework seeks to create transparency, minimize adverse impact on the business objectives and enhance the Company?s competitive advantage. The risk management policy defines the risk management approach across the enterprise at various levels including documentation and reporting.


Your Company has an effective internal control and risk-mitigation system, which are constantly assessed and strengthened with new/revised standard operating procedures. The Company?s internal control system is commensurate with its size, scale and complexities of its operations. The internal and operational audit is entrusted to M/s Pramod & Associates, Chartered Accountants, a firm of Chartered Accountants. The main thrust of internal audit is to test and review controls, appraisal of risks and business processes, besides benchmarking controls with best practices in the industry. The Audit Committee of the Board of Directors actively reviews the adequacy and effectiveness of the internal control systems and suggests improvements to strengthen the same. The Company has a robust Management Information System, which is an integral part of the control mechanism.

The Audit Committee of the Board of Directors, Statutory Auditors and the Business Heads are periodically apprised of the internal audit findings and corrective actions taken. Audit plays a key role in providing assurance to the Board of Directors. Significant audit observations and corrective actions taken by the management are presented to the Audit Committee of the Board. To maintain its objectivity and independence, the Internal Audit function reports to the Chairman of the Audit Committee.


Pursuant to the MCA notification dated 23.01.2021 if CSR expenses of the Company are less than 50 lacs then the functions of the Committee can be discharged by the Board. Therefore, the functions of the Corporate Social Responsibility Committee shall be discharged by the Board.

The Board has, framed and adopted a policy for CSR available on the website of the Company www.moderndenim.com. The Company has a huge amount

of accumulated losses for the past years which eroded the company?s Net worth. In view of the above-mentioned reason, the company is not in a position to spend any amount on CSR activities. The disclosures as per rule 9 of Companies (Corporate Social Responsibility Policy) Rules, 2014 are disclosed in Annexure ‘C? and form part of this Report.


The Company is conscious of the importance of environmentally clean and safe operations. The Company?s policy requires the conduct of operations in such a manner so as to ensure the safety of all concerned, compliance with environmental regulations, and preservation of natural resources.


In order to comply with provisions of the Sexual Harassment of Women at Workplace (Prevention, Prohibition and Redressal) Act, 2013 and the Rules framed thereunder, the Company has formulated and implemented a policy on prevention, prohibition, and redressal of complaints related to sexual harassment of women at the workplace. All women employees either permanent, temporary, or contractual are covered under the above policy. The said policy has been uploaded on the website of the Company for information of all employees. An Internal Complaint Committee (ICC) has been set up in compliance with the said Act. During the year under review, the company has not received any complaints.


The information required pursuant to Section 197 read with rule 5 of the Companies (Appointment and Remuneration of Managerial Personnel) Rules, 2014 in respect of employees of the Company will be provided upon request. In terms of Section 136 of the Act, the reports and accounts are being sent to the members and others entitled thereto, excluding the information on employees? particulars which is available for inspection by the members at the Registered office of the Company during business hours on working days of the Company up to the date of ensuing Annual General Meeting. If any member is interested in inspecting the same, such a member may write to the Company Secretary in advance.

HUMAN RESOURCES AND INDUSTRIAL RELATIONS The Company takes pride in the commitment, competence, and dedication of its employees in all areas of the business. The Company has a structured induction process at all locations and management development programs to upgrade the skills of managers. Objective appraisal systems based on key result areas (KRAs) are in place for senior management staff.

The Company is committed to nurturing, enhancing, and retaining its top talent through superior learning and organizational development. This is a part of our Corporate HR function and is a critical pillar to support the organization?s growth and its sustainability in the long run.

ENERGY CONSERVATION, TECHNOLOGY ABSORPTION AND FOREIGN EXCHANGE EARNINGS AND OUTGO Information relating to the conservation of energy, technology absorption, and foreign exchange earnings and outgo, as stipulated under Section 134(3)(m) of the Act, read with the Companies (Accounts) Rules, 2014, is given in Annexure ‘D? to this Report.


Except as disclosed elsewhere in this Report, no material changes and commitments, that could affect the Company?s financial position, have occurred between the end of the financial year of the Company and the date of this Report.

THE DETAILS OF APPLICATION MADE OR ANY PROCEEDING PENDING UNDER THE INSOLVENCY AND BANKRUPTCY CODE, 2016 (31 OF 2016) DURING THE FINANCIAL YEAR One of the creditors of the Company has filed an application under the Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code, 2016 (31 of 2016) which was dismissed by the NCLT vide its order dated 28.04.22. There is no application made by the company under Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code, 2016 (31 of 2016) during the financial year 2022-23.



Your Company has taken appropriate insurance for all assets against foreseeable perils.


The shares of the Company are listed at BSE Limited but trading of the shares is suspended. The Company has filed an application to BSE for Revocation of suspension of trading in equity shares of the Company and the same is under consideration.


The Company has complied with the applicable Secretarial Standards issued by the Institute of Company Secretaries of India.


Statements in this Directors? Report and Management Discussion and Analysis describing the Company?s objectives, projections, estimates, expectations or predictions may be "forward-looking statements" within

the meaning of applicable securities laws and regulations. Actual results could differ materially from those expressed or implied. Important factors that could make difference to the Company?s operations include raw material availability and its prices, cyclical demand and pricing in the Company?s principal markets, changes in Government regulations, Tax regimes, economic developments within India and the countries in which the Company conducts business and other ancillary factor.


Your Directors state that no disclosure or reporting is required in respect of the following items as there were no transactions on these items during the year under review:

• Issue of equity shares with differential rights as to dividend, voting or otherwise;

• Issue of shares (including sweat equity shares) to employees of the Company under any Scheme;

• No significant or material orders were passed by the Regulators or Courts or Tribunals which impact the going concern status and the Company?s operations in the future.


Your Directors express their deep sense of gratitude to the banks, financial institutions, stakeholders, business associates, Central and State Governments and all regulatory bodies for their co-operation and support and look forward to their continued support in future.

We very warmly thank all of our employees for their contribution to your Company?s performance. We applaud them for their superior levels of competence, dedication and commitment to your Company.

For and on behalf of the Board of Directors
Sachin Ranka
Place: Abu Road Chairman & Managing Director
Date : 10th August, 2023 DIN: 00335534
