FOR THE FY 2023-24
Your Directors present the Thirty-one Annual Report (the Report)
of the Company along with the Audited Financial Statements for the Financial Year ended
March 31, 2024.
Standalone sales and other income for FY 2023-24 stood at 418.51
Crores as against 391.20 Crores for FY 2022-23. On a consolidated basis, sales and other
income for FY 2023-24 stood at 866.70 Crores as against 809.05 Crores for FY 2022-
23. After meeting all expenditures, the Company made a total
comprehensive income of (349.48) Crores on a consolidated basis against total
comprehensive income of (820.38) Crores on a standalone basis.
( in Crores except EPS)
Particulars |
Standalone |
Consolidated |
FY 2023-24 |
FY 2022-23 |
FY 2023-24 |
FY 2022-23 |
Total Revenue (I) |
418.51 |
391.20 |
866.70 |
809.05 |
Total Expenses (II) |
812.54 |
353.43 |
914.03 |
799.66 |
Total Exceptional items (III) |
424.60 |
14.48 |
236.63 |
(5.01) |
Pro??t / (Loss) before Tax (I-II+III) |
(818.63) |
52.25 |
(283.96) |
4.38 |
Tax expense |
Current Tax |
- |
- |
6.65 |
2.68 |
Deferred Tax |
- |
- |
6.84 |
0.61 |
Adjustment of tax relating to earlier periods |
- |
- |
0.82 |
(0.28) |
Pro??t / (Loss) for the year |
(818.63) |
52.25 |
(298.27) |
1.37 |
Pro??t/(loss) for the year from Discontinued
Operations |
- |
- |
- |
- |
Other Comprehensive Income |
- |
- |
- |
- |
A. Other Comprehensive income not
to be reclassi??ed to pro??t and loss in subsequent year: |
- |
- |
- |
- |
Remeasurement of gains / (losses) on
de??ned bene??t plans |
(1.74) |
(0.62) |
(0.17) |
(0.21) |
Income tax effect |
- |
- |
(0.36) |
0.13 |
B. Other Comprehensive income to
be reclassi??ed to pro??t and loss in subsequent years: |
- |
- |
(50.68) |
(64.69) |
Other Comprehensive income for the year, net
of tax |
(1.74) |
(0.62) |
(349.48) |
(64.77) |
Total Comprehensive income for the year |
- |
- |
(349.48) |
(63.40) |
Pro??t for the year attributable
to: |
- |
- |
Equity holders of the parent |
- |
- |
(298.27) |
1.37 |
Non-controlling interests |
- |
- |
- |
- |
Other Comprehensive income for the
year attributable to: |
- |
- |
- |
- |
Equity holders of the parent |
- |
- |
(51.21) |
(64.77) |
Non-controlling interests |
- |
- |
- |
- |
Total Comprehensive income for the
year attributable to: |
- |
- |
- |
- |
Equity holders of the parent |
- |
- |
(349.48) |
(63.40) |
Non-controlling interests |
- |
- |
- |
- |
Earnings per equity share for
pro??t attributable to equity shareholders |
- |
- |
- |
- |
Basic EPS |
(48.52) |
3.10 |
(17.69) |
0.08 |
Diluted EPS |
(48.52) |
3.05 |
(17.69) |
0.08 |
There is no amount proposed to be transferred to general reserve this
Your Directors regret to state their inability to recommend any
dividend on equity shares for the ??nancial year ended March 31, 2024.
Pursuant to Regulation 43A of the SEBI (Listing Obligations and
Disclosure Requirements) Regulations, 2015 (the "Listing Regulations"),
as amended, the Dividend Distribution Policy of the Company is available on the
Company's website at content/uploads/2022/09/dividend-distribution-policy.pdf
The Company provides information technology services and software
solutions. It operates through three key segments,
(i) Enterprise Services (includes ADMS, ISMS, Testing, Classic BPS, MVS
etc.), (ii) Professional Services (includes Human Capital Management Services) and (iii)
Digital Business Services (includes IT & Digital Consulting, AAA, Digital IMS,
CloudFirst, Oracle COE, GCC, Cyber SOC, Digital BPS, Cognitive Computing Services,
Security Services, Secure Access Service Edge ("SASE"), TME, Edge Computing,
Edge Analytics, EnGRC, NuRe Campus, FutureTech etc.)
NuRe is the brand launched by the Company to offer its new
? NuRe 3i: With NuRe 3i you can migrate your applications and
infrastructure to cloud and enhance your business performance, ef??ciency and productivity
by unlocking cloud bene??ts with the right platform, tools and services.
? NuRe 3i+ : NuRe 3i+ is a next generation Oracle Cloud Infrastructure
(OCI) for the most secured, optimised and simpli??ed digital transformation. NuRe 3i+ and
Oracle collaborate to provide a powerful, single vendor, application and database
platforms for today's data driven enterprises. Nure 3i+ helps verticals like banking,
??nancial services & insurance (BFSI), public and government sectors, healthcare,
media and entertainment to seamlessly migrate to NuRe 3i+ platforms.
? NuRe CloudFirst: It addresses design, construction and managing
full-stack cloud solutions, including maintaining crucial operational applications and
supporting the entire eco-system in the cloud
The Company has a presence in more than 10 countries across 4
continents. The Company has a strong foothold and customer base in North America, South
Asia, Asia Paci??c (APAC), Middle East and Africa (MEA) geographies.
The Company serves customers in banking, insurance, media and
entertainment, capital markets, asset and wealth management, government, manufacturing,
retail, distribution, telecom and healthcare industry verticals.
During the year under review, the Company has incorporated following
wholly owned subsidiary (including wholly owned step- down subsidiary):
Sr. No. |
Name of the Company |
Indicate whether wholly owned
subsidiary OR wholly owned step- down subsidiary |
% of Shareholding |
Date of
Incorporation |
Country of
Incorporation |
1. |
Nure Bharat Network Limited |
Wholly owned step-down
subsidiary |
100% |
April 21, 2023 |
India |
As on March 31, 2024, there are 30 subsidiaries (including step-down
subsidiaries) and 1 Joint Venture of the Company. There has been no material change in the
nature of the business of subsidiaries.
As per the ??rst proviso to the Section 129(3) of the Companies Act,
2013 ("the Act") read with Rule 5 of the Companies (Accounts) Rules,
2014, the statement containing salient features of the ??nancial statements of
subsidiaries / associate companies / joint venture in the prescribed Form AOC-1 is
enclosed to the consolidated ??nancial statements. This statement also mentions highlights
of performance of subsidiaries /associate companies / joint venture and their contribution
to the overall performance of the Company during the year.
Pursuant to the provisions of the Section 136 of the Act, the
standalone and consolidated ??nancial statements of the Company, along with relevant
documents and separate audited accounts in respect of subsidiaries are available on the
website of the Company.
This Report has been prepared based on the standalone ??nancial
statements of the Company and highlights the performance of the subsidiaries, associates
and joint venture companies and their contribution to the overall performance of the
Company during the period under review.
As required under Section 134(5) of the Act, your Directors
hereby con??rm that:
? in preparation of the annual accounts, the applicable accounting
standards have been followed along with proper explanation relating to material
? they have selected such accounting policies and applied them
consistently and made judgments and estimates that are reasonable and prudent, so as to
give a true and fair view of the state of affairs of the Company as at March 31, 2024 and
loss of the Company for the ??nancial year ended on that date;
? they have taken proper and suf??cient care for the maintenance of
adequate accounting records in accordance with the provisions of the Act for safeguarding
the assets of the Company and for preventing and detecting fraud and other irregularities;
a. they have prepared the annual accounts on a going concern basis;
b. they have laid down internal ??nancial controls to be followed by
the Company and that such internal ??nancial controls are adequate and are operating
effectively; and
c. they have devised proper systems to ensure compliance with the
provisions of all applicable laws and that such systems are adequate and are operating
Further, the ??nancial statements are prepared in accordance with
Indian Accounting Standards ("Ind AS") as prescribed under Section 133 of
the Act read with Rule 3 of the Companies (Indian Accounting Standards) Rules, 2015 as
amended. Based on the reviews of internal, statutory and secretarial auditors, external
consultants, the management and respective committees of the Board, the Board is of the
opinion that the Company's system of internal ??nancial controls was adequate and the
operating effectiveness of such controls was satisfactory during the 2023-24.
Particulars of loans, guarantees or investments granted/ made during
the year are given under the notes to standalone ??nancial statements forming part of this
During the year under review, all the contracts / arrangements
/ transactions entered into by the Company with related parties
referred to in Section 188 of the Act were in the ordinary course of business and on an
arm's length basis. During the year, the Company has not entered into any contract /
arrangement / transaction with related parties which could be considered material in
accordance with the policy of the Company on related party transactions.
Since all related party transactions entered into by the Company were
in the ordinary course of business and on arm's length basis, Form AOC-2 is not
applicable to the Company.
The Company has in place a Policy on Materiality of Related Party
Transactions and a Policy on dealing with Related Party Transactions. The said policy can
be viewed on the Company's website by accessing the following link: https://
on-Materiality-of-Related-Party-Transactions-and-Policy- on-Dealing-with-Related-Party-Transactions-1.pdf
Details regarding related party disclosures are given under the notes
to standalone ??nancial statements which form part of this Report.
There have been no material changes and commitments affecting the
??nancial position of the Company which have occurred between the end of the ??nancial
year to which the ??nancial statements relate and as on the date of this Report.
The Audit Committee at its meeting held on September 22, 2022,
constituted Sub-committee on Legacy Matters, to review comprehensively all legacy matters
for parent entity and subsidiary companies and prepare action plan for resolution of the
same. Based on ??ndings observed by the Sub-committee on Legacy Matters of the Audit
Committee of the Board of the Company and on the basis of ??ndings of various consultants/
experts/ advisors, the Board of Directors of the Company at its meeting held on January
31, 2024, has decided to initiate Forensic Audit, for certain Legacy Matters pertaining to
period before March 31, 2021 under the erstwhile Management.
The Sub-committee on Legacy Matters of Audit Committee has also
observed certain long outstanding non-compliances with various FEMA Regulations, majority
of them are listed below. Based on recommendations of the Sub-committee, the Company has
appointed expert consultant on the matter, to address these long pending compliances and
ensure that the compliance requirements are meet in reasonable time in line with various
? Overseas investments
? Reporting of WOS and SDS
? Reporting of transfer, divestment, closing of various subsidiaries
and group entities, and certain speci??c transactions.
? APR ??ling and approvals
? Application for UIN
? Updating Project Pro??le
? Current account
? Reconciling outstanding entries in EDPMS, IDPMS and P0103.
? Regularising legacy import transaction
During the year under review, no signi??cant and material orders were
passed by the regulators or courts or tribunals impacting the going concern status and
Company's operation in future.
The Company is committed to maintain the highest standards of Corporate
Governance and adhere to the Corporate Governance requirements. The Corporate Governance
Report along with auditors' certi??cate thereon in terms of Regulation 34 read with
Schedule V of the Listing Regulations is appended herewith as Annexure I to this
In terms of provisions of Regulation 34 of the Listing Regulations, the
Management Discussion and Analysis Report is given under a separate section forming part
of this Report.
Regulation 34 of the Listing Regulations mandates the inclusion of the
BRSR as part of the Annual Report for the top 1000 listed entities based on market
capitalisation as on 31st day of March of every Financial Year. Though the Company has not
fallen under top 1000 listed entities based on market capitalisation as on March 31, 2024,
BRSR is voluntarily being appended hereto as forms part of this Report as Annexure II.
In accordance with the Act, the annual return in the prescribed format
is available on the Company's website at the following link:
a) Preference Share Capital:
During the year under review, the Company has not allotted any
preference shares.
b) Equity Share Capital:
Allotment under Employee Stock Options Scheme:
During the year under review, the Company has, on various dates,
allotted in all 7,64,800 equity shares under Employee Stock Option Scheme 2018.
Considering these allotments, the issued, subscribed and paid-up
capital of the Company as on March 31, 2024 stood at 1,69,23,08,420/- consisting of
16,92,30,842 fully paid-up equity shares of face value 10/- each.
The Company has neither issued equity shares with differential rights
as to dividend, voting or otherwise nor any sweat equity shares to the employees of the
Company under any scheme.
The Employee Stock Option Schemes of the Company in force are in
compliance with the Act and the SEBI (Share Based Employee Bene??ts and Sweat Equity)
Regulations, 2021 and there has been no material change in the said schemes during
??nancial year. The Company approved the scheme 3i Infotech Employee Stock Option
Plan 2023" and 3i Infotech Employee Stock Option Plan 2023" for Eligible
Employees of Subsidiary Companies of the Company and same approved by the member of the
Company through postal ballot dated June 25, 2024. Disclosures relating to the said
schemes as required under the SEBI (Share Based Employee Bene??ts and Sweat Equity)
Regulations, 2021 are available on the Company's website at the following link: investors/ under Corporate Governance in the Investors'
The Company has received a certi??cate from the Secretarial Auditors of
the Company that its share-based scheme(s) have been implemented in accordance with the
SEBI (Share Based Employee Bene??ts and Sweat Equity) Regulations, 2021 (formerly the SEBI
(Share Based Employee Bene??ts) Regulations 2014) and the same is available for inspection
by members in electronic mode.
During the year, the Company has not invited / accepted any deposit
under Sections 73 and 76 of the Act.
a) Composition:
As on the date of this Report, the Board of the Company consists of Six
Directors, out of which Four are Independent Directors (including one woman Independent
Director), two are Non-Executive Directors.
The current composition of the Board in accordance with the provisions
of Section 149 of the Act and Regulation 17 of the Listing Regulations is as follows:
Sr. No |
Name of the Director (s) |
Designation |
1 |
CA Uttam Prakash Agarwal |
Non-Executive - Independent
Chairperson |
2 |
Mr. Avtar Singh Monga |
Non-Executive -
Independent Director |
3 |
Dr. Aruna Sharma |
Non-Executive Non-
Independent Director |
4 |
Dr. Madan Bhalchandra
Gosavi $ |
Non-Executive -
Independent Director |
5 |
Mr. Umesh Mehta @ |
Non-Executive - Non-
Independent Director |
6 |
Ms. Zohra Chatterji |
Non-Executive -
Independent Director |
@ Mr. Umesh Mehta was appointed as Additional Non-Executive
Non-Independent Director with effect from March 22, 2024 and later on appointed as Non-
Executive Non-Independent Director by the members through postal ballot dated June 15,
$ Dr. Madan Bhalchandra Gosavi was appointed as Additional
Non-Executive Independent Director with effect from May 12, 2024 after completion of the
??nancial year and later approved by the members through postal ballot dated June 15,
Mr. Thompson Gnanam ceased to be the Managing Director and Global CEO
of the Company with effect from May 31, 2024.
b) Retirement by Rotation:
In accordance with Section 152 (6) and other applicable provisions of
the Act and the Articles of Association of the Company, Dr. Aruna Sharma (DIN: 06515361)
retires by rotation as a Director at the ensuing AGM and being eligible, offers herself
for reappointment.
Detailed pro??le of Dr. Aruna Sharma along with additional information
required under Regulation 36(3) of the Listing Regulations and Secretarial Standard on
General Meetings (SS-2) is provided separately by way of an Annexure to the Notice of the
AGM which forms part of this Report.
c) Key Managerial Personnel:
As on March 31, 2024, following are the Key Managerial Personnel of the
a. Mr. Thompson Gnanam - Managing Director and Global CEO, (ceased to
be the Managing Director and Global CEO effective from May 31, 2024
b. Mr. Harish Shenoy - Chief Operating Of??cer Professional Services
and Chief Risk Of??cer
c. Mr. Sanjay Rawa - Chief Financial Of??cer
d. Mrs. Varika Rastogi - Company Secretary and
Compliance Of??cer.
There were following changes in the Directors and Key Managerial
Personnel during the Financial Year ended March 31, 2024:
? Mr. Ashok Shah ceased to be the Chairman & Independent Director
of the Company with effect from December 10, 2023, pursuant to provisions contained in
Section 149(11) of the Companies Act, 2013.
? CA. Uttam Prakash Agarwal, Independent Director of the Company,
appointed as the Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Company with effect from
December 10, 2023.
? Mr. Sriram Venkataramanan ceased to be the Non- Executive Director of
the Company with effect from January 26, 2024.
? Mr. Umesh Mehta has been appointed as Non- Executive Director with
effect from March 22, 2024.
Based on the recommendation of Nomination and Remuneration Committee,
the Board of Directors of the Company at its meeting held on August 14, 2024, has
inter-alia approved that Mr. Raj Ahuja shall also act as the Chief Executive Of??cer (in
the category of Key Managerial Personnel) of the Company effective from August 14, 2024.
The Company has received declaration from each Independent Director as
per provisions of Regulation 25(8) of the Listing Regulations and Section 149 (7) of the
Act, that he / she meets the criteria of independence laid down in Regulation 16(1)(b)
read with Regulation 25(8) of the Listing Regulations and Section 149 (6) of the Act.
There were 9 (Nine) meetings of the Board of Directors held during the
year. The details of the same are given in Corporate Governance Report section that forms
part of this Report. The intervening gap between two consecutive Board Meetings did not
exceed 120 days.
The Listing Regulations mandated all listed companies to formulate
certain policies. These policies are available on the website of the Company at https://www.3i-infotech.
com/investors/ under Corporate Governance" in the Investors' section. The
policies, list of which is given below, are reviewed periodically by the Board and amended
from time to time:
? Whistle Blower Policy;
? Policy on Remuneration of Directors, Key Managerial Personnel and
other Employees;
? Corporate Social Responsibility Policy;
? Policy for determining Material Subsidiaries;
? Policy for determination of Materiality of event or information;
? Policy on Materiality of Related Party Transactions and dealing with
Related Party Transactions;
? Policy and Procedure for Inquiry in the event of leak or suspected
leak of Unpublished Price Sensitive Information;
? Dividend Distribution Policy;
? Risk Management Policy;
? Policy for Board Diversity;
? Policy for Preservation of Documents; and
? Policy for Prohibition of Fraudulent and Unfair Trade Practices
relating to securities.
The current policy is to have appropriate mix of Executive,
Non-Executive and Independent Directors to maintain the independence of the Board. The
Company has put in place a policy on Remuneration of Directors, KMP and other employees
including criteria for determining quali??cations, positive attributes, independence of
directors and other matters provided under Section 178 (3) of the Act, the Policy can be
viewed on the website of the Company by accessing the following link:
uploads/downloads/2020/11/Policy-on-Remuneration-of- Directors-KMP-other-employees.pdf
In terms of the provisions of the Act and the Listing Regulations, your
Company has laid down criteria for performance evaluation of Directors and Chairperson of
the Board and also the process for such performance evaluation. Schedule IV of the Act
states that the performance evaluation of Independent Directors shall be done by the
entire Board of Directors, excluding the Director being evaluated. The Company's
policy relating to appointment and remuneration of Directors, KMPs and other employees,
including criteria for determining quali??cations, positive attributes and independence of
a director are covered under the Corporate Governance Report, which forms a part of this
As per provisions of the Listing Regulations and the Companies Act,
2013 the Company has formulated
Familiarisation Programme for Independent Directors. The same is
available on the website of the Company at
Familiarisation-programeefor- independent-directors.pdf. At the time of appointment
of an Independent Director, the Company issues a formal letter of appointment to an
Independent Director outlining his / her role, function, duties, responsibilities, etc.
The terms and conditions for appointment of Independent Directors are also available on
the website of the Company at the location mentioned above.
The Board Members are provided with necessary documents / brochures,
reports and internal policies to enable familiarising them with the Company's
procedures and practices. Periodic presentations are made at the Board Meetings on
business performance updates of the Company, global business environment, business
strategy and risk involved.
As on March 31, 2024, the Board has 5 (??ve) mandatory and
3 (Three) non-mandatory committees:
Mandatory Committees
i. Audit Committee;
ii. Nomination and Remuneration Committee;
iii. Stakeholders' Relationship Committee;
iv. Corporate Social Responsibility Committee; and
v. Risk Management Committee;
Non-Mandatory Committees
i. Investment Committee;
ii. Product Innovation Sub-Committee; and
iii. Sub-committee on Legacy Matters of the Audit Committee
(non-mandatory committee);
A detailed note on the composition of the Board and its committees is
provided in the Corporate Governance Report.
In line with the provisions of the Act and the Listing Regulations, the
Company has devised and implemented a vigil mechanism in the form of "Whistle Blower
Policy". As per the Policy, the Company has an internal committee comprising of the
Head-HR and the Compliance Of??cer of the Company to oversee the functioning of the vigil
mechanism as mandated by the Act and assist the Audit Committee thereunder. The Whistle
Blower Policy framed by the Company is available on the website of the Company at
The detailed information regarding the committees of the Board,
including composition of the Audit Committee, has been given in the Corporate Governance
Report which forms an integral part of this Report.
The Consolidated Financial Statements presented by the Company include
the ??nancial results of its subsidiary companies, associates and joint ventures and form
part of this Report. The Consolidated Financial Statements have been prepared in
accordance with the Ind AS.
The Company has implemented adequate procedures and internal controls
which provide reasonable assurance regarding reliability of ??nancial reporting and
preparation of ??nancial statements. The Company also ensures that internal controls are
operating effectively.
M/s. GMJ & Co., Chartered Accountants (Reg. No. 103429W) were
appointed as the Statutory Auditor of the Company for a term of 5 (??ve) consecutive
years, at the 28th AGM, held on December 15, 2021 to hold of??ce up to conclusion of the
33rd AGM to be held in 2026. The Company has received con??rmation from them to the effect
that they are not disquali??ed from continuing as Auditors of the Company.
The Auditor's Report for the FY 2023-24 does not contain any
quali??cations remarks or reservations. The Statutory Auditor has ??rst time issued the
disclaimer of opinion in the Audit report for the Financial Results for the quarter and
year ended March 31, 2024. Statement on impact of Audit Quali??cations for the quarter and
year ended March 31, 2024 is appended as Annexure III.
Pursuant to the provisions of Section 204 of the Act and Companies
(Appointment and Remuneration of Managerial Personnel) Rules, 2014, the Company had
appointed M/s. SAP & Associates, Practicing Company Secretaries, to undertake the
Secretarial Audit of the Company for the FY 2023-24. The Secretarial Audit Report is
appended as Annexure IV to this Report. The Secretarial Auditor's Report
contains some disclosure of facts which are self- explanatory and do not need any further
During the year under review, neither the statutory auditor nor the
secretarial auditor has reported to the Audit Committee any instances of fraud committed
against the Company by its of??cers or employees under Section 143(12) of the Act.
The Company complies with all the mandatory secretarial standards
issued by the Institute of Company Secretaries of India as may be applicable.
The Company's equity shares are listed on BSE Limited
(BSE) and National Stock Exchange of India Limited (NSE).
The Company continues to use the latest technologies to improve the
productivity and quality of its services and solutions. During the year, your Company has
taken the following technology initiatives.
Enhance Ef??ciency through Automation: automated IT support
functions to improve delivery processes and increase ef??ciency.
Innovate and Collaborate: Strengthen solutions through
technological innovation, strategic collaborations, and acquisitions.
Forge Strategic Partnerships: Partner with leading technology
providers to develop successful go-to- market strategies.
Explore Growth Opportunities: Embrace Secure Access Service Edge
(SASE), cloud technologies, and intelligent automation to unlock multi-dimensional growth
Initiate Digital Transformation: Launch upskilling programs
across end users and support team to drive digital transformation initiatives and enhance
IT capabilities within 3i
Key Achievements\POA
Consolidate IT Infrastructure: Transition to cloud- based
solutions to minimize reliance on physical hardware servers and network devices, enhancing
operational ef??ciency.
Implement Continuous Security Monitoring and Assessment :
Regularly apply security patches, upgrade antivirus software, and conduct annual
Vulnerability Assessment and Penetration Testing (VAPT) to proactively address security
Enable Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA): Activate MFA for all
Microsoft Of??ce 365 users within 3i to bolster account security.
Enhance User Access Restrictions: Limit access for local
administrators and the Administrator group to strengthen user access controls.
Upgrade Server Operating Systems: Ensure all server operating
systems are up-to-date with the latest versions to improve security measures.
CMMi Level 5 - 3i Infotech has reached new heights in quality with
attainment of CMMi Level 5 where quality meets mastery
Quality & Regulatory Management Objectives: Ensuring compliance
with Industry Best Practices
Promoting a quality and compliance culture across the
Identifying and implementing regulatory requirements relevant to
core business activities.
Achieving and maintaining product/service conformity and
acceptance throughout their lifecycle.
ISO Certi??cation Details: Effective implementation of Below ISO
Standards applicable to 3i Infotech Limited Scope of Services
ISO 9001:2015 QMS DigiBPS and 3i Infotech Limited
ISO 27001:2013 ISMS (Information Security Management System) -
3i Infotech Limited
ISO 20000:2018 ITSM (IT Service Management) - 3i Infotech
Our i-Tech team has unveiled a suite of cutting-edge solutions that are
revolutionizing workplace ef??ciency and employee engagement. The Pulse ChatBOT,
seamlessly integrated into our portal, is transforming user interactions, while our
mobile-optimized interface ensures access anywhere, anytime. The iReset Application
streamlines IT support with self-service password management, and our Intelligent Process
Automation Suite is enhancing critical HR functions.
Efforts in automating manual processes are transforming
operationsautomatically managing Active Directory (AD) accounts during employee
offboarding and onboarding through updates in the Hono-HR portal and ensuring daily
synchronization of critical information such as reporting managers, processes, and
designations. These advancements underscore our dedication to leveraging cutting-edge
technology to drive ef??ciency and deliver scalable solutions that can be tailored to meet
the needs of our organization and employees.
Expenditure on R & D
(Amount in Crores)
Particulars FY 2023-24 FY 2022-23
Revenue Expenditure |
- |
- |
Capital Expenditure |
11.68 |
33.76 |
Total |
11.68 |
33.76 |
Total R&D expenditure |
2.79 |
8.63 |
as a percentage of total |
standalone revenue |
a) Activities relating to exports, initiatives taken to increase
exports, development of new export
markets for products and services and export plans Around 10.43% of
the revenue of the Company is derived from exports.
b) Foreign Exchange earnings and expenditure
Details of earnings and expenditure in foreign currency (excluding
earnings and expenditure of UAE Branch) during the year are as below:
(Amount in Crores)
Particulars FY 2023-24 FY 2022-23
Earnings |
37.27 |
42.00 |
Expenditure |
1.03 |
- |
The Company has continued to improve the quality of Human Resource. The
key facet has been better levels of productivity as compared to earlier years which has
contributed to operating ??nancial parameters showing a strong uplift. Regular
interactions and career enhancements by way of bigger roles to talented employees have
helped in strengthening the con??dence of the employees in the tough ??nancial scenario of
the Company. The talent pipeline is looking healthy though attrition and retention remains
a challenge for the industry and more so for the Company.
The Company will continue to focus and build the human potential which
would help in improving operating parameters in the coming years.
In terms of the provisions of Section 197(12) of the Act read with
Rules 5(2) and 5(3) of the Companies (Appointment and Remuneration of Managerial
Personnel) Rules, 2014, a statement showing the names and other particulars of the
employees drawing remuneration in excess of the limits set out in the said rules is
provided in a separate annexure forming part of this Report. Having regard to the
provisions of the ??rst provision to Section 136(1) of the Act, the Annual Report
excluding the aforesaid information is being sent to the Members of the Company. In terms
of Section 136 of the Act, the said annexure is open for inspection at the Registered
Of??ce of the Company. Any shareholder interested in obtaining a copy of the same may
write to the Company Secretary.
Disclosures pertaining to the remuneration and other details as
required under Section 197(12) of the Act read with Rule 5(1) of the Companies
(Appointment and Remuneration of Managerial Personnel) Rules, 2014 are provided in this
Report as Annexure V.
Prevention of Sexual Harassment at Workplace
The Company has in place a policy aiming at prevention of sexual
harassment at all workplaces of the Company in line with the requirements of Sexual
Harassment of Women at the Workplace (Prevention, Prohibition and Redressal)
Act, 2013 and the rules made thereunder. All employees (permanent,
contractual, temporary, trainees) are covered under this Policy. The Company has complied
with provisions relating to constitution of Internal Complaints Committee by setting up
such Committee in the Company in accordance with the provisions of Sexual Harassment of
Women at Workplace (Prevention, Prohibition and Redressal) Act, 2013 to consider and
redress complaints received with respect to sexual harassment. The details of complaints
received during the year are given separately in Corporate Governance Report.
Risk Management is an integral and important component of Corporate
Governance. The Company has developed and implemented a comprehensive Risk Management
Framework for the identi??cation, assessment and monitoring of key risks that could
adversely impact the Company's goals and objectives. This framework is periodically
reviewed by the Risk Management committee of the Company. The Audit Committee of the Board
has additional oversight in the area of ??nancial risks and controls. The Company is
committed to continually strengthen its Risk Management framework in order to protect the
interests of stakeholders.
In July 2021, CRISIL Ratings has reaf??rmed the rating at CRISIL
BBB-' while assigning a Stable' outlook. Similarly, one of the other
rating agencies, CARE Ratings has also reaf??rmed rating of the Company as "CARE
BBB-; Stable" (Triple B Minus; Outlook: Stable) in September 2021.
However, in September 2022, both CRISIL and CARE had withdrawn the said
ratings as the long-term loans were repaid and no dues were outstanding.
In compliance with Section 135 of the Act read with the Companies
(Corporate Social Responsibility Policy) Rules, 2014, the Company has constituted a CSR
Committee. A brief outline of the CSR policy of the Company and the statutory disclosures
with respect to CSR Committee and an Annual Report on CSR activities for FY 2023-24 as
required under Rule 8 (1) of the CSR Rules are set out in Annexure
VI of this Report. The CSR Policy as recommended by CSR Committee
and as approved by the Board is available on the website of the Company at https://www.3i-infotech.
com/wp-content/uploads/downloads/2021/08/Corporate- Social-Responsibility-Policy.pdf
During the year, the Company has not spent any amount on CSR activities
in view of losses incurred as per provisions of the Act.
Maintenance of cost records as speci??ed by the Central Government
under the provisions of Section 148(1) of the Act is not required for the business
activities carried out by the Company.
Disclosures required under the Listing Regulations are provided in the
Corporate Governance Report. The Corporate Governance Report along with auditor's
certi??cate thereon, BRSR and the Management Discussion and Analysis Report forms part of
this Report.
The business outlook and the initiatives proposed by the management to
address its ??nancial risks have been discussed in detail in the Management Discussion and
Analysis Report which forms a part of the Annual Report and is annexed elsewhere in the
The Directors are thankful to the Members for their con??dence and
continued support. The Directors are grateful to the Central and State Government, Stock
Exchanges, Securities & Exchange Board of India, Reserve Bank of India, Customs and
other government authorities and last but not the least, its trusted customers for their
continued support.
The Directors would like to express their gratitude for the unstinted
support and guidance received from alliance partners and vendors.
The Directors would also like to express their sincere thanks and
appreciation to all the employees for their commendable teamwork and professionalism.
For and on behalf of the Board
CA Uttam Prakash Agarwal Date: August 14, 2024 Chairman and
Independent Director Place: Navi Mumbai (DIN: 00272983)