Dear Shareholders,
Ministry of Corporate Affairs (MCA) has taken 'Green Initiative in the
Corporate Governance' by allowing paperless compliance by the Companies.
MCA has issued a Circular on 21st April, 2011 stating that the service of
Notice /Documents by a Company to its Shareholders can now be made through
Electronic mode.
In the light of the enabling provisions of these Circulars, the Company has
decided to deliver the documents in electronic form to the Shareholders
whose email address have been registered with their Depository Participant
(DP). The Documents shall mean all Notices/Documents including those
covered under Section 219 or any other relevant Sections read with Section
53 of the Companies Act, 1956.
Investors desirous of providing/updating their email address, to receive
the Documents from now onwards in electronic form are requested to update
their e-mail addresses without delay with their respective Depository
Participants. Thereafter, email addresses indicated in your respective
demat account which will be periodically downloaded from the Depositories
viz NSDL/CDSL will be deemed to be your email address for serving the
Documents including those covered under Section 219 or any other relevant
Sections read with Section 53 of the Companies Act, 1956.
Investors holding shares in physical form may provide/update their email
address to the Company/S.K.D.C. Consultants Limited, Registrars and Share
Transfer Agents of the Company, quoting their folio number for receiving
the documents in electronic form.
As per the MCA directive, the above mentioned documents will also be made
available, in an easily accessible format on the Company's Website
In case you wish to receive the above documents in paper mode, please
inform our Registrars and Transfer Agents, M/s. S.K.D.C. Consultants
Limited, Kanapathy Towers, 3rd Floor, 1391/A-1, Sathy Road, Ganapathy Post,
Coimbatore 641006, Email: green@skdc-consultants.com quoting the Demat A/c
No. and Name of the Company.
We are sure that you would appreciate the 'Green Initiative' taken by the
Ministry of Corporate Affairs and also your Company's desire to participate
in such an initiative.
Thanking you.
For Rajesh Exports Limited
Rajesh Mehta
Executive Chairman
Place: Bangalore
Date : 12-08-2011.