"Firstly we would like to give Tribute to Mr. P. Pawan Jain, the
founder of this group. He moulded and shaped bricks & Walls and laid foundation of
this Pavna group. He is an exemplary personality, epitome of courage and honesty, man of
relations and a visionary, who tended the sapling with his blood and sweat.
Secondly, company is pleased to announce that during the year we have issued Bonus
Shares in the ratio of 1:1 to the Shareholders of the Company."
Dear Shareholders,
It is my privilege to write to you and present the Annual Report for FY22.
Hope this letter finds you safe and in good health.
As you are aware FY2022 has been one of the most challenging years for corporates
across the globe and Indian industry. The global auto industry has grappled with multiple
issues during the year and the automotive sector has been no exception to this. Despite
the above challenges, the Company reported revenue of Rs.24954.28 lakh and delivered
positive net profit of Rs. 640.85 lakh.
As mentioned earlier we have issued bonus shares during the year 2022. The Company
issue Bonus shares of 60,90,400 Equity Shares in the proportion of 1 (one) Bonus Equity
Share of Rs. 10 for every 1 (one) fully paid-up Equity Shares of Rs. 10/- each held,
credited as fully paid-up to the holders of the Equity shares of the Company whose names
appears in the Register of Members on the Record Date' to be determined by the Board
for this purpose.
Further, in line with our Recreate theme, we have gained adequate expertise in
developing the technology to serve our customers. We have been an extremely cost-conscious
organization and, over the years, this has helped us build a strong balance sheet.
We are now preparing for future in which private vehicles could play a far greaterrole
than previously imagined. We have planned a path towards long-term sustainable growth,
with a lean cost base, disciplined capital allocation, a highly skilled workforce and
Throughout all of this, our purpose will remain constant; to create experiences people
love forlife.
I would like to thank and acknowledge the contribution of all shareholders, our
employees, network and business partners and customers for reposing faith in Pavna Group
and actively working for our combined success. As we continue to confidently face the
challenges in this year and beyond, we remain committed and sincere in our efforts in
creating and delivering value for all stakeholders.
Best Regards
Swapnil Jain
Managing Director
Place:- Aligarh, India
Date:- 01 September, 2022.