Dear Member,
We trust that you are keeping safe and healthy during these tough times. We will hope
for better in the near future.
Owing to the second wave of Covid Pandemic and lockdowns and physical meetings not
being advisable and enabling notifications of Ministry of Corporate Affairs (MCA) and
Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI), the Annual General Meeting will be held
through Video Conferencing. In this scenario, we pledge to ensure that the rights of
shareholders are duly protected.
You are cordially invited to attend the 26 Annual General Meeting of the Company to be
held on Monday, the 27 Day of September, 2021 at 10 AM through Video Conferencing.
Annual Report for the Financial Year 2020 - 2021, inter-alia, containing Notice of
Annual General Meeting and Audited Financial Statements, Directors' Report and Auditor's
Report, is attached hereto.
Detailed instructions for attending the Annual General Meeting through Video
Conferencing and casting of vote by e-Voting is also attached herewith.
Stay Safe. Stay Healthy.
Wish you a healthy way ahead.
Very truly yours,
DIN: 00106598