For availing borrowings from time to time up to the limit approved by shareholders, the
Company is required to create charge, mortgage or hypothecation on the assets of the
Company. As per the provisions of Section 180(l)(a) of the Companies Act, 2013, creation
of charge, mortgage or hypothecation on the assets of the Company requires approval of the
shareholders by way of special resolution.
The Board in its meeting held on 25.5.2018 recommended the resolution set out in item
No. 12 for approval of shareholders by special resolution. None of the Directors, Managers
and other KMP of the Company or their relatives is in any way, concerned or interested,
financially or otherwise in the resolution.
Brief resume of directors who are retiring and eligible for reappointment furnished in
terms of Regulations 36 of the SEBI IListing Obligations and Disclosure Requirements!
Regulations. 2015:
Shri Anupam Anand
Shri Anupam Anand was appointed as Director (Personnel) of the Company with effect from
5.8.2009 in terms of MoM order No.10 (3)/2008 dated 14.7.2009.The Ministry vide letter No
10(3)/2008- Met.III (Vol.III) dated 3.12.2014 has approved extension of his tenure as
Director (Personnel) for a further period of 5 years from 5.8.2014 to 4.8.2019 or until
further orders, whichever is earlier.
Bom on 9.4.1960, Shri Anand is M.Sc. (Physics) from Banaras Hindu University, M A
(Public Administration) from Punjab University, Diploma in Social Work (DSW) from Calcutta
University and passed Bihar Factory Welfare Officers Examination conducted by
Department of Labour, Government of Bihar. Before joining HCL, Shri Anand worked for
around 24 years in SAIL in different positions and rose as Chief Personnel Manager. Later
in 2005, he joined as General Manager (HR) in MTNL. Shri Anand has extensive experience in
all facets of Human Resource including HRM, HRD, Administration and Industrial Relations.
Shri Anand does not hold directorship in other companies. He also does not hold any
share in the Company. None of the Directors, Manager and other KMP of the Company is
related to Shri Anand. Shri Anand attended three out of five Board meetings of the Company
held during 2017-18.
Shri Sanjay Kumar Bhattacharya
Shri Sanjay Kumar Bhattacharya assumed charge of the post of Director (Mining) on
15.9.2015 in terms of MoM Order No. 10/9/2014-Met.III (Vol.I) dated 14.9.2015. Prior to
joining the Board, Shri Bhattacharya was General Manager (Mines) at Malanjkhand Copper
Project of the Company.
Bom on 3.12.1959, Shri Bhattacharya is B E (Mining) from NIT, Raipur and MBA
(International Business). He is a qualified Mining Person under Mines Act, 1952,
possessing first class Mines Manager Certificate of Competency to manage Open Cast
Metalliferous Mines. He has 35 years of varied and diversified work experience in Copper
mining (16 years at HCL), Iron Ore Mining (11 years atNMDC), Bauxite Mining (3 years at
BALCO) and in construction activities for infrastructure developments like State Highways,
Mining of Rock-Phosphate & Bauxite Minerals for State Govt, and State Mining PSUs
through private participation (5 Years).
Shri Bhattacharya does not hold directorship in other companies. He also does not hold
any share in the Company. None of the Directors, Manager and other KMPs of the Company is
related to Shri Bhattacharya. Shri Bhattacharya attended all five Board meetings of the
Company held during 2017-18.