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companylogoHindustan Aeronautics Ltd

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BSE Code : 541154 | NSE Symbol : HAL | ISIN : INE066F01020 | Industry : Engineering |

Chairman's Speech

It gives me immense pleasure to welcome you all for the 61st Annual General Meeting of Hindustan Aeronautics Limited.

The year 2023-24 was an eventful and productive year for your Company, where in considerable progress was made in terms of revenue, profitability, order book and productivity.

I take this opportunity to share the performance highlights during the year and future outlook for the Company.

Financial and Performance Highlights of the Year

In the financial year 2023-24, your Company recorded the highest ever turnover of '28,16,185 Lakh experiencing strong growth of 7% from the previous year's '26,36,056 Lakh. The Profit before Tax for the year increased by 57% to '10,19,897 Lakh from '6,49,294 Lakh in the previous year. The Profit after Tax (PAT) increased by 31% to '7,59,504 Lakh from '5,81,117 Lakh in the previous year. Our Order Book position stood healthy at '94,12,900 Lakh as on 31st March, 2024.

The Company has paid interim Dividend of '22 per equity share of face value of '5 each for the Financial Year 2023-24, totalling to '1,47,130.50 Lakh. Further, the Board of Directors of the Company has recommended a final dividend of '13 per share of '5 each for approval of shareholders, with a cash outflow of '86,940.75 Lakh. On approval by the shareholders, the total cash outflow for payment of Dividend for the Financial Year 2023-24 would be '2,34,071.25 Lakh.

During the year, the Company has produced new Aircraft and Helicopters, covering Light Combat Aircraft (LCA) Tejas Mk1A, LCA Tejas Trainer, Dornier Do-228, Advanced Light Helicopter (ALH) Dhruv and Light Utility Helicopter (LUH) in addition to the production of New Engines and various Accessories, at its various Divisions. The Company has also overhauled various Aircraft & Helicopters and Engines during the year supporting the upkeep of the aviation assets with the Indian Defence Services and other Customers.

Significant Achievements

Your Company accomplished several significant achievements during the year, some of which are highlighted as under:

• The first LCA Tejas twin seater was handed over to the Indian Air Force (IAF) in the presence of Raksha Rajya Mantri.

• Two Nos. of Hindustan-228 aircraft supplied to Guyana Defence Forces in record time within a month of signing of contract due to proactive approach of the Company.

• The first Mid Life Upgraded (MLU) Dornier aircraft fitted with Pollution Surveillance System (PSS) handed over to ICG.

• Handed over first 'Closed Inter Tank Structure (C32)' and first 'Development Service Module' for the Gaganyaan Experimental Mission of ISRO.

• A Joint Venture Company with Safran Helicopter Engines, France-SAFHAL Helicopter Engines Pvt. Ltd. was incorporated on 9th November, 2023 to undertake Design and Development of Engines for IMRH.

• The first production series of LCA Mk1A fighter has completed its Maiden flight.

• Received DGCA approval under 'CAR21 Subpart G' for series production of Hindustan 228 aircraft and 'Maintenance Type Training Certificate' under CAR147 category B1 and B2 for imparting AME type rated licence on Hindustan-228 aircraft.

New initiatives

During the year, your Company has taken many new initiatives, which are as under:

• MoU was signed with General Electric, USA on June 6, 2023 for ToT and Manufacturing of GE-414 aero-engine in India for LCA MK2 Aircraft.

• Successful flight with 10% blended bio-fuel was carried out on Do-228 aircraft from September 15-27, 2023, towards the effort to reduce Carbon footprints.

• The Company has entered into agreement with M/s Airbus, France and signed a Contract on November 9, 2023 for "Establishing up to 6 yearly C Checks facility for A-320 family of aircraft" at Nasik. The collaboration will strengthen Make-in-India mission and also enhance export potential, in addition to diversification into Civil MRO business.

Future Outlook

In the Defence segment, demand for products from Indian Defence Services is expected to grow owing to the GoI's vision for achieving Atmanirbar Bharat and current geopolitical scenario. On the commercial side, air travel is likely to continue its upward trajectory. The surge in air travel will lead to an increased demand for new aircraft and MRO services.

India's annual Defence production is expected to touch '3 lakh Crore by 2028-29, along with arms exports of '50,000 Crore, as announced by Hon'ble Rakha Mantri. This indicates that Indian Defence Sector which was so far contributing as strategic sector is gradually developing as an economic sector with capability & vision to contribute to the economic growth of the Country.

Various initiatives of the Gol have given thrust on the indigenization of Defence equipment, to reduce Defence import as well as dependence on the foreign OEMs. The role of the private sector in Defence R&D is also increasing, driven by the policy initiatives from the Government. To encourage R&D within the industry, by start-ups, and by academia, the MoD has announced schemes like Innovation for Defence Excellence (iDEX), Technology Development Fund (TDF). Over next 5 -10 years such reforms will equally help Defence PSUs and private industry to achieve a self-sustaining Defence industry in the country.

The future projects such as LCA MkII, Advance Medium Combat Aircraft (AMCA), Indian Multirole Helicopter (IMRH), Twin Engine Deck Based Fighter (TEDBF) etc. will ensure technological lead of India and HAL in particular in the years to come.

The Company has taken various initiatives to make systems more agile, effective, cost efficient and to be competitive.

Research and Development (R&D)

Your Company has continued its efforts towards the Design and Development of new platforms/ products / technologies and activities to enhance its capability with a view to bring technological superiority to its products and to cope up with the future technological challenges. During the year, Company has incurred a total R&D expenditure of '2,82,624 Lakh which is 10.04 % of the Turnover. The significant R&D achievements during the year are as under:

• Indigenously designed and developed HTT-40 Basic Trainer Aircraft received the Release to Service document (RSD) from CEMILAC in January 2024.

• The Light Combat Aircraft (LCA) Naval Trainer Prototype NP5 successfully completed its maiden flight on August 18, 2023.

• The indigenous Beyond Visual Range (BVR) air-to-air missile, successfully fired from Light Combat Aircraft (LCA), off the coast of Goa on August 23, 2023.

Corporate Governance

Your Company always strives to conduct the business with integrity, and in ethical & transparent manner and attain the highest standard of Corporate Governance practice. The Company has complied with the Guidelines on Corporate Governance framed by the Department of Public Enterprises

(DPE) and SEBI Listing Regulations except for the appointment of the requisite number of Independent Directors. The Company has established Systems and Procedures to ensure that its Board of Directors is well informed about the Policies of the Company, to enable them to discharge their responsibilities and to enhance the overall value of all stakeholders. We are periodically reviewing the Policies and Procedures of the Company and updating them to ensure transparency in all aspects of the Company's working. Your Company has been continuously rated 'Excellent' grade for its compliances with DPE Guidelines on Corporate Governance.

Corporate Social Responsibility and Sustainability Development

Your Company is committed to its social responsibility. In this endeavour, the Company has undertaken various CSR programmes and projects, towards integrating our social and business goals in a sustainable manner in line with schedule VII of the Companies Act, 2013. An amount of '11,998 Lakh has been spent under CSR in the Financial Year 2023-24 against the CSR budget/ obligation of '10,931 Lakh.


Your Company will continue to pursue global standards, and I am confident that the Company will achieve many milestones. We hope to attain all round success with the continued support and guidance of all our stakeholders.

I take this opportunity to extend my sincere gratitude to the Department of Defence Production, Defence Acquisition Council, Defence Finance, Department of Civil Aviation and our valuable customers viz., the Indian Air Force, Indian Army, Indian Navy, Indian Coast Guard, Border Security Force, ISRO and other Global Aviation Companies.

I also thank DGAQA, CEMILAC, Principal Controller of Defence Accounts, Principal Director of Commercial Audit, C&AG, Auditors, Bankers, Legal Advisors, Collaborators, Suppliers, Shareholders and other Agencies and acknowledge their contributions in our achievements.

I am grateful to the members on the Board for their valuable guidance and acknowledge the immense contribution and dedication of the employees of the Company at all levels.

jai hind

(C.B. Ananthakrishnan)

Director (Finance) & CFO Chairman and Managing Director (Addl Charge)

Place: Bengaluru

Date: July 23, 2024


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