Dear Shareholders,
2021 has been an eventful year for us at DSJ Keep Learning Limited. We spent the
majority of the year reviving the company, aligning it with new objectives, hiring a very
competent team, and closing key partnerships with prominent players.
With all of this out of the way, the new direction for your company is clear, to be the
largest educational services company in the country.
The education industry is one of the fastest-growing industries in this country and
haswitnessedsignificantgrowth both in terms of investments and innovation. Initiatives
like the National Education Policy 2020 (NEP), coupled with the rising awareness amongst
consumers about the importance of education, has this industry poised for rapid growth in
the coming years.
At DSJ Keep Learning Limited, we have identifiedtwo key business verticals higher
education and continuing education to focus all our attention on.
Higher Education Enabling India's Higher Educational Institutes
The higher education space in India comprises over 1,000 universities and 40,000
individual colleges operating at levels from diploma programs to PhD programs. With a
total student intake of roughly 3.74cr every year and the NEP's goal of reaching a Gross
Enrolment Ratio (GER) of 50%, by 2030, from the current ~ 26%, the higher education space
is poised for massive growth.
Business opportunity in this space is clear: enabling higher education institutes
through technology and process outsourcing. Some of the common functions we outsource are
admissions, placements, university IT and academic delivery. The core of our outsourcing
business is the keeplearning campus platform, a fully serviced
Platform-as-a-Service (PaaS) that is designed to manage and run all university functions
on it.
Right now, we have tied up with 4 institutions where our systems are currently
deployed: Jagdish Sheth School of Management, Vijaybhoomi University, IFIM Law School and
IFIM College. We've also tied up with a Singapore-based course provider called Lithan
Systems, which allows us to provide new-age relevant courses to universities.
Continuing Education Powering India's Future Workforce
Continuing education is the latest buzz in this country, with many companies like
upgrad, Great Learning etc. entering this space.
The core driver for continuing education is three-fold.
? Upskilling to climb up the corporate ladder.
? Reskilling to stay relevant in the changing workforce.
? Learning new skills/courses for joy.
With this in mind, we launched the keeplearning platform. Our platform is focused on
the employment side of continuing education, where we are building programs by working
top-down from corporate requirements to developing such programs at the grassroots levels
from the best academic partners.
Our re-skilling platform combines the best of
? Academic Partners for Degree Programs & Content.
? Our Proprietary Industry Readiness Program to teach relevant competencies and
skills for the targeted job profile.
? Our employment testing platform measures professionals for relevant
competencies and skills, which then serves as a way for corporations to identify the right
As of now, we have assembled a portfolio of 8 programs and 40+ faculty masterclasses.
Some of our partners include Jagdish Sheth School of Management, INSOFE, True School of
Music, Simplilearn and Skilledge.
In the coming months, we intend to expand this platform with a lot more program
offerings base.
Closing Remarks It all Starts Now
Times are exciting at DSJ Keep Learning Limited. Our office is buzzing with life, and
with the new direction set, we're excited to see where this company is going to go.
Coming to the most important part of my note, I would like to take this opportunity to
thank all our employees for their relentless contribution. I'd also like to take this time
to thank all our shareholders who have believed in us and all our business partners who
have and will be playing a key part in building future business.
To end: my grandfather, the late Mr Vijaysingh Padode, always believed that education
is about enabling people.
We've adopted a more subtle version of what he used to say and set it as your company's
mission: Enabling human potential through education.
Yours sincerely,
Pranav Padode
DSJ Keep Learning Limited