Dear Shareholders,
Sub.: Registration/updation of E-mail address for receipt of communication/documents
through electronic mode.
We draw your attention to our earlier communication requesting you to register your
Email address with the company/Depository Participant(DP) so that the Annual Reports,
Financial Statements, Notice and any other communication can be sent to you through
electronic mode. We notice from our records that you are yet to register your Email
address with the Company.
We once again request you to register/update your Email address in the manner explained
below and support the "Green Initiative" launched by the Ministry of Corporate
Affairs. The same will be deemed to be your registered Email address for serving
notices/Financial Statements/Annual Reports/Documents and any other correspondence
including those covered under Section 134 and 136 of Companies Act,2013.
Further, The Ministry of Corporate Affairs has in its efforts for "Green
Initiative in Corporate Governance" has permitted paperless compliances by the
companies through electronic mode.
Section 192A, of the Companies Act,1956 read with Companies ( Passing of the Resolution
by Postal Ballot) Rules,2001 recognises voting by electronic mode for postal ballot to
increase the participation of retail investors in the decision-making process of
companies. The Postal Ballot Rules, 2001 were Superseded by Postal Ballot Rules, 2011,
which prescribed the appropriate mechanism for e-voting.
Though at the 28th Annual General Meeting, physical voting will be allowed,
from the next Annual General Meeting onwards e-voting will strictly followed.
Kindly therefore register your e-mail address immediately,
In order to facilitate the issuer to enable electronic voting National Securities
Depository Limited (NSDL) has developed an Internet based "e-voting" platform,
which will enable shareholders/stakeholders to cast their vote on the resolution proposed
by the companies by Postal Ballot.
If you hold Share in :
a) Electronic form - Please intimate / update your E-mail address to your Depository
Participant ( DP).
b) Physical Form - Please intimate /update your Email address by sending a duly signed
letter quoting the name of first/Sole holder and folio no.(s) to the Company's Registrar
of Share Transfer agent at the address given hereunder:
M/s. Bigshare Services Pvt. Ltd. E-2/3, Ansa Industrial Estate Sakivihar Road, Saki
Naka, Andheri (E), Mumbai - 400 072.
Please note that a member of the company is entitled to receive a physical copy of all
shareholders communication in physical form, on request.
In the view of the many benefits of holding securities in electronic form, we urge you
to dematerialize your share, in case you hold the same in physical form, by approaching
the Depository Participant of your choice.
Thanking You,