Dear Member,
In order to ensure that all communications and monetary benefits are received promptly
by all Shareholders holding shares in physical form, the Company, through periodic
communiques, advises such shareholders to notify to the Company, any change in their
address/ bank details /email Id etc. under the signatures of sole/ first named joint
holder along with relevant supporting documents.
SEBI vide its Circular dated 20th April, 2018 had also greatly emphasized on
collection of the Bank Account details and the PAN details of the shareholders in order to
enable Companies/ RTA to raise standards and provide improved services to the
In this background, we are attaching herewith a KYC Form for all the shareholders
holding shares in physical form to get all their details updated in the Master Data.
Kindly note that this Form is only for the purpose of master data Updation of
Shareholders holding Shares in Physical form.
In case of Dematerialised Shareholding, the Company takes note of the details furnished
only by the Depositories, whenever such information is available. You are therefore
requested to provide such information only to your Depository Participant (DP), in case
the shares are held in demat form.
We recommend and request you to your details updated in the master data and submit the
attached KYC Form to the Company at its Registered Office at 79, Bhagyodaya Building, 3rd
Floor, Mezzanine Floor, Nagindas Master Road, Fort, Mumbai -400 023.
Assuring you of our best services;
Thanking you.
Yours Faithfully,
For Voltaire Leasing & Finance Limited
Pooja Bothra
Company Secretary & Compliance Officer.