NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT the Twenty-Second Annual General Meeting of
the Members of DHP INDIA LIMITED (the Company) will be held on Monday, the 23rd September,
2013 at 11.00 A.M. at CALCUTTA CHAMBER OF COMMERCE, 18H, Park Street, Stephen Court,
Kolkata 700 071, to transact the following business:-
1) To receive, consider and adopt the Audited Balance Sheet as at March 31, 2013 and
the Statement of Profit and Loss and Cash Flow Statement for the financial year ended on
that date together with the Reports of the Board of Directors and Auditors thereon.
2) To declare dividend on Equity Shares.
3) To appoint Directors in place of Sri Vijay Swaminathan and Smt. Anjum Dhandhania,
who retire by rotation and, being eligible, offer themselves for re-appointment.
4) To appoint the Statutory Auditors and to fix their remuneration.
Registered Office : |
By Order of the Board of Directors |
10, Middleton Row, Kolkata 700 071. |
Dated : 25th July, 2013 |
Company Secretary-cum-Compliance Officer |
1) A Member entitled to attend and vote at this Annual General Meeting may appoint a
proxy to attend and vote on a poll on his behalf. A Proxy need not be a member of the
Company. Proxies, in order to be effective, must be received at its Registered Office at
10, Middleton Row, Kolkata - 700 071, not less than forty-eight hours before the Annual
General Meeting,
2) In terms of Articles 126 of the Articles of Association of the Company, read with
Section 256 of the Companies Act, 1956, Sri Vijay Swaminathan and Smt. Anjum Dhandhania,
retire by rotation at the ensuing Annual General Meeting and being eligible, offer
themselves for re-appointment. The Board of Directors of the Company commends their
respective re-appointments.
3) Brief resume of Directors proposed to be appointed as per item No.2 as above,
pursuant to Clause 49 of the Listing Agreement are annexed hereto.
4) The Register of Members and Share Transfer Books of the Company will remain closed
from Saturday, the 14th September, 2013 to Monday, the 23rd September, 2013 (both days
inclusive). Share transfer received in order by the Company at its Registered Office at
10, Middleton Row, Kolkata- 700 071 or its Registrar & Share Transfer Agents Office
M/s. Niche Technologies Pvt. Ltd. D-511, Bagree Market, 71, B.R.B.B. Road, Kolkata
700 001 by the close of business on Friday, the 13th September, 2013, will be eligible for
payment of dividend, if declared in following manner :-
(a) To those Members whose names appear on the Register of Members of the Company after
giving effect to all valid share transfer in physical form lodged with the Company on or
before Friday, the 13th September, 2013, or
(b) In respect of shares held in electronic form, to those "Deemed members"
whose names appear in the statement of beneficial ownership furnished by the National
Securities Depository Ltd., (NSDL) and Central Depository Services (India) Ltd., (CDSL) as
at the end of business day hours on Friday, the 13th September, 2013.
5) Members are requested to bring their copies of the Reports and Accounts to the
Meeting. Members seeking any information or clarification on the Accounts are requested to
send, in writing, queries to the Company, at least one week before the date of the
meeting. Replies will be provided, in respect of such written queries, only at the
6) Members/Proxies should fill the Attendance Slip for attending the meeting. Members
who hold shares in dematerialised form are requested to write their Client ID and DP ID
numbers and those who hold shares in physical form are requested to write their Folio
Number in the attendance slip for attending the meeting.
7) In case of Joint holders attending the meeting, only such joint holder who is higher
in the order of names will be entitled to vote.
8) Corporate Members intending to send their authorised representatives are requested
to send a duly certified copy of the Board Resolution authorising their representatives to
attend and vote at the Annual General Meeting.
9) Members holding shares in physical form are requested to notify any change in their
address and particulars of their bank account immediately to the Company at its Registered
office or its Registrar & Share Transfer Agents Office M/s. Niche Technologies Pvt.
Ltd., D-511, Bagree Market, 71, B.R.B.B. Road, Kolkata 700 001. The following
particulars are required :-
a) Name of First/Sole Shareholder and their Folio Number.
b) Name of Bank, complete address of Branch & IFS Code Number.
c) Account Type, whether savings or current account and account number allotted by Bank
10) Members holding shares in electronic form may please note that their bank details
as furnished by the respective Depositories to the Company as per applicable regulations
of the Depositories and the Company will not entertain any direct request from such
members for change/deletion in such bank details. Further, instructions if any, given by
them in respect of shares held in physical form will not be automatically applicable on
shares held in electronic form. Members may, therefore, give instruction regarding bank
account to their Depository participants.
11) At present the Companys equity shares are listed on the Stock Exchanges at
Kolkata and Mumbai and listing fees for the current financial year 2013-2014 have been
paid to all the aforesaid Stock Exchanges. Members are informed that the scripts of the
Company have been activated both in Central Depositories Services Limited (CDSL) and
National Securities & Depository Limited (NSDL) and may be dematerialised under the
ISIN INE 590D 01016. The custodian fees for the current financial year 2013-2014
have been paid to all the aforesaid Depositories.
12) All documents referred to in accompanying Notice are open for inspection at the
Registered Office of the Company on all working days between 11.00 A.M. to 1.00 P.M. up to
the date of the Annual General Meeting.
13) The Ministry of Corporate Affairs (MCA) has come out with a Circular Nos. 17/2011
dated. 21/04/2011 & 18/2011 dated 29/04/2011 propagating "Green Initiative"
encouraging Corporate to serve documents through electronic mode. In order to above, those
shareholders, who want the Annual Report in electronic mode, are requested to send their
e-mail address.
14) Pursuant to the provision of Section 205A(5) and 205C of the Companies Act, 1956,
dividend for the financial year ended 31st March, 2006 and thereafter, which remain
unclaimed for a period of 7 years will be transferred by the Company to the Investor
Education and Protection Fund (IEP Fund) established by the Central Government
pursuant to Section 205C of the Companies Act, 1956. The Company has already transferred
the unclaimed dividend for the year ended 31st March, 2005 to the Investor Education and
Protection Fund (IEP Fund).
Information in respect of such unclaimed dividend when due for transfer to the said
Fund is given below:-
Serial No. |
Financial Year Ended |
Date of declaration of dividend |
Last date for claiming unpaid dividend |
Due date for transfer to IEP Fund |
1. |
31/03/2006 |
31/08/2006 |
30/08/2013 |
29/09/2013 |
2. |
31/03/2010 |
31/08/2010 |
30/08/2017 |
29/09/2017 |
Shareholders are requested to note that no claim shall lie against the Company or the
said Fund in respect of any amounts which were unclaimed and unpaid for a period of seven
years from the dates that they first became due for payment and no payment shall be made
in respect of any such claims.
15) Payment of dividend, if any approved by the members of ensuing Annual General
Meeting will be made through ECS/NECS mandatory, and the dividend amount would be directly
credited to the Members respective bank accounts.
16) Shareholders are requested to give us their valuable suggestions for improvement of
our investor services.
17) Shareholders may kindly note that no gift/coupon will be distributed at the
Annual General Meeting.
Registered Office : |
By Order of the Board of Directors |
10, Middleton Row, |
Kolkata 700 071. |
Dated : 25th July, 2013 |
Company Secretary-cum-Compliance Officer |