Profit before tax jumped 9.57% to Rs 249.56 crore in Q4 FY24 as against Rs 227.76 crore in recorded in Q4 FY23.
Revenue from Electrical Cables segment stood at Rs 1,200.68 crore in Q4 FY24, up 16.37% YoY. Revenue from Communication Cables segment stood at Rs 127.95 crore in Q4 FY24, down 8.58% YoY. Revenue from Copper Rods segment stood at Rs 480.53 in Q4 FY24, up 24.42%.
In volume terms, Electrical Wires increased by 15% compared to Q4 of the previous year, while Cables improved by 50%. Within Communication Cables segment, most product lines increased in volume, by an average of 14%. Volumes in new products within the FMEG sector all showed a healthy growth from the corresponding quarter. While all products contributed to positive margins, Lighting products continued to be affected by price erosion.
The previously announced plans to set up an E-Beam facility and Preform manufacturing plant are progressing well. It is expected that market offering should start by August/September 2024. As reported earlier, Phase I of the Preform facility should be operational by Jan/Feb 2025. Overall capex for these programs will be within the estimates provided earlier.
During the financial year, Finolex Cables consolidated net profit surged 29.23% to Rs 651.69 crore on 11.90% jump in revenue from operations to Rs 5,014.39 crore in FY24 over FY23.
Meanwhile, the company’s board has recommended a dividend of Rs 8 per share for the financial year ended 31 st March, 2024, subject to approval of shareholders at ensuing Annual General Meeting of the company.
Finolex Cables is principally engaged in the manufacturing of Electricals Cables, Communication Cables &other electrical appliances.
The scrip hit an all time high of Rs 1,361.95 in intraday today.