The order involves the installation of sewerage networks and pumping stations in newly developed areas including locations such as of Bhubaneswar City at Mahaveer Nagar, Mahabhoisasan, Radhkrushnanagar, Nuagaon, Kapileswar Area, Lingipur(P), Sunderapada, Azadnagar, Lingaraj Temple Area, Kunjapatnasahi, Mahatab Road, Dumduma, Ransinhpur, Sarkantara, Bahadalpur Etc. (Package-V). The project also includes the operation and maintenance (O&M) of these facilities for a period of five years.
The total order, valued at Rs 52.20 crore, is expected to be completed in 24 months and it also provides an additional 60 months allocated for operations and maintenance services.
Ganesh Infraworld is a construction company specializing in EPC services for various sectors like industrial, residential, commercial, roads, railways, power, and water infrastructure. The company operates through three main verticals: civil and electrical infrastructure, road and rail infrastructure and water infrastructure.
The company recorded revenue from operations of Rs 210.65 crore and net profit of Rs 15.37 crore for the period as of 31 August 2024.
The scrip debuted in the stock market on 06 December 2024. The counter was listed at Rs 157.70, exhibiting a premium of 90% to the issue price of Rs 83.