The scrip was listed at Rs 148.2, at a premium of 90.00% to the issue price. The scrip hit a high of Rs 155.61 and a low of Rs 148.20. About 8.24 lakh shares of the company changed hands at the counter.
The initial public offer (IPO) of Innokaiz India was subscribed 88.43 times. The issue opened for bidding on 28 April 2023 and it closed on 3 May 2023. The price band of the IPO was at Rs 76-78 per share.
The IPO comprised fresh issue of 27.14 lakh shares. The promoter and promoter group shareholding diluted to 71.98% post IPO from 98% pre-IPO.
The company intends to utilize the net proceeds from the issue for working capital requirements and general corporate purposes.
Innokaiz India offer a comprehensive range of services covering advertising and marketing solutions including digital marketing, corporate travel arrangements, gifting solutions, event management. The company aims to provide best-in-class marketing communications counsel and services to its clients. The company's one stop service model is divided into three categories which includes advertising and marketing services, event management and corporate gifting. The company has 35 employees
The company recorded a revenue from operations of Rs 146.92 crore and net profit of Rs 5.22 crore for the period ended on 30 September 2022.