Vishnu Prakash R Punglia announced its latest achievement - the receipt of new project from the Office of DYCE-C-I-AII-ENGINEERING Ajmer division of NWR, titled "Construction of major and important bridges and other ancillary works from Adarsh Nagar (including) to Raila Road (including) between km 4/6 to km 99/0 in connection with Doubling of Ajmer- Chanderiya in Ajmer division of North Western Railway.”
Following the submission of the tender Vishnu Prakash R Punglia has been selected as the chosen contractor for this significant endeavor. The tender, evaluated and accepted by the competent authority, having a total value of Rs. 102.92 crore.
We look forward to collaborating closely with Ajmer division of North Western Railway and stakeholders to ensure the successful completion of the Project