Tejas Networks announced that the company will be supplying its industry-leading GPON OLT, ONT and Management System forthe state-led BharatNet Last Mile Connectivity (LMC) project in Tamil Nadu. The project is being implemented by TANFINET (Tamil Nadu FibreNet Corporation), a Special Purpose Vehicle (SPV) set up by the Government of Tamil Nadu with Polycab India (PIL) as the Master System Integrator.
The BharatNet LMC project seeks to extend affordable high-speed connectivity to around 50,000 Government institutions, Public Health Centres and Schools from the nearest BharatNet site at Gram Panchayat/Block/District levels. Further, the LMC infrastructure will also be leveraged to provide FTTH (Fiber to the Home) service to rural households in Tamil Nadu through partnerships with local cable operators and telecom service providers.