Bharat Electronics (BEL), has signed a contract valued at Rs.1,034 crore(excluding taxes) with Ministry of Defence for supply of Software Defined Radios (SDR) and Data Communication Terminals (DCT) for Indian Coast Guard. The state of the art radios, indigenously developed jointly by DEAL (DRDO) and BEL, support multi band, multi channel, multi role/mission operation to meet the needs of network centric warfare. The DCT system enables communication between shore and ships with required accuracy, speed, security and reliability for critical missions.
In addition to the above, BEL has secured other orders worth Rs.258 crore which include earth station for satellite communication, laser range finders, fire control centre, command and control post, communication equipment for weapon system, head up display, spares, services etc since the last disclosure on 08 February 2025. With these, the total accumulated orders received by BEL during the current financial
year stands at Rs. 13,147 crore.