Club Mahindra, the flagship brand of Mahindra Holidays & Resorts India, has launched its latest property, Club Mahindra Pavagadh in Gujarat. This new addition offers members an exquisite getaway, immersed in the serene beauty of the rolling mountains and expansive agricultural fields of Pavagadh.
Club Mahindra Pavagadh is an ideal destination with its proximity to major cities like Vadodara, Ahmedabad, Rajkot, Surat, Udaipur, Nashik, Ujjain, and Indore making it a perfect escape into nature.
Pavagadh, known for its scenic landscapes and rich cultural heritage, invites members to explore its natural beauty and historical significance. The resort is designed to cater to families looking to unwind,
explore, and reconnect in a relaxing environment in Pavagadh.
The Club Mahindra Pavagadh Resort, with its 100 well-appointed rooms, is spread across 7 acres and offers a diverse range of experiences for guests. The property boasts manicured gardens, a swimming
pool, a multi-cuisine restaurant, and ample open spaces for various activities. This beautiful resort blends indoor and outdoor living spaces to create the perfect setting to unwind and relax.