Equinox India Developments announced that the Board of Directors has approved the appointment of Jitendra Mohandas Virwani, Chairperson of Embassy Group & Promoter of the Company, as Non-Executive Non-Independent Director on the Board w.e.f. 25 January 2025. Further, the Company has also completed allotment of 60,91,05,999 fully paid equity shares, to the shareholders of NAM Estates, in accordance with the merger scheme.
Speaking on this occasion, K. G. Krishnamurthy, Non-Executive Chairperson & Independent Director said, “On behalf of the entire Board, I would like to congratulate Mr. Virwani on becoming the Promoter & extend our warmth in welcoming him on the Board. He is the right leader to steer this merged Company. His vast experience brings to the board his unique vision, deal-making & execution skills, deep operational knowledge, and extensive relationships in the real estate industry. Our vision is to create one of India's largest and strongest real estate platforms with the highest standards of corporate governance.”