ARSS Infrastructure Projects has received a work order of Rs 207.74 crore from ABCI-SCPL-SIPS JV for execution of Pairing/Butting, Guard rail
fixing & flare portion, Supply of P.Way Material at site including inspection of RDSO, Rails, Sleepers and Fittings Renewal, Turnouts and Renewals, Deep Screening and Ballast Related, Welding Activities, Reconditioning of Points and Crossings, Activities at Construction Sites, Maintenance
Activities, Testing of Rails and other Components, Miscellaneous Items, Heavy Track Machines, Small Track Machines, Supply of P.Way Materials, Electrification of Rly track, Profile improvement, Provision of Automatic Switched Neutral section at TSS & SP, 02 Nos.(SSP) Sub Sectioning and
Paralleling Post.
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