Profit before tax stood at Rs 68.50 crore, climbing 74.39% from Rs 39.28 crore posted in the same period a year ago.
EBITDA increased 29.73% year on year to Rs 60.22 crore in the quarter ended 30 September 2024. EBITDA margin improved to 21.7% in Q2 FY25 as compared to 19.8% registered in the similar quarter previous fiscal.
The company said that it continues to focus on customer excellence and meeting this demand of the industry through strategic investments and partnerships contributing to a healthy pipeline of Rs 469.1 crore.
The company posted an LTV-to-CAC ratio of 15.1x and Revenue per Employee of Rs 1.34 crore, reflecting high productivity. RateGain's Annual Recurring Revenue reached an all-time high of Rs 1,109.02 crore.
Bhanu Chopra, founder and chairman, RateGain Travel Technologies, said, “We continue to show resilience and consolidate our position as the leading technology partner for marquee brands, in an evolving market. Solutions that drive profitability and deliver better returns are a key priority for the industry and RateGain continues to be the preferred choice for industry leaders to achieve their goals.
We are committed to deliver customer excellence and sharpen our focus on growth through product, GTM innovation as well as strategic partnerships that will yield results in the future and help RateGain gain a strong foothold in new markets.”
Tanmaya Das, chief financial officer, RateGain Travel Technologies, said, ““We are pleased to report a healthy operating performance for Q2, marked by a steady well-rounded growth and robust operating margin expansion of 190 bps YoY. This demonstrates the strength of our SaaS based business model with its resilient and predictable revenue streams.
We maintain a focus on operational excellence while investing strategically to drive sustainable value for our customers and stakeholders. This balanced approach enables us to deliver strong results and build a solid foundation for long-term success.”
RateGain Travel Technologies is a global provider of SaaS solutions for travel and hospitality. It is one of the world's largest processors of electronic transactions, price points, and travel intent data helping revenue management, distribution and marketing teams across hotels, airlines, meta-search companies, package providers, car rentals, travel management companies, cruises and ferries drive better outcomes for their business.