Revenue from operations grew by 10.67% year on year to Rs 1,007.4 crore in the quarter ended 30 June 2024.
Profit before tax stood at Rs 79.60 crore during the quarter, up 20.24% as compared to Rs 66.20 crore reported in Q1 FY24.
EBITDA rose 20.8% to Rs 192.1 crore in Q1 FY25 as compared to Rs 159 crore posted in same quarter last year. EBITDA margin improved to 19.1% in Q1 FY25 as against 17.5% in Q1 FY24.
On segmental front, revenue from Africa, Middle East and South Asia (AMESA) region stood at Rs 367.7 crore (up 9.49% YoY), revenue from East Asia and Pacific (EAP) region stood at Rs 244.8 crore (up 13.91% YoY), revenue from Americas region stood at Rs 258.9 crore (up 18.87% YoY) and revenue from Europe region stood at Rs 231.6 crore (up 8.98% YoY) during the quarter.
EPL is engaged in manufacture of plastic packaging material in the form of multilayer collapsible tubes, corrugated box and laminates used primarily for packaging of consumer products in the Beauty & Cosmetics, Health & Pharmaceuticals, Food, Home and Oral Care categories.
The counter hit 52-week high at Rs 252.70 in intraday today.