In an exchange filing, the company said that its board has approved issuing upto 1,000 secured, unrated, unlisted, redeemable NCDs having face value of Rs 10 lakh each, aggregating to Rs 100 crore in one or more tranches on private placement basis.
The EPC firm stated that the date of allotment of the debentures will be determined subsequently at the time of signing of definitive documents. The NCD’s will mature within 42 months from the date of first subscription.
The coupon rate on the NCD is fixed at 13.8% per annum. The debentures will be redeemed in fourteen quarterly installments starting from the date of first subscription, out of profits/internal accruals of the company.
Capacite Infraprojects is engaged in construction of buildings & factories with specializion in construction of Highrise and Super High-rise residential, commercial, institutional buildings including super speciality hospitals etc.
The company’s consolidated net profit zoomed 139.1% to Rs 51.76 crore on 34.1% increase in net sales to Rs 598.89 crore in Q4 FY24 over Q4 FY23.