Brigade Enterprises Ltd rose 2.26% today to trade at Rs 1083.4. The BSE Realty index is up 0.5% to quote at 7125.22. The index is down 15.67 % over last one month. Among the other constituents of the index, Phoenix Mills Ltd increased 1.8% and Anant Raj Ltd added 1.3% on the day. The BSE Realty index went up 2.09 % over last one year compared to the 4.1% surge in benchmark SENSEX.
Brigade Enterprises Ltd has lost 13.26% over last one month compared to 15.67% fall in BSE Realty index and 7.06% drop in the SENSEX. On the BSE, 1538 shares were traded in the counter so far compared with average daily volumes of 11363 shares in the past one month. The stock hit a record high of Rs 1451.9 on 25 Jun 2024. The stock hit a 52-week low of Rs 826.3 on 13 Mar 2024.