Revenue from operations slipped 211.16 crore during the quarter as compared with Rs 343.09 crore in Q1 FY24.
Profit before tax (PBT) dropped 48.09% YoY to Rs 65.10 crore in Q1 FY25.
Total operating expenditure during the period fell by 8.21% year-over-year to Rs 12.41 crore. In Q1 FY25, interest cost was Rs 1.87 crore (down 38.69% YoY) and employees benefit expenses stood at Rs 14.07 crore (down 30.79% YoY).
During the quarter, EBITDA stood at Rs 84.8 crore, registering the de-growth of 41.9% as compared with Rs 145.95 crore posted in corresponding quarter last year.
Archean Chemical Industries is a leading specialty marine chemical manufacturer in India and it focused on producing and exporting bromine, industrial salt, and sulphate of potash to customers around the world.