On a sequential basis, the sales volume is higher by 9.2%. The company’s sales volume for Q2 FY25 was 758,267 ton.
The sales volume of Apollo Structural category was 5,82,893 ton (up 40.9% YoY), of Apollo Z category was 2,11,739 ton (up 5.2% YoY) and that of Apollo Galv category was 33,568 ton (up 16.3% YoY).
APL Apollo Tubes is India’s leading structural steel tube manufacturer. The company operates 11 manufacturing facilities with a total capacity of 4.3 million tons. The company’s multi-product offerings include over 2,500 varieties for multiple building material structural steel applications.
The company's net profit declined 73.48% to Rs 53.81 crore on a 3.09% increase in sales to Rs 4,627.80 crore in Q2 FY25 as compared with Q2 FY24.