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(11 Nov 2024, 19:02)

CAMS and KFin Technologies form JV for MF Central

Computer Age Management Services and KFin Technologies announced the formation of a Joint Venture Company for MF Central. The company will jointly focus on all development aspects of MF Central for technology, sales and marketing and will further augment the mutual fund investment process for investors and expand the intermediary service suite.

CAMS and KFintech, as part of SEBI's initiative in April 2021, conceptualised a unified platform - MF Central, for improving the ease of doing business for retail investors. MF Central is a centralized platform that provides investors with a single access point to transact in mutual funds across multiple fund houses for investor convenience and to significantly augment the suite of services available to investors online.

In Phase 1, MF Central launched Non-Financial Transactionsin September 2021 and subsequently launched the mobile app and the full range of financial transactions for investors in 2023. Having witnessed a phenomenal response and success with over 2.5 million users, MF Central is now being formalized into a stand-alone entity with equal ownership by both RTAs.

APIs for Consolidated Accounts Statement (CAS) commercially offered to Mutual Fund Distributors / RIA have seen significant interest and uptake by the fast-growing digital intermediaries. By delivering over 50 million personalised statements, which give a unified view of the investors' holdings, intermediaries have been enabled to offer customized products on the fly. MFCentral has developed various APIs to support Mutual Fund Distributors and Registered Investment Advisors (RIAs). These include Non-Financial Transaction APIs, Financial Transaction APIs and Information-Only APIs, such as for Capital Gains and Distributor-level CAS. The transactional APIs offered by MF Central will be the first in the market to enable transaction acceptance with full validation, catering to the fast-evolving needs of mutual fund-related services like Loan Against Mutual Funds. Additionally, MF Central has introduced a seamless API journey for banks, NBFCs and loan service providers, marking the first industry-wide API to enable a standardized pledging process across all AMCs.

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