Atul village received the prestigious Platinum Green Village certification from the Indian Green Building Council (IGBC), an initiative of the Confederation of Indian Industry. The IGBC evaluates villages based on various sustainability parameters to encourage green practices and infrastructure. This significant achievement recognises Atul village as a green village among six platinum villages.
Situated on the banks of Par river, Atul village is developed by Atul (Atul) in the Valsad district of Gujarat. Atul Foundation, the corporate social responsibility (CSR) entity of Atul, implements community upliftment and green initiatives, amongst others, in Atul and its surrounding villages.
The certification highlights the initiatives of Atul village, implemented by Atul Foundation in association with National Bank for Agriculture and Rural Development (NABARD): œ
Implementing effective health and hygiene practices like solid waste management system, household and community toilets and the availability of healthcare facilities.
œ Developing robust and sustainable village infrastructure with model anganwadis, green forest covers and Miyawaki forest.
œ Promoting water conservation techniques like sewage treatment plants, rainwater harvesting systems and natural resource management projects.
œ Ensuring efficient energy use and availability through the use of LED lights and by harvesting solar energy.
œ Utilising eco-friendly materials and resources like bamboos, fly ash bricks and Mangalore tiles in construction activities.
œ Encouraging social and community engagement like the formation of self-help groups.
œ Fostering green innovations like waste management systems and gas-based crematorium.