The world is in a state of modernisation that is destroying the environment. Most
developmental models have paid little attention to the steady neglect, pollution and
depletion of natural resources. The disastrous effects are increasingly visible in the
contamination of water bodies, pollution of air, poisoning of soil, denudation of forests
and adverse climatic changes the world over. Simultaneously, due to the increasing demand,
the pressure on existing natural resources, particularly water, is rising steeply.
Fortunately, it is now being realised that the economy and environment are closely
inter-related. The eco-system is not only the foundation of natural resources but also the
recipient for waste materials from socio-economic activities and its ability to absorb
pollutants is at saturation point. Therefore, a healthy environment is essential for any
socio-economic activity and ultimately for the survival of humanity itself.
At Ion Exchange, we believe that business growth must be accompanied by responsibility
towards the environment and business activities must help sustain the environment. This
belief is at the heart of our vision and it motivates us to continuously develop and
promote total water and environment solutions that meet the business needs of our
customers as well as address the challenges of environment sustainability.
Thus, over the years, we have pioneered and developed solutions for industries,
municipalities, homes and communities to manage water resources efficiently and to use
alternate sources like the sea and municipal & industrial water for utility and
process requirements. We are proud that along with our water purification solutions that
provide safe drinking water to millions, our technologies for sea water desalination,
municipal sewage and industrial effluent recycle and zero liquid discharge systems have
found a widespread acceptance.
Our vision of adding value to people's lives and enriching the environment will
continue to guide us in delivering innovative solutions that minimise waste of our
precious natural resources while conserving them forfuture generations.
To be the leader in our business which is so vital to people's lives and the