Dear shareholders,
Its my pride to address all of you and to discuss about performance of
the Company for the F.y. 2022-23. First, I would like to thank each and everyone for your
continues support and encourgagement .
In the reporting year, it's my pleasure to introduce Ganga Forging
Limited as recognized vendor of Ministry of Railways, Government of India. Over the years,
the company has grown and evolved, to provide diversified portfolio of products as per
customer's specification. As the world is moving forward towards adoption of
technology and sustainable solutions for a better future, the company plays an important
role by contributing to the economy to the extent possible. Pursuing the vision of the
company, our prime aim is to ensure customer satisfaction and thereby to be a global
leader in the forging industry. We are also trying to accomplish our vision by maintaining
a stringent quality of the components we deliver. Further, the Company has adopted ESG
(Environment, Sustainable and Governance) as a growth model in its business operation.
Further, during the year 2023 the company has recorded revenue from
operation of Rs. 3,340.96 Lacs as compared to Rs. 2,883.18 Lacs during the previous year.
Further, promoting "Make in India" scheme of government, export sales of the
company is also increasing year by year. During the reporting period your company has
earned Net Profit of Rs. 168.47 Lacs. Looking at the profit of last three years, we can
proudly say that it is in ascending order and we are committed to maintain the said order
in coming years.
Looking Forward, we seek continues support of each and every
stakeholder to take Company at a remarkable point. Again, I thank all the shareholders for
their faith in us in every situation.
Thanking you.
Hiralal Tilva
Chairman & Managing Director [DIN:00022539]